273753 WM17E - C�TV CLERK COUIICII P! • � S 5�
il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized rnd directed
to execute an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Health whereby the City
wi II perform ZEP blood analyses for the Minnesota Department of Health for a
period of one year commencing July 1, 1979; the City to be paid a sum not to
exceed $1,500 for said services.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
$�rMcMahon � [n Favor ommunit S ic
Hant ! / �'`
Levine `-' __ Against BY `'
Showalt r
Te o SEP 2 5 1979 Form roved y C' t rne
Adopt y ncil: Date �
rtified ass d by uncil Secretar BY
!#pp by lNavor. Date ��p � 6 19 AP v d by Mayor for ' n to Council
��f�HED 0 CT 6 1979
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designated agency to administer the Maternal and Child Health Program, and
WHEREAS, the STATE has prepared Rules (7 MCAR �S� 1.174-1.178) which describe
minimum standards for Early and Periodic Screening in Minnesota, which
specify a test for blood lead (if a positive history is obtained at various
age intervals), and
WHEREAS, the STATE has made an administrative decision to utilize Zinc
Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin Analysis (ZEP) as the method for blood lead
screening in the Early and Periodic Screening (EPS) Program, and
of Comprehensive Child Health Screening which includes EPS Screening and
Pre-School Screening (PSS).
20 styrofoam mailers .
20 address labels '�
20 flip-top plastic boxes, and
1 special lead-free kit containing:
20 alcohol swabs
��-� •20 lancets
20 gauze pads
20 zip-lip bags with labels
20 band-aids
1 can of collodian spray
50 heparinized capillary .tubes
1 tray of sealing clay
40 white tube caps
Prepaid Analyses - Blood Lead Analyses that are pre-paid at the Wisconsin
Laboratory of Hygiene.
Non-elevated ZEP Results - ZEP results that are less than forty micrograms
per 100 milliliters (<40 ug/100 ml. ).
Elevated ZEP ReSults - ZEP results that are greater than forty micrograms
per 100 milliliters (�40 ug/100 ml. ).
In the event of cancellation of this contract, any unused BL Sampling
Kits and Pre-Paid Analyses will be returned to the CONTRACTOR.
. , , ._�_� .� �: ,, • OM O1: 12/.1975
Rav. : 9/8/?6
��I\�����IY��1■ ' ,� � P.
Dats: Saptember 5, 197'9 ' '
FR: Thomas J. Kel ley
RE: Contract between the City of Saint Paul, Division of Public Health, and the
Minnesota Department of Heclth . : . -
Executive appFOVa1 cnd signatvre
The Division of Fukilic Hectlth has equipment to analyze blood scunples �or elevated
lead i�zrels, Since other s#�te Earty P+eriodic Sc�eening (E:PS):p�+ogrwns lack the
equipment, the Minnesota Departmerrt of Health wi11 reimburse the Di�ision for eac�r -
analysis performed +n connection with EPS programs. �
AT'tACffi�LENTS: � ,
�Q r:�
. Contrcct docume -.rrr' c2fpi es ,r �
Attctchment ��copies `� , > ,
Counci l Resolution - one copY . � �'`� � , 't
, a
- '15-00032-01
- �~�°^!'.F°R"� 1°sl� ' STATE OF MINiVESOTA y� JFi(G{tVAL
�_ " �� � CONTRAC7UAL (non-state employee) SERVi������ SUPPLE1r1fNT/
Trn.No. Account I.D. Organization F,V. Requisition No. Vendor Number Type Terms Source S.Act. Task 5.Task
A40 I ���
Cost,Jotr or Client Code Amount Suffix Object
� �� �END
A40 A41 Date Number
Entered by
A44 A45 q❑qb Date Number
THIS CONTRACT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between the State�f Minnesota,
acting through its Mi.nnesota De�artment of Health
(hereinafter STATE) and Cit�l_of St. Paul� Division of Public FIealth
address 555 Cedar Street, St. Paul, f�Ii��esota
Soc.Sec.or Fed. Iden. No.
(hereinafter CONl'RACTOR),witnesseih that:
VVHEREAS,the STATF, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes �4�•�7 ,Section(s) _ �44•09 (�974)
is empowered to provide �Prvice to -protect, maintain, and improve tha healtn of the citizens
Qf ?<<;r.r,��o�a.nr��s (con .inl . on "��h;b�t A, att�ched hereto and made �, part hpr�of,and
VUHEREAS, the a�A�i'� h�.s the �ro�a.m �;oal �.nd a.�~� operat�nfiunit related to state�ride develon-
man�: nf' tho �C',i�??'1Y117PCj ��n T�:xhibit i3� a a hP h raTO n3 m�e a.�art hereof) ,and
VUHEREAS,CONTR.4CTOR represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein,
NOVJ,THEREFOR�, �t isagreed:
1. CON"rRFrC7�OP'S �UTIES (Attach additional page if necessary).CrJNTRACTOR,who is not a state empioyee,shall:
;.. Per.far_1 u:�:r' analysis un blood samples mailed to the CO'�TTRAC'�'0� from Approved r..�S
Pxo�ca.� ai��hin one week of receipt of sample. These analyses shall not eyceed a
total o� one thousa.nd (1000) samples per year.
b. Z�lithin a:�� week of conpleted ana].�sis, mail laboratory re�orts of all nor-elevated
Z�' results to the Approved T4T S Pro�;rams which submitted sampl.es per Ia above.
c. I'r,ai1 a cory of the labo�atory report reierred to in Ib above to the STATE �<rithin
one V�ee'_: of conpleted analysis. _
d. Inforr.i the S�'ATc: by telephone of a���r samples with elevated `L� results and provide
the ST�'t�'�; with ar:y in.fo �� tion it requests concerning tY�e sample withz.:�. t�ao da,ys
of comp��-ted analysis.
e, i�/ithin c.e week of co:�pl�ted anal5 sis, ma,il laboratory xeport� of eleva.ted Z�
samples =ws cited in Id above to approT:ed �S Pra7rams with a copy to the-S'�4`.iE.
f. �er.iodica�ly upon STATE request, ft:rnish the STt1TL lrith sufficier,t 3iood Lead
(BL)��S��p7.ing Kits and �'re Paid Analyses, not to exce2d 150 total kits.
A. Consideration for ali services performed and goods or materials suppiied by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract
shal� be paid by the STATE as fuilows:
1. Com�ensation__Snall be conpu+ed at a unit cost of ?1.50 per sa,mple anal,yzed a.nd
�ha.l l n,nt ax�ne :�1�5()0 �f i f . _ .r h1?n r � ollax'S�.
2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessariiy incurred by CONTRACTOR perfor-
mance of this contract in an amount not to exceed_'" '" ' ' " " — ' ' ' '" ' " ' " ' — — do{Iars
(� _ _ _ _ _ — — );provided,that CONTRACTOR shall be reimbursed for travel and subsisEence expenses
in the same amount and manner as state officers and employees ar.e reimbursed pursuant to the trave!regulations
promulgated by the Commissioner of Personnel.CONTRACTOR shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence
expenses incurred outside the State ot Mi�nesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state
travel from the STATE.
The total ohligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to CONTRACTOR shat{ not exceed
F'�_�'teen hur.dred _ _____ doila;s f�.��� ?.
B. Terms of Payment
1. Payments sh�ll be made by the STATE promptly after CONTRACTOR'S presentation of invoir,es for services
performed and acceptance of such services by the STATE'S authorized agent pursuant to Clause VI. Invoices
shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the STATE and according to the fo(lowing schedule:
I_n��o�ce� sh�,l]. be submitted qua.r�erly sz�ecifyin�; th� uni� c:�st per sa.�i�le a��a,l;rze4,
the number o_f �a.mples a.nalyze3 a.nd cYie qu.�.rt�rly p�y:n�nt du� to CC`i`!nt:C�i�::�.
2. (Whrn applicabl�) Payments are to be made from federal funds obtained by the STr1TE through Title ��
af the_ S�cial Securi ttr _ _ Acc of
1°35. 1.�)6"l .4�ended�_ fPublic lavv ��.�i �'it.le :;QS, Chai?. IIw i'2,r� 25�-.�i20
and amendments thereto). If at any time such funcls become unavailable, ihis contract shall be terminated irn-
mediately upon written notice of sucl� fact by the STATE to CONTRACTOR. In the event of such termination,
CONTRl1CTOR shall be entitle� to payment,determination on a pro rata basis,for services satisfactority perfarmed.
'lll.. _CONDITIONS OF PAYIdIEfUT. Ali services provided by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract shalt be performed to
` i '� the satisfaction of the STATE,as determined in the sole d'+scretion of its authorized agent,and in accord with ail applicabie
federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. CONTRACTUR shall not receive payment for work found
by the STATE to be ur.satisfactory, or performed in violaiion of federal, state or local law,ordinance, rule or regulation.
IV. TERM OF CONTRACT.This contract shall be effective on Ju�Y , �g 79 ,
or upon such date as it is exec�ted as to encumbrance by the Commissioner of Finance,whichev2r occurs later,and shall
remain in effect until June 30 , 19 8C ,or untii all obligations set forth in this
contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled,whichever occurs first.
V. CAI�ICELLATION. This contract may be cancel�ed by the STATE or CONTRACTOR at any time,with or without cause,
upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation CONTRACTOR shall be
entitled to payment,determined on a pro rata basis,for work or services satisfactorily performed.
VI. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE'S authorized agent for the purposes of administration of thiscontract is
Ronald G. Campbell, rI.D.
Such agent shall have final authority for acceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services'and if such services are accepted as
satisfactory,shall so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Ciause I I,paragraph B.
VI I. ASSIG(�1VIENT. CONTRACTOR sha{I neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this contract�vithout the
prior�vritten consent of ihe STATE.
VI I I. AMENDMENTS.Any amendments to this contract shall be in writing.
IX. LIABILITY. CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents and employees harmless from
any and all ciaims or causes of action arising from the performance of this contract by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR'S
agents or empioyees. Tnis clause shall not:be construed to bar any legal remedies CONTRACTOR may have for the
STATE'S failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this contract. - �
X. STATE AUDITS. Tne books, records, documents, and accounting procedures, and practices of the consultant relevant to
this contract shaii be subject to examination by the contracting department and the legislative auditor.
XI. OWNERSHIP OF JOCUMENTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documents prepared by CON-
TRACTOR in the pertormance of its obligations undsr this contract shall be the exclusive property of the STATE and ali
such materials sha{i be remitted to the STATE by CONTRACTOR upon completion, termination or cancellation of this
contract. CONTRACTOR shall not use, willingly_allow or caus2 to have such materials used for any purpose other than
pertormance of CUNTRACTOR'S obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of the STATE.
XII. OTHER PROVISIONS. (Attach additional page if necessary):
�. A��rovec? y S Pro,�mram - A screenin�; program which offers re�zlar3.y scheduled compre-
h�nsive healtn screenino for children frou� birtii throu� 2C� years of a�e, in
accardar_ce wi�h stanc?axd contained in Rule 7 T•:CA��t � 1.177 wh.ich has been �.pproved
by P��H and Pre-School Screening Prograxns, Laws of 1977, Chapter 437 Sec. 6 and
c��hose st�ndards are conta,ined in :Cept. o� Education Rule 5 T'ICAR � 1.724
B. Blood Lead �BL� - Sampling Yit
A icit con�ains:
3 '��ts �'Complete Sa.a-npling Tnstructions"
2U sa.r.�ple request slips
1 order for� for nev� kits
(Continued on F�hibit C, attached hereto and r�ade a part thereof�
IN b'VITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
APPROVED: As to form and execution by the
- - - _ _. -. .. - -- By:
By� Date:
Title: Ma or
Authorized Signature
T:itle: Dir. , Community Services
� Date:
�'i�le: Direc or, De�t. of inance �JJCOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE:
By: By�
Title: Assistant Cit A orne Date: _
--�'--- ----y — �
White — �rigina!-Finance Dept.
B/ue — Agency Acctq. Unit
Salmon — DEPT. OF ADMIN.
Pink — Agency Suspense Copy
Green — Work Copy