273609 W111TE - CiTV CLERK COUIICIl ��73s09�
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution establishing the title
and class specification for Housing Rehabilitation �
Trainee in the Civil 5ervice Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. L
(Technical Group) by inserting the title of Housing Rehabilitation Trainee
in Grade 26; and be it �
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended
in Section 32 by inserting the atta,ched class specification for the title of
Housing Rehabilitation Trainee.
Civil Service Com 'ssion
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
� [n Favor ^
Hunt Q ,��
Levine _ _ Against BY
Showakt� ���
-Tedesco Eorm Appr�oved by City Attorney
Ado�ited by Council: � Date �II�i ��. �R 979
Cerlified P• - d C ci tary BY
By e�_.
fApp v by Ylavor: Date —
AUG 2 9 1979 pp r v by Mayor for Su iss to ouncil
By �r-�—+Pt�9— B�
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Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs apprentice work in implementing
housing rehabilitation programs; and performs related work as assigned.
Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative
supervision of a higher-level Housing Rehabilitation Technician.
Supervision Exercised: None. �
The listed� examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
� In the capacity of a learner -
Assists in the inspection of residences and facilities to identify building,
housing and related code deficiences; helps to prepare recommendations and
specifications for rehabilitation.
Learns to evaluate methods of rehabilitation and to provide technical advice
to property owners.
Asststs with the preparation of scope-of-work reports, cost estimates and
bidding documents.
Learns to interpret and to assist property owners to understand City
housing and building regulations.
Assists with the inspection of completed work for conformance with worl�
speeif ications.
Prepares progress reports.
Some knowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures.
Some knowledge of City Building and Iiousing Codes.
Some knowledge of construction methods, ma.terials and workmanship.
Some ability to read and understand plans, blueprints and specifications
�or dwellings.
Some knowledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabilitation
and relocation programs.
Some knowledge o� sexvices offered by other community housing and financial
Some ability to write clear and concise reports.
Some abi.lity to deal with homeowners and contractors.
Two years of college or vocational traiaing in the area of business
administration, engineering or building construction; or two years'
experience in general contracting or construction work; or two years'
experience in an apprenticeship program for one of the trades involved
in building construction. Must possess a Minnesota driver's license at
time of appointment.
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� �; � �lfJ : C U;73�i�l f�!�L 4 f7 FTNANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL _
RUBY HUNT ��; chairman, rnc?kes fihe �olto:iing
repor� on C. F. � Ordincince -
(�3) � Resotc:c ion .
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The Finance Committee, at its meeting of August 13, 1979, took action to Y'ecammend �
.approval ofi the fol7owing: �
1 .� Resolution to restore wording in Section 20.B of the revised Civil Servace Rules
to tha� of the old Rules concerning tfie use of sick leave credits. (10056-RH) :
2. Resolut.ion to establish title and class specification for Complaint. Office Analyst
in Grade 3, Section .3.� (Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors Group). (1�061-RH� -
3. Reso�ut�on to establish title and class specification for Energy Clerk in Grade 13
of Section 3.B (Clerical Group�. (70059-RH�. _
� • 4. Resolution to revise class specification for Graphic Artist I. The change only
affects minimum qualifications. (10054-RH) _
5. Resolution to repl�ace class specification for .Police Records Clerk with a�new
: specification which reflects a change in the minimum qualificat�ons coneerning
- skills necessary to perform the duties of the position. (10053-RH)
6. Resolution to establish in the Technical Occupational Group titles and class specs
- for a Fire Prevention Series of five classifications paralleling other technical
� series - intended for non-uniformed employees working 8-hr. shifts. t10060-RH)
7. Resolution to revise specs far Ci�ty Planner Series. No change in titles or grades.
8. Resolution to establish titles and class specifications for Plan Examiner I in
Grade 30, Plan Examiner II in Grade 34, �nd Plan Examiner III in Grade 38 of
\ Section 3.L (Technical Group). (10058-RH) �
9. Resolution to establish title and elass specification for Housing RehabiTitation
Trainee in Grade 26 of Section 3.L (Technical Group). (10057-RH).
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; chaiFmcn, m��:es �he f�IEr;vinr
repor� on G. F. � ]� O�ciinc�nce -
[� R�sQ;!�'ri�n . . . .
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(Continued from other page). . _
10, Resolution to es�ablish title and class specifications for Soiid Waste_and
Equipment Engineer in Grade 30 of the Prof/Admin. Group. (9766-RH). _ .
� 11 . Resolution approving tiudget transfers from CD Year III to CD Year IV for � �
South of Front. . � � . . �
� 12. Resolution approving trat�sfers in the Community Development Block Grant Year III
- budget to provide additional funds for South �of Front Acquisition project. -
' 13. � Resolution approving transfers in the Community Development Block Grant Year V
� budge� to provide additional funds for Residential Street Paving and Lighting in
five areas: (Humboldt-King (West Side), Maple-Wilson (Dayton's Bluff) , Asbury- -
� Sherburne (Ham7ine-Midway, As land-Syndicate (Cexington-Hamline, and Oneida- .
Richmond (West Seventh Street� �
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Oa not detach this mem�n�,ri»��+► the ��"�� a
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�vaitable to t�e Cc�
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, I3ate: August 3, 1979
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F'R: �rsannel O�fice . �� �., ,
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RE: Ribp��:ut#:on .fo; st�bm3ss��a Cr� City Counci,l Q(�` ��'� e �
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W�e recctima�ead yaur approval and sub�,i.�sic�rn of this Reso�t��lacE �o �te �t�it��.�ot�ci.��
' , . � rr r ��r�i.r� �i '��r.wi�+ .. . .. . �. . . :.
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� Th�,e Resolution establishes the title and c}.ass spe►ci€i�atiioa �or HQ��i.�g Rehab�i3��� ; � ��`
Traiuee fn Grade 2b of 5ec�io� 3, L ,(Technical Gr�rup�. The bi�wre�,l� ealarg ra�n�e c�� ,' t:r
G..�rade .26 ie shown be�l�w:
_ , :;�
� Grade 26 ,�
A 8 C D E �' 18-yr. 15-yr. 2Q-Xr. 25-�t�. +,
4$Q.18 5U4,03 525.76 549;08 574. 52 598. 3? lii.5. 33 , 632.8'2 5+��.$2 658.82 �..�,
��2,53�.fl0 �ually . $17,3 95.��d�3
. ;, ;�
AG�lENTS: _ , �
Resolutioa and copy for City Clerk. ''� `
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