273607 �NHITE - GITV CLERK �����0� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR � FIIe NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution revising the Class Specifications for the City Planner titles in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking f rom Section 32 the Class Specifications for the titles of City Planner I, City Planner II, City Planner III, City Planner IV and Principal Planner, and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the attached Class Specifications for the titles of City Planner I, City Planner II, City Planner III, City Planner IV and Principal Planner. Appr ove d: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� PERS NEL OFFICE �-�, In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY A4e��ex--- Showalter �-- Teaes��' _�� 2 g 1919 Form Approved by City ttor Adopted ,bq'Council: Date / � CefCSfied Yasse Council ,ecr ry BY ' B�---� G��� Ap ro by iVlavor: Dat �G 2 y 191 Approved by Mayor for Submiss' to Council B B �����t� y MJei.tsHED S E P 8 i979 Y w Title of class: CITY PLANNER I DESCRIPTION OE WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs entry level professional work assisting in developing and coordinating plans and programs for - utilitization of City land, physical facilities and services; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in collecting and organizing data and statistics on various planning topics �including population, income, land and building use, transportation and environmental characteristics. Assists in analyzing data and formulating conclusions and recommendations; drafts assigned sections of written reports and studies. Assists in the design, layout and construction of maps, charts, drawings and exhibits. Establishes and maintains communications with public and private agencies; meets with citizen and special interest groups to discuss planning proposals. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Some knowledge of the princigles and practices of policy analysis and City planning. Some ability to compile and analyze data. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. ' Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in a planning related field with an urban emphasis. (Approved qualifying experience may be substituted for education.) Title of class: � CITY PLANNER II DESCRIPTION OF WORK - General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work researching and developing plans and programs for utilizat3on of City land, physical facilities and services; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed eXamples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Conducts field surveys; collects and organizes data and statistics on various planning topics including population, land and building use, transportation and environmental characteristics. Analyzes data and formulates conclusions and recommendations; drafts written reports. Participates in policy analysis and development of alternative policy proposals for comprehensive planning. Plans and prepares charts, graphs, maps, drawings and exhibits. Presents studies and proposals to planning committees and City Council. Establishes and maintains communications with public and private agencies; meets with citizen and special interest groups to discuss planning proposals. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of policy analysis and City planning. Working ability to communicate clearly a.nd effectively with individuals and groups. Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable ability to select, cnmpile and analyze data. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in a planning related field with an urban emphasis and two years' experience as a City Planner I or equivalent. (Approved qualifying experience may be substituted for education; or additional approved education or special training may be substituted for up to one-fialf of the experience. .requirement.) Title of class: CITY PLANNER III DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional work involving researching and developing plans and programs for utilization of City land, physical facilities and services; and per- forms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit close technical super- sion over technical and professional planning workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Coordinates, on a short or long term basis, the activities of a unit engaged in planning a project or component of a comprehensive plan. Plans, assigns and reviews the work of subordinate planners and technicians. Determines sources of data and develops data collection systems; conducts and supervises field surveys and the collection of data and statistics. Analyzes data and formulates conclusions and recommendations; participates in policy analysis and .development of aTternative proposals for comp- rehensive planning. Organizes studies and proposals for presentation to planning committees and City Council. Organizes, schedules and attends meetings of civic groups, planning commit- tees and organizations to establish and maintain contacts and to dis- cuss planning proposals and studies. RNOWLEDGES, SKTLLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of policy analysis and planning. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Working ability to plan, organize and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to select, compile and analyze data. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A master's degree in urban planning; or college graduation in a planning related field with an urban emphasis and four years' professional planning experience. (No substitution for education. Additional approved education or special training may be substituted for up to one-half of the experience requirement.) Title of class: � CITY PLANNER IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and professional work directing the activities of a unit of the planning division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works uniier the general supervision of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general technical and admin- istrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over clerical and professional planning workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and coordinates the activities of a unit engaged in researching and developing plans and recommendations for a major functional area of City planning. Plans�organizes, delegates and reviews the work of subordinate planners and technicians. Plans and directs the identification of data sources, the collection and analysis of data and the preparation of reports and studies� Presents studies �and proposals to planning commission and City Council. Serves as liaison with elected officials and department heads, providing technical assistance as requested. Represents the City at hearings, conferences and meetings of community groups and organizations affecting or impacting on division plans and programs. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ARILITIES Thorougli knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Thorough knowledge o� the principles and practices of policy analysis and plann.ing. Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable ability to select, compile and analyze data. Considerable ability to coamiunicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to plan, organize and supervise the work of others. MININNM QUALIFICATIONS A Master's Degree in Urban Planning and two years' experience as a City Planner III; or college graduation in a planning related field with an urban emphasis and six years' prof essional planning experience, two years of which must have been as a City Planner III or equivalent. (No substitution for education.) Title of class: � PRINCIPAL PLANNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory work directing a major.section of the City Planning Division such as the Comprehensive, Neighborhood, Economic Development, Housing or Implemen- tation Planning Sections; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all employees assigned to the section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, lays out, directs reviews and coordinates the work of professional employees in a major section of the City Planni.ng Division. Directs the preparation and maintenance of a specific portion of the City�s plan for the future growth and development of the City, including data compilation and analysis and long, intermediate and short range plans. Prepares and reviews reports and recommendations and submits them to the Administrator of Planning for approval. Assists in coordinating the programs and activities of a section w3.th other sections, city departments, governmental agencies, civic groups and private organizations. Participates and sometimes represents the city in conferences with other planning staffs and other groups active in the development of plans. Directs office and field work required for the effectuation of plans and studies. Directs investigations, public hearings and the preparation of reports an specific planning matters. Investigates and �makes recommendations on unusually complex or difficult planning ma,tters. Directs tlie preparation of recommended changes in existing plans and reports on emergency studies that require immediate action or reco�endations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES _ . Expert knowledge of the principles and practices of policy analysis and planning. Thorough knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Considerahle ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable knowledge of urban growth processes and physical city develop- ment theories. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with division staff, representatives of public and private agencies and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A Master's Degree in Urban Planning and four years' pro£essional planning experience, two years of which must have been as a City Planner IV or equivalent; or college graduation in a planning related field with an urban emphasis, and eight years' professional planning experience, two years of wfiich must have been as a City Planner IV or equivalent. (No substitution for education; additional approved education or special training may be suhstituted for up to one-half of the experience requirement.) - ''-� �%.��� _�Cr �_;?� �).E1.1�:'�� ..C��\ �j.�._i .f;-:ti- _._� .� 2'7���"� � �'' r�� \ ��.�,.C�A�Ii'i �::, ���::t..l'. "i.rl,_� ��I�LI����J.r . ;�� ., t;, .11:.;� ; ,- ,._.- � :� ,-- f �? + � - � ��► - ; _:; `� _ - i.-� :.�'���' -- v-�;.�; D a�e ; August 13, 1979 . ��, �j' rt ;1P, �° � � fl �f► ��, , i i �_ � �� � � �t i j � . �ain� °{�u1 C�;*� Co��ncit . -. �i; () I fJ = C�:-13 i i f t�7�'L 4 Cl F'TNANCE, MANAGEMENT. AND PERSONNEC _ RUBY HUNT ��, chnifr�cn, mrkes fihe �oElr:i�nc� repor� on C. F. � Ordinc�r�ce - (13) � Resottj'rion - " -. - � Ofh�r . . � � ��i L� : . � � � The Finance Committee, .at its meeting of At�gust 13, 1979, took action to �'ecommend � .approval of the fol7owing: � 1 .� Resolution to restore wording in Section 20.B of the revised Civil Servace Rules � to that of the old Rules concerning the use of sick leave credits. (10056-RH) : 2. Resolut.ion to establish title and class specification for Complaint. Office Analyst in Grade 3, Section .3.� (P�of/Admin. Non-Supervisors Group). �1�061-RH� - 3. Reso�ution to establish title and class specification for Energy Clerk in Grade 13 of Section 3.B (Clerical Group�. (10059-RH� _ � • 4. Resolution to revise class specification for Graphic Artist I. The change on7y affects minimum qualif.ications. (70054-RH} . . 5. Resolution to repl�ace class specification for .Police Records Clerk with a�new specification which reflects a change in the minimum qualifications concerning - skills �necessary to perform the duties of the position. (10053-RH) � 6. Resolution to establish in the Technical Occupational Group titles and class specs - for a Fire Prevention Series of five classifications paralle7ing other technical series - intended for non-uniformed employees working 8-hr. shifts. (10060-RH) 7. Resolution to revise specs for City Planner Series. No change in titles or grades. (10055-RH) 8. Resolution to establish titles and class specifications for Plan Exar�iner I in Grade 3b, Plan Examiner II in Grade 34, and Plan Examiner III in Grade 38 of Section 3.L �Technical Group�. (10058-RH) 9. Resolution to establish title and class specification for Housing Rehabilitation. Trainee in Grade 26 of Section 3.L (Technical Group). (10057-RH). ; r s�:v�::ti�t��: ��1.CO.: �CONTINUED) C:11\T I�.l:,.t_ :ti���:5��"c.t S,t�" . � 1� L�l l... . - ' .�-: - �.Ln� _�r �)_:?� ��.f1..���'? .�f���� �j-f-f ���'+L7`�U� + -1i-"°�� , _ �� \ `- • �� :!.1•: C:�C'1C t�0 i71�:�1� =�'�" � QI.�.L�( .I; O�` 'Z' � ;' ;. �;�! -.`::;` ; �� s�•�° _ .� i ; - c� i1,i ;t !:._� ' `•t���� ` ��� r��:`' D��° = August 13, 1979 ., ?, _ /�' C � �'�'i '''� �`i"`�.. f, ,--- � � �' t� i `� ; 1 � i_.._ � � p . �oinf P�tui Cii� Counc�i - F�: O �t�l = Co;nfi�i�f�� a►� _ � ; choi�mcn, m��:es �he fc�[ tr;�ing repor� on C.F. � � Orciinc�nce - . � RQSO�:�'rion - - � � � � •. . - � O�her - . - � �lL� : , . � _ (Continued from other page) . . . 10. Resolution to establish title and class specifications for Solid Waste_and Equipment Engineer in Grade 30 of the Prof/A�min. Group. (9766-RH) . . . � 11 . Resolution approving tiudget transfers from CD Year TII to CD Year IV for � - South of Front. . � � . � � 12. Resolution approving transfers in the Community Development Block Grant Year IIT . � budget to provide additional funds for South -of Front Acquisition project. � ' 13. � Resolution approving transfers in the Community Development Block Grant Year V � budget to provide addationa7 funds for Residential Street Paving and�Lightin� in five areas: (Humbo7dt-King (West Side) , Maple-Wilson (Dayton's Bluff), Asbury- � � Sherburne (Hamline-Midway, As land-Syndicate (Lexingtan-Hamline, and Oneida- , Richmond (West Seventh Street� � i : r<< ir,;�.7, s����::�;i-�. ��r.co.: s.�3�r i�_����, :r����:50-C:\ S�'.i'� � x. , � Do not �d�tach #t�is m+emor�lwn le�m the �; nsolutioa �ao that thts tnformat�on r�i bs . � � � availaDle to tMe �ity Couacit. �{�` � •� � � .., � '; �a�x���o� oF �x�s�� ��s . R �:� ,� ;� ��� � � ,. RLS4LU"�I4�1S, AND RD C , x ......�..�.,.�_.�... ......_� ��� � ����,: . �� �; na�e: ,ru�y 3, 19�9- ` :� , TO: MAYOR GI�ORG$ LATII�R FR: P�rsonnel Offfce . , �E: Re�salution for submiasion ta City Cuutscil . ` � i _ � ,. ACTTait �EQifl�,STBD - ` �; ..�.�.�._.�. 'ry; W�--�+e�a�d ycur approval atid submies�on of this Resol+�tton tin the City ��i�:. � Pt1ItEpS$ AND_RATZONALE FQR .�SIS ACTIO�is ' r. . . .,. . . . .. . � � . � . . . - � � .. . 4 , This Resolutiaa�wil� revise the specifications for: the City.Planner �eries-v�k�� ia�l��e�.;� .� t��e following titles: City Planner I . City Planae r II • -� . Gity Flanner III ? . City Planne r IV Pri�eipaZ Pla.nntr `T�e revisioas modernize the format and change minisnum qualificatio�s #�r .�e'�� auc��� � by rexnov�iag the "No substitutioa for :+e�ducatian" p�ir�ee. Seve�al other �od�t�ca�ti.ons " h�ve been made in minim�n qua�.ifications thronghout the seriea. `� , ��e�e are aa cha�tgea in. titles or`gradee. ; . . , � .� , � � t5 � A�"�A S, . , �tesolutio and cogy�for� City Clerk. ` ; a . ... ,' � � ].� . . � . . . ' . . . � . . � . "'k ♦ . . , . . . ' . ' . . J,5 . . - . . . . � . - � . .. '�. . .. ._4' . r . .. .. . . ,. . . .` �.. , . � - . . .. ..�. Y� . � .. . .;.. . ., ..'. . �.. . .. . ..-::