273596 �NH17E - C�TV CLERK ���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT ' - � BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. .� �`# cil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Diviaion of Housing and Building Qode Enforcemant has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to c�naider tha ndvisability and neces,sity of tha correction ox wracking and removal of the followinq describad building, said atructur� having bean reportad to eonstitute a publlc hazard: ' 454 Edmund Lot 6, Geo. H. Schicklar'a Tv�o story hou�a Addition to the City of S� Paul of wood frame Ramsey County Minnesota conatruction WHEREAS� it appaars that the laat known record owners and other parties of intarest as of May 23, 1979 ara as follows: Fee owners= Robert A. Thieaen and Betty M. Thissen,, husband and wife, 1088 JaB�sie Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 There are no outatanding mortgagea or liens vf� record, WfiEREAS, the Division of Fiousing and Building Code Enfnrcemnnt, on behalf of the City Council did notify by mail the above noted parties of interest at thair last known addressi WHEREAS, a public hearing wa� held by and before the Ccwuncil of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chambers of the Court Hou�a in � said city at 10:00 A.M. an Thu��day� June 21, 1979 to considar the advisability and neces�ity of ordering the correction or wreckirg and removal of said structure on the abova describad property :inasmuch as said structure is regortad to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfarej COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler in Favor Hozza Hunt �' Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � ,�=a��7� Certified Passed by Council Secretary � By, t\pproved by ;Navor: Date _ A ro y Mayor for S i to Council By _ _ By WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - F�NANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ���g� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. :r � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2— WHEREAS, upon the facts preannted at the said hearing consisting of photographs, inspection xap4rt�s anc� the recommnndation of tha Building Department, it ie furthar determined that the abov� building con8titutes a hazar8ons building within the c�efinition of Minnesata S�.atute� 463.15 for tha following reasone: a. The subject property has bean boarded up by the eity sinee October, 1978. b . Th�:d. building has b�an condemned as "Unfit for Humsn Habita- tion" . c. There haa been extensive vandali�ing. d. There hava been several complainta in regard to exterior �aanitation (rubbish and garbage) . e. The conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard. f, The owners have made no attempt to satisfactorily repair thn damage. g. Tha continuad vacant and boarc7ed up condition contxibutes a blighting influence on the naighborhood. now, tharefore, be it RESOLVED,. that in accordance with Minnasota Statutns Sections 463.15 through 463.25, and baaed upon the foregoing findinga of the City Council, COUNCILMEN Requested Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary a'�'u"' � %� 3 ? sy- 1 tapproved by ;Vlavor: Date Ap rov by Mayor for b ion to Council By _ _ B WHITE - CITV CLERK i����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ORDER 1. The owners of the above de�cribed building ahallkmake tha sama eafe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, s�fety and welfare by hnving tha said building razed and the materials the�efrem removad from the premiaes within thirty (30) days from tha data of tha service ot thiB ordert 2. Unleas euch correetiva aation is taken to comply with this Order or an answer aerved upon tha City of Saint Paul and filnd in the Off ice of the Clark of the Dietrict Court of Ramsey County, Minneeota within twenty (20) days from the date of" th� servica of this Order, a Motion for Summary Enforeemant of this Order to raze and remove the said building will be made to the Ram�ey County District Courti 3. In the event that tha bnilding is to bn razad by the City of Saint Paul pursuant to �udgment of the Di�trict Court, all psrsonnl property or fixtures of any kind which may unrea�sonably interfera with tha ra�ing and removA,l of this building shall be r�mc�ved within ten (10) 8aya from the nntry of juw9gmentt and if not eo removed, the City of Saint Paul ahall ramove and dispose of such personal proparty and fixtures ae� pro-- vided by lawt 4. If the City of Saint Paul ie compellad to taka any correctiva action herain, all necess�ry coeta expended by the City will be a�eee�ed ngainat the abova dascribed reai estate and collect�d ae other ta�asf and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of thie reeolution anc� in— corporatec] Orc�nr h��ain be servad upon tha last ra�ord ownere of the abova describad property in the manner provided by law. COUNC[LMEN Requested Department of: Yeas Nays R„+le ��— ` In Favor unH t Levine _ � Against BY Maddox Showalter Ted Adopte y Council• Date nr � g 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney C rtified P• � d b Council Secre ary t3�/��'', °Z"Q"`�`' '��3 �7� B , �'' �Ap r ed by A7avor: a � _ �UG 2 9 A ro e by Mayor for Submission to Council B ��! — n�auust�� s E P a ts79 , '�� � , . � � i , � • ��, ' � . � , i ' ' ' 1 � ��i��� � , � � . � y - , . � , . � ' �nrie 21, 197q ' - � � _ } , , Frank Statlfenson - , , � - - 8owing b �uilding �ode Div. � - Raom �►5, City Hsll � St. Fe►ul, 1�innaso�a ,' . Res Hearing snd Resolution to consider the correctioa or �aking ' and reoovsl sti 4g4 �E8mund. . . . , � T�EUi' 317C i ' _ _ ' � sbov�e-reTar�n��d was continued, to J1ily lOr 19T9 Git,�r � Council �stting, ' t � � 9ery 'tru]y yours, J � � � � , - Ro�e M'iu , City Clex�k ; � , � � � l�sia , ' . . , , . \ , , �. � � � � _ � _ � ' ' t . . , ` � : - . . � � . . � . . , . . � . . 4. , . . ' . .. .. . ` . . , 1 ,�� . . . ` . ���� . � • „a`°`�' °°a,, CITY QF SAINT PAUL o � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 9 '°• �` ^° DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ... City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 612-298-4212 nkayor June 19, 1979 � Mr . President and Members of the City Council RE: 454 Edmund File #3398 Honorable Council : The Division of Housing and Bt��.lding Code Enforcement is hereby sub- mitting its report on the corit#ition of the structure at the locat�on referred to above. The owners of record are Robert A. � Betty M. Thissen, 1088 Jessie Street, St . Pau1 , Minnesota 551Q1 . The legal description of the property is : Lot 6, George H. S�hicklers Addition. The building is a two sto�y house of wood frame constructian. The subject property has been boarded up �iy the Ci�ty since October, 1978 . This building has been condemned as' �'Uri£it for Human Habitation". There has been extensive vandalizing �nd�:, it it ' currently boarded. There have - be�n s�veral complaints in regard to4the exterior sanation (rubbish and garbage) . Inasmuch as the conditions outliried •aYiove constitute a public hazard and the .owne�� has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings� and the continued vacant and boardec� up condition contributes a bl�g�t��ng in�luence ori �the neighbpr�io�d, �t ` is the recom�- mendation of•.=�his D��isa�:-: 1t}�at this matt�r be� referred= to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Cqutt proceedings . Yours truly, : _ ., _ , � . r . . , . . . . . � � . � . Glenn A. Erickson S�pervisor of Code Enforcement cc: Messrs . George Latimer, Mayor Walter A. Bowser,Asst.. City Attorney Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal F . Staffenson, Housing Code L . Levine, Councilman �� , � ' , , ����� �,, THOMAS - DALEIDISTRICT 7 PLANNING COUNCIL, INC. � 10'10 University Avenue� St.Paul, Minnesota 55104�2J6 - 50G8 � i t , July 9 , 1979 David Hozza , President � St. Paul City Council �oom 719 City Hall St. Paul , Mn 5510� Dear Mr. Hozza : Re : 454 Edmund Avenue The above property has been vacant for a long period of time . We have been advised that a new owner has taken posession of the property and as of June 25 there was an occupant of the structure . On July 2 the home was placarded as "Unfit for human habitation" with a list of 20 deficiencies . As we have stated in the past the location of this property is withi�n a block that is undergoing a rather depressing period , and does not need any help to deteriorate . The District 7 Planning Council sincerely hopes that no stay af demolition be granted unless there is strong indication � of a viable and realistic rehabilitation of the property, if it is deemed possible by the Building Code Department. Sincerely , , � , , ��.���'����� /����-����W William J . Johnsdn , ,di�ce President Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council , Inc . a�,2 . ';;. - _ � ' � . � � . _ � \ . . - :� . . . , . 4 . .. . . . � � - � ` � . y , ' ' ��� � • . ' � • ' , , � , � . \ . �iwt ��' �� , . . � ' � � � � �• �iifWi ��W►�VA , , . .. . � ,. " � - � � � � � � . � � 81i�lTSiOP� COd� �OMlQt. . R00at �►4�f� �1.'t�► $a�l , - AttenLion: I�h. � 8trol�ti�ob , . , , Dsfir Sir t � � • � ' �Le Citar Counoil t�dsy `liid, oar�r. tt� v� �t to A�st 2�, 1�, . a ha�riug and r��olutioa ard�uriqg th� aort�atio� or tnyta�tg�aoct .' rae�i�2 of a �tructuir� �t ��► Rd�und Awnwi� � � • ��'7 � �r. , , 8on kis . , Cl�,jr CLrIt . , . , , . - _ , ' �BO:�a . ' , , � � _ � . : � , � � - . , , � , ,. , �; ; i.' � � . ' . , , � ; \ � ; . . . . ' , � � .1. � ' � , . . � � . . . � � � , � � . , . . . . . ' . . � . . 1 . . . . .. . . .. ' , � . . � . � � . ' � �. . . / . . ' . . . . , , l � . . � � . . . . . . . ' � �. . . . � . . 2'7�35�� . _�-��'"`mm� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �tt= �-. �:a :; �"'"��a�• DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT _, 3 a �u +a "' ���� "` DIVISION OF RENEWAL ..• ��""'����•'�p°��``` 1010 University Avenue,Saint Paul.Minneso<a,55104 GEORGE U1TiMER MAYOR Mrs. Myra Waldo 454 Edmund St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Homeowner: Your application for rehabilitation assistance has received prelimiaary approval fo: one of the following: � Losn at % Maximum Amount $ Maximum Ter� � Grant - Up to $ �, �.-(�% ( % for health and safety items o This determination was made based on the information furnished by you on yosr application. Further verification may indicate a changeo Your Rehab Advisor, (Phone No,) , will be contacting you as soon as possible regarding the construction work to be done on your property. If you have any questions regarding your financial eligibility, pLzase contact your zehab loan and grent specialist 1rlsribeth Aultman at 298-50930 Sincerely, � i����.'`_��1 � Ren Girmscheid Rehab Supervisor ..� J � � � �'7�5�� THOMAS - DALEIDISTRICT 7 PLANNING COUNCIL, INC. � '1010 University Avenue�St. Paul, Minnesota 55'104�2Je - 5068 � � � j I July 9 , 1979 David Hozza , President St. Paul City Council Room 719 City Hall St. Paul , Mn 5510� Dear Mr. Hozza : Re : 454 Edmund Avenue The above property has been vacant for a long period of time . We have been advised that a new owner has taken posession of the property and as of June 25 there was an occupant of the structure . On July 2 the home was placarded as "Unfit for human habitation" with a list of 20 deficiencies . As we have stated in the past the location of this property is within a block that is undergoing a rather depressing period , and does not need any help to deteriorate . The District 7 Planning Council sincerely hopes that no stay of demolition be granted unless there is strong indication of a viable and realistic rehabilitation of the property, if it is deemed possible by the Building Code Department. Sincerely , �� 1� � .. ���, . �� �..�� William J . John n , ,� ce President Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council , Inc . �.��.2 . � � � � �`����� ; THOMAS - DALEIDISTRICT 7 PLANNING COUNCIL, INC. '� 10'10 University Avenue�St. Paul, Minnesota 55'104�2J6 - 5068 i I July 9 , 1979 David Hozza , President St. Paul City Council Room 719 City Hall St . Paul , Mn 5510� Dear Mr. Hozza : Re : 454 Edmund Avenue The above property has been vacant for a long period of time . We have been advised that a new owner has taken posession of the property and as of June 25 there was an occupant of the structure . On July 2 the home was placarded as "Unfit for human habitation" with a list of 20 deficiencies . As we have stated in the past the location of this property is within a block that is undergoing a rather depressing period , and does not need any help to deteriorate . The District 7 Planning Council sincerely hopes that no stay of demolition be granted unless there is strong indication of a viable and realistic rehabilitation of the property, if it is deemed possible by the Building Code Department. Sincerely , �� ' ! William J . Joh n , d ce Presi�n Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council , Inc . 2 . , k i • , - � ���.' : �� . � -. � � . � � ; ; , , . ; M , . a�,y �� 297'9 , " l�r. 0].�r.; 8r�Qitso'°� , , , Snp�rvi�r of Cod� Bn�'orc�tment . . Room 44�, City A�21 .. , , 9t. Pwl, Minneaflta , � ' Att�ntfo>3 t �be. 3'0�•. StroY3lci rr�h , ,; .� ilear Sir t , � _ T�i� City Cbu•ra�1 tc�d�►,y ao^tinueQ for threa welu nntil Ju�ly 31, ' 197'�, ♦ publict hear���� on a rssoltu►tfon ordsr�In� t�s eorr��tion . or Ma�sc�tin.; a��d rsn�vsl of a stru�ture� s� �'� 8llnaund� Av�en�s. . , , � Y�ry tru3;y yours, - . ' � ' : Rose Mi�t � City Cltrk � y . . , AHO�I.a ` . , , , , � ' _ , . \ _ , - , ; - .. _ , ., � . .. . - . � � . - � . . . .. � . 'r ..i ._. . . • , - � � . . . . , . � � , . . . . . � . � � .. � ' .. . . .. , � � . . . � , .� � � . . . . � ' . .. . . • .. . ,. . . , ♦ ,�. • ' -• -- . � + . �_ ������ � , i� - , . � / _ ; . ' a , ' . , �► 31s. 1�'9 , . _ _ , ; , , � . �er, tj3�n ICriotuba � , ' - , . Y�erisor +af' f��o+�e Eofo�oro�E � " � H,vor 4�►3. Ci#jr �.]. . � �1�n t D1�. '1'bat S#r�o►�ciroh . � , ,-�ior`8�s , � . , , , ; , - � ; '� Cil�► �!.], tode�r aort��nuwd f'k�' �ra���w�rics� dtlrtLl � 21��� � �s ba�r�qg co e r�s�alntioa oiades�fng b� ao�*�eeo�i�ao � �ei+�aktp� a�1 re�vrre]. oP a atrvt�ture at 4�k �dm�d A�� ` � .:.;:. . , , V'e�"7 '�rp�1► �'4, . . ' .., . _ , . , _ , . . . Rose Mt�c � _ _ Q3l�r �L+iqrk , _ , ,: _ • , : , . � � ' A�'i la . '. . � i , � , , . � � ' � , . • - ; , _ ; � . . � . . . . p � . . . .. , _ , . � . . . . . . � � . � . � . . � _ � .. i. � . . ' � - � . . . � . ` � ' � � . , , . .. \. � . � � . . � . � , , � � . �� � � . _ . , . ,. �. . � � � . � _. . . , , . J . , .. � � . � � . - ' .. . � ' . � , � � � . � � , , . � . . . � . � � � ' �. � . . � . . ; .. � . . . � � . , .. / : , , . f � � . . � � � . � . � . . ! . � • � . .. , .. �. . . � . ..