273590 N�HITE - CITY CLERK COUI1C:11 2►��5�p PINK - FINANGE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L ���� CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Co ' -e ' Presented By I�9h" TT�E � Referred To Co mittee: t Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Praper notice has been received as to a change of officers and stockholders and also a name change in N.B.C. Liquor ��arehouse, Inc., Off Sa1e Liquor Licensee at l�51 N. I,exington Avenue� therefore, be it RESOLVr�: That with the resignation of Nestor J. Ivlaglich and also Theresa K. Maglich, aid the sale of stock held by Pdestor J. 1�Iaglich, the sole officer now is r�.ichael G. Ma,glich, President, �ecretary and Treasurer and the sole stockholder is R�.ichael G. Nlaglich, and the name of the corporation now is i�i.G.l�i. Liquor �taxehouse of Lexington Avenue, Inc., be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: H�� � [n Favor Hunt —�e�i�za � __ Against BY — Maddox Skeiva�ter Ted Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte Council� Date A��e n n� C ified Pa• � by C cil Secretar BY i Approved by llilavor: Date _ ���9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — _ � _ BY tUeusttED �EP 1 1979 � �� � �������� a.���mun,� =='��`'T' °'�''°�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL i---=a~ �`�' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �; _: i�iii°i �' �"��• "_� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J,�4��"im����°���`` ROOfTI ZO9,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR August 22, 1979 Mr. President and Honorable l�embers of the �ity Council Saint Paul, l�innesota P•1r. President and Honorable riembers : The records of the License Division show that the N.B.C. Liquor warehouse, Inc., Uff Sa1e Liquor Licensee at l�51 N. Lexington kvenue inciicate that Puestor J. Maglich is President, and Theresa K. P�iaglich is Vice President and the sole stockholder is Nestor J. Mag- lich. Proper notice has been received as to a ct.ange of officers and stockholders and also a name change. The sole officer now is Nlichael G. I�iaglich, President, Sec- retary and Treasurer and he is also the sole stockholder. The name of the corporation now is I�i.G.P�1. Liquor GrJarehouse of I�exington Avenue, Inc. This matter has been reviewed by the License and Permit Di- vision and the City Attorney's office. The recommendation is for approval. Very truly urs, Joseph r. Caxchedi License Inspector '���; �. �o