272440 WHITE -._QI V CtERK PINK ���= F��NAN�E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �,r�`�L�L�O CAN�ARV - DEPARTMENT .BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council e t ' n Presented By LICENSE CAI�IITTE� � Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID: That "On Sale I,i.quor" L�i.censes, applied for by the following persons at the addresses F - stated, be and the same are hereby granted, that the bonds filed by each licensee are hereby approved, and the License Inspector is directed to issue said licenses. ftobert E. Jensen & A11en D. Doriott 586 Rice Street Restaurant App. Q1t252 R,enewal Jimbee �orporation 326 Grove Street " " 4317 " ' Herbert L. Howe 202 Concord Street " " 4343 " George's Bar, Inc. 537 Greenwood Avenue n ,r �pl rr Gannons� Inc. 2728 W. Seventh Street " " 4423 " G & i� Bar, Incorporated l�60 St. Peter Street " +' ltlt3p " The h�.innesota Club 317 N. Washington Street Club " !il1.4l� " Geno's Cafe, Inc. 668=6�0 Payne Avenue Restaurant " '�:' Lt450 " ' �'� J & L Liquors, Inc. 1537 University Avenue " " 41t51� " The Manor, Inc. 2550 W. Seventh Street " n !tlt5g n G1yn Triviski, Jr. 2209-21 Ford Parkway " " L�LGbl " Damico� Inc. 230 Front Avenue " " 4473 " Minnehaha Bowling CEnter, Inc. 955 Seminary Avenue n n �7? n (14�3 Edalmont, Incorporated 2051 Ford Parkway " " 449� " - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hozlza [n Favor � �� s Hunt L.evine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By E�pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY �NHI7E - CI TV CLERK � �^��� PINK � - FINANCE <<f� i� CAN'ARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COURCII �/ � . BLUE - MAVOR � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COI�LL�T`PE�; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LIQUOR LICr�N5ES - Page 2 Glass Bar, Incorporated 299 Maria Avenue Restaurant Appn. �!tlt95 �enewal F$.ghland Inn, Inc. 1870 Old Hudson Road. Hotel " l�501 " Marbet, Inc. 2ltl E. Kellogg filvd. Restaurant " 4551 " Mikate, Inc. 1�75 Wabasha Street " " 4561 " HIOA, Inc. lbl St. Anthony Ave. Hotel " 1�576 �� �iard Property Management, Inc. 893-95-99 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 4583 " Marwal, Inc. 1179-81 E. Seventh Str." " 4595 rr Turf Club, Inc. 1601 University Ave. " " 4598 " DeGidio, Inc. lt25 W. Senenth Str. " " 4bp5 �r Silver Coaches, Inc. 1638 R3,ce Street « " 4608 �� Parrish's, Inc. 2176 W. Seventh Str. " " 4611 " Miller Coaches, Inc. 289 Como Avenue " " l�614 " Dahlts 620 Club, Inc. 620 W. Seeen�h 5treet " " 4618 « The Coachman, Inc. 1192 N. Da1e Street " " 1�621 " G�y� Leonette E. & Maxk P. Rice 96 N. Uale Street �� " 4623 +' The Brass R�.il of St. Paul, Inc. 225 W. Seventh Str.�t �� J�627 �t (17) Eddleston Enterprises, Inc. 2251 University Ave. �� �� J�6l�2 « COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Flpproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - BY �NHITE - C17V CLERK � � PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council nf-���q(� CANARY - DEPARTMENT y �BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �'�� S1^�� Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COr�TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALF. LIQUOR LICFNSES - Page 3 Bram Corporation 932-4 Arcade Street Restaurant Appn. Q4651 1"cenewal Beaver Lounge, Inc. 756 Jackson Street �� �� L�700 �� St. Paul Aerie No. 33 F.O.E. 733 Pierce Butler Rte.Club " 1�701� " Kick Off, Inc. 2431 W. Seventh Str. Restaurant " 4707 n � Sun-Ray Lounge, Inc. 221.�5 Hudson Road " " l�726 " Por-Du, Inc. 10�0 Payne Avenue " " 4730 " Bowl-Rite, Inc. 151t8 University Ave. " " 1t733 " Tom Wallace Ba.r, Inc. 1�29 S. Robert Street " " 4745 " Mounds Park Lounge, Inc. 1067 �iudson Road rt n �7�8 n Mancini Bax, Inc. 531 W. Seventh Street �� " 4758 " Edwaxd P. Serwa, Inc. 1082 Arcade Street �� r� 1177�t �r Albert & Gesella B. Baisi 457 Wabasha Street �� '� l�777 �� Quinn Creative, Inc. 738 �homas Avenue « " 47g2 " Bi-Geo,, Inc. 1373 E. Magnolia Ave. " " 4785 " Chickett's, Inc. 1�67-469 St. Peter Str. " " tt7$$ 'r Becker's, Inc. 731 Randolph l�venue " " 4791 " (17) Ha.fferty, Inc. 11la1-43 R3ce Street �� " 4796 '� COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, l�lpproved by 1Qavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY MNHITE - CITV CLERK n��'���� PINK • - FINANCE COUIICIl /��: t, CAPIARV - DEPARTMEN T G I TY OF SA I�N�T PA LT L File NO. � BIUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By _ LICENSE COAi�•ffTTF.F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SAL� LIQUOR LICi�TSE5 - Page 4 Tin Cups, Inc. 1220 Rice Street Restaurant Appn. Ql�816 Renewal B.A.T., Inc. 755 Jackson Street B " l�836 " Lexi-Front, Inc. 991 N. T,exington Ave. '� " 1�81�1 " Will Inc. " " 4855 '� , 9 Payne Avenue BAL, Inc. 1�27 S. �rJabasha Street " �� 4861 " Bernard M. Berke 37lt-6 St. Peter Str. " " t�868 " Lavearls, Inc. 77 E. Ninth Street " " l�871 " R. Brennan, Incorporated 379 University Avenue " " 49�0 " J. B., Inc. 193 S. Robert Street " " �905 t� S & J, Inc. 91�9 W. Seventh Street " " 4908 " Swez, Inc. 1900 Stillwater Ave� " �� l�910 " Mar-Ja� Inc. 1201 �ackson Street " " 4q17 " Esquire Nite Club, Inc. 821-23 Uni.versity Ave." " 4920 " Clay Enterprises, Inc. 721 Payne Avenue " " 4923 " McLean's, Inc. 1096 Grand Avenue " " l�926 " Sonny's Ba.r, Inc. 883 Payne Avenue " "4932 " (17) Rand.-Spot, Inc. & Robert C. Koehnen, Inc. 859 Randolph Ave. n n COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bs, l�pproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ — By M�HITE - C�.TV CLERK � PINK • - FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council t?t- � CANARV - DEPARTMENT `s � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �'��•' ���•���� Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMi�ILTT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSES - Page 5 Town & �%ountry Club, Inc. 2279 j'�arshall Ave. Club Appn. Q14938 Renewal H-Y-i Ziquors, Inc. & Gene-Mont, Inc. 71�1-43 Edmund Ave. Restaurant " 4952 " St. Paul Athletic Club 31�0 Cedar Street Club " 4956 " Viner and Baker, Inc. 2210 Hudson Road Restaurant " 4959 " MANDD, In�. 1181 Clarence Street �� " 1�970 �� Mayville, Ine. 1355 Universit� Avenue �� " 4973 " Gallivan's Restaurant, Inc. 35l� Wabasha Street �� " 1�976 " Horatio Hornblower, Inc. 345 Wabasha Street " " ��979 " Joe�s Place, Inc. 721 Jackson Street " " 4986 " Boca Chica, Inc. 11 Concord Street " " 1�991� " Dayton�s, A Di.vision of vayton-Hudson Corp. 2 E. Seventh Street " " 4999 " I�dway Enterprises, Inc. 1.553-57 University Ave." " 5000 " The New Viaduct Inn, Inc. 1056 E. Seventh Str. " " 5003 " Jerry Belgea Enterprises, Inc. 605 F�ont Street 't '� 5006 " Gaxcia's .i3estaurant, Inc. 400 Sibley Park Square �ourt, Room 2 t, �� 5009 �� (15) COUNCILMEN - Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By, 6lpproved by iVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY N�H17E - C�TV CLERK COIl/IClI l ! p Y PINK t - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT� PAUL 1 R'��-��-'��� CAIJARV - DEPARTMENT ��.�� !J BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By �ICENSE COi�•'IITTL�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date OI�T SALE LIQUOR LICIjNSES - Page b Munzen's Bax, Inc. 2516 W. Seventh Str. Restaurant Appn. Q5011 Renewal:� G.R.1�I.� Inc. 1�8 E. �'ourth Street " �� 5018 tr Andrew Kappas, Inc. 21�1 E. 5eventh Str. " " 5021 " David A. & Ernest F. Yarusso 635-7 Payne Avenue " " 5026 " Loucas N. Arvanitis lt1�-48 5t. Peter Str. " �r 5032 " Whoopee, Inc. 173 S. Robert Street " " 5�35 " Ronco Corporation 879 Rice Street �� " 5038 " Pub East, Inc., 1'Zoren Koury and Anthony J. Koury, Sr. 1180 E. Seventh Str. '� " 50lt0 �� Lenahans', Inc. 601-3 N. Western Ave. " " 5043 " E & E, Inc. 859 Thomas Avenue rr +' S0l�8 " �. L. Corporation 118j University Avenue" " 5050 " H. K. K., Incorporated 1084 W. I,arpenteur Ave." " 5054 " William J, Cardinal, Jr. 1567 University Avenue" 'T 5057 �r St. Paul Lod�e No. 59 B.P.O.E., Tnc. 72 Concord Str. Club " 5060 9 DuSharr, Inc. & GAG, Inc. 2417 W. Seventh Street Restaurant 't 5063 " Shaul �terprises, Inc. 981 University Avenue �� �� 5072 " (16) COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt I.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By WMITE - CITV CLERK �Tr�n/e� A(1 C NARV - DEP RCTMENT COUIICII .�(;�; '��-�M+-4�j . BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � �� � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO21��ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSES - Pa,ge 7 Arthur F. Blair 520 Mississippi Str. Restaurant Appn. Q5075 R�newal Raymond C. MacCafferty 782-788 Grand Avenue " " 5081 " Como ftecreation, Inc. 1013 F`ront Avenue " " 5084 " Taney-Troye, Inc. 1091 Nice Street " " 5087 " Sha-Ray� Tnc. 111-115 T�J. Sixth Str. " " 5096 " Criterion 2?�estaurant, Inc. 739 University Avenue " tt 5101 " Andchi, Inc. 1112-1114 Arcade Street " " 5105 " Bataglia, Inc. 1174 W. Seventh Street " " 5108 " E & E Liquors, Inc. 91�9 E. Seventh Street " " 5110 " Thomas Enterprises, Inc. 567 Stryker Avenue " 'r 5113 " R.H.S., Inc. 368 Jackson Street " " 5120 " Gopher Lounge, Inc. 351-3 University Ave. " " 5128 " Peter Jay, Inc. 1�80 S. Snelling Avenue " " 5131 " Fulton Street Associates, Inc. 349 �'ulton Street " " 5134 " Elsie C. Johnsen & Carol J. Sabo 134? Burns Avenue " " 51j7 " Beau-Kel-Stock, Inc. l�b9 N. Snelling Ave. " " 51.4.0 " (17) SPH Hotel Co. & Capital Hospitality Corporation ,t n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, /Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By WHITE - CITY CI.ERK • ^ PINK� - FINANCE • 'I'� � CANA/2V - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIIC�II � ����} �� BLUE - MAVOR File� NO. � f Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COI�TTEi, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date QN SALE LIQUOR LICENSES - Page 8 Bolands' Liquor and Foods, Inc. 685 E. Third Str. Restaurant Appn. Q 57.L�b Renewal �L�zsick's, Inc. 816 Payne Avenue �� " 5153 " Cheap Charlie's, Inc. 866 University Avenue " " 5156 �� La.rry Brennants Liquors, Inc. 315 W. Seventh Street �� �t 5159 " Restaurant Tdo Limit, Inc. 276 S. Exchange Str. " " 5162 " Bourbon Bar & Ca�e Corporation 691 N. Dale Street �� " 5170 �� Nickel, Inc. & Martha 0'Connor 501 Blair Avenue " " 5173 �� Dacotah Corporation 371� Selby Avenue « " 5200 " H & B Wong Corporation 1910 Suburban Avenue '< <� 5203 " Top Hat, Inc. and Top Hat Collateral, Inc. 136 E. Fifth Street �� �� 5208 " Prom Catering Co., Inc. 1170 University Avenue " " 5211 " Awada, Inc. 199 E. Plato �31vd. " rr 5226 �� The Ale Room, Tnc. 395 N. Robert Street " " 5229 " Armand R. & Bernice Dell�onte 1199 T�ice Street " " 5232 '� McCann Bros. Chatterbox, Inc. 393 Selby Avenue " " 5219 " Radisson Hotel Corp. 395 N. i�dabasY�a Str. �� " 5222 " (lb) COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ sy WHITE - CITV CLERK / P�NK . - FI�IJANCE COUIICll p~��• -, +� CAM'ARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. r*� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONU°1ZTTi;E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALF� LIQUOR LIC�NS�S - Page 9 G & T, Incorporated 738 University Avenue Restaurant Appn.Q522�. Renewal �icTeague's r3ar, Inc. 1511� University Avenue " " 5235 " 0'Connell's Clover Club, Inc. 501 University Avenue " " 52l�1 " Hafner, Inc. 1560 `;lhite vear Avenue " " 5265 " P.J.R., Inc. 992 Arcade Street " " 5271� " 0'Connor Enterprises, Inc. 369 Cedar Street " " 5277 " Intermode, lnc. 1�90 Tv. ��bert Street " " 5281 " Gene Plardini Iaquor� Inc. 828 E. 5eventh Street " " 52e5 " Surmanellies on the River� Inc. and The Sixteen Corporation 927 E. Seventh Str. " " 5288 " St. Pau1 Council No. 397, Knights of Columbus 1026 W. Seventh Street Club " 5293 " �lacI�e's, Inc. 1318 j�i. Larpenteur Ave. Restaurant " 5300 " Doerfler Construction Company, Snc. 3lt5 t�dabe.sha Str. " " 5311 " Ace �ox �ar, Inc. 21b2 University l�venue " " 5327 " Clayton Club, Inc. bl5 University Avenue " " 5329 " �m-Ty Corporation 1975 �niversity Avenue Restaurant �� 531� " (16) Saint Paul-Rsmse� Arts & Science Council n n COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler (n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By tlpproved by iNavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By CAN�:v - DE�PARTMENT COUI1C11 f.,r����(� PIN � - FINANCE 9�; �BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File N0. � �� �� Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO1��iTLTl�L Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON S�II�E LI�UOR LIC�;SES - Page 10 Z•linnehaha Tavern, Inc. 1773 �. l��innel��aha Ave. I�staurant Appn. �5355 �enewal Knoll & T�avison, Inc. 870 Payne kvenue " " 5356 " l�ietro Square Lounge, Inc. 1�5o rr. ��.obert Str. " " 5359 " Rowe, Inc. 995 ti°J. 5eventh Str. " " 5362 " Rubbelke, Alfred J. 1�.20 Ud. Seventh Str. �► '� 5380 " Associated Hosts of IJ�.nnesota, Inc. 111 �. F�ellog� F31vd. " �' S�t02 " Phalen Pa,rk Liquors� Inc. 1199 1'ayne Avenue " " 5�.05 " James 1'1. i4orelli �21 E. ;;eventh Street " " 5�.09 " H & E, Inc. 256-8 4d. Seventh :itreet " �� 51�1�. " Lendway's Bar, Incorporated 609 University Avenue " " 5J�19 " Svoboda �:3oat t�lorks, Inc. 573 ��d. Seventh Street " " 5423 " Kelly's Pub, Inc. 11 W. Tenth Street " �' Sl�28 " Dangel, Znc. 572 Td. Dale Street " " 5431 " 'rhe Janet Corporation and �onval, Inc. 141l�-18 t�lhi.te Beax Ave.�� " 5451 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays A Butler � - ' �R � In Favor Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco JAN 2 3 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C cil: Date Certifie assed ouncil Secretary BY B • Approved � a Date Z Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 1 79 BY = BY ��.�s�� F E� 3 1979