272425 WHITE - C�TV CLERK CO11I1CII . � ���;�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � CANARV - OEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAYOR � � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the citizens of the cities of Sain t Paul and Minneapolis are desirous of assisting their respective police departments in obtaining information on specific past unsolved felony crimes, and on wanted persons; and WHEREAS, the citizens want to promote community involvement in all aspects of law enforcement and develop a community offense against crimes regarding persons or property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council supports the Saint Paul- Minneapolis Crime Stopper Program, encourages all citizens and the police department to work closely with the officers of said program to assist in accomplishing the Program's meritorious ends and extends its best wishes to the membership of the Program for great success in making the metropolitan area a better place to live. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � � � In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _�__ Against BY ' Maddox Showalter Tedesco � , 8 �� Form A y City Atto ey Adopted by C cil: Date � Certifie assed ouncil Secretary � BY B; E�pprov b Mavor: Date �n +e7p Appro e by Mayor for Su is on to Co�tncil 1 1 � ��.... BY — — B PI�Bt.CSHEO J A N 2 7 i�3 r 3 ���\1��itlR�R _,'w�tTY o�;:�,, a- ,_����,��,; .�-�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =R� ;;,; . - '; '�`� �'°�' - � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 2�_ .�l �� "`��1°�" �� S U Z A N N E E. F L I N S C H, C I T Y A T T O R N E Y ,� _ ��'r,,,.. �as. 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 -�i.1S[o'.�9�"``�� �`-� 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER "' MAYOR � .f� � �. January 9, 1979 � ��� `� '�'° . ;� �"�'� � . J�^,� , 1 �' 1;;;9 .. Chief Richard Rowan e��fF'S Q��,f Department of Police 101 E. lOth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Chief Rowan: On Monday of this week Officer Stephen Golden asked me to review all proposed laws for the proposed Minneapolis-St. Paul Crime Stopper Program. The Organization will provide rewards for information regarding specific past unsolved felony crimes and on wanted persons. No City funding would be involved, however, the program' s advocates desire the support of the respective municipalities. Accordingly, I have drafted the attached resolution of support and as Department Head, request that you sign off on this document and transmit it to Peter Hames with the appropriate explanation. A copy of this letter and resolution is being sent to Officer Golden for his transmittal to his liaison person in the Minneapolis Police Department so that the Mayor and Council there can also record their support. Y s truly, PAUL MC CLOSKEY Assistant City Attorney PMcC:cg encl. cc: Officer Stephen Golden O