272417 WH17E - CITV CLERK ('tr}����� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII / CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File � NO. ~y BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BiTRFAU • • Cou cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERFAS, the City Counci]. by Resolution, C. F. 271143, did order the acquisition of a 12.0 Yoot permanerrt easement �'ar storm s�r purposes aver, under, and aeross portions of Lot 18 and Lot 19, Block 12, Scenic Hills No. 2; aud WF�REAS, the two property awners involved. have executed and �ubmitted the �arits of' easement; therefore, be it RESOLVID, tY�,t the City Cauncil dces hereby accept the two grants of easement, copies oP which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �}e� nce and emerrt Services Hozza [n Favor � Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY Dix'�C�or Maddox Showalter �o' �� t � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C cil: Date Certifi ass y Council Secretary g3� -'r��^�' � �� �'� �Z�� By C /#ppr y ;Navor: Dat � JAN 1 9 1979 App by Mayor for Sub ' ' n t Co cil BY – — BY ' MIB�M� JAM = � 1979 '� °.' `� Mr. Bowser ` -2- November 1 , 19'�8�'�•���� The construction of 1-94 reduced the size of the road ditch �rhich acted as a ponding area but also significantly reduced the drainage area contributing run-off to this drain. A solution, which would provide a greater degree of protection to these ' residents, would be to increase the outlet capacity. E3ecause of residential development which has taken place (the existing drain is under a garage)' a somewhat circuitous route is now required to reach the storm sewer in Suburban Avenue, and the Larson property is the only parcel without a garage in the vicinity where a storm sewer easement could be provided. . At the time of the investigation it appeared the most economical solution would be for the State of Minnesota and the City of St. Paui to equally share in the construction costs and for the residential properties to provide a sewer easement. The total construction costs would be considerably less than a thorough investigation to determine � the responsibility and the cost sharing of this project. Therefore, we have initiated the sewer easement with the property ovrners and _ have reached verbal agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation to construct this storm sewer. Since this is the only location where a sewer easement could be provided and the sewer will have nearly seven feet of cover, we have no objection to the construction of a garage over this sewer easement. Yours very truly, Kent Schonberger Assistant City Engineer Division ot Design � Engineering KS:DDT:ced cc: Mike Eggum Roy Bredahl . . _ � �"'�`'``'�`T�;*�=-Masraif�.-�..�. � . � � �'"�"''' C..C?? ` �rtNw\ � . o,, , . .. `'T` '- ' , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL -�e r �. . ... . . .. . =• �' �: / DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS "` ���-��� ;< �•��1�/� �1�/�j -� �. ����i����:� ,.: ±, �< ' '; ' `-., - --/ ' � � DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR . t'"��..: '•" • ' "�'� Z34 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER � 612-298-4241 MAYOR ��/`���. � t f�.r November 1 , 1978 Walter Bowser Assistant City Attorney City Attorney's Office Room 647 Clty Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Re: Easement for a sewer between Suburban Avenue and I-94 near Winthrop Street. � Dear Mr. Bowser: Mr. Mike Eggum, Division of A�ssessments and Valuations, has informed me that you need this letter authorizing .a variance from the Public Works Department policy permitting the erection of structures over a storm sewer easement. At the design public hearing for the construction of sound abatement structures along I-94 local citizens expressed concern over a drainage problem in their backyards. At the request of the citizens we agreed to investigate the situation. IJhen Highway 1�12 was constructed to a four-lane divided roadway this area was rural in nature and existing drainage patterns were perpetuated. When the area south of Highway #12 was developed the developer, under permit from the City of St. Paul , installed an underground drain from the Fiighway 1112 road ditch to a storm sewer in Suburban Avenue. This underground drain was smala and subject to plugging by debris. ...:-ts.�:� . � ors ai: zaf���� _ • �. _; 9/g/76 _ L TI�N OF _ IST�.TIV'� ORI?I►�S, Lv� or�s, DQ 2�i ���:'� . .. . wr����*r�.rr.�r�.��n�r�irrri�r��� .. . . . Ditls Jarm�►r�r. 8, 1979 , RECEIVED . � JA(V 1 �i 1979 ' �,,,�„��..,,..,......: �p: MAYO�! GLORCsE LATZMER � g�: J. 1ht. l�aayvan, �'slmatioa E� Assese�ent Bngin�er, Ezt. 5�7, Dep�. �'iaaac+e &�`��act . �ric�s �= P�rrnent Swrer B�a�eat 3,n I�c�ts Y8 asd 19, Block 12 �tc�aia Hi31s ]Ic►. a �loaats�l �- - t�san I.S. 9�t� a�ad �ab�rb�n Avs. ��eetr t�Tint�o� $trs�t� . AC�Z4N RE4�'tTESTED z . Ap�arcnral. �'ar Su'b�ieaioa to C�cil o! R�salutios Accepting � �aeaa�e�t D�r.atioa. . PQRPQ.SE AND RATIt�NAI� FGR THIS ACTI4N: rrr.r�r�r.�i.rmi��w�r��i : '� she a�s�aeat bu been �sdicst�d. dt no ebarge t0 t�e Cit,y ia consi:aisrati.em !'car the � ct�s�r'action o! ths seMer. � � . '� � � � � � � 9 . �- il �c���: . l. Pr�o.e� Aeaol�►tson _ �. Ca�i�s o! Eass��t �rsats . 3_. t:�►�r ot lfo�r. l, 1978 irtter to T�alt�r Boi►s�r ��'ra� �. Sisat Schonb��r givi� . p�o�ect histaa�y. . --- - Indiyfduai to CorQoNtlon. ���°�-•°- -- •.......-•-.- -...._.... _-.•--•--•--••. ------- � - ��ji� �r�be�ture, .�lu� t,�i�..:...........................................�� �f_�._..........._._�.._.___�._�.......�....., 1�....._.��..., between .........LaV�:�'xl....�s��.�3.enh:a�uer....�an.d...F.ern...Moldenha�x:r....b.usba�d_.a.n.d_.aai�.�.,...........� ����'� ._ .. uf ticc Cou�c�y uf. ...RamseY........................ .. .f a�cd Statc uf._.................Mi��1.�.�.9.��..........................�,:..._............ ........... ..... ... �,ur't---•,ies..uj- �I�e fir•�t ��u.r�l,, u�LCZ.....................�.�-:k�....s�.�...�Sain�...P.an1-.•--..a...muni�.i�a1....co.rp:o ation, �..............._..._-----------...._.......__._....._......................................................_......_--�--....---........_..----............----....._..._.........._..._.......---.._...............�....---.......... ca-eu�•�►��e�4c�z urecler tke Guws of' Ll�c �Jtatc of............�.7.AII�SQt.d..................................... lxeT•t� of tl�c securuZ purt, �itneg�etlj, 17tat tlr.c sui�l >>ct��b..l�E'.S..._.............of �Jac �i.���t �1art,•iii cun.citlerutiun u/' t{�� eu.�n uf .Q�.�....�?Q.�.�..��....(.$.�....Q.0.1...--�nd---ath�r....g.os�d...and...valuab�le---_cons.i.dexation.._....�,��I�¢�, fo...............����1................._.__._........i�z I�arc�l }�a.id b� thc said PartJ of tlic scrund �rart, tlic rc�•ciNt wlccrcof is ILGl'L'L7, uc1�TLOLUI.CCZ�ed, cZo..................lzereb� Gran•t, L'ar�ain, Quitr,la.im, antZ Conr;ey unto the su.id party of tlae seco�id part, its successurs and assi�ns, Forever, all the trar.E.........or parcel......._.of laiul l�ins a�Ld beira� i�i thc Coia7r,t,� of.....................Ramse�t...........__..._...._............._.a�zd State of ✓llinncsota, dcscribed as follotvs, to-ivi,t: .. _ _ ._ . _ _.... ._ _ . . . A 12 .0 foot permanent easement for storm sewer purposes, over, under, and across that part of Lot eighteen (18) and the Westerly five (W' ly 5) feet of Lot nineteen (19) in Block twel�ve (12) in Scenic-Hills-No. 2, ac�ording- to the plat thereof filed of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles within and for said county. The center line of said easement is described as beginning at a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 19 distance 17. 06 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said Lot 19 and there terminating. The side Iines of said easement shall be prolonged or shortened to terminate on the Southerly and Northerly lines of �sai�d,:L�t,���.;�8�:�oar�d�^�.'9. � eo� a: *� y t`:�? , ,.� i�' ,�s' ,is E' r ;� �� i�. it beino for the banefil Y � ��.q h°` to 1. cr ` ' S:. PaUi. s �- _,�. f � . C..,��� C.,,'.y �'• ^,.`` � F;,;,��nt Oi �.. , J •c�U Ui ..... I " �;n �`��.���" ot�c:ty o s.. � �' u! _ - , � �' `.l. �VJ. -- C-y�p�_ .,_�.�._':._ -----�� ,s^, V��,:,�`` `. ;" BY �..-------- �t.f� � �0 ��bC s o t�e �ame; 'o�etJccr rvitla all tice lr,e7•cdiEun�,e�cts u�ul a�purte�uc�cc�s Llec7•c- unto be�onging or in unywise appertainin�s, to .the said pa��t� of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever. �rY Z�Ce�timortp �fjereof, Th,e said part..�g.£;......of th.e first pcLrt ha._V.g...............hereu�Lto set_...:��l�.l,�...._ kand..S...the da.y and year �rst above urritten. I Irc Presenc• f �/"�. ....a.. .�..�--�fi..'....�...�.. .. ............................ , r a Jer.Y Mo1d�riYi.a��1�.�............... --...�.. �.c�s...�......................•-.--•.......... .......................................................... .... . ............._...........................--�--... . .. ... . ._ .. �T�-t/z�-�J ,Y�I o�-��2=��- � .....�'u-�z/............................ .................. ............... ... .. .. . .. ......... Fern Mol�clen�iauer ......... ..���.�e=f/-. .•• - . ................................. ..................................................................................................................................................... �tat� Ot �CtTtTC��OtR, g8. Cow�:,t.y v/'••--......Ra?�4�.e1'•-•--•-•----••.................... O�t tlti,.s......_...--•--.�.r--.._..-�-�-----...............da.� of.._�_.:L./..`��:GK'!9C.__.._................_.__..., 19..7�, before nte� a---••.-.•-.•..------•�I�O��a.�--�Pub1.iC---�---�-•�---•-••-�-------�--�---.. --•.-••-within and for said Count�, person.ally appeared ....L�.aV�ern_..Maldenhauer_..and_.Eern..Moldenhauer-----•-----------•---•---•--......-•---•-...••....................................... .._._.._.........._...---.....__._.....-•-•-----�------•....................•-•---�- ----...............---......-•---�- -----.................---.... iu �n�: kaiuw�z to Uc tlic r�crvon_.5............d�ccrii�ed in, and rr;ho executed the fore�oinQ in.strume�Lt, : ........:.................._..................... .......-�---:......-----........_............_........_.and a.ck�LOwlcd�ed that..._.._..t.he....y....._...executed : . (Sec xote) . � Lie.c ,sa�ric as...................��'l.�ii_............frcc. acL arLd dcecl....._........__..............._. .. ........... ; (3ce Note) ._-........ r.;:;:•�`�'��: • , /a �; _.-. � ' � ,i� � --- . .......,..+`° ... ..__........ ..... ........ ........•-°---.......-.--•••- � ,- ... .'�. . .;;Y; . . Nof.arU Publi ..... �/, �lfinn. � . "'� �qn�rhL�.l!l. .1", � _,�•. ` � .�'� r,ontm�ission, r.x.pir�c�..� .._ .:.:... ....... ..2 19._...�... S a _ .:, � j FCTi,.;��. �:a,�ic linee marked"See tiote"are for use when the instrument�e���lted tiy an attorar,3a fect. , � , ,vj� i � '}CV"✓C�'d���✓� �� I ` .�.. ��., . .� . t.V�JY. � � � � ._ _ ._ _ ._ ti .._.�. . .. .�. _._ -_ -QtIIL C.�iT Oe�d. .. ..___._..__, _._.__.. .r��ru�.�ewr�w. wr�s��wA ' .. . Indlytdwt to CorQoratton. Form Na. 2$ Mlnnewta Unfform Conveyandnp BIanW (ti37) �� J ' - ♦ ( - ��1� ���.�n�����\. ,,�clu ticis........._.............._..... ....._......tlay uf.._..�. . , 1J......._...--, between .......................A.�.��..5�.e_..E......I,arsorl............................................._..............__........... _ i , ''���r'�'��I � u thc Cuu�af•r u RaIttSG.�..............._......_......_..-•--__a,ccl,.S'tat�uf...--��----...----�--.�a.X1n8.SO.�r3-----..._....-•---............._...._.... - � f ,/ f..._.......••••••-._.... � u�•t_. u t/cc L,•�t ,u,�t �rr�c.........................C.a.t.y.....o.f....Sain�....P-aul.,....a...mun.ici�al........._......... 7� �....__..---� f 1� 1 , ' ........_.._..... 1 ..............._..�a.rp.s�xatiQn.._............................_...................................................._..................---...........•--......_._..........................._........_..............:...: { cz-�or�riaitxrin�a u�ccicr tTcc lutcs o/' ihc �Yfutc uf...............Minn�sr>ta...............�................., 1KCi•tJ of t.1ec serulul purt, � „ • . . . . � I�ItiTP5�t�}, 17aat tlr.c +u�cl �ucrt.X.........................uJ' t1�c fir$t ��urE,•trz er,nsulcru.f.co�a u/' thc rru.rr� uf � One....Do�.�.a.x'.....�.5.1...QII.)......and....o.ther....�aod...and....�alua�b�e....c.ansider-atiox��.......334-I.��t,s;, yf Io..............him...........-.--•------..---........i�a I�arccl 7�uid LJ �lec said pa��E!� ut EI�c �rcru�ccl purb, ticc rcrci��t uiJaer•cvf is i IicrcLJ acl,;leou:l.ccl�efl, clo_.e.s.........TicrcbJ Grccrat, Tar6�cirt, Q�aitc�la_iirz, arc�l C�m.z�cJ unto tlee suicl party of itlae secorzcl pccrt, its sacecessors and assigns, Forever, all tJte trar,t........_or p!zre.el.........�f land lJi�ay a�ad heiia� ; i�c t?tc Cotciat,� uf..............................Ramse�Z..........._.._....._._._..a�zd State of ✓llirznc:sntu, dcsc�•ihed as follnzvs, tn-ruit: i � A 12. 0 foot permanent easement for storm sewer purposes, ; over, under, and across that part of Lot 19, except the � Westerly 5 feet thereof, and except the Easterly 7� feet � thereof, in Block 12 in Scenic Hills No. 2 according to i the plat thereof filed of record in the office of the � Registrar of Titles within and for said county. The center line of said easement is described as beginning at a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 19 distance 17. 06 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said I,ot 19 and there terminating. The side lines of said easement shall be prolonged or shortened to terminate on the f South�r].y an�l Northerly lin�s,. af ,,Sa,id ,�qts.,:�$;, ancl,.�l9. F . 'c:::. 4 :`C .. - ... .. .�i - . _ . , � , _- ,ii :��[�u iOf the ben�f�f G� ;ii� O•` Si. � . .. : . . . r..: . . .... . ....�ri,'!. Gi:; Gi �i. F'i1:1S. � . .�.. , . ....�,�1 � .�.''_ - - . . e•{ �__ _ tiC.. .,,r.. .�e�,g �•�i� ;� Ci,_.:��-r c„''�:., �'.�F� CEE �. .SG - t-� .__._. �-�.,... Zt;X li;�;uz:: �;.::;:. STr,T,. ��C. c"c7�2ti:�.�i :ii� �Cu �abe anb to �oID i�je�ame, 2'ogetjcer wi�lc� all tl� 1�,er�cliGuments u�ul appu�•te�curcc�s t/eere- unto belongin�s or in ccnywise appe��taining, to .the said pai�ty of the second part, its suecessors ancZ assigres, Forever. �Jn�PSfimor�p ��jereof, The said part�z..._.__.....of the first part ha.s......__...._....hereu�zto set___._.Yl]�..__ Iiand..__.....t1�e cl�zJ c�nd Jcar• first c�bove zvritten. /n Prese»cc v f ......... .. ......................................�.............-----_............._---.._.._....�._�_.._ � �����Artiste E. Larson .....................................---�----.............................................................--•-•-- �t�te o� ��nrtF�ota, ss. County uj..._........Rc�,ztts.�.y.._...----•----•--------•------•-- , Untici.c--��----�----------...-------�--�-- -----•-------------c�a�o�-------•--....-----•--.....---.._.._------•--�----------•--, �9-----._._, hefore nae• u.--.•-----------------•_----•--•-.--------...I�JQ.t.�X.y..._�?��lic.-.----.--. ...---..within and for scaid Couiat�,Perso�aallf appeared -----•-•----- ------------�--•---�------•-----�---------�---.._....--•�---•-•--------Ar�is.te_._E..---.Larson.,.---•-•----•---._.....-----.....----------------- . . ............ ........_._...-------•-----..._-----•---_.....-- � iu �nr: k7ir�um to Ge ticr; ��erson................deseribec� i•n, u�acl rch•o ea;�cute�l the fore�oin� i��.strzeme��t, • � ..._..._.._.._............................. .....---._........__....-----....-�---._.._....---�----.._.�and ack�cozulcd�ed that_.----.._...he._._.-----._execieted ! ...... �s�xat.�� Lhc su�rc�; as_....--•---... ha..s..................fr�:c: uct a�cd �lc��cl_....__......._..........-•---..........__..._.....___......_. . (SeetJot«) . r._.. . . �,.�. � • -. .. . . ... . . . . ...!� .................r_.._...............'-"-........�_.......'-"'-«.._.._.....,.�..._._.._.»«_ �., 7-�7-7� • �'�� Notar� Ptablic................... _.Countrj, .,1fin��. . .: .. , " .;," .ht'y r,omTrtissio�t r.xpir�s..............._......_._...._........._.__.._, 19------._.. NOTF.:7he btank linew marked•'See�iote"are frrr usa whett t6e inaarument is esecuted by av attornPy fn fact.