272412 WHITE - CITV CLERK '������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council . � �CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Re solution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by adjust- ing the compensation rates for the classes of House Custodian I and House Custodian III. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section u B thereof, by striking out under tlie headi.ng, "Special Employments", the following: "House Custodian I $3. 25 an hour House Custodian III 4. g6 an hour" and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "House Custodian I $3. 75 an hour House Custodian III 5. 50 an hour" . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: -�r � PE ONNEL OFFICE Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _�___ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco �A� t 8 197'9 Form A roved y i rto Adopted by Counc� . ate � Certified Y ;sed b ounc.il Secretary � BY By, /'?.L_ 9 19�9 t�pp o by lVlavor: D � _ �N � Ap ov by Mayor for Sub i �si to Council BY - — BY `�LS�L..---. ����p ,A� 2 ? 1979 • � • ` �f .����jY✓1?'?D - - 1�' �� / . �.�� ���. GTY OF SAINT PAU ��� IN7ERDEPARTMENTAL MEMO�A '�/%�ECEIVE� `� ���'�-r�EC 2 7 i�i8 December 22, 1978 MAxflf�•�Irrt��,.�, 2"7���`� T0: Peter Hames FR: Tom Gleason�� RE: Proposed part-time rate changes 1. The figures below provide a comparison of the present rate, proposed rate and the rate obtained by adjusting the present rate by 5% for 1977, 6% in 1978 and 6% in 1979. ANNiJALLY TITLE PRESENT RATE PROPOSED RATE ADJUSTEA RATE House Custodian T $3.25 $3.75 $3.83 House Custodian III 4.96 5.50 5.85 Ski Instructor I Zst year of employment 3.00 3.50 3.54 2nd year of employment 3.75 4.25 4.42 3rd year of employment 4.50 5.00 5.31 Ski Instructor II lst year of employment 5.00 5.50 5.90 2nd year of employment 6.00 6.50 7.08 Ski Instructor III 7.50 8.00 7.95* Ski Instructor Trainee 2.75 3.25 3.24 Library Aide lst year of employment 2.30 2.60 2.58** 2nd year of employment 2.55 2.85 3.01�* 3rd year of employacent 2.80 3.10 3.30** 4th year of employment 3.05 3.35 3.60** *1979 adjustment only **adjusted in 1978 and 1979 2. The base salary for Park Aide will not be increased. The 25� an hour additional for each 400 hours of employment amounts to a 7 and 6.25% increase respectively. 3. The Presidential Wage Guidelines do not apply to rates of less than $4.00 per hour. None of these increases, if ad�usted annually, would exceed the President's Guidelines. ^' , , Do not _de�aGh �this memor�andum from the � -�s7iution so that thts information wi11 be • t�s �i: 12/�9�5 ` ' avaiiabie to the City Councii. �r.: -_sl�l�6 � : $�s��. oF ant�is�vs��o�s. ���'��� .�.�..._._.�. ��_._._._ ��r.�s, � o��a�s . . IFnI � 1��1�• I � ��ittat November 20, 1978 F���:�I�IE� T0= MAYOR GEOR�� LATIMEIt L�.� � J `197� FR: Pexsonus�, �ffic� �YOR'3 G�o'e^1�:.� �3s R�a�lut� fo-r submiaeiott ta C3tp Council . . . ' �✓, I1C'�T� ll�&STF�A:: . , Wa ��C�m�d_�our spprov�al amd submiesio� Q� this Regolu��.oa to the�:Cit�r Couacii. Q� �� � ���� �� �����: /� ��1 �.EG�� � �11�1����11� �I I �11�� w �++1� w1 1 'r /� � - . . . . . . . y�%1 This Resoa;utioa adjusts the h urly rates f gay fo House Cu am S a;n.d , �iouse �ustodi.an LTI, from $3. 25 a.nd $4. 6, to $3. 75 and �5.�0 resgectively. The cu�rexrt rates have not been adjusted since these titTes were �s#,al�ished _ in �'ebruary of 1975. : � Theee adjuet�nents have beea requested by the Civi� Center;Au�ority, _ � , . �..�...�s,. r Resolu#on a.nd copy for the City Cierk. : - _ << . : ; . , _ .;;;:-�� �;;. " CI�'Y O�+ SAIi\'T P.E�.UL =; ,:�•� � { ��� -� � L;� �, OFFTCE OF THF CIT�._' COIII�'CZL .�� � �;;: 1 :. 2"������ � :�4, « :-�� y: . _ - � Qa t e : �anuary 8, 1979 �:.. ;`��`� «,;� _ GOMiVIITTEE � E PO �'`� T4 : Soint Pau[ City Councii �- �ROM � Committee o,n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL Ruby Hunt���,chairman, mvkes 1'he fotlorling _ report on C.F. [� Orcfic�ance . (12) �] Resotution �� Other . � TtTLE : - The Finance Corr�nittee, at its meeting of January 8, 1979, recoinmended � approval of the following: . 1 . Resolution establishing titles �of and class specifications for Economic Development Specialists I, II, I�II and IV. 2. Resolution amending class specification for Payroll Supervisor III by in- y cluding in the duties and responsibilities the Water Department Payroll . Supervisor position. - 3. Resolution establishing new title and specifications far Medical Assistant - in Grade 14 to replace the titles of Clinic Aide and Health Service'Aide II. 4. Resolution replacing ciass specifications for Refectory Attendant and Refectory Helper with new specifications which reflect a change in the min- imum qualifications section concerning educationa] requirements for these . positior�s. 5. Apprenticeship program for new Firefighters which a7so changes the Discharge and Reduction Section of the Civil Service Rules. � 6. Resolution amending $alary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, striking out the wage rate for Park Aide I and Park Aide II and estab7ishing the wage rate for Park Aide. 7. Resolution amending the Special Employments section of the Civii Service Ruies, establishing the title of Park Aide to replace the titles of Park Aide I and Park Aide II. 8. Resolutian adjusting the rate of pay for the title of Library Aide in the. Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by adjusting the com ensation rates for the Ski Instructor series of titles. +�'`5�. ` :'� ; �� , � .�ror.�..�d.�: �..�, ., .,... �> . � ..�� . ., . �,...�, ...�.:�� �, - ,. • '•a�` �.. .�:�s� , .. : . . � � �«. :r k' . 11 . CommunTty Development Mid-Year Review - revised budgets provided by the City to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implement'ation of a portion of the City's Community Development Program. 12. Extension of HRA Contract for support services for remainder of CD Year IV.