272404 'NH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��:����� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Admini strative Re solution e stabli shing new title s and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 thereof, under the heading "Professional-Administrative" Group, by inserting the following titles in the grades indicated: Economic Development Specialist I Grade 5 Economic Development 5pecialist II Grade 9 Economic Development Specialist III Grade 13 Economic Development 5pecialist IV Grade 20 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in 5ection 49, in proper alphabetical order, tlze attached class �.,: specifications for the titles of Economic Development Specia],ist I, Economic Development 5pecialist II, Economic Development Specialist III, and Economic Development Specialist IV. Approved: Chairman Civi.l Service Com ssion COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �r PER ONNEL OFFICE Hozza- In Favor - Hunt � Levine __Q�__ A gai n s t BY Maddox Showalter Tedesc ' 8 �� Form pproved b 't rney Adopted ouncil: Date � C . c Ce ied Yass y Council Secretary BY t�ppr by 17avor: Dat �- ,lpH 1 9 19T9 Appr d by Mayor for ub ission to Council � By _ BY �us�t�t�o JAN 2 ? 1979 J � . { Title of class: � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEti'T SPECIALIST I ���� ' DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perfarms as a trainee entry-level prafessional work assistiag in the promotion of, faci].it,ation of, and preparation of proposals for industrial, co�aerical and housing development projects; and performs related duties as required. Sunezvision Received: Works under the close supervision of a higher level Econamic Development Specialist. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in researching financial packages for development projects by invesCigating the possibility of utilizing loans, grants or bonds. Assists in researching development opportunities to developers of industrial, commercial and residential establishments. Assists in perfarming market analyses of proposed sites. Assists in providing technical assistance to commercial, industrial and residential developers in the areas of finance, zoning, land acquisition, site location, land disposition, public services, or other types of assistar.ce needed for project development. Assists in the disposal of surplus city property. Assists in setting up local developnent corporations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of real estate, finance, land acquisition, disposition, marketing and related areas. Some knowledge of industrial, co�ercial, and residential property development. Some knowledge of government processes, city planni�g, and economic � research. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduatian with ma�or course work in Finance, Real Estate, Econoanics, Marketing, or related fieids. Tit].e of class: ��,�� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work promoting, facili- tating and preparing proposals for industrial, commercial and housing development projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a higher level Economic Development Specialist. 5upervision Exercised: May exercise technical supervision over interns and trainees as assigned. 3'YPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in drawing up financial packages for develapment projects by securing loaas, grants, or bonds. Assists in promoting development opportunities to developers of industrial, commercial, and residential establishments. Provides technical assistaace to commercial, industrial, and residential developers solving routine problems in the areas of finance, zoning, land acquisition, site location, land disposition, public services, or other types of assistance needed for project development. Performs market analyses of proposed development sites. Disposes of surplus city property. KNOWL�DGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of industrial, commercial, and residential property development. Considerable knowledge of real estate, finance, land acquisition, disposition, marketing and related areas. Working knowledge of government processes, city planning, and economic research. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Working ability to identify problem areas and solve them quickly and efficiently. MIN7Z:UM QUALIFICATIONS � College graduation with �a�or course work in Finance, Real Estate, Economics, Marketing or related fields and two years' experience as an Economic Development Specialist I or equivalent. � Title of class: � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST III ���� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o.f Duties: Perfor�cs responsible professional work pro- moting, facilitating and preparing complex proposals for industrial, commercial and housing development projects; acts as pro3ect manager of development projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit or division head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise technical and administrative super- vision over lower level development specialists and interns. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may nat include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Researches and analyzes building sites and makes recommendations to pro3ect managers. Provides assistance to developers in the financing of development pro�ects by securing loans, grants or bonds. Promotes development opportunities to developers of industrial, com- mercial, and residential establishments. Provides technical assistance to industrial, commercial, and residential , develogers solving difficult problems in the areas of finance, zoning, land acquisition, site location, land disposition, public services, or other types of assistance needed for project devalopment. Assists in monitoring all phases of neighborhood commarcial, housing, and industrial development projects in order to ensure that city plans and policies are followed. Acts as the pro3ect manager of selected development projects. Provides assistance in the marketing of revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of St. Paul. Coordinates the efforts of project managers, designers, real estate agents, community service commissions, legal consultants for the city, and others in order to draw up praject proposals. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of real estate, finance, land acquisition, disposition, marketi.ng and related areas. Considerable knowledge of industrial, residential, and commercial property development. Considerable ability to create imaginative and innovate packaging proposals for developers. Considerable ability to analyze and direct developnent plans. Considerable ability to deal tactfull.y and effectively with public and private regresentatives. Considerable knowledge of government processes, city planning, and economic research. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. � Considerable ability to identify problem areas and solve them quickly and efficiently. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with major course work in Finance, Rea1 Estate, Economics, Marketing or related fields and two years' experience as an Economfc Development Specialist II or equivalent or four years' experience as an Economic Development Specialist I cr equivalent. „ .. ass: N 1�`3�� Title of cl ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST IV DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional and supervisory work directing, reviewing and participating in the promotion of, facilitation of, and preparation of complex proposals for industrial, commercial and housing development projects; acts as project manager of complex development pro3ects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or departmen.t head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over lower level. grofessional, technical and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes, establishes priorities and delegates the work of employees involved in economic development projects. Monitors economic development projects in order to ensure that City plans and policies are followed. Provides technical assistance to industrial, commercial and residential developers in the areas of finance, zoning, land disposition, public services, or other types of assistance needed for project development. Provides assistance in the marketing of revenue bonds by the Port Autharity of the City of Saint Paul. Acts as the project manager of selected developmental projects. Provides assistance to developers i.n� the financing of development pro�ects by securing loans, grants, or bonds. Promotes development opportunities to developers of industrial, commercial, and residential establishments. Researches and analyzes building sites and makes recommendations to pro3ect managers. Prepares H.R.A. Board reports. Monitors, manages, and reports on the Technical Assistance Grant Program or other prograns. � ' Presents resolutions on revisions of city ordinances and zoning to the City Council. Coordinates the efforts of project managers, designers, real estate agents, conmunity service co�missions and others in order to draw up pro3ect proposals. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of real estate, finance, land acquisition, disp�sition, and marketing, or related areas. Thorough knowledge of industrial, residential, and commercial property development. Considerable ability to create imaginative and innovative packa.ging pro- posals for developers. (continued on reverse side) � µ ECONOMIC DEVELOP�T SPECIALIST. IV (continued) Considerable ability to analyze and direct development plans. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and delegate work. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable knowledge of government processes, city planning, and economic research. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College. graduati.oa with major course work in Finan.ce, Real Estate, Marketi.ng, Economics, or related fields and two years' experience as an Economic Development Specialist III or equivalent. \ �--° �iI'�'X OI�' ►�A3�'T �AU'T� ,�'� � .`.''.:�'.� '.;;� •�(_.t � �?_- OFF'ICE OF THF. CIT:l COIII�T��L 2�2�� �� �-.,�,.� .�: _;.� .; .j.j,,, :� . .li� ._191• ..1 i+� �.a�-; . ;�`":.��'�-_ '?• . . - . '' January 8, 1979 .., Date : •'�;,�, •>,,:�.: COMiVIITT � E RE PaR `� T0 : Soint Pau! Ci�ty Council .- F R O M � C o m m i t�e e O�Ct FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PER50NNEL Ruby Hunt���,chairman, makes the fottowing . report on C.F. [� Orclin�nce (12) [� Resotution :[� Othec . . . T' tTLE : - The Finance Committee, at its meeting of January 8, 1979, recoinmended � approval of the follawing: - ...... A..4'..i�?:SVi '.M.�'f^;i /"+.'dhP!.:� .�i..,�. .n...:.:� - �'ey� y��Y� y���t�SY�;Y,�, ty ,�"�(j ��p� � . �W M�+Pi r�V+vaiF �'MiT��"W��T��'� ..!?1fr y� { �*"� .. � :,ii,�'' „��,.�y.,�a�.,f.N al.��-��`°?,�' ��.��'`�� `°�� 2. Resolution amending class specification for Payroll Supervisor III by in- ~ cluding in the duties and responsibilities the Water Department Payroll . Supervisor position. • 3. Resolution establishing new title and specifications for Medical Assistant in Grade 14 to replace the titles of Clinic Aide and Health Service Aide II. � 4. Resolution replacing class specifications for Refectory Attendant and Refectory Helper with new specifications which reflect a change in the min- imum qualifications section concerning educationa7 requirements for the�e . positions. 5. Apprenticeship program for new Firefighters wFiich also changes the Discharge and Reduction Section of the Civil Service Rules. � 6. Resolution amending $alary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, striking out the wage rate for Park Aide I and Park Aide II and establishing the wage . rate for Park Aide. � 7. Reso1ution amending the Special Employments section of the Civi] Service Rules, establishing the title of Park Aide to replace the titles of Park Aide I and Park Aide II. 8. Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for the titl� of Library Ride in the. Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by . adjusting the compensation rates for the Ski Instructar series of titles. 10. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution by adjusting the compensation rates for the classes of House Custodian I and - House Custodian III. • 11 . Community Development Mid-Year Review - revised budgets provided by the City to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the City's Community Development Program. 12. Extension of HRA Contract for support services for remainder of CD Year IV. . . {.;. . . . . .. . .. . � �ot det�ah �hl� rrt�mQrandum frpm t�e . �.'..� `;�� � �@!t�#iQ� §� ���� thl� f�#orm�#ion wJti be � c�t ��s �2/19T5- � �va��able �� ti�e �ity Counc�i� �ev.: gI81T� � �r7�r. c� ��vs�o�s �C�� : ,asso�s_ - a� �� � �: ,,. ��� , , IDA�t�: November 29, 1978 . ' RECEI'+✓�7 . D�� 2 0 i97� �: ruyoa a�� � . . . . .. . tJ��i OK'� i�C!*�l�i� . F}�: Pdx6al�lA� @���.CA , �: . Rae�ltrCion: fcz aubm�ssiQ�t ta C3ty Cvuncil , A��..�...��.��_ . We `�a�td YR►ur appro�al aud submiestaa o£ this Regal.��ioa to ths C�ty Couaci�. - , PTf�'k�3� 1�#D ,�T, �Q �,�E„F4A THIS ACTZONe This Reaolution will esta.blash the titles of aad class specifications for a aeri.�s of Economic Development�S�pecialists. Employees in these tit.les LL wil]. promote arid aseist with the irriplementation of iar�ustrial, com�tercaal. � �,d resideatial d.evelarpment projecte, They wi11 be ti.tled aad allocated to� Grades in the Professional-Administrati.ve Group as follows: Economic Development Specialist I Grade 5 ' Economic Develogrnent S�pecialist II Grade 9 � Economic Development Specia].ist III Grade 13 ; Economic Development Specialist IV Grade .20 . Th� ba-weekly salary ranges involved are as follows: : G rade 5 . g g C D E F G 10.-�rr. 15-y�. 505.00 525.00 545. 00 573. 50 601. 50 631. 50 b62. 50 682.50 7Q2.f�0 i�3', 175. 0� anaually . 18, 315.00 Grade 56?..D� . 590..:5Q ;,;;.,614:::�Q._.� . 6�4..50 77. QO 71I. 00 ?46.50 - 768.00` ?9�.50 . . � 20,62.4.OQ T4,793.00 annua]1y Grade 13 639.00 b64. 00 691.00 726.00 7 1� .04 799. 50 840. 5U 8b5.00 889.50 ' �b,571.00 a.nnually 23,206. 00- �II�'�!�:. Grade 20 • ?86.00 817. 50 850..00 892. 50 937. 00 984. 00 1,033.00 1,063.50 1,095.OE1 20;506.00 a.n�ua,1].y 28,.568.00 � � ATTACHbt�NTSz . . , d Resolution and copy #or the City Clerk. . - ;. , .: . . . . ;� _ . �. . _ . : . . � , . .-, ,.,,. _:.: . :.