272403 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY QF SAINT �PAIIL Council ����;(�� � CANARV - DEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Re solution amending the Civil Service Rules revising the class specifications for the titles of Refectory Helper and Refectory Attendant. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 49 by striking out the class specifications for the titles of Refectory Helper and Refectory Attendant, and by substituting in lieu thereof t�.e attached class specifications for the titles of Refectory Helper and Refectory Attendant. Approved: � � Chairman Civi1 Service C missio COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �Btrtler PE ONNEL OFFI E Hozza In Favor Hunt I.evine a __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedes �-° Adopted Counc� : Date �a � g 19� Form pprove y C�t rne � C C ified Y-_ •ed by Council Secret y BY � 9 19 App o by Nlavor: D ,p1N � f1PP � by Mayor for Su s otia-to Council B . � JAN 2 ? 1979 _ ��� :' ' � Title of class: REFECTORY ATTENDAIvT DESCRIP'TION OF WORK General Statement of Duties; Performs routine food service work in the operation of a park refectory; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works undez the general supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Sells refreshments,. including Iunches, sandwiches, and fountain specialities. Sells beer. Makes sandwl.ches, fountain specialities, coffee, etc. Sells tickets. Accounts for cash. Assists in taki.ng inventories. Cleans and keeps counters and equipment in a sanitary condition. Makes out daily cash reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working skill in making sandwiches, fountain specialities, coffee and other refreshments. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public. Working ability to follow written and oral instructions. MINIMUM QUALIEICATIONS Must be a least nineteen years of age. � � �72��- � Title of class: REFECTORY HELPER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine food service work in the operation of a park retectory; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisar. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Sells refreshments in a park refectory. Replenishes showcases and cooling tanks with necessary 3tock. Cleans and keeps counters and equipment in a sanitary condition. Checks parcels. Takes inventory. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES � Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public. Working ability to follow written and oral instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS None. ' � ���� . � CITX OF S.h.ii\'T PAUL ,;;,�`� �, r.� ���;1 �.. OFF'ICE OF THE CIT:l COIII�'CZL 2��-t�� : ::� �? ��_:� z - �, :: ,;.sa . fy:. •`' �����: . � January 8, 1979 .��_-..=�` D ct t e ; ��::,�.:: .: � C 0 [U �Vi 1 T 7' E E R E P Q � �` T0 : Soint Paul Ci4y Council F R O M � C o m m i tfi e e O�t1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL i Ruby Hunt I�,chairman, makes the follo�rii�g _ report on C.F. [� Urc�in�nce (�2) �y] Resolution - . r� Other � . � . T' tTLE : - The Finance Committee, at its meeting of January 8, 1979, recoinmended � approval of the following: - 1 . Resolution establishing titles of and class specifications for Economic � Development Specialists I, II, I�II and IV. 2. Resolution amending class specification for Payroll Supervisor III by in- y cluding in the duties and responsibilities the Water Department Payroll . Supervisor position. - 3. Resolution establishing new title and specifications for Medical Assistant - in Grade 14 to re lace the_ titles of Clinic Aide and Health S, ry', �, Aide II. �. � , ._ , . , . �;,, �, _ � ���� � �,�, �;: - �: - . " . . , �� .._... . ���, _... , . 5. Apprenticeship program for new Firefighters which also changes the Discharge and Reduction Section of the Civil Service Rules. 6. Resolution amending $alary Plan �and Rates of Compensation Resolution, striking out the wage rate for Park Aide I and Park Aide II and estab7ishing the wage rate for Park Aide. 7. Resolution amending the Special Employments section of the Civil Service Rules, establishing the title of Park Aide to repiace the titles of Park Aide I and Park Aide II. 8. Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for the title of Library Aide in the. - Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by adjusting the compensation rates for the Ski Instructar series of titles. 10. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution by adjusting the compensation rates for the classes of House Custodian I and - House Custodian III. - 11 . Community Development Mid-Year Review - revised budgets provided by the City to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the City's Community Development Program. 12. Extension of HRA Contract for support services for remainder of CD Year IV. �r , � . . :� , -, y ' Oo not detach tt�is rnerr�orar�dum frt�ir►. ��e � - resolution so #ha# tM�is inforr�tion wNt be ` � £ ' 8 v a l i a�b l e t o t h e C�t y C o u n c i 1. � �i: � � . - 8�r�: � k .. . , "81L�S,ApT : �' �I.S�RA�VS'f� ' � RB�SO?�i3'1''t41��:,� Ali� t�B3i , �It'�s: November 20, 1978 . RECE��O�� ; . ` C��� � �J '�J7� T�t MAYOR GF�ORGE LATIMEIt , ��o��� o��ic� P`.�: Parscnwel� 0��l.c� � � � R�s �i►soluti�cm for aubmissioa ta C3tq Couacil . /1��T�('�T , .�STBD z _ - ' We �sGe�wead you►= approval aad subtnission of thie Resal�ti.oa to �h� Citq Council. . P ASR A� �ATION�E FO�t TBIS ACTION: .... .. .�.-.... .. ,. . . _..., , This Reso�ution replaces the class specifications far Refectox}r A�tendant a,nd R.efectory Helper with new cl�.ss specifications which are written in the aew �ormat a.nd reflect a change in the mi.nimvxn q�alifications sectioa co�cer�,i.ag educatioaal requirements for these positions. , , � �� ��i+�rr ��I��i�.�w� � . . _ . . .. . � ' . . Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. ' _ � y ����� • Title of class: REFECTORY ATTENDANT Dutie� and aresponsibilities: Under s�pervision, to assist in the operation of a park refectory; and to perform related work as assigned. Example s o# work performed: To se11 refreshments, incl.uding lunches, s�.ndwiches, and fountain specialiti�s. To make sandwiches� �ountain specialities, coffee, etc. To sell golf tickets. To accoun� for cash. To assist i� taking inventori.es. To keep coux�ters and equipment in a clean and sanitary conditi4n. Minimum qual,ifications: Eighth-grade educati,on. Must be at least 19 years of age. • • Effective September 21, 1970 _ � • ����� • Title of class: REFECTORY HELPER �Duties and responsibilitiese Under supervision, to wait on patrons at a park refectory or re- freshment stand; and to perform relatcd work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To sell refreshinents in a pa.rk refectory. To replenish showcases and cooling tanks with necessary �tock. To keep counters and stand in a clean�and sanitary conditian. To check parcels. Minimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education. • Related titles; Cleanup Boy Refectory Helper Refectory Attendant Waitress Refectory Manager • Asst. Manager of Park Refectories Manager of Park Refectories