D00812- - - —c�vc�e�x .— -- - -- - - xa. iA1�7L��Z .- — _ - Fivance Dept. Date � - �_ _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) • — - Engineer (HGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPHSn CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATPVE ORDER for CONTRACT CI�ANGE AGREEMENT NO. Cpl.g ADMINISI'RATIVE ORDER, Whereas, addiGons which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demolition Excavation & Bridge Conctruction known as Contract L City Project No.014440 Edwazd Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the follawing: 1. Construction Change Directive (CCD) /1C1J Tumiet Bulkheads (� Bridge. Reason: Pield Condition ([Jnmapped mnnels). 2. Remove additional por[ion of Exchange Street. Reason: General wntractot overhead inadvertendy left off Change Order CP1.7. 3. CP-4 Traffic Control for Kellogg BoWevard per CP #C134. Reason: Bazricades and traffic con[rol for transition form CP-1 ro CP-4 will continue tUrough CP-0. • 4. Revisions to water line plan per CP #C 115. Reason: Tie-In of wateL line [o Aiena. 5. Sidewalk at Seventh and Kellogg per CP #C1.29. Reason: New sidewalk required now instead of dueing CP� phase. 6. Construction of skyway pier footing in CP-1 instead of CP� per CP NCl.l1. $11,000.00 434.60 15,639.25 0.00 13,409.55 17,777.70 $58,261.10 Reason: Bring pier up to Kellogg grade and save addilional wotk in median. Total ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specificafions in ffie sum of $ 58261.10 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, lmown as conuact Tr. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Centec Expansion Fund. Expa o ordin f�g Committee � Director of Civi Center � nrohitecc and wluch amount is to be financed from: /Z—z-7 19 F� 19_ �a � �9� !Z �G 19� Fdwazd Kraemer & Sons Conuactor By � F1T-"�`� Assistant to the Mayor ���n N � la1)X�7 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED V v v• N 3 4 9 0 3 C: `�'�Z,��— GREEN SHEE _ __ CANTACT PERSON S PMONE OEPARTMEM DIRE N � A � � CITY COUNdL �NmAVDAh � V ��S ��15 ' S� U� ASSIGN ATfOflNEY � CRY CLERK NUYBER FOfl IS5T 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (WiE) Q��� � BUDGEf DIPECTOR , FlN. & MGL SERViCES Dlj� 0 �� MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � �.p �.��r TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) a a� t� 3 4k. � a� co�.. � tie2_ ACTION flC-0UESTED: C��a�w O,c-c��- �8 �c� Ce,��ca�� bti1:^aerl �e�w�rd ��2Ew��� � 'L'�a;�Csr��(� �tJ� C��J; t� �rx\'F�� �pa�s�Et� a � aECOMMENOAnIXJS: Aw�wa (A) or Reject (R) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANS�NER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG CAMMISSIDN _^ CIYIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worketl urWer a coMract for this departmeM7 - _ CIB CAMMffTEE 7'� 4I�.�'sn5 a'� �^W" YES "NO _ STn� _ 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a c�ry employee? YES NO _ DISTNICT CAUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curteM ciry employeel SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green ahoet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, Whet. WhBn, Where, Why): ��� � ^ t {� t "� y tl�6 >>> 6 ' ����� eee ��� f � /''' C �l 1 .� r L .l l 4� ����\ �.a�.�1a� tlS l� s��� 1� ���i}l� �"'^wC+ ��r�`�\ flEC �9 199`a� ���� a��d��. DVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �7��raG'� W � �` b� G� �\F�'� Ca�c4c-�'�/ / DISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � °'�� R�CEVVED RECEIVED JAN - 81996 �EC 2 6 1995 CITY CLERK, CITY ATTORNEY DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� C�v�'FCaL� u��\� (�o� bE G�YI�I.�IE Li���r�l�a,ytp�-S J OTAL AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION $ ��� �' �` y � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE `—TP��a�Q�aEr'�SCcV.tn�lt.Si�X1�� ACTIVITVNUMBEH c 1�L'���3��0�1� - ��C� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) �( t� � . _ t�00S i 2 -- - ��„����� - _ • C� PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer 8 Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Bumsville, MN 55337 Original ContractAmount: $5,317,785.70 CO No. C1.1 C12 C1.3 C1.4 C1.5 C1.6 C1.7 C1.8 Subtotal Deduct .00 Add 14,844.30 7,104.85 28,810.80 9,928.70 24,241.68 96,260.00 38,228.40 58,261.10 �277.679 83 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 4 December 1995 CP-1 Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction 29 March 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $5,595,465.53 • • November 3, 1995 . ___ . . � _.'__ ►�8�2 � __ _ � � enwaRn ri� �!C ER � ,,�:,��: . �. IN . NOV 6 13a5 �:C C. L� • $US3Il 70IlPS CPMT c% St . Paul Civic Center. I.A. O'Shaughnessy Pla St. Paul, MN 55102-1299 RE: C.P. 1, St. Paul Civic Center Demolition, Excavation and Bridge Consiruction Aear Susan: The cost for removal of a portion of Exchange Street on CP 1.7 - Item 1, does not include our overhead markup as shown in my cover letter of 7uly 10, 1995. I missed this when I signed the Contract Change Agreement. Please issue a change ozder for 820 sy @.53/sy =$434.60. If you should have any quesuons, please call me at (612)890-2820. Sincerely, J P/��� ° � 7erry A Volz Regional Operations Manager cc: Bob Beckel, EKS • _ - _-. .. . . CONSiRUCiION DIVISION � 1020 WEST CLIFF ROAD BURNSVILI.E, MINNESOTA 55337 612-890-2820 �AX: bl 2-890-2996 MEqudOpponmayEmpbyer —w... � � � • !� ; C:QN."TFCAGSOR'S PROPO"SR-L Contractor Proposa! No.: f ` / Projeci: Saint Pa ,I Civic Cenrer 1 �m Z ������ �°�,���� t A change in the scope of the work is reques2ed as indicated below: 1 2. It is requested the compie2ion date be ( 1 extended, ( y decreased, () unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be �/! . Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabiel. (Reference RFP No.: • CCD No.: - FO No.: � Contract 3. Basis f payment: (Check one) �rtn prica for performing this change is .. Z-� �,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 \ o00 Adequate supporting datails and information tincreased educt) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per conuaci, but not to exceed S () Actual cost at compietion of work S Su6mitted hy: ���� �+*�"-� � t� � D�te: 10 s � Conuactor � � A� Contractor Sign re FaR CFMI USE 1. Action Recommended: (Check onel � ( 1 Change will not be made. Exptain: 2. CPMI Job No.: 3225 �rocaed on tfie following basis: �s indicated above, change and 6asis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, 6asis of payment is not acceptabie. ( 1 Basis of payment shall be S ( 1 The foliowing modification is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptabie with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in comptetion date. Reasonfor Change: `�. () Design Change ( 1 Client Request ��e(d Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Oesign Omi sion or Other texplainl 3. is this a part of the originaai contract scope? O YES h0 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E co�sulted. �Y,ES ( ) NO (/'//�� f Prepared by: v �`� `�— CPMq Approved by �HGAI / L / Approved by �, "��� / �'�L IOwnerl Approved cc: �.nns nansen oaKe naKer Etiks Wdins 3225- Date• 0 9 Date• Oate: �� �zT� � %S — 3225- 8L � . . ` J - --- ��:��i���AU� �-_y (�'�0$IZ AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4, 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 � BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-� 142 ��`�� August 14, 1995 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West CliffRoad Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Jerry Voiz, Regional Manager Subject: Buikhead Existing Tunnels Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Construction Deaz 7erry: � During installation of the 24" storm line down ICellogg Boulevazd, we encountered and bulkheaded a number of tunnels. Please fmd attached a sketch of the locations. 'Lhis sketch shows 22 bulkheads that were done by us. � 0 a Sincerely, 7�-� )'�,..,t�_ Michael Moeller Project Manager. S�S� — � `S So� � � -�.,..�.�,.�,, ��, ��-� �. C o,.ti�-t cv,� �� c�. - 3 LS � � �S s.. � I_ t��.. � Ctia.... `� oen �°-"- � T.�.:. .T�. . C,ac�r �•-�r-- M Fqua[ Opportuniry Finployer OFFICES IN: DENVER, COIARADO • PHOENIX, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH <-- . ,. �.' �_-_� _ � �`" << �5 L"�, ��� 2. :=- --- -__ _ - - : - - ��C�� - - �uov �. � isss /�,c� � C�QN>TRr.4.CT,0R'S PR�OaSA:L. ! Contractor Proposal No.: "� � Projeci: SafniPaul Civic Canrer IL is requested the complerion date be (+e�extended, O decreased, (� hanged 6y _ caiendar days. The adjusted cnmplenon daie wili be 'O A change in che scope Of the woric is requested as indicated below: 2. Oescription of the change: IRefer io drawings, speciiications, addenda, if appiicable). (Referenca RF? No.: G�•34 : CCD No.: • FO No.: 1 3. Basis ot payment: (Check one) a5 (.I�Firm prica for Perfortning this change is ....................................S �3 ^ Adequate supporting detaiis and information (increase Oeductl musz be attached to ailow Owner to evaluate. (� T ime and maienai per canaaci, but not to exceed S t) Actual casz ai compievon of work S Submitted by: `DwASZi> ��a.v,.,az. �5,,,�a Oate: \� � c Conttactor • 2. Conuactor Action Recommended: (Check one) (� Change will �ot be made. Exptain: ConLracz C?MI Job Na.: 3225 ( 1 Proc2ed on the fof{owing basis: ( 1 As indicated a6ove, change and basis oi payment is accaptable. () Change is acceptabie, basis or payment is not accapiabfe. t) Basis of payment shall be S I) The foilowing modification is recammended: ( 1 Change in compleiion date is accapted. () Change is acteptabie wi2h no change in prica. () Change is accaptable wich no change in completion date. Reason for Change: ( 1 Oesign Change ( 1 Gient Reqaes2 ( 1 Feid Conditiort ( 1 Suggested by Contractor () Oesign Omission or Other (exnlainy 3. Is this a parc of tfie originaal contract scope? ( 1 YES () NO 4. 1s Contraczor's £stima2e attached? O YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E cnnsulted. ( 1 YES () NO Prepared by: CPMI) Approved bY • Approved by Ap pr o ved b ca: Chris Hansen Esiks ludins Bake Baker Nlike Pederson 3225- 3225- 6t Date• Oate Date• SAWT PAUI C1VIC CENTER EXPANSION - - - - - - i�o8�2 C� • C� BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL C1VIC CENTER EXPANSION L.460R, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERtAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERlAL, EQUlP., & FEE SUBCON7RAC70RS 5% FEE TOTALSUBCONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & IICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAIEXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTALOTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL S eo s q5z'3 — $ $^�_ 8 s S�1 ZS S �� Z41. zS S S S S S $ S S 5 S S_ gsz3 S SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION . J�-�' � � YINN u W Y WWY� NNN 000 N O O � H av rrei fVNI'� �:� . � CosT ��a.�•�.o.ilu C �-34 = �8 �� - -_ r :-�.-- - Zte.vr. i � o0 r..\ Cosr o� - 8�usz�.�z - $ go ` L' �o �T ' �SZ� ' � t.ri,,� 8.�e. .e � Z.t` No Cayc Zo P.c� "4 � N-ouc ac 4�cc awvx��t T�a.a w�.S `D.�.ctv cl c� ..� �, �•..o.+a `LRY . al CZ6�.oc.>.� 4' F.x..c� L`�`.«.,..... � �,.t. �� c��a�. ��o� � l9�' - a4 S'l _ z 4� xt�."N� 2 To�. �ra..�.. 'L � � 4 � Zoo 'S �� �a+..C.w� Zo �w.�..+.. .+.._ Q�ACc \ Z,1.0 L�- Y ^ J - - �i�D s`I� � 46 � 5 - Tew� ��.....z $�o � sc�w. 3 Z c�<.,,.�.,..o.,� �se�w� - o � \4 t°" � �-��- _ 5�0� � �� Za '= To-,>.� �s S o 8 �`" 1 S, 639� � � zo =,F � �� � � August 31, 1995 Susan dones CPMI c/o St. Paul Civic Center t.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1299 -= --- -�$i2 _ ��il�� AUG � �. ��5�� ���� � � ( f ���? A� EDWARD KR.4EMER 8� SONS, INC. Re: CP1, St. Paul Civic Center Demolition, Excavation and Bridge Construction RFP C1.15 Dear Susan: We have reviewed RFP C1.15 and have made the necessary adjustments in the water line as shown. We do not have any costs associated with RFP C1.15. Please review Ames' comments to verify if internal plumbing is done by others. If you should have any questions, piease contact me at (612) 890=2820. Sincerely, ��� �� Jerry A. Volz Regional Operations Manager enc. cc: Mike Moefler/Ames Bob Beckel/EKS Chris MunNEKS � CONSTRUCTION DIV1SlON � 1020 WEST CLIfF ROAD BURNSVILLE, MWNES07A 55337 612-890-2820 fAX� 612-890-2996 � ME9uo�OPw�u�bEm�bYer �.�•.•� � • �� - - - - - . - - l.�Q$�2 I i�r,�, � C:QN=LfGlI.G;TOR'S P`RO.PO'S-AC. Conttactor Proposal No.: �C ?rotect: Saint Paul Crvir. Czntar ConvacLNo.� CP- A change in the scope of the work is reques:ed as indicated beiow: 1. IL is requested the complerion date be ( 1 extended. ( 1 decreaszd. (�nchanged by , calendar days• The adjusted comple2ion date will be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings. specifications, addenda. if applicablel. (Reference RFP No.: C. \-2q � CCD No.: • FO No.: i 3. Basis of payment: (Check one! ss () Firtn Qrics far Qerfocming this change is ................................._..S \3 4D� ' Adequate supporting details and information ncreased eductl must be at[ached to ailow Owner to evaivate. t) l ime and material per conuaci, 6ut not to excesd S O Aczuai cosi as completion of work S 1 2. Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change wiil not be made. Expiain: C?MI Jab No.: 3225 () Procaed on the foUowing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis oi paymest is acaep2abie. () Change is accsptable, basis or payment is not accaptabie. { 1 Basis of payment shalt 6e S () The foliowing modification is recommended: ( 1 Chartge in comptetion date is accapted. O Change is accaptable with no change in price. ( 1 Change is accaptable with no change in compietion date. Reasan tor Change: O Design Change O Client Request ( i Feld Condition () Suggested by Conttactor () Design Omission or Other (expfainf 3. Is this a part ot the originaat contrac: scope? ( 1 YES () NO 4. Is Concractor's Esvmate ar[ached? ( 1 YES (� NO 5. A/E consul2ed. ( 1 YES i 1 NO Prepared by: GPN1�1 Approved by �1�GAti Approved k�y (Ownerf cc: Eriks ludi�s 3225- 3225- 9L Oata Data• Date• � .�....� n.... n.v�r rta�rCn cvDnntctnn� Submiaed by: S�n �RaC,++.�� '�+o...�`� Date: �� 1 : Contractor � • • BREAKDOWN SHEET CONSRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR �2-8 t�. 2 AO $ 5�zo �- 5'O MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED �-' 'S S �O° •� TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT S $ 4-Zo � .e l5% FEE S \ Z le3 '� TOTAL LABOR, MATERiAL, EQUIP., & FEE �� � '�'_ .\..9� �� e- S Qlo�i3 SUBCONTRAC70RS �q�l�.•�.� } $ 2�ZA•Sz 5%FEE g \ob.o'3 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS & FEE S Z�ZZ(c.SS O7HEft COSTS TRAVEL & SUBS4STENCE MATERIALS & EQUtPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS `�\n._.���'s TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAIEXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTALOTHER COSTS 70TAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL S S S S 5 S S 5 � Soo a' �joo " .� Soo g \SOO�" s \3�40� • SS SAINT PAUI CNIC CENTER EXPANSION �C�'}� l Z C� 1 November 10, 1995 AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Edwazd Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: RPP CI .29 - Provide Sidewalk on North Side of Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Consttuction Dear Jerry: . m� • We have reviewed the revised RFP No. C 1.29 conceming the additional sidewalk at the west end of the project. Following is our estimate of the grading and subgrade prepararion assuming that the concrete work is by others. Labor & Ec�upt CAT 953 Loader 743 Bobcat Foreman Laborer Total 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total with 15% • Rate $80.00 $50.00 $50.00 $27.22 Subtotal Mark-Up xten ion $160.00 $100.00 $100.00 $54.44 $414.44 $476.61 We have been asked to include the cost of removal of 3 light bases which are being relocated by the city. These are approximately 3 feet in diameter and six feet tall. The additional cost for removing these bases is as follows. An Fqual OPPOnunitY Employer OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORAt� • PHOENLY, ARIZONA • SAI.T LAKE CI1'Y, OTAH - -���� --- � Page 2 November 10, 1995 RFP C129 - Provide Sidewalk on North Side of Kellogg Boulevard Labor & Eaunt Foreman CAT 235 Backhoe Laborer Material Dump Chazge per load Total 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 Rate $50.00 $125.00 $27.22 Subtotal $72.00 Subtotal Extension $200.00 $500.00 $108.88 $808.88 $144.00 $144.00 Total with with 15% Mark-Up 51,643.91 • The total cost is therefore $2,120.51. We are assnnung that this work would be done in conjunction with our other work presently under contract. Obviously, we have not included any costs for frost ripping or snow removal which could be involved depending on the tiining of the authorization. If there are any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, �� �� Michael Moeller Project Manager. • � _ ; �$C2. �= - � _.��� �. . _ , �LL. _ _ �������� � • u EDWi4RD August 31, 1995 `AUG � �- ��g� � ER ��� rNC. � Susan Jones CPM4 c/o St. Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1299 Re: CP1, St. Paul Civic Center Demolition, Excavation and Bridge Construction RFP C1.11 Dear Susan: � We will perform the extra work outlined in RFP G1.11 at the established contract unit prices. We concur with HGA revised quantities with the exception of the rebar quantities. RFP C1.11 ADDITIONAL COST BREAKDOWN Structural Concrete (1 A43) Structural Excavation Reinforcement Bars (Epoxy) Reinforcement Bars Qty. Unit Change Price 55.0 CY $ 180.00 65.0 GY $ 20.00 3,736-LB $ 0.50 10,466 LB $ 0.45 Total $ 9,900.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,868.00 $ 4,709.70 Totaf Change $ 17,777.70 • Please review and if you should have any questions, please contact me af (612) 890-2820. Dt ��� �� .�,�,�,., Sincerely, ��� ���_ ������ �. �� v ��s� Jerry Volz Regional Operations Manager �j0 g2fJ �2�{� cc: Sob BeckellEKS ZZ �{�'`t �`�) Chris Munn/EKS �� `� CONSTRUCib -��'�� � -�' --�'��' )020 WESTCLIFFROAD BURNSVILLE, MINNESC � �� � w l � G �, I� ��,w�� �'�et`e-�'✓L+u _t I 1 � � 6 f� �' !_I : � • • �Q G-T. O R' S P R Q P O S A C Projeci: Saint Paul Civic Cenrer ContracL No.: G Q- 1 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicaced be4ow: i � It is requested the completion date be ( 1 extended, f) decreased, (y'unchanged 6y _ calendar days. The adjusted compietion date witi be Description of the change: {Refer to drawings, specitications, addenda, if applicabie). (Referencs RFP No.: L�� �� • CCD No.: � FO No.: 1 3. Sasis of payment: (Cfieck one) () Rrm price for performing this change is ....................................5 �����.�� Adequate supporting details and infiormation reased eductS must be attached to aliow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S ( 1 Actual cost at complevo� of work S 1 2. Action Recommended: (Check one) i) Change wiil not be made. Expfain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Proceed on the foilowing basis: S 1 As indicaied above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. ( 1 Change is accaptable, basis of payment is not acceptabie. i) Basis of payment shali be S () The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accapted. ( 1 Changa is acceptab{e with no change in prica. {) Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. Reasonfor Change: ( � Design Change ( 1 Gient Request (} Field Condition () Suggested by Conttactor () Design Omission or Other (explainl 3. Is this a part of the originaai contracL scope? () YES ( 1 NO 4. Is Contractor's Estima2e attached? f 1 YES () NO 5. A/E consutted. i 1 Y�S ( 1 NO Prepared by: CPM11 Approved by (HGA1 Approved by (Owni Approved by: (Owni cc: Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- Bl Oa2e• Date SAINT PAUL C1VIC CENTER EXPANSfON Submitted by: ��+-�++�� v-+'w..�n.ci� �� 5+..> > Date:�o� 4C Contractor �_ . - — j- � '� II J J � L n 7 � 1 i , � i � � � �� � I t� +� V � i� ��■1 k 1 � r , �t .� � �� � J lil Z Z � t-- � w � Q N � , ;� ., . � � , i 1 � 1 � � i 4 � N i � X � � . -1 � � _-_ . . = � �`. : Efl f N � I i i�ii 1 � ��,� : t � ���� � I I (II f i f �I( 4 I I,fl I I I III ! I f If 1 I � �� � f I (I I I . • 1 ('i1 I I I (I I I � � � � � � � � �� � � � �.�� � �_ �-�, �'{ � ''� � —'� ��,! 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