272402 N�HITE - C�TV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council 2���(�� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. „� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Re solution amendi.ng the Civil Service Rules by establishing the title of Medical Assistant to replace the titles of Clinic Aide and Health Service Aide II. RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be amended in Section 6 under the headi.ng "Clerical" Group by placing a star (�) before the titles of Clinic Aide in Grade 10 and Health Service Aide II in Grade 14, and by adding at the botto�n v£ the page the following statement: ;� "This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. " ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 6 under t1�.e heading "Subprofessional" Group by inserting the title of Medical Assistant in Grade 14; and be it FiNALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be further amended in Section 49 by striking out the class specifications for the titles of Clinie ! Aide and Health Service Aide II and by substituting in lieu thereof, in proper (c ontinued) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt I.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter - Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Ado,pted k�y Council: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , , . By� /#pproved by 1+lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By _ _ BY , Title of class: MEDICAL ASSISTANT �+�"��� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs para-professional duties in support of physicians and nursing personnel in clinical and o.ffice situations; performs related dufii�es as required in one or more of the Division of Public Health programs. Supervision Received: Works under the supervision of a physician or public health� nurse. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Collects specimens and performs routine diagnostic procedures. Assists in raass screening programs. Performs administrative tasks related to patient's records, appointments, processing financial forms and reports and the collection and dissem- ination of inedical data. Assists in providing patient education, counseling and referral, taking patient h�istories and performing routine screening tasks. Performs electrocardiogra.ms, gives injections, takes vital signs, sterilizes instruments, prepares patients and examination areas for clinical activity, performs immunizations, assists with minor surgexy, bandaging ' and irrigations, performs venipunctures and assists with hematological funetions, and instructs patients on use of contraceptives, medications and related information. Assists in the maintenance and preparation of exaanina�ion areas and medical equipment, and assists with maintenance of patient charts and medical forms. Assists patient in-take staff and other ancillary personnel. Performs related clinical and office tasks as requir.ed. IQITOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of principles of disease prevention and control and public health. Working knowledge of inedical terminology, physilogy, and basic diagnostic procedures. Considerable knowledge of techniques in assisting physician and nursing personnel. Working knowledge of inedical equipment, medical records and aseptic technique. iVorking ability to deal with the public in a variety circumstances. 14orking knowledge of principles of good health promotion and life-style enhancement. Working knowledge of routine medical office procedures and administration. MINIIiUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from an accredited post-secondary level Medical Assistant program or elinical experience which provides equivalent training. 13 _ �:,�;:,�,�.. CITY OF SA.I�'T �'AUL �r+lF+"'�� ��:'r �,�;�:� ��� ��t � OFFTCE OF TF F. CI�T:t.' COIII\'Cx 'L J: ':.S �~•e t ;; :.,. +� ;� :;. `.�,,._ �.._ — 1, �' � Januar�y 8 1979 ti� �.;:.-- Dote ; ' ;, �- con� � ��r-r� E � � � oR �- T0 : Soint Paul City Cvuncii .� FROM � Committe� O,t1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT RND PERSO�tNEL Ruby Hunt�I�,chairman, makes the fotlowinc� report on C.F. �] acclinance . (12) �,] Resolution _[� Ofher . , ; . � TtTLE : � - The Finance Corr�nit�ee, at its meeting of January 8, 1979, reeommended approval of the following: . 1. Resolution establishing titles of and class specifications for Economic Development Specialists I, II, III and IV. 2. Resolution amending class specification for Payrol7 Supervisor III by in- ~ cluding in the duties and responsibilities the Water Department Payroll . Su ervisor position. - _ ��.� . �Y.,. _ . . �' s.�;��. . . '. . ; '�� ;�.;...1 ir'„N`:dL .x.�,,:. .. .�. �� , . . y . .. 4. es u �i on rep�aci ng c�ass speci�i cat�ons ��for��'efec�ory'�� �`te�i�fi��iV` an�} �'' Refectory Helper with new specifications which refiect a change in the min- imum qualificetions section concerning educational requirements for the�e positions. 5. Apprenticeship program for new Firefighters which a]so changes the Discharge and Reduction Sect-ion of the Civi1 Service Rules. 6. Resolution amending $alary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, striking out the wage rate for Park Aide I and Park Ride II and estab7ishing the wage . rate for Park Aide. 7. Resolu�ion amending the Special Employments section of the Civil ServTCe Rules, establishing the title of Park Aide to replace the titles of Park Aide I and Park Aide II. 8. Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for the title of Library Aide in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 9. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by adjusting the compensation rates for the Ski Instructor series of titles. 10. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution by adjusting the compensation rates for the classes of House Custodian F and - House Custodian III. - 11 . Community Development Mid-Year P,e�iieLV - revised budgets provided by the City to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the City's Community Development Program. 12. Extension of HRA Contract for support services for remainder of CD Year iV. . . � > ; �o not detach t�+i� is�temvrandum irom the �. • . resolutiort so that tht�s inforrnation wi!! be - .availabte to the C�3y Cpunc�. t;�.4, s /i975� - . .8llb , � �.t.�rra�. 4�` �s�t�'o�as, : .,..___r__ ,�_ x�so�vtic�ra�s, a� ��s _ �.�. . . ..�.,.� _��.�....� 8�tts: November 20, 1978 RECE�V�?'� - Tos r�,.�ox c�� �x � D�.0 2 0 '�978 P`�s Parsvoas� @F�l.ce _ h"IAYOR��o���c� &8t Rssolution fax submisaiQn ta City Cetuacii � ACT�t'�t REE�"�&T�D e ,� ,�. .. Wa rsCOmmaa�d yonr appsoval and submissio� af this Re�olu�ioa tc+ tb�e Cf,t�r Council. Pt�.4S�. A�IA RATI4NAI,E FOR 1'8I8 ACTION: ' ,w� .� r��rw .w i ��+r i i � . . . . . . This Resolution establishes the new title of Medical A�sistaaat ia� Grade 14 of the Subprofessiona.l Group, to replace the ti.:tles of Clinic A:ide i.a Grade �0, �� , aad Health Service Aide II in Grade 14 of the Glerical Grenzp. It a].so $tara (*) the titles of Cli.nic Aide and Health Service Aide II (titles abolished e�tcept :-. �., as to present i.�cvxnbents. The Resolution also replaces the class speci�.catav�a$ fvx Clinic Aide and Health Service Aide II with specifications for the title �f } ,; M�dical AsBistant. The bi-weekly salary ra.nge for the gr.adea involved iQ aa follows: � � � Clerical - Grade 10 - A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-y�r. 307. 50 320.00 332. 00 346. 50 360.00 376. 00 387. 50 398.00 407. 5Q 417.OQ '. , Clerical - Grade 14 338.50 354.00 368. 50 385. 00 400. 5U 418. 50 431. 00 441.00 450. 50 460.00 � r � . Sub»rofessioaal - Grade 14 333.00 346. 50 363.00� 3;77. 50 393. 50 411. 00 423. 00 433.00 446.00 459.00 A7��TS t� ` Res:olution and copy for the City Clerk. ��J4i�� • Title of class: CLINIC AIDE Duties and responsibilities: Und.er supervision, to assist physicxans or nurses in clinics related to special projects of the Bureau of Health; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To prepare clinic rooms by laying out instruments and supplies. � To keep clinic roorns xn order. To direct patients to proper clinic rooms and to other areas of the building. To weigh patients and do simple laboratory tests. To take and record temperatures. To give simple explanations to patients regardi.ng the clinic procedures. To assist in completing patients' charts. To take specimens to laboratory. To keep records of inedical supplies on hand and to maintain the supplies at an adequate level. To make phone calls and to answer phones. • Mini�mum qualifications: High school graduation. • Effective August 2, 1971 ��/��� • Title of class: HEALTH SERVICE AIDI II � DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs p ra-professional community outreach services in informing citizens�of available health programs and services; assists medical and dent '1 personnel in providing a variety of health services and keeping associated records; and per, forms related duties as required, Supervision Received: Works under close dministrative supervision of a unit head or immediate technical supervision of a professional health worker. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED � I The listed examples may not include all dutie� performed by all positions in this class. • Specializes in community outreach service� to organization$,groups and. individuals. Identifies, locates and contacts citizens in need of available services. Obtains and reports the ideas, complaints nd recommendations of citizens, community organizations and participan s concerning specific programs, delivery of services and possible impro ements. Assists professional staff in the delivery o health services in one or more of the programs operated by the Divisio of Public Health. Gives simple e�lanations to patients regax�ding clinic procedures; may arrange appointments. Prepares examination rooms and prepares patients for treatment, Assists professional health workers in pro iding medical and dental ser- vices by laying out instruments, taking �ind recording temperatures, weighing patients and performing simpl laboratory tests. Prepares and keeps records of necessary i formation on clients and pro- grams; prepares reports and compiles data required, Transports patients and supplies to and fro clinic sites. KNOWLEDGE5, 5KILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to take and record patient info mation such as weight and temperatur e. (C ontinr,�e d) • Effective August 16,. 1976 HEALTH SERVICE AID II I . �, HEALTH SER VICE AIDE II • (continue d) Working ability to keep records and prepare reports. Working knowledge of inethods and procedures of dispensing and gathering information on social and health programs, Working knowledge of interviewing clients and potential clients. Vlrorking knowledge of procedures for care, cleaning and handling of ined- ical supplies and instruments. Considerable ability to deal effectively with clients and general public in group settings and in a one-to-one situation. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and one years' experience as a Health Service Aide I or equivalent, and have a valid Minnesota Driver's License. • • WH17E - CITV CLERK ���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE � -�AVOR � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - alphabetical order, the attached class specification for the title of Medical Assistant. Approved: � � Chairman Civil Service Co ission� ♦ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �r � PE ONNE OFF E Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter TedesCO For Approved b Ci y tt ney Adopted by uncil• Date 1a11 1 A 19T9 c Certif . Yas- by Council Secr�tary � BY � � ` �AM 1 lappr ed by :Vlavor: D App o e by Mayor for S mi ion t�ouncil By _ BY � ��1� JAN � ? i979