272397 wHITE — c�rv cLERK PINK '� FINANCE CITY OF SAINT �PAUL Council CANARV — DEPARTMENT }� j',�{ �'.yJ ` B�LfUE a —MAVOR File NO.��,r� ���„�� / • �^�p indnce Ordinance N 0.��A�I.JI � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 60. 512 (b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning and principal uses permitted in the B-4 Central Business District, be and is hereby amended as follows: (b) Apartment Residential Uses. i�es��e���a�-eee�ga�e�-g�e���ed-}�-����d�r��s-e�-�e�� {g}-s��e��es-}�-l�e��l��-e�-��ea�e�T--��-��}��.�r��s-�se�. €e�-at}�e�-�t�s�r�ess-a�d-�es��.e���a�-eee�ga�e�T-�e �.we����g-�tr�}�-s�ia��-eee�g�-a��-ge���e�-e�-�l�e-��ee� - a�-��a�e-�e�e�-e�-�ke-€�ee�-}x�ed}a�e��-a�e�ae-�ke g�ade.---�ke-l�tte��ess-�ses-�a�-eee�g�-ar��-��e�-e� �e�a�-��ee�a*-l�ewe�e�T-r�e-b�s��ess-xaa�-�e-�eea�ee� e�-�ke-sax�e-��ee�-as-a-�es}�.er��}a�-�seT-a�s�-r�e-��ee� �te�-�e-t�����sed-�e�-��s�r�ess-gt��geses-wk�ek-}s �eea�e�-a�e�te-a-��ee�-�eed-�e�-�es��e���a�-gt��gesesT e�eeg�-�e�-a-�es�a��a��-er�-��e-�gpe��es�-��ee�: Section 2 . That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUI�TCILME[V Requested by Department of; Yeas Nays Butler � In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine 0 Against BY Maddox Show esco Form Approved by Ci At rney Ado d by Counc' . Date �p 41 � ertified sed by Cou ' S�cret y BY � By M � Appr y Mayor: Dat —� �� � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By i�ts�€b FEB 1 ? 1979 �a4�►TY o� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . ., � :_� ,+ DIVISION OF PLANNING ri �� . 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ... 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor February 8, 1979 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8358 Dear Madam: Apartment Residential Uses Text Change This letter is in regard to the proposed zoning text change which will remove all restrictions to apartment residential uses in the downtown area. Developers in the Lowertown area originally requested the removal of these restrictions . The Current Planning & Zoning Committee discussed this matter at their regular meeting on October 5, 1978. Staff recommended removal of all the restrictions except for the restrictions prohibiting residential occupancy at grade level , The purpose of this recommendation was to ensure continuous retail frontage in the downtown area. The Current Planning & Zoning Committee unanimously confirmed the staff recommendation. On November 17, 1978 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter and, after considerable discussion, recommended on a vote of 14 to 3 to remove all re- strictions to apartment residential development within the downtown. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing on this matter for February 8, 1979. Si ely, E ward J. Wa Principal P er EJ6J/gf � � . 5�.. /�cw�C, �t.i�tne�o�'..a na��.���. �;, 197� .�e;�. a;? I'.Ca�-t,v,.ru an.d �C.QIZOf'..t.G 17eUP.l.U(.i.�"LPlLf 427 GJQ,frcv.���,a S��ee�. � S-t. /�cur.C, li�i,rutc�isa� 5570� C�er�.t.(.e.�cen: G,�e, �he �:�ejvfi��v� a� �i�.� �?o��a,tawrL 12e.i..�lt.(;a�il�ocrd Ca�f.i:t.trarz, c;a.�z,� ��cu -t� �,r�.6e� th� r�e �'a,�ve e cycecLt .i�h�� � -r,fae �ra c,uu� a� �e cLZend:�ervt �iara�ecl Sec:e:.i.o2 &0.572 (�'� ,��.z.ti.�e:�. f?e�r..de►zti.c..L G'.�e�r. u�e ;'_ee.L �h�x�t �he �ie�%�,z.i.c�i:�.att a� ryLCr�c�aec' -t;n. S�C??C>fZ E0.512 (�€i� �tr.ac� .3e ,z.er:�vtre�l - a��:s� a 1z.e�.�.der��..i.c.,L cJU�. j=c��i.rt.�a r��:c a� de��ed and needed an, a.ru� .L�.�r�.1. c�� d .�r•�!.iJ..di.^,.c-,. 1'�if�,c� � r��av��i62 �:o cLl.f.r�r;r a�u,� �,.c�t;e�� a� .�.�- ;;.:�e� �:.;-� �.;a .G-e d.u.d�ed an ,i�uli.v.i..cluct,L .lrais.i.�. . �2��ec�f.E'rc!,U�:, , �, ' �= ��.2�-,�.,;� , i'�:� �<'i� � 1lervzi� f{cu��n, P��e��ule.�u .�ac�rr�.�ara�n tce.%.�.r:,;:a�ihaac� (:aa,t,i.i.t.an c>/ec ,�1� �;,,- j��, , �,,,,, , . ���� .:� f� a� �S� . - d ;� � w,>'��'f�� ,j�� :�� �,ff * . . . �I�,�' �� � � ,;" ,� � . � � , I,,/ � , f ,J . ' �,� , ��� ���fr?i ,` �> .. ...� . a :'�?�'1t. :f�i.; . � . . ,�! g..'t.,i � . . ^ �� . ',a � � city of saint paul � � � � � � � � planning commission resolution . . file number '$-46 �te November 17, 1978 � � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Planning Corrnnission authorized the initiation of a 40 Acre Study to amend chapters 60 and 64 of tt�e St. Paul Legislative Code at their regular meeting on September 8, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning & Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendment and has recommended it to the Planning Comnission for approval ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission of the City of Saint Paul has caused legal notice of a public hearing to be published on October 20, October 27 and November 3, 1978- pursuant to Minnesota Statute 362.357(5) for purposes of amending the Zoning Ordinance; and • WHEREAS, pursuant to said chapter 462.357(5) the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the requested amendment at its regular meeting on November 17, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions `affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendment to this ardinance proposed is related to existing �land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That proper notice and hearing have been given pursuant to state statutes; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that all restrictions found after Section 60.512(b) Apartment Residential Uses be deleted as follows: SECTION 60.512(b) Apartment Residenti,al .Uses: � , Res��e���a�-eeEa�apEy-�wev�ded-��-�a������s-e€-€eaw-44�-s�e��es-�p-�e�Q��-er �wea�ew:--��-�������gs-��ed-€e�-r�}�ed-�as��ess-a��-wes}de���a�-eee��a�e�;-�e �we}}���-a�a��-sha��-eeea�y-apy-�9P��@19-e€-�We-€�ee�-a�-gwade-�e�e�-s�-�qe €�esw-�r�r�ed�a�e�y-aHeve-�be-Qwa�e.---�Fbe-�ds�pess-ases-may-e�ew�y-ap�r-�a�+ber� maved by Bryan �eCO�ied by Cochrane in favor- against�_ _ �-• ' , . ,� city of saint paui pianning commission resolution � fiie number �$-46 date N�vPmhPr 1 Z, 147R _, e€-�e�a�-��eers;-qewevew;-�s-�a���ess-�ay-�e-�eea�ed-e�-�be-sa�e-€�ee�-as a-wes��e���a}-�se;-a��-pe-��es�-r��y-�e-������ed-€ew-�as�pess-����eses-wl��eh �5-�eea�e�-a�e�e-a-��eew-ased-€ew-wes�de���a�-�bw�eses3-e�ee��-�e�-a wes�abwa��-e�-�he-b��ewr�es�-��eew: and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. - � , moved by.�an _ seconded by ���hrane _ in favor �14 against 3 , ` '.••���•.' ���: ,P CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM . DATE: November 7, 1978 T0: Current Planning & Zoning Committee FROM: Edward J. Warn - Zoning Staff SUBJECT: 40 Acre Study for Zoning Text Change on Apartment Residential Uses � Section 60.512(b) Resolution for your review and recomnendation to the full Commission. Zoning File No. 8359. The proposed change in the requirements for Apartment Residential Uses (affects B-4 and B-5 zones only) represents a portion of the 40 Acre Study that the Planning Co�nnission initiated on September 8, 1978 (Resolution 78-28�. The Planning Gorr�nission set the publ�c hearing date for tfiis item on Novem6er 17, 1978. Notice of this public hearing has been printed in the St. Paul Dispatch�-Pioneer Press on October 20, October 27, and November 3, 1978. Notice of this hearing has also been sent to all interested citizerrs on the early � warning list and the members of Opera�ion '85, a downtown business group. The reasons for this change are: 1 . This change will allow economically feasible� re-use of existing � buildings within the downtown area. Developers claim that many existing buildings, particularly in the "Lowertown" area, are not suitable for 100% residential use and must have some business in order to sustain the economic feasi6ility of the property. For example, some buildings generally suita6le for residential cannot be comwletely (economically) conver�ed to residential 6ecause of the existence of party walls or deadend walls. 2. The City Architect's office has pointed out that existing building code requirements will eliminate any "unsafe" situations involving access, light, air, fire, etc. 3. The reason for leaving the prohibition against grade level occupancy in mixed business and residential structures is to help ensure . "continuous retail frontage" called far in downtown planning efforts. In fulfillment of Minnesota Statute 462.357, Su6division 5, the staff advi:ses the Current Planning & Zoning Committee and the Planning Commission: 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected 6y this change, i .e. the entire downtown area, renders the obtaining of written consents impractical . 2. That the downtown area currently zoned B-4 or B-5 consists of approximately 382 acres, u�hich is in excess of 40 acres. �;x.�� Current Planning & Zoning Committee � Page 2 November 7, 1978 3. That this change is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan for the future of downtown and the current downtown planning e�forts. 4. That proper notice and hearing have been given pursuant to state statutes. EJW/gf � . " CITY OF SAINT PAUL ti��C`T Y O� yi x DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIe DEVELOPMENT ; =» , DIVISION OF PLANNING '�p �° 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ..• 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor September 28, 1978 T0: Current Planning & Zoning Commi tee FROM: Ed Warn - Zoning Staff RE: Zoning Text Amendments . (40 Acre Study - Planning Commission Resolution 78-28, Zoning File No. 8358) I recommend that you separate the "apartment residential uses" portion of the referenced 40 Acre Study and send it to the Planning Commission for public hearing. The reasons for this recommendation are: 1 . There is a bonafide sense of urgency on this matter in the interests of continuing downtown residential development. 2. The remaining .portions of the 40 Acre Study are not urgent. 3. The remaining portions of the 40 Acre Study, particularly those dealing with nonconforming uses and structures will require a considerable amount of staff time. � EXISTING SECTION 60.512(b) Npartment Residential Uses: "Residential occupancy provided in buildings of four (4) stories in height or greater. In buildings used for mixed business and resi- dential occupancy, no dwelling unit shall occupy any portion of the floor at grade 1eve1 or the floor immediately above the grade. The business uses may occupy any number of total floors; however, no business may be located on the same floor as a residential use, and no floor may be utilized for business purposes which is located above - a floor used for residential purposes, except for a :restaurant on the uppermost floor." � PROPOSED WORDING: "In buildings used for mixed business and residential occupancy, no dwelling unit shall occupy any portion of the floor at grade level." ��.•) . , . Current Planning & Zoning Committee Page 2 Discussion This change will allow economically feasible re-use of existing buildings within the downtown area. Developers claim that many existing buildings, particularly in the "Lowertown" area, are not suitable for 100� residential use and must have some business in order to sustain the economic feasibility of the property. For example, some buildings generally suitable for resi- dential cannot be completely (economically) converted to residential because � of the existence of party walls or deadend walls. The City Architect's office has pointed out that existing building code re- quirements will eliminate any "unsafe" situations i nvolving access, light, air, fire, etc. The reason for leaving the prohibition against grade level occupancy is to help ensure "continuous retail frontage" called for in downtown �lanning efforts. EJW/gf 1��j�) . , �� ,��,. ��� ��� � ,:�, Ih� �'�. �� ,,��i; �: ''� � ��i��I a r �.i p }r! y, I (r � � �� �l: ° �., �a �a 'r � ��� ,'iw�� �r,', 1 _�. . I,t ''"� �'t' N u'ic'�f^iw . __ . , , , , � . h ," .. '�• r � , t , `� , . . � �: lf���„� , � , . ,_ : _ , - . ,� ,- ' �`�'���� , . . . . . , . . , , . _ , �. . ... . . . .� :. ..- . . . , 4,.. � . � . . � , .�.-. �. ' . . . . .. . . . .. .. � � � °�. t�. .{. _ . � . ,. ' � . . \� � � � ' � . . .. . . . ., �� � � •,y� � , r �.a . . ' � . � �t � . .-. . f� . • . . . ) � ,., ��� .. e� ' � . . - � . .. . t� ... �� .. . l. ! � - � ' . � � . . z.i t . , _ _ ��� .. _. ' , � '4.� 'x ' .. � . 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' .t , � 1 ' I I . � t - 1 � r� '�, i . .. � � � 1 ' t 4 . . • ' . � - .� y ... ' ' ..:. � , ��. , , � .. .. . . - .� � ; t � , . , � : , , : _ , ._. „ „ . , , , . � � ., . . , . _ � .x �y � .� . . , — , .. . .. . . .., . , .. � .. � . . . � . � . . � , .. _ �i , � . .i 4' - �3 - I �.p �O� y ����,TY o, ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT \ y O � _- .' DIVISION OF PLANNING �� ^c 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ... 612-296-4151 George latimer Mayor December 12, 1978 Council President David Hozza and Members of the City Council c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 . Dear Council Members: Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Planning Comnission on November 17, 1978 on a zoning code text amendment to remove all restrictions to Apartment Residential Uses in the Downtown area. I am transmitting this action separately to the Mayor. Sincerely, Cii/V1'1 � �'""'� Ja J. Bellus Planning Administrator JJB/gf Enc. � _ _ , , t , - ������ �.... � . .. city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 78'46 . �te November 17, 1978_ WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Planning Commission authorized the initiation of a 40 Acre Study to amend chapters 60 and 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code at their regular meeting on September 8, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning & Zoning Conmittee of the Planning Comnission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendment and has recommended it to the Planning Commission for approval ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Conanission of the City of Saint Paul has caused legal notice of a public hearing to be published on October 20, October 27 and November 3, 1978� pursuant to Minnesota Statute 362.357(5) for purposes of amending the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said chapter 462.357(5) the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the requested amendment at its regular meeting on November 17, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendment to this ordinance proposed is related to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That proper notice and hearing have been given pursuant to state statutes; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that all restrictions found after Section 60.512(b) Apartment Residential Uses be deleted as follows: SECTION 60.512(b) Apar�ment Residenti,al .11ses: Res��ep��a�-eeea�a�e�-�wev}�ed-�p-�li����19Q5-e€-€eaw-�4�-s�e�}es-}p-he�gq�-ew gwea�ew.---�p-�b��d�p�s-aged-�ew-�w��e�-bas�ness-apd-wesidep��a�-eeedpapey3-pe �we}}�p�-ap��-saa�}-eee��y-apy-�ew��ep-e€-�he-€�eew-a�-gwade-�eve�-ew-�he €�sew-��e��a�e�y-a�eve-�be-gwa�e:--�he-�as�pess-ases-�ay-eeea�y-a�y-pa�be� mO. ,,.,�I � Bryan VCU .- �,�d � Cochrane - in fav�or__14___ against�_ � _. r � . R city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 78-46 �te � NnvPmhpr 17� 14_ 7�_ 6�-�9�a�-��69P5#-hewevew;-196-�l15�19@S9-1f13�1-�@-}eea�ed-919-�he-sar�e-#�ee�-d5 a-wes��e���a�-ase;-ap�-pe-€�eew-�ay-be-a���}�ed-€e�-bas�pess-pd��eses-wh�eb �s-�sea�ed-a�eve-a-€�eew-��e�-€ew-wes�dep��a�-�at��eses;-e�ee��-€ew-a wes�aawap�-ep-�qe-a��ew�+es�-€}eew: and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. � mQ� �/ Bryan �.� . �•�d �/ Cochrane .�.� - in fav�or__14__ agait�.st` . ,.. � ��c�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,.�`�1TY ��, 'i . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ;N�° , DIVISION OF PLANNING - �r �c . 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ... 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor February 8, 1979 Rose Mix, City C1erk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8358 Dear Madam: Apartment Residential Uses Text Change This letter is in regard to the proposed zoning text change which will remove all ' restrictions to apartment residential uses in the downtown area. Developers in the Lowertown area originally requested the removal of these restrictions. The Current Planning & Zoning Committee discussed this matter at their regular meeting on October 5, 1978. Staff recommended removal of all the restrictions except for the restrictions prohibiting residential occupancy at grade level , The purpose of this recommendation was to ensure continuous retail frontage in the downtown area. The Current Planning & Zoning Committee unanimously eonfirmed the staff recommendation. On November 17, 1978 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter and, after considerable discussion, recommended on a vote of 14 to 3 to remove all re- strictions to apartment residential deve1opment within the downtown. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing on this matter for February 8, 1�79. Si ely, E ward J. 41ar Principal P er EJ6J/gf . . � � - S�. /�CU.?�L� �!l�tJtfLPiJO�'.�CG 12ave��1-elz. 7$, 797� .�e;�... a n I?Cc�.r1.�,i,rzr and �GQ�2(3,'-^✓LG 17G'l:P�(.O�n"�o�f 4?7 t;7a,�JCVS%� S��ee-� S-t. Pcu:f., Il�:i.nn�a� �5707 �erLt.Le.�en; fi7e, �Jze ..�er;J.rv� ay �e .�a�:,rr�r,;r� Re.i.�IL(;c��l�aod Ca�Lt�}.i.on, ��r.n.� ��ou -i.a `r.�a� -tfu�,t rre ;�tre � �ecLt �e�z.e�� .i.n xJze �ran.�l,tric� " a� -�t��,e c�,zend.�ent �.�zo�yo�ed Sec,�ian biJ.,jy2_ (.�) ,4,�z�;�e;� �?eisr�erc�.i�c,L llae�. �ie ;°e:.L -Ju.�t �h.e tce��:_���#i�n r� ��o,ec�ae� -t:n S��::�T��R 60.572 (.v� �1�o�L� �re ��er:�r�vecl - a.LLat:ra.�u:. a �ie�-i.�er-t.c.a.L a�td %rc�-tn�a r✓� a� de�%Jied a2d 2ee�ed on, a,�.,�! .Le�r�.L o� a .%,►�.i.t,dt�zct. I'�.h,r�� a �Lr�tr-��i.an, ta cr�LC.at�r cau� r�..�z. a� � c.c:�e� c�;� ��-� .G-e ���ed a�L .�,u✓.v-c:.c`,c!.c�,L -1rn.,�.vs. ye��c�.,�'�?cLL�;,, ` ;., � ';,%:�.�. � '/�"' �-`' °'V'� ,±��_'?i :r l t�� . tlenn.i� ftan��r, P��e��en:% �a:tr�ura lce.%.c:h�o�.,haad CacU!.i�;°,i,arc �/�c � r,': ,�,� J,� f� . �, , ; � � ".� ,^, :� : .�� 44 ,! (I ,^ �,; �' � ��' r. , . . . :-r ,� +�' �i;�'� . - _ - {L ��{�� J,�;� , , .,� `�,.h ':{y.�, � 4'� � � 1• city of saint paui planning commission resolution , file number 78-46 . �te November 17, 1978 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Planning Commission authorized the initiation of a 40 Acre Study to amend chapters 60 and 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code at their regular meeting on September 8, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning & Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendment and has recommended it to the Planning Corr�nission for approval ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul has caused legal notice of a public hearing to be published on October 20, October 27 and November 3, 1978- pursuant to Minnesota Statute 362.357(5) for purposes of amending the Zoning Urdinance; and • WHEREAS, pursuant to said chapter 462.357(5) the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the requested amendment at its regular meeting on November 17, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions �affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendment to this ordinance � proposed is related to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That proper notice and hearing have been given pursuant to state statutes; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that all restrictions found after Section 60.512(b) Apartment Residential Uses be deleted as follows: SECTION 60.512(b) Apartment Residenti.al .tlses: ` Res��e�a��a}-eeea�a�ey-�wev}�e�-��-�a}}d��a�s-e�-€ea�-44�-s�ew�es-}p-ke�g��-er �wea�ew.---�p-�a��d��gs-ase�-€eP-�}�e�-�as��ess-a�d-pes��e���a�-eeE��a�e�t;-pe dwe}}�p�-ap��-sHa�}-eee��y-apy-�ew��ep-e€-�qe-€�ee�-a�-�wa�e-�ere�-e�-�be €�sew-��r�e��a�e�y-a�eve-�Me-gwa�e.---�be-�as��ess-ases-may-eEE��y-apy-p���ew moved by Bryan sE;conded by ���"rane in favor� against�� . .� •�` � . . city of saint paui planning commission resolution file number- �$-46 �te NnvPmhPr _tZ, 1 a_ 7t2 _ � 6�-�8�a}-�}69PS;-�19Weii@Pg-199-�HS�ReS9-Fi�a�l-�@-}eea�ed-919-�he-sat�e-��88P-ds a-wes��e���a�-�se;-a��-�e-��sew-�ay-�e-a��}��e�-�'ew-��s�pess-�dp�s�es-wM}eh . �s-�eea�ed-a�e�e-a-€�es�-��ed-�ew-wes��e���a}-�bw�eses;-e�Ee��-€e�-a �e5�aawa��-ep-�be-a�qew�es�-€�ee�.- and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. - , moved by..`�an sE;conded by _���hra�e _ in favor__14__ against� :;� ����� ;� � •��� ;� ..� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: November 7, 1978 T0: Current Planning & Zoning Committee FROM: Edward J. 41arn - Zoning Staff SUBJECT: 40 Acre Study for Zoning Text Change on Apartment Residential Uses ' Section 60.512(b) Resolution for your review and recoironendation to the full Commission. Zoning File No. 8359. The proposed change in the requirements for Apartment Residentiai Uses (affects B-4 � and 6-5 zones only) represents a portion of the 40 Acre Study that the Planning Commission ini�iated on September 8, 1978 (Resolution 78-28�. The Planning Commission set the public hearing date for this item on Novem6er 17, 1978. P�otice of this public hearing has been printed in the St. Paul Dispatch�-Pioneer Press on October 20, October 27, and November 3; 1978. . Notice of this hearing has also been sent to all interested citizens on the early � warning �ist and the members of Operation `85, a downtown business group. The reasons for this change are: 1 . Shis change will allow economically feasible re-use af existing buildings within the downtown area. Developers claim that many existing buildings, pa�^ticuaarly in the "Lowertown" area, are not suitable for 100% residential use and must have some business in order to sustain the economic feasi6ility of the property. For example, some buildings generally suita6le for residential. cannot be completely {economically) converted to residential because of . _ the existence of party walls or deadend walls. 2. The City Architect's office has pointed out that existing building code requirements will eliminate any "unsafe" situations involving access, light, air, fire, etc. 3. The reason for leaving the prohibition against grade level occupancy in m�xed business and residential structures is to help ensure . "continuous retail frontage" called for in downtown planning effarts. In fulfillment of P1innesota Statute 462.357, Su6division 5, the staff advi:ses the . Current Planning & Zoning Committee and the Planning Commission: 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected 6y this change, i .e. the entire downtown area, renders the obtaining of written consents impractical . 2. That the downtown area currently zoned B-4 or B-5 consists of approximately 382 acres, which is in excess of 40 acres. ����.�;; , Current Planning & Zoning Committee - Page 2 November 7, 1978 � 3. That this change is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan for the future of downtown and the current downtown planning efforts. 4. That proper notice and hearing have been given pursuant to state statutes. EJW/gf � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �LtY Q� �`'` �'. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . � � '»%�' + DIVISION OF PLANNING '�o �� 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ... 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayo� September 28, 1978 T0: Current Planning & Zoning Committee . FROM: Ed Warn - Zoning Staff RE: Zonang Text Amendments (40 Flcre Study - Planning Commission Resolution 78-28, Zoning File No. 8358) I recommend that you separate the "apartment residential uses" portion of the re�ferenced 40 Acre Study and send it to the Planning Commission for public . hearing. The reasons for tFris recommendation are: 1 . There is a bonafide sense of urgency on this matter in the interests of continuing downtown residential development. 2. The remaining portions of the 40 Acre Study are not urgent. 3. The remaining portions of the 40 Acre Study, particularly those dealing with nonconforming uses and structures will require a considerable amount of staff time. EXISTING SECTION 60.512(b} Apartment Residential Uses: "Residential occupancy provided i�n buildings of four (4) stories in height or greater. In buildings used for mixed business and resi- dential occupancy, no dwelling unit shall occupy any portion of the floor at grade level or the floor immediately above the grade. The business uses may occupy any number of total floors; however, no business may be Iocated on the same floor as a residential use, and no flaor may be utilized for business purposes which is located above � a floor used for residential purposes, except for a :restaurant on the uppermost floor." � PROPOSED WORDING: "In buildings used for mixed business and residential occupancy, no dwelling unit shall occupy any portion of the floor at grade level." ��•'.:�) r • . Current Planning & Zoning Committee Page 2 Discussion This change will allow economically feasible re-use of existing buildings within the downtown area. Developers claim that many existing buildings, particularly in the "Lowertown" area, are not suitable for 100% residential use and must have some business in order to sustain the economic feasibility of the property. For example, some buildings generally suitable for resi- dential cannot be completely (economically) converted to residential because of the existence of party walls or deadend walls. The City Architect's office has pointed out that existing building code re- quirements will eliminate any "unsafe" situations i nvolving access, light, air, fire, etc. The reason for leaving the prohibition against grade level occupancy is to help ensure "continuous retail frontage" called for in downtown planning efforts. EJW/gf • , . ` s '� ( , lst � /' 2nd � ' — : 3rd ! � Adopted � ! Yeas , Nays BUTLER HUNT �'���?�� ��� . MADDOR � ; SHOWALTER . � ' TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA) ,