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;;= FINAL ORDER IN #,.� ` �,' ,� '
s. By 14r•_� #�t,� n „�, '.� �-��', t
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,� �; .� File No.
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under Admirtistrative Order �� approved �` '�� �
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ut►der Preliminary Order approv.ed
A publia hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard
all persons, objections and recommendations re1"ative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby brders said improvement to be made
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this impiovement to be
�`�/e��i����i�y��y��y�i�c�easements as described above; and the City Officers and City Attorney are heieby authorized
and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or emin.ent domain. '
L �1�1����1f����`��'I1'��'/�/�'�_LI�Y�Y�/YY'F�N,/P9'/n��/PJ�T�,'�/LP���/TPf'�l/�1!'�f��H1P�F�i��,'���J�4L9�lJY�i�/ PV�9���¢�F1�P�
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �AN 1 6 19�
Yeas Nays
Butl�f Ce ' ed Pass y Council Se�reta
Hozz� � JAN 1 7 t979
H��t In Favor B
Levine �
M�ddOX Against
SC�1CW�!tt'C �� Mayor
ti '
RESOLVID FURTI�R, that the authority grarrted per Final Order 26�+320,
adopted October 2, 1q7�+, which directs and authorizes the impravemen�t of
Waxner Road, by widening and repaving the roadbed, Pro�n Sibley Street to
Monvment No. 24, i� hereby reseinded.
RESOLVID FURTI�R, that except as resci.nded above, all provisions of
Cauncil File No. 264320, adopted October 2, 197�+, sY�ll remain operative a�
;n=--�:;�anct Uept. "' — _ - „ _ .._.�_ s .. � . . , � i. �v� � l ,
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ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, -- � . : . . .. ' _
ln the matter of improvirtg Grzat R1ver Road - k�arner Road - Slbley to Childs P.oad;
S.P, 164-U20-40; GR 501a(6) as follows: . .
Grading and paving� constructing curb and �ratk, ornamentai ltghting systen, storm
wate� drain�ge racilities, traffic ccntrol sysLems and 1.3ndscaping; and do atl ether
►�rork necessary to said irprovemenfi; also acquiring. the necessary r.ight-of-way or �
properry easements to comp�ete satd improverner�t.
The rcport of the De�art►:,ent of Public Works is approved, and th�e Department of
Flnance and 1lanagement Services is lnstructed to scheduie a public�heartng before
thc City Council .
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�°���,R,'�a"„���'` 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4241
November 20, 1978
Mr. Bernard J. Carlson
Director of Finance
Room 109 City Hall
Attn: Paul Desch
Re: WARNER ROAD/GREAT RIVER ROAO - Sibtey St. to Childs Rd.
Dea r S i r:
Attached herewith are copies of the foltowing:
1 . Administrative Order D-4643
2. Advisability and Desirability Report
3. ROW Map
4. Suggested wording for the Final Order
At your earliest convenience, please bring this matter before the City Council for a
public hearing.
Yours very truly,
, ��
Daniel J. Dunford
Street Design Engineer
� ��� �
TEK/ck � ' ��,
Attachments �°
'i,S ,.
cc: J. William Donovan ��������
NOV 21 �g7g
. . Summary of Engineerin� Recommendations ,
+ ' ' . .
. � Report Prepared - September 18, 1978
Publ ic Hearing � /�����
� � .
PROJECT: � ' �
1 mp rove 41AP,NER ROAD f rom S i b 1 ey S t ree t to the Ch i 1 ds Roaci i n te rchange by
• right-of-way acquisition; grading, paving an� lighting the roadway, con-
. structing bi.cycle/pedestrian paths, landscaping, constructing a safety rest
stop and upgrading the Lvwer Landing area. All work ti•rould bc done under the
Fcderal Great River Road Program. This modifies F.o. 264320, passed October
2, 1�74, which included work on the Childs Road interchange as a�ell as less
extensive improvements on W�rner Road from Sibley to the Childs Road inter-
change. ,
. This revised project conc�:pt was initiated by the Planning Department as part
of the Mississippi River Corridor Study Report process.
Presently, construction 4rork is proceeding in the Childs Road area. Plans
have been compleCed for the Childs Road Ramp and aridge and completed Plans
� for 4Jarner Road from Sibcly to the interchan�e have to be redone.
� This propos�al involves changes to the previously approved Warner Road projects.
They a re summa r i zed be 1 o�y:
l . Buyiny out the entire Milt-�aukee Railroad pigyyback operation. This will
. require relocation of that operation. � •.;
2. Constructing Warner Road along the north edge of this site.
. 3• Iri the "green space" between the new road and the river., there would be:
� a. Bicycle%pedestrian path
b. Landscaping �
c. Rest stop
d. , Upgraded lower landiny ' .
. 4. The Childs Road Ramp and Bridge an� the redeckir.g of the existing Reserve
• Street Dridge would be done as previously approved, but with Great River
Road funding.
� �
�� �� �
'Decau�e t�is is a modification of � Final Order previously passed by the City
� Council , �•rc .fecl that the original Order is the alternale to this modificalion.
We• get mo.re for our money - more work done at about $92L,000 lcss in City funds.
. It implements one of the major policy and project recommendations of the pre-
1 iminary River Corri�ior Plan. '
It complements �owertown anci the Lower Landiny area.
It does not remove any property from the tax rolls.
Results in continued delay to the completion of �the Warner Road improvements.
There have been costs of $145,000 expended on the Warner Road Project which will
� not be eligible for reimbursement from Federal funds. Because the lead time on
� this project is greater than the City' s budgeting process , the Cit'y will have
� to commit itself to the reyuired local share of the costs in the appropriate
budget year.
If the Cuuncil determines that we should drop the present project and proceed
� with the Great River Road project, then there are a number of costs which will
have to be absorbed by the City. These costs have been funded by CIB, County
Aid and 2nd �United Improvement Bonds. The costs are as follovrs:
1 . Appraisals, etc. , r�ade for the current acquisiton , court fees and railroad
damages total $59,000. Actually paid $19,000. Estimated damages $40,000.
. 2. Cost of the Plans already completed, $8�,000. •�.
Without Great River Road funding, the City �•rould complete the project as planned�
at a cost of $4,546,OU0. IJith Great River Road funds , the City' s share, in-
cluding 1 and 2 above, is about $3,625,000 or $Q21 ,000 less.
The Planning Department has done an environmcntal assessment for this project,
, with the b'ottom line being "no significant effect on the quality of the human
.. ,�-
��" Conslructing �on' the Childs Road Ramp is scheduled to be�in in 1979 and will
a� likely carry over into 19&0. Redecking the existing Warncr Road eastbound
ti�'�'-'; ` bridye (Reserve Street aridye) is scheduled for 1y80. It is hoped _that the
ma,in Warner Road construclion can be done durirg the 1980 construction
�= r '� � season. It must be noted that this is based on optimisGic scheduling, and
that whcn dealing with Federal Government, thinys quite-often take longer
i � than planned.
, l . Right-of-way acyuisition to provide additional space . . $ 4,500,000
2. Relocation of existing uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,000,000
3. Realignment of existing road��iay . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500,000
� 4. Childs P,oad Ramp and Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,600,000
5• Open Space de��elopment, including: . . . . . . . . , . 1 ,000,000
- Qicycle/pedestrian trail system
' � - River related viewing areas
' - Safety rest area
. - Off roadway parking
I . - General landscaping and site improvements
� TOTAL AtJTICiPATED COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 , 00,000
. l . Greal River Road Funds (70%) . . . . . . . , . . . . . . $ 8, 120,000
2. Coun ty A i d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,6B9, 100
' 3. Municipal State Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . .� . . . . . 480 000
� 4. Capital , lmprovement Bonds : : : . : . : �. : : : : : ; : 1 ,310,900
� TOTAL $11 , 00,000
� �
For additional information, contact Thomas Kuhfeld (Pr-oject Manager) at
298-5311 .
. .'R
REC011��ErJDnT I 0�J:�
The Departments of Planning and Economic Development, Community Services and
, Public Works all endorse this as a worthwhile project and recommend approval
of the Final Order.
. Respectfully submitted,
Donald E. Nygaard �
. Director of Public Works
. _Z_
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