272368 WHITE - CITV CLERK r9 �
RETURN COPY TO Council Resolution
Presented By _
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby
authorize the praper City officials to enter into a Business I,ease
Agreement between the City and Mr. Anthony Pod�orski for a term
commencing December 19, 1978 to February 15, 1979, at no compensation,
for property acquired by the City in connection with the Dale Street
Widening acquisition.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler � Finan nd Ma. nt Services
Hozza � In Favor
Levine _ __ Against B --
� rec or
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Cou . Date _���� 1�
Certified assed by ncil Secretary � . � �%'2'?�
61pp o by i�lavor: D e `� aN � 2 �9� Appr d by Mayor for Submi ion o Gouncil
P�,�s� ,lAN B 0 19?9
- - O� ��.x �7.f�.��5
- Rev�. :� 9/8/15
, � ; , . , ,_ . .
. . TIt�NN 0� ADMgT2STRAT2VE ., . - �
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. , 'RECE�VEp
Data: �ece.��er ��, 19'�s JA N 3 = .997J
, , . ti1AY.fli�'S�I�i�i# ' .
; J. TA�. Dc�c�v�n, Valnaticn 8� Assea�ner�t S�glneer, Degt. o� Finance b�'� �arv�i�{�•5'.�7'�
$E= Da7.a 8t�ree� iiidl�ing Aequi�4ition - 7�ease of FraP�Y ���
,�tr. Ae�t�o�y Pcdgrorak3: _
6)4 �'orth �e�le Street
.._.....__. �._..._
A�rprcrtr�]. of resolntioa will allcx a leaae oP sub�ect P�'P�Y tYc� Dece�ober 19, l�$ '
to F�ru,ery 15, 19'�9. Property ia shoArn on the attache8 me�p.
. ;
Acqaiaiti� anthoMzed•pau�auaa�t to Cauncil 8esolutioon 268009, �pprcned Be�e�ibez 19,
1976. The leeuae wi.11 prcnride c�peration of the Service 8te�tian until the 1979
. conatr�ictiaa� season, at which time th�e Ser�riee Stat3os� xill b� Mrec,ked tcr aake xa,�r .
for the De�.e 8treet Ti�td�ning.
. � _ ��L��
a�raa�rrs. .
1. co�y oY r�ea�e ngreem�nt ��' � " �' � 1 -
2. Iie�- �
� 3. Cc�ancil Reeolution
. ' � . � �~'�}`���'�
�o3e�t rro. DALE STRr.ET Ti�JID��II;G
Parcel (s) Fio. c
File �To. 17800
Lease i�o. �3 �
- L E A S E �
By tnis lease tn�de this 1 th day of December , �..9 �, by and bet�een
�ha Cit;� of Saint Paul, 2dixL-�esota herein�fter referred to as the ":,essor"�) �d
Mr. Anthon Pod�orski �
.'';E;'�'�/��,- �?"�r���� � ,6 ,br.$�� , • f2r Eri 9�ff .
* �.� �di�;idu�.l doing business under the name of Al Pod,orski Ser�rice Station
:erei��.:�ex referred to as tne "Tenant" , the Ten�nt i.s permitted the te�rporary use
o_" �he �remises hereinafter identified whi2e comnleting arrangemen�s to yacate.
•1 s Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hexe�.a3.fter ma.de
o� �ne p?st of the Tena.nt� does hereby lease to �he Ten�nt the prerai.ses ia the City of
Ja l.`?'t 't�a.i.Ll.� County of Ramsey, Sta.te of I�iinnesota, describe3 as
Lots 16 and Lot 17, B1ocr 1, i��ichel's Subdivision
of Block 4, Stinson's Diva.sion i exce�� for the
�remises (single-famil,v d*�rellin� and �axa�e) located
at 613 VanBuren Avenue.
wr:� ha.�rir:o a s�reet ad3..ress of 9 North Dale Street -
�o oe us�3 solely ior the pvrpose of Podgors�3. Mobil Service Station.
^o h�.ve a.r3 to Yiold the sa�e far the teras co�aenci�sg on the 19th dzy of Decemoer ; �
?978 , �nd expiring on the 15th day of February � 19 79 '
iaclusive, .� provided, tna.t the Lessor or the Ten3.nt
��;/ t��inate tnis lea.se upon thiz Ly {30) days writtea notice of termin��ion to the
o��er. ' -
i� is cove�anted and agreed as follac�s:
l. The lenant sha.11 pay the Lessor at Bureau of Valuations, 286 City �iall ,
�a�nt ?au1,,, yfinnesota, as rent for said premises the s�a of
0/00> Do��s
;� ?.00 �er m�nth ia a3vance o:� or belore t�ie first day af each mon�:h a�3 every -
�eL;h d�ar�ng said term. The Tenant shall be entitled to a refund o� the unused portion
o= '�zs rent should he move ou� prior to the end of the pe-riod through which the rent
�as oeen �aic. The Tenant r�ust surr2nder his key to an autnarized e�ploJee of the
��ssor u�oy vacating the pre*nises. The Tena.n� sha11 be liable for �nd sha.11 pay a1Z
c��rges for utilities and�or services to the prersises durir� �fie term as indicated �
����cZe i:o. 9 oi t�.is lease. Shvuld the Tenant fail to pay for such utilities aad
ser�rices, wren due, the Lessor shall have the right to pay same, the amount whereo�
:��'—� Qz so �zuch ad3itional rent and to be paya.ble with the ae�."t ins�?1.I.nen� of rent due.
_`'�.° �Te�wrti shall not be res�onsible for p�.ynent of real property �t�.xes chaxge3 �.gainst
i..22 TJI'2 r7.S�S.
- 2. Tne Ten�.nt hav�r� been in possession of thP �reatises kn�:•rs the coxt3itio:.
..= sa�,E, �nd �dmits that no representation as to the con3ition thereof ha.s been nade by
��� Lessor w'nich is not en3orsed therevn, an3 agrees th3.-c �he Lessor wiL not alter,
=���ir or ?�pro�re said tirera_ses. . _
3• The lessor ��d its �gents sh�.7.1 not be liabZe to the �e:.:n4 for ar�y
^..�..j:�e or injvrv to the Tenan� or the Ten�.nt's property acc�.sioned by the failure of
�^� Less�r Lo keep said pr�nises i.n repair, nor sha.11 the Lessor be liable for ���
�s�...��e or injury arisino fro� aa�y act, omission o� negligence of co-ien�ts or or o�her
�ersors, occupan�s of the same building or of adjoining buildings, or of the Lessor's
=o°:��s, ser=ran�s �r em�loyees, all claims for anysuch d�.�a�.ge or in3t:ry being herebZ•
�ti�:zesslf wai�red 'oy the ier.ant. .
` Cr��ss oTlt i��.pplica'ole s�3�emen�s
��e 1 of 3
4 The Tena.nt sha11 not ma'_�e alterations in, or �33itions �o the said
p:�:_ses •aithau� �he written consent of the Lessor. The Tenant shaL7. kee� said tire:aises
�o?e�her -.;ith adjoining areas, alleys and sidewalks, in a clea�, s�fe an3 healthfl�7.
con3ition an3 zLl side:aalks i..n front of, and along said premises sha.7.1 be cleared of '
ice ��3 snow, and the Tenant sha,11 ca�rpl,y with all Federa.l, Sta.te and Local Laws with
reor..�d to the use and condition o� the leased premises: at the Tenant's sole expense.
k� ��e terminatioa o� this lease, the Tenant sha11, surren3er��he �preaises to the
�essor in subst��ially as go�d condition as when received, ordinary wear and d3mage
b;;r �ire, the el�aents or o�her cause beyon3 the con�rol of the Ten�nt e�:cepted.
5• That the Lessee will include in an�y insur$nce coveri:zg the use of :aid
pre��ses or the operation oi I,essee's business, a policy in which the Lessor is a nzmed
ins�.�red, �.nd the litai.ts thereof m�.y be no less than required by Mi.nnzsota. St.,a.tutes k66.0�+.
_ 6. The Tenant sha:ll not a1lcr�r said pr.emises to be accupied in Srhole, or
ia �r-�, by �.ny other paxty, an3 sh2.11 no-� sublet the szme i.z whole or in pa.rt, nor
�.ssi� �his ?ease without, in each case, the written consent o� the i,essor; �.nd the ° �
T��� sba.11 not permit ax�y transfer by operation of l�.z•r o� the lenant's interest c�eated
hereby. The Tena.nt sha.l7. not permit a.ny mecha:nic t s lien or encumbrances to be placed
upo� �he premises or any p�� thereof� and that if any such.lien be so nlaced, lessee
will dischax e same of record by whatever means necessaxy w�.thin 30 days of lessor's
reaues� that�e do so. .
. 7. T'ne Lessor shall ha.ve the right �rithout notice to sell, destro;T, o?-
o�yer�r!se dispose of ar�y person�.]. property left on the premises by �he Tenaazt af-�ex he
3zas v�c�.te3 or abzn3oned. the lea.sed premises, or been evicted there�roat.
8. The Tenant shaJ1 replace at his cn�n e.�ense a,.ny ��.ss broken on said
ur��ses duriag the continua.nce of the lease.
. 9. The Tenant sha_ll. he resp�nsible f.or the pro�cnt p�.;�ent �f �I.1, charges _
ior �uolic u�iti-�ies an3 se�i public or priva.te services such as wa.ter, fire sprin'�sler
::ee, co�serving �n3 non-conserving air conditioner fees, gas, electricity, sewera.ge
d�s�c�Z, refuse or ash reaoval� snosrr reaoval, grass or weed cutti:ng and any special
s��:ice, ex_ce�t, rto Exception
lA. �he Tena.nt agrees to permit the Lessor or the I,essor`s employees� a:gents
o, con��ctors to enter said premises at �.L1, reasona.ble time to insp�ct them� or to �a,ke
re�2.�rs, alteratio�s or improvements or for a.ny such other purvoses as nay be dee:aec�
r�cess�Yy by the Lessor a.n3 to ins�rt such tools, a.ppli�nces �3 pipes as they �ay deem
:2cess3.�y fo?' tne purpose of ma:�sin� said repairs, alterations or improvea�ents, �he Tex�.nt
nzreo; waiving ar�y and a11. claims and de�.n3s for loss or da.mage, or dirai.nution of rent
o'��ccc�.zn� thereof, or on accouat of arly obstruction to sideRaa._Lks, entran.ees or windo•as.
��e2o° 3
_ . , '_ ����
. - ' �;�
� �-• The Te�nt a.grees that the Lessar will not be holden or liable for
a� loss or da�age which �ay be susta.ined by the Tena,nt or others by reason of the
freezi�g, bursting, overfl�ring or defect of ax�y water, s��rer, gas or stezm pip�s,
close�s or sinks, in or about said premises or f�am ar►;f premises avernead nor for an;�
loss or daa�ge which direc�ly or indirectly may be sust�,a.iaed by water, se�aer, or ga.s,
�or for the loss or dzn�ge c�used by water, ice or sna�a �vm roaYs, skylights, trap
doors or oLherwise, nor for loss or damage by theresson of �he present or fl.iture
co�3i;.�on of repair o; said premises or for loss or dama,ge arising �rom �ets or o�issions
o� t�e Ter�a.nt or other Tenants or occupzers.
12. O�her nrovisions:
lae le�.se and all covenants �,nd agreements herein contaiaed sna11 be bin3ing tmon and
i��zrs to the res�ective heirs, administrators, successors and assigns of a11 the
n���ies to this lease.
IIV WITiI�SS W�REOr� the parties hereto ha.ve er.ecuted th�s I.ease the da.y an3 yea��-
��rs� above written.
. • CI'�Y Or SAIl�T PAUI�
City Clerk �
Itirector, Degr.r��,ent of �'i�.nc� � ,
Mara.ge�ent Sex�rices
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Assis�,ant City At'�or zy
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