272361 WHITE - CITV CLEF PINK - FINANC GI y OF SAINT PAUL Council (��j r� ,y��i CANARY - DEPA MENT File NO. ^r>���^�-�' =+ BLUE - MAYO - oun il Resolution Presented By � Referred To o , Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a series of incidents of vandalism and defacement of buildings has taken place in the City of St. Paul; and �: ' WHEREAS, such incidents have occurred at Mount Zion Temple, the St. Paul Urban League office and, most recently, at the Socialist Worke�s Party Headquarters; and WHEREAS, in each incident, Nazi symbols were spray-painted on the buildings and leaders of community, religious, civil rights and political oXganizations have called for a full investigation of these Nazi-o�iented incidents; and Wf�REAS, those organizations have issued a statement which reads in part: "The Nazi Party has a history of �riolent attacks on Jews, Blacks, C icanos, Socialists and trade union members. The Nazi Party must know that all right-thinking people, supporters of democratic righ s and �onstitutional liberties in St. Paul, will not tolerate vat�dalism, attacks or attempts to intimidate the Jewish community or hwp�an rights organizations by the Nazi Party.";now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of St. Paul join in d-e loring such acts of violence and pledge continuing efforts to insu�e the protection of the democratic rights and Con- stitutional lib rties of St. Paul's citizens. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � • Butler '0 [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — �_. �.�� Showalter Tedesco �N � � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by cil: Date Certi Yasse Council S retary BY App v y :Vlavor: Date R 1 1 2 �9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY �t�ED JA�2 0 1979 r a ��� � � V � T DATc�: January 11� 1979 FOR MORE INFORMATIONs Jim Kendrick or A1imi Pichey, 222-8929 STA"'E:�"d^_ P?�ES�dTE� 3Y TH:: SOCIALISi WORI�RS PARTY TO THE S'1'.PAUL CIi�Y COUPdCIL N��TI;iG 0:�' 1/11�79 IN SUPPORT OF A RESOLUTION COi1DENINL�IG PdAZI VIOLEI`+CE First let me thank City Council President �avid Hozza and other Council members for hearing testimony on the resolution before you. I wa.nt to make five points in connection with the December 26th Nazi var�alism of the Socialist Workers Party and Urba.n League offices. 1) This Nazi attack was an act of political intimidation and a threat of violence. It was designed to dissuade and deter Socialist Workers Farty members, customers of our bookstore, and Urban League members from exercising our constitutionally guaranteed political rights. idazi hate ma.terial �laced on our facilities anonomously, und.er cover of dark, carries a cleax message: "We can harass you with impunity." We axe deeply concerned that this vandalism ma.y be escalated. 2) We see a pattern of Nazi vandalism in the attacks on Mt.Zion Temple� the Socialist Workers Party arxi the Urban League. This pattern is part of at least three years of ^_win Cities-wide Nazi activity. 3) The Socialist '�iorkers Party and its members have been targeted by the Nazis because of our support of Black rights. The SWP is well known as an opponent of the Bakke and Weber anti-affirmative action suits and for its support of desegrega,ted education through busing. Thus, the Nazi vandalism of our offices is part of a larger pa,ttern of attacks on the rights of the entire Black community, as the fact sheet illustrates. (continued) SWP STATEMENT Page 2 4) The Socialist Workers Party strongly supports the democratic traditions of our Bill of Rights. Trle seek to protect and extend tha.t heritage. 'r!e are grepared to work with all groups and individuals to defend democratic rights. ?rie see passage of this resolution as an important statement to hate-mongering violent groups like the Nazis that human rights will be p�otected in St.Paul. 5) We hope that Council's resolution will deter this Nazi group from repeatin� itself. Should there be more of this activity, we would urge the Council to call and or�a,nize a public rally of citizens, groups, and elected leaders to politically denounce Nazi violence in no uncertain terms. Respectfully subnitted, Jim Kemirick for the Socialist 4�orkers Paxty C. FACT SHEET ON NAZI ATTACKS AND VANDA7.ISM Febr�lary 1976 Eric Benford murdered. Protest actions take place in resuonse. Printed posters appear on Near Northside of Minneapolis with slogans "Eric Benford had it coming." and "Beautify America, Kill a Niggar." Spring of 1976 Cross burning of Black family in Bloomington. Summer of 1976 Whites driving throusth the Ytear Northside Black community shoot bullets into windows o� homes and automobiles. Simultaneously Nazi hate literature is passed out door to door in community and "White Power" posters appear on several street comers. July 20, 197b Burglary of apartment of two Blacks in South Minneapolis. Note left saying. "We Aonna get you nigRars. White Power: Siened with a swastika. As a result of this incident, neighbors formed a defense fund to col�ect money for the victims. On July 30. 1976, Gillian Furst. the leader of the defense fund received a death threat in the form of a note, the text ia part read: "Well I'm a member of the Minneapolis Nazi Party and damned vroud of it. All the riff-raff -- Jews, niggars and other no goo� bastards have got to be gotten rid of. Niggars should be shots. or at least shipped back to Africa. If we have our way, vou will be. Sincerely yours. a swastika symbol. A Nazi who hates ni�gars:" July 27, 1976 Three white men assault Sherman Henderson, a twenty eight year old Black man at the 7-11 Store at Glenwood and P�nn Ave. North, in Minneapolis. Demonstrations of more than 200 take place outside of the store. The three men were charged with aggravated assault but received minor senetences. Henderson received a three inch ga�h which was one inch from the iugglar vein. November 22, 1976 Five white youth wearing swastika symbols break the windows of the Socialist Workers Party headquarters at 23 East Lake St�teet. January 1977 Naz1i posters reading "White Power" an�i"Beautify America, Kill a Rled" appear on Socialist Workers Party headquarters in Minneapolis. Jc:ly 1977 While petitionint� to get a Socialist Workers Party candidate on the ballot. two Nazis threaten Jim Carson telling him, "The Nazis control the mall. you'd better get out of here commie." Later the two turn over a SWP literature table. December 2, 1977 Four uniformed Nazis attack and beat a University of Minnesota employee walking near Coffman Union where a Socialist Workers Party meeting was hearing a Chicano rights speaker. The four were arrested and convicted of simple assault. November 1978 Windows of Mount Zion Temple in St. Paul are bxoken and Nazi swastika is spray painted mn buildinR. This vandalism was done on the date which coincides with Nazi terror in Germanv in the 1930's. December 26, 1978 Offices of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Socialist Workers Partq and the St. Paul Urban League are vandalized with Nazi stickers statin� :"White Power." Communism is Jewish" and Dump Israel."