D00811C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Capies to: - CiIY qerk (p�9ic�alj - Fnance Dept's AccouMing Division - Requesting Dept. : � ull�i Y: a Y\/ �:� : BUDGET REVISION • �� i �_ - Ib i ADMIIdISTRATIVE ORDER, Cansistent with ihe anthority g�anted to the Mayor in Secfion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the reqoest of tLe Chief of the St Panl Police Depactment W amead ti� 1995 budget of the General Ftmd (001), the Director of tlre Department of Finance and :+nA4PmP�* Services is auihorized to amend said budget in the following menner: CURREN'f BUDGET FROM• OUl-Ce�rat Fund 04340-Bnilding Maintenance -0377-d0089-DistrictHeating �� ��� APPROVED CHANGES (14,000) AMENDED BUD('iET . ��� 90,000 (14,000) 76,000 • TO: 001-General Fund 04340-Building Maintenance -0848-40Q89-Other 5pecialized Equipment U fC��:��C�CCt] 0 14,000 14,000 Net CLange For the purcLase and installation of an Energy Management S�stem for the new East District Building. � Approved By: Finance Director Date �� � �-� �`s "�� ved y: Budget Director Date Al20795A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES FOR ,�, (� � � � � RECEIVED �REEN SHEET N 35984 INITIAUDATE ��� _ � "��� � INfT1AUDATE DEPAR7MEMDIRECfOR CITYCOUNCIL CfT'ATTORNEY f�T'��1�� � BU�GET OIRECTOA � FIN. fi MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASS15fANf) ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of the at�ched Administrative Order a�rthorizing the Sainf Paul Police Department to transfer $14,000 from the 300s to the 800s in the Building Maintenance general fund . a Hejact (A) _ p6 COMMITlEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOUflT _ COUNCILO&IECTIVE7 PEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLIOWING �UESTONS: t Has this personlfirm ever worked under a coMract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Dces this pe�son/firm possess a skill not normally posse55ed by any curceM ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparete sheet antl ettech to green shcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where. Why): The Fast District office would be equipped with an energy management system that will be connected to the energy mana° ement systsm that is curre�rtiy used in the Public Safety Building. This system will aUow the Police Departme�rt to monitor and cotrtroi the air handling system in the new building from the Public Safety Building. This energy management system will allow Police Departmem staffto monitor and control the air handling system from the Public Safety Building. The system will alert staff to any heating and air conditioning problems in the building. None apparent. � �ECEiVE� - �'� ' 4 1996 ClT Y CLERK oEC i ti �s5 $�U`3t1 �t��Ci� If tUis system is not in place, the Police Depactment staff will l�ave a"blind b"'1�1�". The staff will have to physically go to the building to monitor and control the heating and air conditioning of the building. AMOUNT OF 7RAN5ACTION S �4 OnO M) COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIFiCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOUBCE �`*Pn�ra1 Rnn�001 � ACTlY1TY NUMBER (1A�40 FINANCIAI INFORMATION� (EXPIAIN) " _j' yw ' L Y �}