272865 N�HITE - CITV CLERK �I ('1��[��� PINK - FINANCE �' COUnCII � V CANARV - DEPARTMENT I GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• BLUE - MAVOR � � . ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED, I�I, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve ,and consent to the appointment by the Mayor of the following �ersons to the Board of Appeals and Review, for terms expiring as indicated: Representative of the financial profession, A. 16,T li Naibi, 1735 Portland Avenue, Sain Paul 55104, term expires November 22, 1981; and Repr sentative of the general citizenry, Tho�s Reiter, 298 Maxshall Avenue, Apt. 1, Sain� Pau1, 55102, term expiring November 12, �.981. i i � I COUNCILMEN Yeas Na s Requested by Department of: Y Butler '� [n Favor Hozza Hunt L.evine � _ Against BY Maddox ' Showalter Tede , M� i �g�g PP P � Y Y Y Adopted b ouncil: Date Form A r ed b Cit tor e i/ Certif d Yasse Counci ,ec e ary BY � / Bl w �#pp o by Mavor: Date �9 Appr v y Mayor for ub ' sio to Council � By _ B ' 121979 �SU�H� M AY ; �'�`���'� , RE 5L�`tE � THO."•1AS REITER 290 ,'�tarshali Ave. , i�l Phon�: 292-0050 (H) St. Paul, rkd 55102 222-5853 (;1) EDUCATIOv 1973-Yresenk University of ?�Iinnesota, �.A. degree awarded June, 1975. Paralegal Certificate awa�ded , �uly, 1977. Currentl.y working toward B.A.S. ' degree in Paralegal Management and Cor.ununica- tions. � �epresentative Advanced Courses LiCigation and Trial Practice: Analysis of Minnesota Civil Procedures, Court Systems, investi- i gation and preparation for trials and hearings. ' Real Estate: Study of property and types of real estate transactions, deeds, contraets, , ', with emphasis on drafting. DoMestic •Relations: Study of laws relating to riarriage, , ' dissolution, adoptians, and ttie role of the paralegal in assisting the '�, attorney in such matters. w'riting for Professions: Writing reports, proposals, memos � summaries, letters, with forr�, clar- ity and suitable tone stressed. Representative Basic Courses Yersonniel Administration Statistics Interviewing Crininal Law Law in ;Society Data Processing Practical Law Economics ' WORK EXPEPIF.�CE Yaraleg�al, Legal Assistance of Ramse� County, Inc. , February 1977 to present. P.espons!ibilities include: --R�ousing counseling --interviewing clients --adrainistrativ� advocacy --�rial preparation/investigation --r�ember, liousir.g Task Force --�pproprzate case negotiation --�epresentative, :tinnesota Tenants Coalition i 2esume, Tom iteiter Pa�e 2 ' I Bus Driver Columbia Tr , ansit Inc. , February 1974 to February 1977. i)uties included: Driving school bus. VOLU:ITEER E�PFP.IENCE �ioard �er�ber, St. Yaul Tenants Union. Decenber, 1978 to present. louth Service Bureau, group activities leader, 1974-75 i-4'IKG, Program Ylanner, 1974 Joyce t�ouse Inc. , group organizer, 1977 - I 'I i , � I I i i • ' A. �VALI NAIBI 1735 Portland Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 I 612/644-9508 Office 298-6003 EXPERIENCE� Vice President and Manager, International Banking Department, American National Bank and Trust Company, St. Paul, Mir.n�so�a; October 1977 to pres�nt. Assistapnt Vice President and Manager, International Banking Departm�ent, American National Bank and Trust Company, St, Paul, Minnesota; October 1976 to October 1977. International Division Ofticer, International Ban ' American Fletcher National Bank (AFNB) , Indianapolisg Indianan� Area of! responsibility: Assistant Manager, International Operatians, International Banking Division; January 1975 to Octo�er 1976. Assistant t�anager and Foreign Exchange Trader, Foreiqn Exchange Depar�msnt, International Banking Division, AFNB; June 1974 to January '1975. Supervis;or and Specialist, Letters of Credit Section, Inter- national' E3anking Division, AFNB; May 1972 to June 1974. Manager and Owner, The Kouchi's Tent Import Shop, Indianapo7.is, Indiana; ' July 1972 to July 1973. „ Administrative Assistant to Director of U. S. Educational Com-� mission rFulbright) in Afghanistan for American Field Service International Scholarships; June 1966 to May i96g, EDUCATION: M•B•A. P�agram, Butler IIniversity, Indianapolis, Ir_diana; 1974 to pr�sent. ri.A. 1971�, University of Hawaii. International development, political' science department. Communica�tions Institute Certificate I971, Eas'c-TrTest Center Communications Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii. B.A. 1970y University of Hawaii; Political development, political science d�partment. Institutelfor Student Interchange Certificate 1970, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, College of� Education, Sociolagy Department, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan, 1966-68. j I i I . . _2_ � PROFESSIONAL 1�E�IELOPP^.E�7T: School for International Banking, University of Colorado, Boulder, �ummer 1976, Workshop on International Banking Operations, Mid America Committeeion International Banking, May 1976 and 1977. Profession of Mana�eMent Seminar, Louis A. Allen Associates, Inc. , Con�ultants, 40 hours, August 1975. Management Leading and Motivating Seminar, Louis A. Al1en Associates, Ine. , Consultants, 24 hours, October 1975. Mid America Committee on International Banking Seminars, 1973, 1974, 1976 and 1977. American Ilnstitute of Banking Certificate, 1973. Minnesota Bankers A�sociation Seminars, 1976 and 1977. Member: �nerican Institute of_ Banking, P�innesota National Association of Credit Management i�iinnesota ►Vorld Trade Association M�id America Committee on International Banking, Chicago HONORS AND AFJA�tDS: East-West Center Scholarship, Fast-West Center Communications Institute, , tJnivers�.ty of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1970-71. East-West �enter Scholarship, East-64est Center Institute for Student Interchange, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1968-70. ' IInit�d Vat�ons Internship, Sur�mer 1970, Office of Economic and Social Aff�irs Technical Cooperation, South Pacific Regian Research Project, Unzt2d Nations, New York. American r^ield Service International Scholarship, Dos Palos, California, 1964-65. CL'RRENT COMMUN�TY II�ITERESTS : Instructor, American Institute of i3anking St. Paul J�ycees Volunteer Fund Raiser for �Iinnesota Orchestra Volunteer !��innesota A.A.U. Swimming Program U.N. Association of I�Iinnesota International Institute of Minnesota Merriam Parik Neighbornood Association Soccer Coac'h, Highlancl--Groveland Recreation Association Advisory Board MeMber, Ramsey County Lung Association Internationlal Center of Indianaz�olis, 1975-76 AMerican Field Service, 1972-76 Indianapoli�s Socce.r Club, 1972-76 Indianapolis Council or. World Atfairs, 1975-76 , Worid Trade Club o� Indianapolis, 1974-76 . - -3- �►����,�� , UI�IVERSITY ACTIVITIES: Vice Presildent, East-Laest Center Students ' Association, 1968-69 � Presid�nt and Vice President, East-t�7est Center t�larried Studen�,s` Association, 1969-71 Student Representative on East-West Center Admissions, Policy and Selection, and Orientation Committees American Field Service, Hawaii Group Leader, Asia-Ar�erica Experience Serninar Board Member, Dnit�d States-Unitzd Nations, Hawaii Chapter National Representative, East-�r?est Students' Association Director, Afghan Cultural Program, University of Hawaii, 1968-71 'I Representa�ive of Afghan Returnees to AFS Conference, Cairo, 1966 ' TRAVEL AND RESIDEPICE OUTSIDE U. S. : Italy (6 y�ars) ; Turkey (3 years) ; India {2 years) ; Afghan- istan (10 years) . Travels in U.A.R. , Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Greece, Hong iCor.g Pi�RSOi�TAL: Born July 28, 1947; Married, Excellent Health O. S. Citizen References wil� be furnished on request. I