272862 WHITE - GTV CLERK �I I COUIICII ���4'� � �
BLUE - MAVOR � � � -
File N 0.
Council Resolution
Presented By -
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�n Administrative R�solution amending, in the
Civil Service Rules, the upper age requirement
fpr applicants for City positions.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in the written
material at tlne beginning of Section 49, under the paragraph entitled "AGE",
so that said paragraph shall read as follows:
Except !where a different age limit is prescribed by law or in
th� indi�vidual specifications of this e���� resolution, persons
to be elp.gible as applicants for any examination or registration
for em�loyment in the classified service of the City miast be at
least 16i, years of agey.a��b�---y�ee.-r�ef�a-ge�s '' - y
� Approved:
' ' Civil ervice Commissig�a
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Hunt '
Levine _ � _ Against BY —
Ted ' �g79 F Approved by A rne
Adopte y Council Date � MQY � �,
rtified Pa• by un '1 Se9retar
t#ppr v d by lNavor: Dat _ MAY � Ap ro by Mayor for ssion to C uncil
By By
tt!$L�sNED MAY 1 � 1979
::;-�:-' �i:f_'.?''Y C):i?' �.t L T�.1�:' �.r"�.iT��:_. ..
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'� �"':' ~�'�•�f� Da t e : Apri 1 16, 1979 .
``~� . :� ' _
CC� ��'si�; �`i i � �= � � ° � � i
� � : Sainr Paul Ci;� Counci! .� � -
�i� �7 �l� � C a J?'!�i!��'�'� O i l ,�'INANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL .
RUBY HUNT';choirman, makes the foflc�;�ing
. �
�, .
reporf on C. F. [� Ordinance -
� (3) Q Resotu'rion . � -
� '. . • � O�h er � - . -
� ��L� •� . - _ , . -
The Finance Commit�ee, at its meeting of April T6, 1979, recommended approval of
the fpllowing: --� -
1 . Resolution transferring 1979 budget funds from Contingent Reserve to Parking
• Meter Monitor �Codes to.provide funds to place two additional full-time Parking -
Meter Monitors on the street. � � -
: � a 1 for ositions in -
2. Resol_ution to ad�ust the age at which applicants may pp y p
the City Service to conform with the new Federal Retirement Law. .
� 3: Resolution to modify the BTue Cross-Blue Shield contract for increased .
ma�ternity benefits without additional premium charges.
,::"f4' iU1LL SE�'F:�TFf PJ..COR S:'1l\I' I':1'L�Z, �II�\�SOT1 S�i�?
o not detach-�#his memorandum frOm the
r olution so that this informatlon wll! �br �
Ilal�e to the Ci#y Councll. , : :a� Qi; �2/x97s
�ev.; 9�81?:6
LX8LA1�1T�8N. 4F 3TR#, �0
RE ��T�IQ�1S
�s��: March 13, 19 9 .
�ot �Y4R G�� . . �ECElVED
APP 5 —1979
�= Pars�An�� o�� cs MAYOR'S O�
�E: 1�as��,uxiQn � aui�ae�or� tw Git��C�aumc�;l -
:Wer rRC�me�d your agp c�a�. and eubm3,ss#mn pf: t�t�.�s Iieav7,u��;oa �ct �hs Gt�Cy CQUttai.�.
� P�E4'�S_ �� ACTI4�1:
This Resolutio is proposed in order to adjust the age,at which applicants :
may apply for ositions in the City Service, to conform with the new '
- Federal Retire ent Law.
A�T ,.«AC�'NTB� ,
Resolution and opy for the City Clerk. , �