272859 WHITE - CITV CLERK P�NK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council '�d� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT �k �� BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. �' il Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B}� Date RESOLVEp, That upon execution and delivery of a releaselin full to the City, in a form to be approved by the ICity Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby �uthorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liabili`ty Fund 09070-511-000, to: l. Flo�ence Trenter the sum of $47 .14 in full settle- men�t of her claim of damages sustained on or about Jun 23 , 1978, as more particularly set out in a co�unication to the City Council on July 25, 1978. � 2. Preferred Risk Insurance Companies and Grego ry J. Aamodt the sum of $549.84 in full settlement of the!ir claim of damages sustained on or about , De�ber 21, 1978, as more particularly set out in communication to the City Council on - Jan�tary 25, 1979. 3. Mic�ael Rodriguez the sum of $161.69 in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or �.bout January 19, 1979, as more particularly set' out in a communication to the City Council on Apri1 3, 1979. - i .. j � � COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays � Butler i, }�,�, � In Favor Hunt � �� � _ __ Against BY - Maddox , Showal Z 6 19� Te o A� Form Appro by City A ne Adopte y Council: Date � Cer ied Passe y Counc' S ry BY . , B � 2 7 �s�9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council /#pp ov � vor. e Bv — sy �us�s� MAY 5 197g— � � s������.''.�, , ��"°��T�F'�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL R�� '��r` � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY =4 �"� x; =� tult/Iltll ti� ;;� Ilii 11111 ^c� SUZANNE E. FLINSCH, CITY ATTORNEY �°`�„� ,8,+ � 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �`1��.. 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR ' 13 April 197� M E M O R A 1`i1 D U M — � — — — CLAIMS AGAINST CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY FLORENCE TRENTER; PREFERRED RISK ' INSURANCE COMPANIES AND GREGORY J. AAMODT; and MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ �I Claimant, Florence Tr�nter, requests reimbursement for damages to her vehicle which occurred when she hit a man hole cover on June 23, 1978. This office approves the settlement of Ms. Trenter' s claim in the amount of $47 .14 . Claima.nt, Gr gory J. Aamodt, was involved in an automobile acci- dent with a �ity of Saint Paul , Department of Police vehicle on December 21, 1978 . Mr. Aamodt is being joined in this claim by Preferred Risk Insurance Companies, his insurer. Expenses are for the repair of the damaged vehicle. This office approves the settlement of their claim in the amount of $549. 48. Claimant, Mi hael Rodriguez, requests reimbursement for damages to his autom�ibile windshield. The windshield was damaged when he past by of City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works, crew cleaning snow off the Selby Bridge. A snow blower threw a rock up and it hit Mr. Rodriguez ' windshield. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Rodriguez ' claim in the amount of $161.69. I � �i �I �J I