272853 WHITE - C�TV GLERK - �����: PINK - FINANGE COUI�C11 CANARV - OEPAR7MENT ' GI OF SAINT PALIL File NO. � �� BLUE - MAVOR � �� p u ci e lution s . Presented By ISCEe1SE Ol�R+1ITTEE Referred To Commi t . Date Out of Committee B}r Date RESOLVED a That applicati.on for transfer of the Private Club Lieense No. 56l�9, expiring Ju1y l, 1979, issued i�o the Gopher Lodge No. 105 I.B.P.O.E. VFW at 908 University Avenue, be and the same ils hereby transferred to ?39 Selbp Avenue. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ', � Butler �� �_ [n Favor Hunt Levine _�__ A gai n s t BY Maddox Showalt Adopte y Counci Date � � 6 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney C ified Pa_ • by Co nci ec�'et�ry BY v /�pp v by 17avor: a e � 2'T �]� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — BY p�����p �A� 5 1979 City Clerk � : fi � � CfTY Of ST. PAUL � �,�3 D��r�►RTMENT O� F1NANiCE AND NIANAG�M�iti7 SFRVIC�� ASSESSMENT DtVtS10�1 113 CITY HAIt ST.PAUL,MIVNESOTA 55702 March 9, 1979 , FileX2259 Page The Council o�` the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chamb$rs of the City Hall and Court House (third floo�) at 9:00 a.m. on April 11, 1919 on the Applicati:o� of the Gopher Lodg� No. ].05 for Che tralnsfer of their private club licens.e issued to them at 908 University Ave. to 739 Selby Ave. � bei;ng legally described as the south 74.50 feet of Lot 16, Block 3, Holcombe's Addition : If you would ].ike further informa�ion about this hearino, contact the License & Perm�ifi Registration, 209 City Hall, or telephone 298-5d56. � While the Ci.ty Charter requires that we notify you of the hearzn�, we want to help y�ou to learn fully about any action that could affeet qou oz your comznu�ity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearin� so that you can ma'tce you� viet�s about it lrnown to the City Cou�cil whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAiV VALUATION AND ASSESS:IE�i� ENGINEER I i I . ��— C �� � 7� 8�S 3 ....,,.,«„�, �����`'Tr °'U''' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _=e� .%,, _� ;.,, �� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ';� uii�ii�ii A�� `%• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . ��"'�m«"„c°°'- Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER ' Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 9, 1979 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Mr. Pres�tdent and Honorable Members: The, Gopher Lodge, �� 105, requests that the Private Club License issued to Gopher Lodge, �� 105, located at 908 University Avenue, be transferred to Gopher Lodge, �� 105, at 739 Selby Avenue. Very truly ours, � . JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI, ' License Inspector � I� °��