P 1 N'!( - F I N A N C E C�VnL•ll 8 �/-�'�' ,'�
B�.�R� -�vtO.N R ME"T , GITY OF SAINT PAUL � , ��._-��
File N 0.
� i Council Resolution
Presented I
Referred To - Committee: Date
Out of Committee By; Date
2 .
FURTHER R�SOLVED, that the City accepts as its Advisory
Committee the �1-member Ramsey County Advisory Committee , con-
sisting of pro�aortional representation between the City of
Saint Paul and� other communities within the County, as its
Community Health Services Advisory Committee; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor is strongly urged to
appoint as many members of the old advisory committee to the
new joint city-county advisory committee as may be possible
and lawful ; an�l, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint
Paul shall continue to assume the responsibilities of the Board
of Health for the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes , Sectaon 145 . 913 .
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Butler [n Favor
Hunt ! l
Levine v __ Against BY
Te o APR 2 6 �gTg Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopt y Council: Date
tified Pas- by Counc.� et�ry BY
tlpp by 17avor: Dat � � �.� �� Appr ve by Mayor for Su io to�Council
�PI18liSt�NEO MAY 5 1979
N�HITE - CITV CLERK �I � �j�����
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To ' Committee: Date
Out of Committee By' Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Section 145.913, assumed the responsibilities
of the Board of�� Health under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 145.911
to 145.922; and
WHEREAS, i�. compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 145.913,
Subd. 3, the City Council has established a Community Health Services
Advisory Committee; and
WHEREAS, tl�e City of Saint Paul' s Community Health Services
plan is transmitted to the State Commissioner of Health as part of
the plan for th� County of Ramsey; and �,
WHEREAS, it is the adopted policy of the City of Saint Paul
that the County� assume at some point in the future responsibility
for all community health services within the County of Ra.msey; and
WHEREAS, i� is the desire of the City Council and the Ramsey
County Board to abolish their Advisory Committees and substitute
in place thereo� a single County-wide Community Health Services
Advisory Commit�ee to advise both the Saint Paul City Council and �
the Ramsey Co�.n.ity Board; and
WHEREAS, t�{�.e Assistant Commissioner� Office of Community Health
Services, Minne�ota Department of Health, has advised the City that
a single Countyrtwide Advisory Committee would be acceptable compli-
ance for the Citty of Saint Paul with the requirements of Minnesota
Statutes, Section 145.913, Subd. 3; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the
Community Healtl� Services Advisory Committee of the City of Saint
Paul is hereby �.bolished; and� ,be it
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: •
Yeas Nays
Butler In Favor
Levine ; _ __ Against BY
Tedesco Form Appr by City t rne
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
By `
�.lpproved by 1�lavor: Date — Appr d by Mayor for Submi io to Council
By _ By
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March 22 , 1979
T0: A1 Olson, Recorder of Council Proceedings
FROM: Betty Tedesco �
SUBJECT: Agenda Item
Please place the St. Paul Community Health Services Advisory
Committee on the City Council agenda for Tuesday, March 27 ,
1979 .
BT :cb
Com�aunity Health Services Advisory Committee
Public Health Center
� 555 Cedar Street
7 : 30 p.m.
March 22 , 1979
. Members pres�nt :
Arlene Atehison Richard Gunderson
Marjana Callery Bruce �arkkula
R•iargaret Dor�n Fred Mayer
Peggy Foster Francis Tompkins
Maria Girsch
Members absent:
Mary Pat Arri,ngton Jean Donaldson (excused)
John Catlin Lawrence Suess
Paul Dickinsan Vernon taeckworth (excused)
Staff present,•
Edward R. EbeThardt Betty Tedesco
Joan Foreman
( �
Others--'presen�t: -
Ray Cink, director, Ramsey County Community Health Services
The special meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Chairperson
Marjana Ca11e�y.
The city attoxney had been asked for an opinion on several questions
concerning Community Health Services and how the statutes would apply
to the City of Saint Pau1 if the city and county advisory boards were
merged. Copi�s of the opinion were distributed and members present
were given time to assimilate the information therein.
After discuss�on about the joint recommendations of the city/county
staffs , repre�entation on a merged committee, population of the city
and county, et�c. , the committee tovk the following actions .
ADOPTED: Motion to recommend to the City Council (acting as the
oar o ea t at t e aint au visory ommittee issolve
t emse ves to aci itate t e eve opment o a sing e a visory com-
mittee w ic wou e an appointe -mem er commltfiee o w ic _
mem ers wi e o icia re resentatives , provi er representatives ,
an consume � representatives as recommen e y t e city county
ealt sta s ,jand presented to t�ie�aint Pau3, and amsey ounty CHS
' advisory comm�;ttees.
ADOPTED: Motion that the makeup of the new advisory committee
( also be pxoportionate to t�e population of the city and county.
ADOPTED: Motion to adjourn at 8 :40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
� Kay Bricher
, r r.
� _�6���TY �� ._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL
=�� s . .
�O � 2'.
�_.i IIIIIT"iNll. 9�` .
,. �
�'':�;� �s�. ..-' 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
Mr. Edward Eberhardt
Assistant Director
Saint Paul Health Department
555 Cedar Str�et
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Re: Opinion F�equest of March l, 1979 �
Dear Mr. Eberhardt:
Your opinion �equest concerning Community Health Services has been
approved by the office of the Mayor and was assigned to the under-
signed on Mar�h 12, 1979, for response. You ask a variety of
questions con�erning the merger of the City' s CHS Advisory Commit-
tee and the County' s CH5 Advisory Committee, the subsidy to the
City under th� CHS Act, and the po,ssible incorporation by the
County 'of Cit� Health Department responsibilities. -
With reference to the CHS Advisory Committees, the facts are
1. The Legis�.ature in 1976 enacted the Community Health Services
Act, 1976, Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 9, which provides,
inter al.ia; '
(a) for a County Baard of Health and a City Board of
(b) subsidy payments based on established criteria; and
(c) in counties such as Ramsey, the City of Saint Paul
may �reate its own Health Board or it may elect to
consent to a County-wide Health Board.
2. In June o�' 1976 the Council by resolution (C. F. 267420)
assumed t�e responsibility as the local Board of Health and
noted that it is a palicy af the City to continue to wark
with the �County for the transfer of responsibility for
. i
,�g,�, p,,,�.
Edward Eberhardt
Page Two
health from the City to the County. (No such transfer has
yet been made. )
3. The City subsequently appointed a CHS Advisory Committee.
The provision for Advisory Committees is found in 5ubd. 3 of
Minnesota Statutes s� 145. 913. The size of the Advisory Committee
cannot be less than nine persons nor more than 21 persons. The
issue of inerger of� the City of Saint Paul ' s CHS Advisory Committee
with the County' s CHS Advisory Committee has been discussed with
Robert Hiller, Assistant Commissioner of Health, and he indicates
that a merger of the City and County CHS Advisory Committees would
be acceptable compliance with Minnesota Statutes � 145.913, Subd.
3, from the State Department of Health.' s view.
The merger of the two Advisary Commi�tees does not alter the City
Council ' s responsibilities as the Board of Health for the City of
Saint Paul and the merger of the two Advisory Committees does not
alter the relationship between the Council as the Board of Health
for the City of Saint Paul and the Ramsey County Board c�f Commis-
sioners as the Board of Health for other parts of Ramsey County.
The powers of the County with respect to Community Health Services
will not change until such time as the Council of the Ci.ty of Saint
Paul takes action to allow the County to preempt the powers and
duties of the City.
The City of Saint Paul is eligible for a CHS subsidy under Minnesota
Statutes s� 145.917, Subd. 2. The actual subsidy is made to the
County based on a formula outlined in Minnesota Statutes � 145.921,
Subd. 2. The City' s proportionate share of the subsidy "shall be
determined by calculating the proportion of local expenditures for
Community Health Services within the County that were expended by
the City. " Minn. Stat. � 145.917, Subd. 2. It is our understand-
ing that the County has allocated a larger percentage of the sub-
sidy to the City than the mandated minimum share to the City
following the Minnesota Statutes � 145. 917, Subd. 2, distribution.
Edward Eberhardt
Page Three
As long as the City retains its status as a local Board of Health
and meets the other requirements of Minnesota Statutes � 145.917,
Subd. 2, it is eligible for a proportionate share of the County' s
CHS subsidy.
Therefore, the merger of the City and County Advisory Committees,
with the concurrence of the State Department ot Health, will not �
affect the powers of the City Council as the Board of Health, and
it will not lessen or increase the City' s proportionate share of
the County' s CHS subsidy.
Those parts of your request concerning the statutory authorization
for an assumption of City Health responsibilities by the County is
quite complex. You ask what presents the most advantageous organ-
ization for a County-wide Health Department fro;n the City' s view.
Without further input from those charged to set policy, we do not
know what the City' s view on this issue may be.
Respectfully submitted,
/ !
Assistant City Attor:�ey • �
The St. Paul Community Health Service Advisory Committee at its January 11, 1979
meeting requested City and County Health Staff to jointly prepare a plan for the inte-
gration of the two health agencies. The two staffs have met and submit the following
plan for consideration.
I. Develop a single Community Health Service Advisory Committee
1. abolish the County Community Health Advisory Committee
2. abolish the City Community Health Service Advisory Committee
3. appoint a 21 member Community Health Service Advisory Committee
a. 11 offici�l represen�atives to include at least one City Councilman,
one Countp Commissioner, and one St. Pau1 School Board member �
b. 5 provider representatives
c. 5 consume� representatives
4. Establish sub-committees on: Community Nursing; Environmental Health; Health
Education; and, Emergency Medical Services.
5. Establisn by-laws based upon the County recommended model, existing City
Community Hea�.th Service Advisory Comr�ittee by-laws and requirements for Title
� XVI�I ;e;ertifi��ation. .
Note: Mr. Eberhardt has submitted a modified suggestion for the establishr.!ent of a 15
member Advisory Committee (see enclasure). •
II. Determine the statutory basis for integration of certairi City pro�ams with the County.
This issue arises because three Statutes currently address the situation of a County
assum3,ng certain health responsibilities. Two Statutes MSA 145.4?-145.54 (1949) and
Laws 1971 Chapter 579 provide enabling authority for creation of a County Health
Department. There are, however, differences between these laws and thus it becom�s
important under which Law we proceed.
The issue becomes' even more complex given the presence of the CHS Act, (MSA i45.911-
145.922 (1976)�, itself and the enabling provisions it con�ains.
Staff suggests that we obtain clarification of the statutory basis and limitations
of integrating Ci�ty and County health functions. Such clarification could be obtained
from the County Attorney's office by routing our request. through the Executive Director's
III. Staff have identi�ied each City and County Program indicating local tax, CHS subsidy,
other State or Federal funds, and revenues earned. We then discussed each City Program
and identified thpse programs which would be appropria�e for integration, which sho;�d
remain with the C'�ity, and which should more appropriately be attached to some other
County Department',. �
This has been prepared for your discussion and suggestions. It will also be discus5ed
at the County CHS Advisory Commifitee on February 7, 1979, and a copy has been forwarded
to Mr. Larry Brow�, Ramsey County Executive Director, for review.