272821 �����
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�__ In the Matter of ���#,�+�� l��� �d 4�k ���#il
Finance File Description
East Side C�L30RttiE ST. fror� only t,�ose properties of ?latted Cullen Place--lots 2 thru 8
����� `�-' and ��lest Si�e COLBOR�lE ST. f roT 4G5' South of south Pro�erty l i n� of Jefferson hve.
to north to 170' south of south property tine of Grace St.
i:j(��� "iorth S i�e FOR3ES AVE. f rom �d. 7th St. to Smi th Ave.
' �;��,�� 3ot�i Sides CA'r1TC�� ST. from Otto Ave. to Scheffer f1ve.
,� ,v,(�13 ;lorth Side THOt1AS AWE. from Arundel St. to west 410'
°��;tp�`� �.orth Side SHER8URt1t AVE. from Snelling •l1ve. to Fry 5t.
��(�i� Eoth Sides Pr�LACE AVE. froR� Finn St. to Cretin Flve.
�v(p}(o �otn $ides GRiGGS S�. frorn 134.2�' south of �ngle�•load Av�. to north to Ser�zinary Ave.
� ,
�:J�;� ��orth Side �OS`,•IEL� AVc. at 2125 Qosweli , abutting Lot 1�, alk. 13, St�: Anthany Pk. N.
����� West Side �t0. SYfiDiCATE ST. fror� Sher�urne Ave. to soc�th 3U'
;�,�}"i South Side CNARLES AVE. from Pascal St. to Simpson St.
, r,��,�'L�` uotn Side SN�R'tiJCCD HVE. from Greenbrier St. to Payne ave.
� South Side E. IDAHO ;'�VE. fro�r East of Gary Place at 1�322 �. idaho, abuttin; Lot l�,
��b�� �lk. �, Ni i lcr�st �enter.
;O�,�a �ast Side t:"i;�ARO �T. fror� �. Jessamine �,v�. to So. 1 ine ext�nu�d of E. Geraniu��i ,'�ve.
APR 2 4 19T9
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Nays
� Certifie a�sed by ounc' Sec ar A� 2 ] 19�9
:s� II
�`"�' In Favor x
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, ;� , Against
` - �'�•� Mavor
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�.:::��_�o: ; CITY OF SAINT PA�L
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� ,�,. ,,,>' 234 City.Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
JAN 15 1919 .
.lanuary 10, 1�79 ASSESSMENTSECTION
Mr. 3ernard J. Carlson
Di rector of Finance
and 1�lonagerient Servi ces �
roor� 11� Ci ty Hal1
Attention: Paui Desch
�ear Nr. Carlson :
r lease ,,repare the Prel iminary Ord�r and schedule a pubi i c neari ng for the
reconstruction of sidewalk listed on tne attacE�ed oage.
,,�111 th° sidewalk oraers are reconstruction, so they wilt be financed �
'+ °uS 1 ', _- i r,,�r�vemen t �i d Funds.
� Attac��d herevrith are the following:
l . List of the sidewalk orders
2. Hdv i s au i 1 i ty E Des i rab i 1 i ty °epo rt
3. Copy of plans for eacn order.
Yaurs very truly,
��L'l(�.," �' � /; �`';,.'�-�
�` �
�onald E. ilygaard ``
t�i rector of Publ i c +-lorks
J F�`���1�
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- • � _ Dist. Flo. 1
�.5. .6ol�arne�St. - only thasc properties r�f Platted Cullen Place--Lots 2 thru 3 and
'.J.S. Colborne St. - 46y' South of S. PL. of Jefferson Avc. to north to 15�' south of
S. PL. of Grace St. � �
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on the basis of a petition
wi th 7 signers representing �55 of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
`This walk is old ti le ►Li th broken ti le, high joints , tripping hazards , holes in ti le.
Financed by PIA Funds. '
The Engineering recommendation is for approva) of tftie order.�
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) �
R3 DD RR JO , .
� �i s t. �do. 1 �
t�.S. Forbes l�ve. - :J. 7th St. to Sni th Ave. . , "
7his order ti�as initieted by the Director of Public ldorks on the besis of a peLitian
vrith 1 signer representing 100`G of the. frontage and inspection of the walk.
. This 4�alk is old tile a�ith tree heaves � broken tile , hi�h Joints , tripping hazards ,
water pockets and poured concrete with cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and
settled paneis. -
� Financed by PIA Funds. .
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of tne order.
{Construct to �iidth desi;nated on plat, 6' )
R8 DD itR JU
Dist. ��o. 1
B.S. Canton St. - Otto Ave. to Scheffer Ave.
This order ti•ras initiated by the ei �ector of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the basis
of a petitian with 7 signers representing 50"/, oft,ie frontage and inspection of [he walk.
This ►valk is oid ti le and poured concrete ti•li th tree heaves � broken ti le, high joints ,
tripping hazards , asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels and tipped panels.
Financed by PIA Funds. �
The Engineering recon;mendation is far approval of the order.
(Recluce from a .G ft. to a 5 ft. walk) •
_ . , - Dist. lYo. 1
. . r �. . . �.�j'��l�1�i
-r -�r
II.S. 'f'nomas Ave. - Arunde1 St. � to rrest 410'
Th i s orde r was i n i ti ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c 'rlorks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the bas i s
of 2 conplaints and inspection of the walk. �
-�: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards , water pockets, offgrade,
asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels. � :
Fi nanced by P I f� Funds. '
1'he Engineerin5 recommendation is fo� approval of thc order.
(Construct to width designated on plat, G')
:.= Rt3 DD RR JO
DiSt. F�O. 1
tJ.S. Sherburne Ave. - Snelling Ave. to f ry St. , .
Th i s order was i ni t i ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c tdorks as pub i i� necess i ty on the bas i s
of a petition with 1 signer �epresenting ;��; of the frontage and inspectfon of the waJk.
This walk is poured eoncrete �•�ith tree heaves , .asphalt patches , cracked co�crete panels
and scaled panels. � �
Financed by PIA Funds.
The Engineering �recommendation is for approva�l of the arder.
- (Construct to width designated on plat)
RE3 DD RR - JO .
� Dist. PJo. 1
3.S. Palace Ave. - Finn St. to Cretin Ave. .
This order ►•�as initiated by the Director of Public Uorks as public necessity on the basis
of 1 complaint and a petition with 1 signer representing 17; of the frontage and i�speciion
of the walk. �
This waik is old tile ane� poured concrete �•�ith tree heaves, b�oken tile, high joints ,
tripping hazards , cracked concrete paneis and scaled, tipped panels.
Financed by PIA Funds. '
The Engineering recommendation is for �pproval of Lhe ordcr.
(Reduce fror� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
� Dtst. t�o. 1
, . . � •
8.5. Griggs St. - 1;34.25' south of Engle��ood Ave.^ to north to Seminary Ave. �
This order was initated by the Directoc of Public �•torks as public necessity on the basis
of a petition with 1 sicyner representing 2.0� of the frontac�e and inspection of the walk.
: ` ; This walk is poured concrete tivith tree heaves , trippin, hazards, ��ater pockets � asphait
patches , cracked concreCe panels, scaled and tipped panels.
Financed by PIA Funds.
� The En.gineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
. � .
� (Reduce from a 6 ft. to 5 ft. walk)
Dist. Vo. 1 •
ti.S. Doswell Ave. at 2125 Doswell , abutting lot 10, 31k:. 1�, Plo.. 5t. Anth�ny Park
7his order was initiated by the 'Jirector of Public !•lorks on the basis of � petition with .
l signer �epresenting 100i of the frontage ar�o inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with ��rater pocl:ets, cracked concrete panels, scaled and
settled panels.
; Financed by PIA Funds. •
The Enginee�ins recommendation is for approval of the. order.
• (Construct to •width designated on plat) • •
. . Dist. Pio. 1
- W.S. tto. Syndicate St. - Sherburne Ave. to south c30'
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on �he basis
of a petition with 1 signer representing 1005 of the frontaye and •inspection of the walk.
7his waik is old tile with broken tile, tripping fiazards , a�atcr pockets , high longtudinai �
joi nts.
Finanted by PIA Funds.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Redace from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. Yralk.)
r � ' , . Dist. Pio. 1
S.S. Charles Ave. - Pascal St. to Simpson St.
This order r�as initiated by the Director of Pu51ic '�lorks as public necessity on the basis
of 1 complaint and a petition with 2 signers representing 20S of tne fronta�e and
inspection o# the walk.
This walk is poured coc�cret�e with tree heaves, hi�h joints, tripping hazards, asphalt
Financed by PIA Funds.
The Cngineering recorrmendation is for approval of the order.
; (Reduce from a 6 ft. . to a 5 ft. walk)
� R8 DD RR JO . �
, , oist. rlo. 1
8.5. Sherwood Ave. - G�eenbrier St. to Payne Avc. . _
This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4Jorks as public necessity on the basis
of a petition with 1 signer representing 10� of the frontage and inspection oF the walk.
This r�alk is poured concrete ��ith tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazarJs , cracked �
concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels.
Financed by PtA Funds.
. The Engineering recommendation is for approva�l of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
� Dist. f�Jo. 1
� S.S. E. ldaho Ave. - East of Gary Place at 1822 E. Idaho, abutting Lot 15, Blk. 5,
Hi llcrest Ce�ter.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public 1lorks as public necessity on the basis
oF a petiti�on with 1 signer representing )00:6 �f the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This v�alk is poured concrete with tripping hazards, hi�h longitudinat joints, and
scaled panels.
Fananced by PiA Funds. '
The Engineeri�g recorunendation is for approval of the order.
(Cons.truct to rri dth des i gnated on plat, G') -
� �
.. .. ,, . • " Dist. tlo. � ,�i�,l��
, . ,. '
E.S. Kennard St. - E. .Jessamine Ave. to So. line extended of E. Geranium Ave.
This orde r was initiat�d by the Director of Public Idorks as public necessity on the basis
of a petition with 6 signers representin� 100� of the frontaye and inspection of the walk.
This waik is poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards , vrater pockets, cracked
: concrete panels, scale8 and tipped panels. � �
� Financed by PIA Funds. . �
� The Engineering recomrr�endation is for ap�roval of the order. -
(Construct to v��idth designated on plat) '
.: R(3 DD RR JO . ' .
. �
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