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In the Matter of li��t��'t��� �'�i/ � �M�t �6�Aii�
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Finaace File No, , Description
510623 CLARBI�IC$ 3T. 'w�et side frcm 8 pr�wparty line B. Ivy (vac) ta north 525 ft.
at Lota 13, 14, I7 � 1.8 Blk. 2, Kayse's /Wd at B. ivq vacat�d. s1w►tting
1323. 1335, �341,, 1359 anci 1365 Clar�nce St.
Si0624 GOODRICH AVE., north 43de froe Gartisld St. to West�rn Ava. at Lot 9, A
Auditor's Sub. #65 abutting 34S Goodrich
S10625 G'�ARL83 AVE.� south side from Aruadel 3t. to Msckubfn St.. only abutting �
Lot 52. B1k. 15, �ith's Sub. of �Einson�: Diviaion, 474 Charles
310626 OOMO AVE.. N� �ide froa DosM�ll Av�r. to 3�th 94 ft. Lot 13, Elk., 32� St.
Mthony Pk. �torth. and repair of cotecreta blvd. on SW aide GOZ� l�VE, from
Dos�retll to �buth 30 ft. Lot 1, Blk. 31
310627 $;., M�tl1iP.HAHAI AVE.. north aide fras Winthrop St. tp Pedero�n Sit. at r;
2b�91 E. Minn�haha Ave. �
310628 FORB3T ST., W�st sfde from Hyaciath Aw: to north 60 !t, abatting Lot 46, Blk. 2 y
J. A. 6 Ii.M.j Stess Add.
510624 RA�DND AV$.r weet side frc4 Ma�vel St. to south 120 ft, ��
S10b30 B. PAGB 3T.,' north side fr�n 320 !t. east of old ��st prop�erty Iiae of Brawn Ave. �
(vac) to We�t to the a�tat property liaa of Bra�n Av�. public st�ps (vac)
part new construction
510631 MAZtSHALL A�iB�.. north side frcia4 lOQ ft W�st of Snelling Avs. to aest to Fry St.
S10632 DAYTON AVE.. aorth side from Avon 8t. to Fisk St., abutting Lots 1S 6 16
Blk. 2. Nini�gar b Donnelly's Add.
310633 WE�.I.ESLBY AV�.. aorth aide frau 150 ft, west of Davera St. to 175 ft. West of
Dav�rn St., iabutting Lot 27 aad aast � of Lot 26, Blk. 9, ��[acale�tsr Villa,�
510634 I�RN7.HGSIDB bRIVS.� aaat side at 76 � 82 Morningaid� Dr., abuttimg Lot 19 & 1�
� B2k. 4, Afto`n Aeighta Add.
�� __._. ���u �y ��uncii �e tary ,g7g
�-Ne�� ' �R 2 7
, �In Favor y
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Levi ne �
M a ddp�c Against
Sc�owaltert 1979
?edescc� , �j�„�NED MAY 5
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_�°��t" °r;�;; CtTY OF SAINT PAUL
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%+ Iltltitl111:. �s . . . .
;�. �"� 1°'�' �_ �I DONACD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR
��'''� 234 City Hall,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102
<<�, ,.�.
' 612-298-4241
January 19, 1979
Ptr. 8ernard J. Carlsan
Di rector of Finance
and Ftanagernent Servi ces �
Raom 113 City Hall '
Attention: Paul Des�h
Oear Mr. Carlson:
Please prepare the Frel iroinary Urder and schedule a publ i c hearing for the
construction/reconstruction of sidetvalks listed on the attached page.
Eleven of the side���alk orders are reconstruction so they will be financed
by Public Improver�en� Aid Funds. 7be "North side of E. Page St." order
has both constructior� and reconstruction , so some of it will be assessed
agdin�t the abutting ,properLy and the remainder will be financed t�y
PIA funds.
Attached herewith ar� the following:
1 . L i s t of the s i�e�oa 1 k o rde rs
2. Advisability � Desirability Report
3• Copy of plans for each order.
Yours very truty, ,
�����7��� �� . �
o al E. Wyga ,f.� !cU R�C����,
Di rector of Pu 1 i c Work�
�E,,�g�, JAN 2 9 1979
�►�� �� �
• ' C t% � �� •' n Dist. tlo. 1 _
;d.S. Clarence St. - So. Prop. Lii�e E. Ivy (vac. ) to north 525' at Lots 13� It+, 17 � Ig
of [31k. ; 2, Mayme's Add. at E. Ivy vacated, abutting 1323, 1335,
` � 1341 , 1,�59 and 1365 Clarence St.
This order was iniEiated by'' the Director of Public Works as public necessity on Che basis
of a petition with 1 signer representing 20� of the frontage and inspection of the waik.
This walk is pour�d concretie v�ith tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets ,
asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels an'd tipped panels. �
Financed by PIA Funds. , �
The Engineering recommendatlion is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designaited on plat, 5')
(,� t0 � � , Dist. No. 1
y.5. Goodr�ich Ave. - Garfisid St. to Western Ave. at Lot 9, Auditor's Sub. }l65, abutting
34� Goodrich
This order was initiated by! the Director of Public Works on the basis of a petition with
l signer representing 100� 'of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile with tree heaves , b roken tile � tripping hazard and wate� pockets.
Financed by PIA Funds. -
The Engineering recommenda�ion fs for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to �t. walk)
� v I���' . .
Dist. No. l
S.S. Charles Ave. - Arundei1 St. to Mackubin St. , only abutting Lot 52, B1k• 15 , Smith's
Sub. of Siinson's Division, 474 Charles Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on t�e basis of 2 complaints and
a petition with 1 signer r+epresenting 100� of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with h�igh joints tripping hazards, tipped and settled panels.
Financed by �PIA Funds. �
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. . .
(Construct to width designated on .plat�
. : . • � _� ' Dist. No. ������
• � 1��0 2 •
�iE.S. Como Ave. - Dosweil ANe. to so. 90' , Lot 13, Blk 32 and repair of concrete• blvd. an
SW.S. Como Ave. - Doswei) tb south 30' , Lot 1 of Blk. 31 � -
This orde r was initiated byl the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis
of a petition with 1 signer representing 100� of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concretie with settled panels andRConcrete Blvd. repair for Tree
Stump Removal .
Financed by PIA Funds.
The Engineering recommendat!ion is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designa,ted on plat, 6') �
/^ Dist. .No. 1
�V��-� ,
f�.S. E. Minnehaha Ave. - Wi'nthrop St. to Pedersen St. at 2091 E. Minnehaha Ave.
This order was initiated by, the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis
of a petition with 1 signer representing 100� of the frontage and inspecCion of the walk.
This walk is poured concreCe wFth tree heaves , asphatt patches and tipped panels.
Financed by PIA Funds. . ,
The Engineering recommendation is for aPproval of the order. �
(Consiruct to width designated on plat, 5' •)
•� vr �� Dist. No. 1
W.S. forest Sf. - NyaCinth Ave. to north 60', at�utting Lot 26, Bik. 2, J.A. E W.t1. Stess' Add.
This order was initiated byr the Director of Pubtic Works on the basis of a petition with
1 signer representing 100� ,of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This wal�k is poured concre�e with old tree heaves, asphalt patches , disintegrated,
cracked concrete panels, s�aled, tipped ,and settled panels.
Financed by P!A Funds. ,
'fhe Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduced from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
. .� . , I � Dist. No. 1 ���:��
� ' '� �nfa�--� �
W.S. Raymond Ave. - Manvel ' St. to south IZO' ,
'This order was initia[ed by� the Director of Public Works on the basis of 1 camplaint and
a petitlon with 2 signers representing 100� of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete wtth tree heaves , high joints, tripping hazards, asphalt patches ,
cracked concrete pan$ls, tlpped and settled panels.
This walk is pou�ed concrete with tree heaves , high joints , •tripping hazards, asphalt patches,
cracked concrete panels, tipped and settled panels.
Financed by PIA Funds.
The Engineerir�g recommenda�ion is for approval of the order. �
(Construct to width designated on plat)
r���� . Dist: No. 1
N.S. E. Page St. - 32�' east of old east prop. line of Brown Ave. (vac.) to west to �
west prqp.. lineof Brown Ave. public steps (vac.).
This orde r was initiated by the Director of Pubiic Works as public necessity on the basis of
a petition with 2 signers representing 85� of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
� 7his walk is old tile with broken tile�� high joints, tripping hazards and asphalt patches,
� and 50' of new construction.
/� ; Reconstruction wili be financed by PtA Fu�ds and the 50' of new construction will be
+' assessed against the property (res'ideritial) •and the remainder_ of the cost will be
\financed by PIA funds. '
(Reduce from a 6 ft to a 5 ft. walk)
The Engineering recommendat�fon is for approval of the order.
� h � �'� Di st. No. 1
N.S. Marshall Ave. - 100' w�est of Snelling Ave. to west to Fry St.
This order was initiated by the Director of Pubiic Works as pubiic necessity on the basis
of a petition with 2 signers representing 33� of the frontage� and inspectioo of the walk.
This walk. is old tile and ppured concrete with broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards ,
w�ater pockets asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels and scaled and tipped paneis.
Financed by PIA Funds
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designal,ted on piat; 6' )
.� r �
. - : � ° . . � , , - f r� �� , o�st. ��o. �
N.S. Dayton Ave. - Avon St.jto Fisk' St. , abut':ing Lots 15 � 16, Blk. 2, Nininger E Donneily`s
Add. '
. .
7hi order was initiated by; the Director of Public Works on the basis of work that should
hav�/�3done in the 1978 contrlact. This house had been skipped, because aithough the hause
had b�een moved in, there was', no foundation and no connections had been made. We were afraid
to put new sidewalk in.
This walk is old tile with itree heaves, broken tilef tripping hazards end missing tile.
Finance by PIA Funds. , �
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
�Vb� � . -Dist. No. 1
N.S. Wellesley Ave. - 150' ;west of DavernSt. to �175' west of Davern St, abutting Lot 27
_ E E} of 26, (3)k. g� Macaiester Villas
This order was initieted by�l the Director of Public Works on the basis of a petition
with 1 signer representing 100� of the frontage and inspectioh of the.walk. -
This walk is poured concrete with tripping haaards , water pockets and settled panels.
Finance by PIA Funds. ,
; .
The Engineering recommenda�ion is for approval of the order.
_ �b�p��� . otst. No. 1
E.S. t1o�n�ngside Dr. at 76 $ 82 Morningside Dr. , abutting Lot 1} � 18, Bik. 4, Afton Heights Add
This order was initiated by the Oirector of Public Works on the basis of a petition with
2 signers representing 100� of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with cracked concrete panels and settled panels.
Financed by P!A Funds. -
The Engineering recommendation is for app rova) of the order.
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