01-1109OR4GfNAL Presented by Referred To Committee Date as 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has refened a repurchase application for property at 2 242 Morton Street East to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activiiy, or health violations 4 within the past five yeazs; and 5 WT�REAS, the City of Saint Paul has not deternuned if the properry at 242 Morton Street East is a municipal 6 problem; therefore, be it 7 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul makes no recommendation that the Boazd of Ramsey County 8 Comxnissioners request the repurchase application for the properry at 242 Morton Street East; and further 9 RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolution to the 10 Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final 11 processing. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harr;s � Benanav � Reiter � Bostrom � Lanhy ✓ � b 19 Adopted by Coimcil: Data (� ,� _���a-o c� \ 20 21 Adoption Certified by Council Secre� 22 B ��^ � - 23 Approved by Mayor: Date��!%! f Gv6� � 24 By: �� R Cl SA! Council File # 4 � 09 Green Sheet # 110338 MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,�. � Council Offices Chris Coleman, 266-8620 ���� �ber ii. zooi GREEN SHEET FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES O�.tto9 N� 110338 U ce.,u+r�rwcc.ae U urrcwc ❑ CIIYATTORIEY ❑ CRYCFPI( ❑ AIRNCW.fEi&CE9Mt ❑ R4NOIILf �1NYOR(ORAY9ifANt1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Making no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase application for property at 242 Morton Street East. PIANNING COMMISSION q6 CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPR�VEO Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract fathis department7 YES NO Hes tlws persoNfi�n ever been a ciFj employee? YES NO Does this persoMrtn possees a sldll rrot rwrmaltypossessetl by any current city employee7 YES NO Is this person/firtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO dain all ves answers on seoarate sheet an0 attach to preen sheet �.-, ,�g�arC?� �P.st"z°f Q�i� �. � ��� OFTRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPWN) CosTrttEVEHUE BUOCETEO l�1RCLE oii� ACTMTY NUGIBER VES NO Property $ecords and Revenne Richard J. Wendt, Division Manager 620B Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-1557 September 24, 2001 Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Keilogg Bivd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr. Owusu, ���ti1VE� sEp 24 zom c�rY c�E�� o � -lto 1 Fax:651-266-2210 Enclosed please find a repurchase applications, received from the prior owner(s), for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY'. Recent County Board policy adopted December 21, 1999, No. 99-5�7, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health viofations within the past five years. The municipality, by resoiution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase appiication and return the repurchase application ta Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following documents to assist you: 1) Code Violation Reports; 2) Police history summary; and 3) Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy recently adopted. Whi{e the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax Forfeited Land office for final processing. If you have any questions regarding the enciosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 266-2081. Sincerely, ��-� �--� � Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forteited Lands Minneaota`s First Home Snle County pnnted on rtqelad paperx�th amimmum ot10%postconsumer Content � a �-1�01 Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hali, Room 170 15 Kellogg Bivd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land PIN: 08-28-22-42-0076 PA: 242 Morton Street East Police History Summary None Code Violation Report 1) Tag for exterior structure 2) North side steps 3) Junk & refuse order 4) Vehicle orders — no record of towing 5) Category III — registered vacant building 6) Yard need to be cleaned of masonry and firewood Additionallnformation None � APPLTCATION TO REPURCHASE AFTER FORFEITU�E p �_1k DATE• � � � I / We", the undersigned, - hereby make an app�icatio o repurchase from the 5 ate of Minne ta, "Trust Exempt", as trustee, the following described land si uated in Ransey County: � PIN:�� •a8•aa-�a•t�o�b ABST/TORR: � NOTICE �r` F{� ���t� PROPERTY ADDRESS: c�4a MnY'�bl.� �Y�N� �1�.�" 551b`7- 3C�13 DATE OF FORFEITURE: �-1- �� DESCRIPTIQN: � S � ��N S CARSON NO• �3O 1 ����o� � � �� Applicant states and repurchase said land Applicant <" � d � shows tha h by virtue o te ��.�ii�.� ��Applicant agrees to pay the sum total of all the delinquent taxes, assessments, penalties, cost and interests. Payment will be made by eertified check, made payable to the Department of Property Records and Revenue and submitted to the Office of Tax Forfeited Lands, 50 Kelloqg Blvd. W. Suite 620B, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102-1693, � ,�L� f� � f j� z a .(� $�� � J� ( ��/JJG p f�C�7 PLEASE PRINT HERE ( 1) l� ►Jtl � IC P' FILL-OUT BELOW H0�4 NAME(S) SHOUI�D � AP�I,ICAN�' „ / „_ APPEAR ON DEEDS/DOCUf4ENTS. � � FORM-9 / REVISED , ssfo y r IF NAI�SE TS DIFFEREPiT FROM COMPUTER MIIST HAVE DOCUMENT(S) SHOWII3G I3AbIE CHANGE. IF IT SHOULD BE IN THE NAME OF THE ESTATE FILL-OUT ACCORDINGLY OR HAVB PROOF OF PROBATE SHOWING NEW O'r.'i,`ER(S). 2-23-96TFL taxgsjbe me d�n�u�t�for,�t.h�/fjm.�ll�w,d.� (1 L � l5 � � !� � I/t! � /�/ � ,L� � l l�l •P ����`C�� TELEPHONE NO. SEP-06-2001 02�21 CODE ENFORCEMENT PropertY B�ecozds and Seve�ane Richard I. Wendt, Division Idana$er 6208 cmQernmen[ Center west 60 GVest RellvgB P�onlevsrd St. Pau1, EdN 55102-155T 1 e: City Hall Court House Room 190 St.Paul, MN 55102 1) September 4, 2001 Fram: Tax Forfeited lands 50 W. Kellogg 8�vd #C�2flB St.Paul, MN 55162-1557 #: 0���\01 Fax:661-26E2214 Ptease check and send resurts for any past or current Code Violations an the follnwing property. Please fax to the above number. Thank you. 242 Morton St. EI PIN 08-28-22-42-0076 Q�s� 3 S���s '� �rz�r� �'i��, �o� �r�+o� s��+�'r- tJot-�k ���'s �L1,U�`�;'�'3� 02�� Ct1Mpl-i�°�^1� t•1ot� 1��kc�.� d� � �c� o� «ta� �s No �r� os �tau� �a�r TA ��s�� U'�.NT f3u�/�•�4 ..� � �i7_ ♦ �-- — .• � i . I � 1� )i!► MSnn6lOG�'e FS[sC $Ome Bule COlmiy eA++mn en repelW ow.rM�� Mc+utl@UP �tC.� o°NC°^"uWremVat 651 266 8426 P.02/02 TOTRL P.02 �Reso�u�ion Board of �Zc�n�.se� Count� Cornmissioners Presented By Attention: Commissioner Rettman Budqeting and �?ccountinq Dorothy bicClung, Property Records Tax Forieited Lands Date 0 \-\l0 9 December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Pa�e 1 OL S Revenue y.7uEREAS, Tne Ramsey County Board of Commissioners desires tc establish a repurchase policy for tax forfeited lands that is consistent caitn Minnesota Scatutes and reflects the Board's standards for promoting the public interest; and WI?EREAS, The Ramsey County Board intends to establish a fair and eauitable process for the repurchase of tax for=eited land tna� will correct any undue hardship or injustice or promote the.use o= such lands that will serve the public interest; and bdHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners acknocaleciges the responsibility of local governments to establish ordinances governing the use and maintenance of properties in their jurisdictions and supports efforts of local governments to strengthen neignbornoods by ridding the neighborhoods of nuisances; No�a, Tnerefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Ramsey CounCy Board of Co<<,missioners will aoprove a repurchase application of tax forfeited lands by a prior oc-mer upon a finding b_y the Board that such rep���chase either will correct any undue hardship or injustice resulting from th� forieiture or that such repurchase caill promote the us2 of such lands that ��rill best serve the public interest; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That a repurchase application will be processed bl Property Records and Revenue in the following marn?_�; a) P,ecommendation of Municipality Each repurchase application will be referred to th� municipality ir c•�hich the proaerty is located. _T1 municipali�y will document whether the property is considered a municipal Droblem based or documented police, building code, illegal activity, or healtr violations coit�in the past five years. RAb1SEY COL1�'T�' BOARD OF CO�f�iTSSIOVERS YEA A'AY OTHER ,y Bennett Lmo Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Orte�a Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner � (Continued) Bonniz G Jackelen Chief Clerk - County Board Rafael Ortega, Chair � Resolu�ion Board of Rcacrosey. Cvunty Commissioners a�-�,o, Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99- 507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paa= 2 of 5� Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue J Tax Forfeited Lands b) Resolution by a Municipality The municipality, by resolution, shall recommen� that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase applicatioa and return the repurchase app],ication to Ramsey County along c•:z�h the resolution and documentation of any violations. c} Recommendation of the Director of Property Records and Revenue If a municipality finds no.violations in the pas� rive years, th� Director wi11 forcvard the application to the Cou��y Board with the recommendation to approve the application. If a r., finds that violations have occurred within the past �ive years, but recommends approval of the application, the Direc:or w?11 recommend approval and transmit the entire record to th� Cnief Clerk for �eLerral to the Chair of the Finance, Pe and Management Committee. If the municipality finds that violat_o:�s have occurred within the past five years and recommends denial of the application, the Director � recommend denial a*_:d transmit the entire record to the Chief Clerk for referral :.o the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee; and Be St Fur�: P,ESOLVED, That a Director to the Finance, handled in the following a) Notirication repurchase application referred by the Personnel and Management Committee will be manner: The Chief Clerk will schedule a hearing o:; each repurchase application before the Finance, Personnel and Maragement Committee. Property Records and Revenue will send a notice to the applicant notifying the applicant of the time and date o_ the hearing. Notices will also be sent to the municipality and any other persons wno have asked to receive such notices. RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COti1MISSIONERS YEA 1V.AY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Aaigh Rafael �rtega Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman 7an �Viessner � _ Rafael Ortega, Chair (Co�tinued) _ _ BY � Bonnie C. Jzc:zlen — Chief Clerk - County Board Resolu��on Board of Ra�nse� Countx,� Com.mzssioners o�.��o, PresentedBy Comm Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 99 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paae 3 0= 5'. DoroLhy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Hearing procedures The Fir_ance, Persorn2l ar_d Management Committee will review th� application and the recommendation from the municipality. Tne applicant will be allov:ed to present any informa�ion that may be pertinznt. The Chair oi the Committee may allo�.v other interestec persons to present percinent information. Hased on the informatio- presented on the anplication, � the recommendation from the municipality and in=ormation presented at th� hearing, tn� Committee wi11 recommend approval or denial of the application. The Committee may include restrictions or con3itiors on the repurchase. The final recommend'ation of the Com<<,ittee N71�1 be iorwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. c) County Board Procedures Recommendations fro:n. th2 Finance, Personnel and Managem2n� Committee cdill be included in ttie administrative agenda of the County Board. The County Board will consider the recommendatio-: and reco from the Com�ittee. No additional testimony will b� permitted unless a majority votes to allow suc=: testimony. The County Board may approve the application, deny che application o� approve the application � restrictions or conditions on th� repurchase. For every repurchase application considered by the Count�, Board, the final resolution will contain 1.) P determination o= wh=ther or not undue hardship or injustice resulted from th� forfeiture and whether repurchase will correct the undue hardsh_� or injustice; and 2.) A determination of �oh�ther or not the repurchase will promo�e the use of the property tnat best serves t'r�e pnblic interest; and Be It Further RAMSEI' COLITY BOARD OF CO��MISSIO\ERS 1'EA N.Al' O"I'HER y Bennett Ltno Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhardc Janice Retmian Jan �Viessner - Rafazl Ortega, Chair - (Continued) By Bonnie C. 3ackelen Chief Clerk - Counry Board t�esolutiora Board of Ra�n.sey Couai�z,� Co»ana�ssione�-s ��-��, PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 9 9 - 507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting paa� g oz S Dorofhy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands RESOLVED, That repurchases, if �pproved, will be allowed on terms as described herein: a) Homestead Property Except as provided in clause c} belo��r, repurchasers of property classified for property tax purposes as homestead property at the time of repurchase, will be allowed�installment payments calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.2'1, Subdivision 1. . b) Al1 Other Property Except as pravided non-homestead property calculated in accordance Subdivision 3. c) Payment in Full in clause c) beloc repurchasers o` will be a11oc��ed installment payments c•rith Minnesota Statutes, section 282.161, If the County Board has good cause to believe that a repurchase installment payment plan ior a particular parcel is unnecessary and not in the public interest, the County Board may require that the entire repurchase price be paid in full as a condition of the repurchase. If the applicant has had repurchase contracts on the same or other properties which were canceled or, if a current contract, are in arrears and a cancellation is pending, the repurchase will require payment in full; and Be It rurther RESOLVED, That the County Board imposes the following additional restrictions on repurchases: RA�4SEY COWi TY BOARD OF CO�I�IISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tany Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Ortega Victoria Rzinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner Rafazl Ortzga, Chair (Continued) B Bonnie C. Szckzlzn Chief C(erk - County Board Resolu�ion a�-��� Board of Ratnset,� Coun.ty Comm.issione�s ,Presented By Com*nissioner Rettman Date December 21, iggg �,* 99-507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paa� 5 of 5. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue _ax Forfeited Lands a) Code Compliance Any property that is being repurchased but is con���ned at the tim� or reourchase shall be subject to code compliance. _�e repurchaser shall present and file G certificate of code co-.�liance with th� Director caithin six months from the date o£ County Board approval. Tne certificate oE code compliance must be certified by an appropriate city official and must" indicate that the property has been inspected and that it conforms with any ordznances, building and zoning lasvs applic�ble to the property. :��se conditions or repurcnase will be entered on the repurchase rec�iot and, if the repurcnaser defaults on the code compliance reauirement, the repurchase and the installment contract shall b� subject to cancellation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, s�ction 559.21. b) Tnsurance P.equirements Repu? of tax for°eited properties that have structures and are being repurchased under a contract must Drovide proof o� insurance in an amount eaual to tne Assessor's ma? value of the structure and must have Pamsey County listed Gs aaaitional insured on the policy; and Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That this policy is effective for ��? new repurchase applications received after January l, 2000 and supersed�s P.esolution 97-3�2; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Property P.ecords and ��venue Departm°nt will work with the City of Saint Paul, its pla�--ng councils and the other municipalities in Ramsey County to ezolain Che tax. rorfeited processes and provide sample resolutio:�s ior use by th� city councils. RA�SSEY COIJ\T1' BOARD OF CO\I�fISSIO\'ERS YEA NAY OTHER ry Bennett X Rafae( Orteaa, Chai: ;o Guerin X e Haioh X � .faelORega �_ By ' V ictoria Reinhardt _y_ Bonnie C. J=_:'.;zi 3anice Rettman �_ Chief Cl.r:; • a. ty Board Jan �Viessner =�_ COMIVIISSIONER DISTRICT 5 242 MORTON ST. E. ' ST. PAUL, MN 08-28-22-42-0076 I � ; ', � � � , i i i i , 0 ; � , � ! i , � , � j � i � � ! � � i ; �MORTON ST E I ' ' ; I' ' � � , ' , I � O , � I � � � � Z � i I � , ' �� I �� --� � � y _�� � � � � ' � i � D I ' ; ; I C ! � i � �� � : fTl � � � I � I ' , � � � � I ' � � 1 � � ` ' PAGE ST E ; , i � I �� � � �� I , � i � , ! ; 'I ! � ; , , � , , ; , ; , N Or—i10� w�E s , I '. _ � — D ' O i '� � i '� a OR4GfNAL Presented by Referred To Committee Date as 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has refened a repurchase application for property at 2 242 Morton Street East to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activiiy, or health violations 4 within the past five yeazs; and 5 WT�REAS, the City of Saint Paul has not deternuned if the properry at 242 Morton Street East is a municipal 6 problem; therefore, be it 7 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul makes no recommendation that the Boazd of Ramsey County 8 Comxnissioners request the repurchase application for the properry at 242 Morton Street East; and further 9 RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolution to the 10 Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final 11 processing. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harr;s � Benanav � Reiter � Bostrom � Lanhy ✓ � b 19 Adopted by Coimcil: Data (� ,� _���a-o c� \ 20 21 Adoption Certified by Council Secre� 22 B ��^ � - 23 Approved by Mayor: Date��!%! f Gv6� � 24 By: �� R Cl SA! Council File # 4 � 09 Green Sheet # 110338 MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,�. � Council Offices Chris Coleman, 266-8620 ���� �ber ii. zooi GREEN SHEET FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES O�.tto9 N� 110338 U ce.,u+r�rwcc.ae U urrcwc ❑ CIIYATTORIEY ❑ CRYCFPI( ❑ AIRNCW.fEi&CE9Mt ❑ R4NOIILf �1NYOR(ORAY9ifANt1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Making no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase application for property at 242 Morton Street East. PIANNING COMMISSION q6 CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPR�VEO Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract fathis department7 YES NO Hes tlws persoNfi�n ever been a ciFj employee? YES NO Does this persoMrtn possees a sldll rrot rwrmaltypossessetl by any current city employee7 YES NO Is this person/firtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO dain all ves answers on seoarate sheet an0 attach to preen sheet �.-, ,�g�arC?� �P.st"z°f Q�i� �. � ��� OFTRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPWN) CosTrttEVEHUE BUOCETEO l�1RCLE oii� ACTMTY NUGIBER VES NO Property $ecords and Revenne Richard J. Wendt, Division Manager 620B Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-1557 September 24, 2001 Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Keilogg Bivd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr. Owusu, ���ti1VE� sEp 24 zom c�rY c�E�� o � -lto 1 Fax:651-266-2210 Enclosed please find a repurchase applications, received from the prior owner(s), for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY'. Recent County Board policy adopted December 21, 1999, No. 99-5�7, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health viofations within the past five years. The municipality, by resoiution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase appiication and return the repurchase application ta Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following documents to assist you: 1) Code Violation Reports; 2) Police history summary; and 3) Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy recently adopted. Whi{e the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax Forfeited Land office for final processing. If you have any questions regarding the enciosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 266-2081. Sincerely, ��-� �--� � Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forteited Lands Minneaota`s First Home Snle County pnnted on rtqelad paperx�th amimmum ot10%postconsumer Content � a �-1�01 Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hali, Room 170 15 Kellogg Bivd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land PIN: 08-28-22-42-0076 PA: 242 Morton Street East Police History Summary None Code Violation Report 1) Tag for exterior structure 2) North side steps 3) Junk & refuse order 4) Vehicle orders — no record of towing 5) Category III — registered vacant building 6) Yard need to be cleaned of masonry and firewood Additionallnformation None � APPLTCATION TO REPURCHASE AFTER FORFEITU�E p �_1k DATE• � � � I / We", the undersigned, - hereby make an app�icatio o repurchase from the 5 ate of Minne ta, "Trust Exempt", as trustee, the following described land si uated in Ransey County: � PIN:�� •a8•aa-�a•t�o�b ABST/TORR: � NOTICE �r` F{� ���t� PROPERTY ADDRESS: c�4a MnY'�bl.� �Y�N� �1�.�" 551b`7- 3C�13 DATE OF FORFEITURE: �-1- �� DESCRIPTIQN: � S � ��N S CARSON NO• �3O 1 ����o� � � �� Applicant states and repurchase said land Applicant <" � d � shows tha h by virtue o te ��.�ii�.� ��Applicant agrees to pay the sum total of all the delinquent taxes, assessments, penalties, cost and interests. Payment will be made by eertified check, made payable to the Department of Property Records and Revenue and submitted to the Office of Tax Forfeited Lands, 50 Kelloqg Blvd. W. Suite 620B, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102-1693, � ,�L� f� � f j� z a .(� $�� � J� ( ��/JJG p f�C�7 PLEASE PRINT HERE ( 1) l� ►Jtl � IC P' FILL-OUT BELOW H0�4 NAME(S) SHOUI�D � AP�I,ICAN�' „ / „_ APPEAR ON DEEDS/DOCUf4ENTS. � � FORM-9 / REVISED , ssfo y r IF NAI�SE TS DIFFEREPiT FROM COMPUTER MIIST HAVE DOCUMENT(S) SHOWII3G I3AbIE CHANGE. IF IT SHOULD BE IN THE NAME OF THE ESTATE FILL-OUT ACCORDINGLY OR HAVB PROOF OF PROBATE SHOWING NEW O'r.'i,`ER(S). 2-23-96TFL taxgsjbe me d�n�u�t�for,�t.h�/fjm.�ll�w,d.� (1 L � l5 � � !� � I/t! � /�/ � ,L� � l l�l •P ����`C�� TELEPHONE NO. SEP-06-2001 02�21 CODE ENFORCEMENT PropertY B�ecozds and Seve�ane Richard I. Wendt, Division Idana$er 6208 cmQernmen[ Center west 60 GVest RellvgB P�onlevsrd St. Pau1, EdN 55102-155T 1 e: City Hall Court House Room 190 St.Paul, MN 55102 1) September 4, 2001 Fram: Tax Forfeited lands 50 W. Kellogg 8�vd #C�2flB St.Paul, MN 55162-1557 #: 0���\01 Fax:661-26E2214 Ptease check and send resurts for any past or current Code Violations an the follnwing property. Please fax to the above number. Thank you. 242 Morton St. EI PIN 08-28-22-42-0076 Q�s� 3 S���s '� �rz�r� �'i��, �o� �r�+o� s��+�'r- tJot-�k ���'s �L1,U�`�;'�'3� 02�� Ct1Mpl-i�°�^1� t•1ot� 1��kc�.� d� � �c� o� «ta� �s No �r� os �tau� �a�r TA ��s�� U'�.NT f3u�/�•�4 ..� � �i7_ ♦ �-- — .• � i . I � 1� )i!► MSnn6lOG�'e FS[sC $Ome Bule COlmiy eA++mn en repelW ow.rM�� Mc+utl@UP �tC.� o°NC°^"uWremVat 651 266 8426 P.02/02 TOTRL P.02 �Reso�u�ion Board of �Zc�n�.se� Count� Cornmissioners Presented By Attention: Commissioner Rettman Budqeting and �?ccountinq Dorothy bicClung, Property Records Tax Forieited Lands Date 0 \-\l0 9 December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Pa�e 1 OL S Revenue y.7uEREAS, Tne Ramsey County Board of Commissioners desires tc establish a repurchase policy for tax forfeited lands that is consistent caitn Minnesota Scatutes and reflects the Board's standards for promoting the public interest; and WI?EREAS, The Ramsey County Board intends to establish a fair and eauitable process for the repurchase of tax for=eited land tna� will correct any undue hardship or injustice or promote the.use o= such lands that will serve the public interest; and bdHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners acknocaleciges the responsibility of local governments to establish ordinances governing the use and maintenance of properties in their jurisdictions and supports efforts of local governments to strengthen neignbornoods by ridding the neighborhoods of nuisances; No�a, Tnerefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Ramsey CounCy Board of Co<<,missioners will aoprove a repurchase application of tax forfeited lands by a prior oc-mer upon a finding b_y the Board that such rep���chase either will correct any undue hardship or injustice resulting from th� forieiture or that such repurchase caill promote the us2 of such lands that ��rill best serve the public interest; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That a repurchase application will be processed bl Property Records and Revenue in the following marn?_�; a) P,ecommendation of Municipality Each repurchase application will be referred to th� municipality ir c•�hich the proaerty is located. _T1 municipali�y will document whether the property is considered a municipal Droblem based or documented police, building code, illegal activity, or healtr violations coit�in the past five years. RAb1SEY COL1�'T�' BOARD OF CO�f�iTSSIOVERS YEA A'AY OTHER ,y Bennett Lmo Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Orte�a Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner � (Continued) Bonniz G Jackelen Chief Clerk - County Board Rafael Ortega, Chair � Resolu�ion Board of Rcacrosey. Cvunty Commissioners a�-�,o, Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99- 507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paa= 2 of 5� Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue J Tax Forfeited Lands b) Resolution by a Municipality The municipality, by resolution, shall recommen� that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase applicatioa and return the repurchase app],ication to Ramsey County along c•:z�h the resolution and documentation of any violations. c} Recommendation of the Director of Property Records and Revenue If a municipality finds no.violations in the pas� rive years, th� Director wi11 forcvard the application to the Cou��y Board with the recommendation to approve the application. If a r., finds that violations have occurred within the past �ive years, but recommends approval of the application, the Direc:or w?11 recommend approval and transmit the entire record to th� Cnief Clerk for �eLerral to the Chair of the Finance, Pe and Management Committee. If the municipality finds that violat_o:�s have occurred within the past five years and recommends denial of the application, the Director � recommend denial a*_:d transmit the entire record to the Chief Clerk for referral :.o the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee; and Be St Fur�: P,ESOLVED, That a Director to the Finance, handled in the following a) Notirication repurchase application referred by the Personnel and Management Committee will be manner: The Chief Clerk will schedule a hearing o:; each repurchase application before the Finance, Personnel and Maragement Committee. Property Records and Revenue will send a notice to the applicant notifying the applicant of the time and date o_ the hearing. Notices will also be sent to the municipality and any other persons wno have asked to receive such notices. RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COti1MISSIONERS YEA 1V.AY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Aaigh Rafael �rtega Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman 7an �Viessner � _ Rafael Ortega, Chair (Co�tinued) _ _ BY � Bonnie C. Jzc:zlen — Chief Clerk - County Board Resolu��on Board of Ra�nse� Countx,� Com.mzssioners o�.��o, PresentedBy Comm Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 99 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paae 3 0= 5'. DoroLhy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Hearing procedures The Fir_ance, Persorn2l ar_d Management Committee will review th� application and the recommendation from the municipality. Tne applicant will be allov:ed to present any informa�ion that may be pertinznt. The Chair oi the Committee may allo�.v other interestec persons to present percinent information. Hased on the informatio- presented on the anplication, � the recommendation from the municipality and in=ormation presented at th� hearing, tn� Committee wi11 recommend approval or denial of the application. The Committee may include restrictions or con3itiors on the repurchase. The final recommend'ation of the Com<<,ittee N71�1 be iorwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. c) County Board Procedures Recommendations fro:n. th2 Finance, Personnel and Managem2n� Committee cdill be included in ttie administrative agenda of the County Board. The County Board will consider the recommendatio-: and reco from the Com�ittee. No additional testimony will b� permitted unless a majority votes to allow suc=: testimony. The County Board may approve the application, deny che application o� approve the application � restrictions or conditions on th� repurchase. For every repurchase application considered by the Count�, Board, the final resolution will contain 1.) P determination o= wh=ther or not undue hardship or injustice resulted from th� forfeiture and whether repurchase will correct the undue hardsh_� or injustice; and 2.) A determination of �oh�ther or not the repurchase will promo�e the use of the property tnat best serves t'r�e pnblic interest; and Be It Further RAMSEI' COLITY BOARD OF CO��MISSIO\ERS 1'EA N.Al' O"I'HER y Bennett Ltno Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhardc Janice Retmian Jan �Viessner - Rafazl Ortega, Chair - (Continued) By Bonnie C. 3ackelen Chief Clerk - Counry Board t�esolutiora Board of Ra�n.sey Couai�z,� Co»ana�ssione�-s ��-��, PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 9 9 - 507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting paa� g oz S Dorofhy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands RESOLVED, That repurchases, if �pproved, will be allowed on terms as described herein: a) Homestead Property Except as provided in clause c} belo��r, repurchasers of property classified for property tax purposes as homestead property at the time of repurchase, will be allowed�installment payments calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.2'1, Subdivision 1. . b) Al1 Other Property Except as pravided non-homestead property calculated in accordance Subdivision 3. c) Payment in Full in clause c) beloc repurchasers o` will be a11oc��ed installment payments c•rith Minnesota Statutes, section 282.161, If the County Board has good cause to believe that a repurchase installment payment plan ior a particular parcel is unnecessary and not in the public interest, the County Board may require that the entire repurchase price be paid in full as a condition of the repurchase. If the applicant has had repurchase contracts on the same or other properties which were canceled or, if a current contract, are in arrears and a cancellation is pending, the repurchase will require payment in full; and Be It rurther RESOLVED, That the County Board imposes the following additional restrictions on repurchases: RA�4SEY COWi TY BOARD OF CO�I�IISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tany Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Ortega Victoria Rzinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner Rafazl Ortzga, Chair (Continued) B Bonnie C. Szckzlzn Chief C(erk - County Board Resolu�ion a�-��� Board of Ratnset,� Coun.ty Comm.issione�s ,Presented By Com*nissioner Rettman Date December 21, iggg �,* 99-507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paa� 5 of 5. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue _ax Forfeited Lands a) Code Compliance Any property that is being repurchased but is con���ned at the tim� or reourchase shall be subject to code compliance. _�e repurchaser shall present and file G certificate of code co-.�liance with th� Director caithin six months from the date o£ County Board approval. Tne certificate oE code compliance must be certified by an appropriate city official and must" indicate that the property has been inspected and that it conforms with any ordznances, building and zoning lasvs applic�ble to the property. :��se conditions or repurcnase will be entered on the repurchase rec�iot and, if the repurcnaser defaults on the code compliance reauirement, the repurchase and the installment contract shall b� subject to cancellation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, s�ction 559.21. b) Tnsurance P.equirements Repu? of tax for°eited properties that have structures and are being repurchased under a contract must Drovide proof o� insurance in an amount eaual to tne Assessor's ma? value of the structure and must have Pamsey County listed Gs aaaitional insured on the policy; and Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That this policy is effective for ��? new repurchase applications received after January l, 2000 and supersed�s P.esolution 97-3�2; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Property P.ecords and ��venue Departm°nt will work with the City of Saint Paul, its pla�--ng councils and the other municipalities in Ramsey County to ezolain Che tax. rorfeited processes and provide sample resolutio:�s ior use by th� city councils. RA�SSEY COIJ\T1' BOARD OF CO\I�fISSIO\'ERS YEA NAY OTHER ry Bennett X Rafae( Orteaa, Chai: ;o Guerin X e Haioh X � .faelORega �_ By ' V ictoria Reinhardt _y_ Bonnie C. J=_:'.;zi 3anice Rettman �_ Chief Cl.r:; • a. ty Board Jan �Viessner =�_ COMIVIISSIONER DISTRICT 5 242 MORTON ST. E. ' ST. PAUL, MN 08-28-22-42-0076 I � ; ', � � � , i i i i , 0 ; � , � ! i , � , � j � i � � ! � � i ; �MORTON ST E I ' ' ; I' ' � � , ' , I � O , � I � � � � Z � i I � , ' �� I �� --� � � y _�� � � � � ' � i � D I ' ; ; I C ! � i � �� � : fTl � � � I � I ' , � � � � I ' � � 1 � � ` ' PAGE ST E ; , i � I �� � � �� I , � i � , ! ; 'I ! � ; , , � , , ; , ; , N Or—i10� w�E s , I '. _ � — D ' O i '� � i '� a OR4GfNAL Presented by Referred To Committee Date as 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has refened a repurchase application for property at 2 242 Morton Street East to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activiiy, or health violations 4 within the past five yeazs; and 5 WT�REAS, the City of Saint Paul has not deternuned if the properry at 242 Morton Street East is a municipal 6 problem; therefore, be it 7 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul makes no recommendation that the Boazd of Ramsey County 8 Comxnissioners request the repurchase application for the properry at 242 Morton Street East; and further 9 RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolution to the 10 Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final 11 processing. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harr;s � Benanav � Reiter � Bostrom � Lanhy ✓ � b 19 Adopted by Coimcil: Data (� ,� _���a-o c� \ 20 21 Adoption Certified by Council Secre� 22 B ��^ � - 23 Approved by Mayor: Date��!%! f Gv6� � 24 By: �� R Cl SA! Council File # 4 � 09 Green Sheet # 110338 MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,�. � Council Offices Chris Coleman, 266-8620 ���� �ber ii. zooi GREEN SHEET FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES O�.tto9 N� 110338 U ce.,u+r�rwcc.ae U urrcwc ❑ CIIYATTORIEY ❑ CRYCFPI( ❑ AIRNCW.fEi&CE9Mt ❑ R4NOIILf �1NYOR(ORAY9ifANt1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Making no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase application for property at 242 Morton Street East. PIANNING COMMISSION q6 CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPR�VEO Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract fathis department7 YES NO Hes tlws persoNfi�n ever been a ciFj employee? YES NO Does this persoMrtn possees a sldll rrot rwrmaltypossessetl by any current city employee7 YES NO Is this person/firtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO dain all ves answers on seoarate sheet an0 attach to preen sheet �.-, ,�g�arC?� �P.st"z°f Q�i� �. � ��� OFTRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPWN) CosTrttEVEHUE BUOCETEO l�1RCLE oii� ACTMTY NUGIBER VES NO Property $ecords and Revenne Richard J. Wendt, Division Manager 620B Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-1557 September 24, 2001 Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Keilogg Bivd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr. Owusu, ���ti1VE� sEp 24 zom c�rY c�E�� o � -lto 1 Fax:651-266-2210 Enclosed please find a repurchase applications, received from the prior owner(s), for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY'. Recent County Board policy adopted December 21, 1999, No. 99-5�7, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health viofations within the past five years. The municipality, by resoiution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase appiication and return the repurchase application ta Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following documents to assist you: 1) Code Violation Reports; 2) Police history summary; and 3) Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy recently adopted. Whi{e the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax Forfeited Land office for final processing. If you have any questions regarding the enciosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 266-2081. Sincerely, ��-� �--� � Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forteited Lands Minneaota`s First Home Snle County pnnted on rtqelad paperx�th amimmum ot10%postconsumer Content � a �-1�01 Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hali, Room 170 15 Kellogg Bivd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land PIN: 08-28-22-42-0076 PA: 242 Morton Street East Police History Summary None Code Violation Report 1) Tag for exterior structure 2) North side steps 3) Junk & refuse order 4) Vehicle orders — no record of towing 5) Category III — registered vacant building 6) Yard need to be cleaned of masonry and firewood Additionallnformation None � APPLTCATION TO REPURCHASE AFTER FORFEITU�E p �_1k DATE• � � � I / We", the undersigned, - hereby make an app�icatio o repurchase from the 5 ate of Minne ta, "Trust Exempt", as trustee, the following described land si uated in Ransey County: � PIN:�� •a8•aa-�a•t�o�b ABST/TORR: � NOTICE �r` F{� ���t� PROPERTY ADDRESS: c�4a MnY'�bl.� �Y�N� �1�.�" 551b`7- 3C�13 DATE OF FORFEITURE: �-1- �� DESCRIPTIQN: � S � ��N S CARSON NO• �3O 1 ����o� � � �� Applicant states and repurchase said land Applicant <" � d � shows tha h by virtue o te ��.�ii�.� ��Applicant agrees to pay the sum total of all the delinquent taxes, assessments, penalties, cost and interests. Payment will be made by eertified check, made payable to the Department of Property Records and Revenue and submitted to the Office of Tax Forfeited Lands, 50 Kelloqg Blvd. W. Suite 620B, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102-1693, � ,�L� f� � f j� z a .(� $�� � J� ( ��/JJG p f�C�7 PLEASE PRINT HERE ( 1) l� ►Jtl � IC P' FILL-OUT BELOW H0�4 NAME(S) SHOUI�D � AP�I,ICAN�' „ / „_ APPEAR ON DEEDS/DOCUf4ENTS. � � FORM-9 / REVISED , ssfo y r IF NAI�SE TS DIFFEREPiT FROM COMPUTER MIIST HAVE DOCUMENT(S) SHOWII3G I3AbIE CHANGE. IF IT SHOULD BE IN THE NAME OF THE ESTATE FILL-OUT ACCORDINGLY OR HAVB PROOF OF PROBATE SHOWING NEW O'r.'i,`ER(S). 2-23-96TFL taxgsjbe me d�n�u�t�for,�t.h�/fjm.�ll�w,d.� (1 L � l5 � � !� � I/t! � /�/ � ,L� � l l�l •P ����`C�� TELEPHONE NO. SEP-06-2001 02�21 CODE ENFORCEMENT PropertY B�ecozds and Seve�ane Richard I. Wendt, Division Idana$er 6208 cmQernmen[ Center west 60 GVest RellvgB P�onlevsrd St. Pau1, EdN 55102-155T 1 e: City Hall Court House Room 190 St.Paul, MN 55102 1) September 4, 2001 Fram: Tax Forfeited lands 50 W. Kellogg 8�vd #C�2flB St.Paul, MN 55162-1557 #: 0���\01 Fax:661-26E2214 Ptease check and send resurts for any past or current Code Violations an the follnwing property. Please fax to the above number. Thank you. 242 Morton St. EI PIN 08-28-22-42-0076 Q�s� 3 S���s '� �rz�r� �'i��, �o� �r�+o� s��+�'r- tJot-�k ���'s �L1,U�`�;'�'3� 02�� Ct1Mpl-i�°�^1� t•1ot� 1��kc�.� d� � �c� o� «ta� �s No �r� os �tau� �a�r TA ��s�� U'�.NT f3u�/�•�4 ..� � �i7_ ♦ �-- — .• � i . I � 1� )i!► MSnn6lOG�'e FS[sC $Ome Bule COlmiy eA++mn en repelW ow.rM�� Mc+utl@UP �tC.� o°NC°^"uWremVat 651 266 8426 P.02/02 TOTRL P.02 �Reso�u�ion Board of �Zc�n�.se� Count� Cornmissioners Presented By Attention: Commissioner Rettman Budqeting and �?ccountinq Dorothy bicClung, Property Records Tax Forieited Lands Date 0 \-\l0 9 December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Pa�e 1 OL S Revenue y.7uEREAS, Tne Ramsey County Board of Commissioners desires tc establish a repurchase policy for tax forfeited lands that is consistent caitn Minnesota Scatutes and reflects the Board's standards for promoting the public interest; and WI?EREAS, The Ramsey County Board intends to establish a fair and eauitable process for the repurchase of tax for=eited land tna� will correct any undue hardship or injustice or promote the.use o= such lands that will serve the public interest; and bdHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners acknocaleciges the responsibility of local governments to establish ordinances governing the use and maintenance of properties in their jurisdictions and supports efforts of local governments to strengthen neignbornoods by ridding the neighborhoods of nuisances; No�a, Tnerefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Ramsey CounCy Board of Co<<,missioners will aoprove a repurchase application of tax forfeited lands by a prior oc-mer upon a finding b_y the Board that such rep���chase either will correct any undue hardship or injustice resulting from th� forieiture or that such repurchase caill promote the us2 of such lands that ��rill best serve the public interest; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That a repurchase application will be processed bl Property Records and Revenue in the following marn?_�; a) P,ecommendation of Municipality Each repurchase application will be referred to th� municipality ir c•�hich the proaerty is located. _T1 municipali�y will document whether the property is considered a municipal Droblem based or documented police, building code, illegal activity, or healtr violations coit�in the past five years. RAb1SEY COL1�'T�' BOARD OF CO�f�iTSSIOVERS YEA A'AY OTHER ,y Bennett Lmo Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Orte�a Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner � (Continued) Bonniz G Jackelen Chief Clerk - County Board Rafael Ortega, Chair � Resolu�ion Board of Rcacrosey. Cvunty Commissioners a�-�,o, Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99- 507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paa= 2 of 5� Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue J Tax Forfeited Lands b) Resolution by a Municipality The municipality, by resolution, shall recommen� that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase applicatioa and return the repurchase app],ication to Ramsey County along c•:z�h the resolution and documentation of any violations. c} Recommendation of the Director of Property Records and Revenue If a municipality finds no.violations in the pas� rive years, th� Director wi11 forcvard the application to the Cou��y Board with the recommendation to approve the application. If a r., finds that violations have occurred within the past �ive years, but recommends approval of the application, the Direc:or w?11 recommend approval and transmit the entire record to th� Cnief Clerk for �eLerral to the Chair of the Finance, Pe and Management Committee. If the municipality finds that violat_o:�s have occurred within the past five years and recommends denial of the application, the Director � recommend denial a*_:d transmit the entire record to the Chief Clerk for referral :.o the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee; and Be St Fur�: P,ESOLVED, That a Director to the Finance, handled in the following a) Notirication repurchase application referred by the Personnel and Management Committee will be manner: The Chief Clerk will schedule a hearing o:; each repurchase application before the Finance, Personnel and Maragement Committee. Property Records and Revenue will send a notice to the applicant notifying the applicant of the time and date o_ the hearing. Notices will also be sent to the municipality and any other persons wno have asked to receive such notices. RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COti1MISSIONERS YEA 1V.AY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Aaigh Rafael �rtega Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman 7an �Viessner � _ Rafael Ortega, Chair (Co�tinued) _ _ BY � Bonnie C. Jzc:zlen — Chief Clerk - County Board Resolu��on Board of Ra�nse� Countx,� Com.mzssioners o�.��o, PresentedBy Comm Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 99 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paae 3 0= 5'. DoroLhy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Hearing procedures The Fir_ance, Persorn2l ar_d Management Committee will review th� application and the recommendation from the municipality. Tne applicant will be allov:ed to present any informa�ion that may be pertinznt. The Chair oi the Committee may allo�.v other interestec persons to present percinent information. Hased on the informatio- presented on the anplication, � the recommendation from the municipality and in=ormation presented at th� hearing, tn� Committee wi11 recommend approval or denial of the application. The Committee may include restrictions or con3itiors on the repurchase. The final recommend'ation of the Com<<,ittee N71�1 be iorwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. c) County Board Procedures Recommendations fro:n. th2 Finance, Personnel and Managem2n� Committee cdill be included in ttie administrative agenda of the County Board. The County Board will consider the recommendatio-: and reco from the Com�ittee. No additional testimony will b� permitted unless a majority votes to allow suc=: testimony. The County Board may approve the application, deny che application o� approve the application � restrictions or conditions on th� repurchase. For every repurchase application considered by the Count�, Board, the final resolution will contain 1.) P determination o= wh=ther or not undue hardship or injustice resulted from th� forfeiture and whether repurchase will correct the undue hardsh_� or injustice; and 2.) A determination of �oh�ther or not the repurchase will promo�e the use of the property tnat best serves t'r�e pnblic interest; and Be It Further RAMSEI' COLITY BOARD OF CO��MISSIO\ERS 1'EA N.Al' O"I'HER y Bennett Ltno Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhardc Janice Retmian Jan �Viessner - Rafazl Ortega, Chair - (Continued) By Bonnie C. 3ackelen Chief Clerk - Counry Board t�esolutiora Board of Ra�n.sey Couai�z,� Co»ana�ssione�-s ��-��, PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 9 9 - 507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting paa� g oz S Dorofhy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands RESOLVED, That repurchases, if �pproved, will be allowed on terms as described herein: a) Homestead Property Except as provided in clause c} belo��r, repurchasers of property classified for property tax purposes as homestead property at the time of repurchase, will be allowed�installment payments calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.2'1, Subdivision 1. . b) Al1 Other Property Except as pravided non-homestead property calculated in accordance Subdivision 3. c) Payment in Full in clause c) beloc repurchasers o` will be a11oc��ed installment payments c•rith Minnesota Statutes, section 282.161, If the County Board has good cause to believe that a repurchase installment payment plan ior a particular parcel is unnecessary and not in the public interest, the County Board may require that the entire repurchase price be paid in full as a condition of the repurchase. If the applicant has had repurchase contracts on the same or other properties which were canceled or, if a current contract, are in arrears and a cancellation is pending, the repurchase will require payment in full; and Be It rurther RESOLVED, That the County Board imposes the following additional restrictions on repurchases: RA�4SEY COWi TY BOARD OF CO�I�IISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tany Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Ortega Victoria Rzinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner Rafazl Ortzga, Chair (Continued) B Bonnie C. Szckzlzn Chief C(erk - County Board Resolu�ion a�-��� Board of Ratnset,� Coun.ty Comm.issione�s ,Presented By Com*nissioner Rettman Date December 21, iggg �,* 99-507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Paa� 5 of 5. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue _ax Forfeited Lands a) Code Compliance Any property that is being repurchased but is con���ned at the tim� or reourchase shall be subject to code compliance. _�e repurchaser shall present and file G certificate of code co-.�liance with th� Director caithin six months from the date o£ County Board approval. Tne certificate oE code compliance must be certified by an appropriate city official and must" indicate that the property has been inspected and that it conforms with any ordznances, building and zoning lasvs applic�ble to the property. :��se conditions or repurcnase will be entered on the repurchase rec�iot and, if the repurcnaser defaults on the code compliance reauirement, the repurchase and the installment contract shall b� subject to cancellation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, s�ction 559.21. b) Tnsurance P.equirements Repu? of tax for°eited properties that have structures and are being repurchased under a contract must Drovide proof o� insurance in an amount eaual to tne Assessor's ma? value of the structure and must have Pamsey County listed Gs aaaitional insured on the policy; and Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That this policy is effective for ��? new repurchase applications received after January l, 2000 and supersed�s P.esolution 97-3�2; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Property P.ecords and ��venue Departm°nt will work with the City of Saint Paul, its pla�--ng councils and the other municipalities in Ramsey County to ezolain Che tax. rorfeited processes and provide sample resolutio:�s ior use by th� city councils. RA�SSEY COIJ\T1' BOARD OF CO\I�fISSIO\'ERS YEA NAY OTHER ry Bennett X Rafae( Orteaa, Chai: ;o Guerin X e Haioh X � .faelORega �_ By ' V ictoria Reinhardt _y_ Bonnie C. J=_:'.;zi 3anice Rettman �_ Chief Cl.r:; • a. ty Board Jan �Viessner =�_ COMIVIISSIONER DISTRICT 5 242 MORTON ST. E. ' ST. PAUL, MN 08-28-22-42-0076 I � ; ', � � � , i i i i , 0 ; � , � ! i , � , � j � i � � ! � � i ; �MORTON ST E I ' ' ; I' ' � � , ' , I � O , � I � � � � Z � i I � , ' �� I �� --� � � y _�� � � � � ' � i � D I ' ; ; I C ! � i � �� � : fTl � � � I � I ' , � � � � I ' � � 1 � � ` ' PAGE ST E ; , i � I �� � � �� I , � i � , ! ; 'I ! � ; , , � , , ; , ; , N Or—i10� w�E s , I '. _ � — D ' O i '� � i '� a