272797 �NMITE - CITV CLERK w �.y///��� PINK - FINANCE COUnC1I �� /�' /� BLUERV - MAVPORTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. f � � ti 1 � o ncil Resolution � � Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the appointment by the Mayor of Harry Neimeyer, 482 Portland Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to serve a one year term on the Capital Improvement Budget Committee, the term to expire November 11, 1979, representing Senate District 65 and Citizen Participation District 17. COUIVC[LMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt J Levine __ Against BY =-� � Showalter Tedes � ' 7 �� Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date � Cer ied Passe y Council Secretary BY . L._ t�p�i by ;Vlavor: Dat _�PR 1 8 I9T9 Appr y Mayo for S is n to Council � By _ _ _ By i'�BI.ISHED APR 2 1 �5�� � ('T 1��- c� t� .`_�.�r�1- I':� r-�. . i ,� O1�'I�'ICI: OF ;TFII: �1:15"Ol: ��,�� � �� ��� � � as��.� ciTr ti.�r.r. (:IiU}L(:1: I..�"1'I>Ilil: �_\I\T .!'1i;7.,�I1.\"\I.:tiO7'.4 .->.->tU_ � ?I_11"ul; � iCil�i '�t�Ft--1.:3_:S April 10, 1979 Council President David Hozza and biembers of the City Council �� Seventh Floor �, City Hall � ��`�`� Dear Council Members : I 'm attaching a copy of a resolution asking for . your approval of my appointment of Harry Neimeyer to serve on the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Comriittee. Mr. Neimeyer' s appointment will fill out the membership of the 18-member committee. His resume is attached. Mr. Neimeyer will be representing Senate District 65, City Participation District 17. Thank you. S ' cerely, GEORGE ATIMER Mayor GL/lm attachments cc: Rose Mix . . � � STRINGER, COURTNEY & ROHLEDER , Ltd. ATTO R N EYS AT LAW - - . 120❑ NORTHWESTER�N NATIONAL BANK BUILDING .PMILIP STRINGEP S5� EAST FIFTH STREET TELEPH�NE 227-7784 � -� VINCENT P, COURTNEY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI�I AREA CO:]E 612 � RICHARO A.R�HI.EOEF � CHARLES A.FLINN,JR. _ . HENRY H. CO�NIE�.1R, HAqqY T, NEIMEVER t925-1975 � A,,,lqMES OICKIN50N - _ . JAMES S. LYNOEN CLAUOE H.ALLEN � OWENL.SORENSON � . � . IB99-�974 MAqGARET A.MAHONEY AqTHLI-R J.00NNELLV(rotired) . R E 5 U M E HARRY T. NEIMEYER OCCUPATION: Lawyer. Member af firm of Stringe.r, Courtney & Rohleder, Ltd. Private practice in St. Paul 14 years . . CIVIC AFFAIRS: Mayor Aftan 1971 - 1973 Member Board of Directors Citizens League 1976 - Member Board of Directors Family 5ervice of St� Paul 1972 - 1978 , 1979 - Personal : Residence: 482 Portland Ave. , St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Ahone: 224-6746 Office: 1200 Northwestern National Bank Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: 227-7784 Married: Three children in St . Paul schools.