272796 WHITE - CITV CLERK � - ������ BLUE - MAVOR E GITY OF AINT PAI,TL Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT File N 0. Coun ' s o Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE � ✓ `, Referred To Committee: D t Out of Committee By Date RESOLCED: �hat licenses for permit to conduct bingo games applied for by the fol�lowing organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates and hours indicated on the application, be=�and the same are hereby granted. St. Bernard�s �Iens Club 1142 Rice St. Bingo (2 prd) App. 7682 New Catholic Athletic Ass. 408 Main St. Bingo (51 prd) 7790 Renew Friends of St. Peter Claver Church 459 Wabasha �ingo �52 prd) 7972 " Abrahamson Biglow & Spector Post ��354 1060 Universaty Ave. Bingo �52 prd) 7973 " COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � In Favor Hozza Hunt Q Levine __ Against BY �rf�ad�eic Showalter Tedesco � � 7 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by uncil: Date Certif Yassed Council Secretary� BY r tlp r ed by 1�lavor: Da _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — — BY pu��rsaEO APR 21 1979 ...., �, .���.fi :� G_�- �7 2-�7�,� �,�' ,..����;t;��o;�,,,, _=�e� ;;.,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES u mu �l �'�. ;,� iii 111 u A�� "�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . J°'"�lm;,',�,.�°°� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Ma.rch 22, 1979 Ntr. President and Honorable Members of the City Counc�l Saint Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: The Catholic Athletic Association makes application for permission to conduct Bingo games for 51 periods at 408 Main Street beginning April 7, 1979. The application has been made by William J. Ivory, President and Joseph J. Azzone will be ma.naging the games, which will be played on Saturday between the fiours of 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M. Very trul yours, � . Joseph F. Carchedi License Tnspector �� . � rrr ClTY OF SAtNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIV1510N OF IICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION March 23, 1979 William J. Ivory S115 Eastwood Rd. New Brighton, MN 55112 Your appLication for a Bingo - 52 Periods license has been received by this office. After review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the LicensP Coa, � 'ttee that such license(s) be grantec�. A hearin� on ynux ar�p],ication .i Gr said licer.se(s) will be held before the License Comr�.ittPe on Date at � M at �,� :� .; �;h�mt,Pr��, �rd F1oor� ity Haj,1 and �Time (.T�ocation) Court House. You are hereby ���,� to apg�ear at such hearing. If you are unable to app�ar at sa�.d hear�ng, please notify this of�ice immediately. Our telephone nu.Tber is 298-5056. JOS�PFi F. CARCF�DI ° License Ins�ector RooM 209, City Hall, St. Paul, Min�esota 55102 . � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DiVi510N OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION March 23, 1979 Joseph J. Azzone 3 Langer Circle West St. Paul, MN 55118 Your application for a Bingo - 52 Periods license has been received by this office. After review and investigation of this application, this office will recommend to the License Comni.ttee that such license(s) be granted. A hearin� on your application fo:� said licerse(s) will be neld before ttie License Committee on M�rclt 28, 1979 Date at 9:00 A.M. at Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall And �Time) (Zocation) Court House. You are hereby ��,� ta appear at such hearir�. If you are unable to appear at said hearing, please notify t:,is office i�nmediately. Our telephone number is 298-5o5b. JOSuP:? F. CARCF-�'DI License Inspector RooM 209, City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 c_ � � �� ��,� ,..,.,,«..,�, '��`'T' °'�'''- CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• .,�-,,, �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES _: �i�i i°ii +' �,� �_ `�° = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,�°""lm�,',���°°��` Room 209,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 30, 1979 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: The Abrahamson Biglow Spector Post ��354, Jewish War Veterans makes application for permission to conduct Bingo games for 52 periods at 1060 University Ave. begin- ning April 4, 1979. The application has been made by David M. Leven- thal, Post Commander and Arnold Rischall will be managing the games, which will be played on Wednesday between the hours of 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. Very truly yours �� '. J seph F. Carchedi License Inspector �O G, �-- . �z� � 7 �� ...����a�ppR �'��� `'T' °'L''' C ITY O F SA I NT PAU L =.� •�- _� ;--,,, '� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES '_,� uii'i n i �� `�' _= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �,, � �""�m��,�°�� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 30, 1979 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: The Friends of St. Peter Claver Church makes application for permission to c'onduct Bingo games for 52 periods at 459 Wabasha St. beginning May 4, 1979. The application has been made by Carol Bushin- ski, President and June W. Huspek will be managing the games, which will be played on Friday between the hours of 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Very truly y urs, Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �O