01-1108Return copy to: �; '� ��� i� ���, � Council File # O l- p�' Real Estate Division ' � p�, �y. a.00� 140 City Hall (Bl� A ""�`�� � Green Sheet # 1 ��O�l RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To a�t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS,'I'he Boazd of Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, though the Tas Forfeited Land Section of the Property Records and Revenue Department in a letter dated September 4, 2001, classified as non- conservation land, certain tas-forfeited properties lying within the City of Saint Paul, and, WHEREAS, a copy of the classificauon resolution together with the list of said lands has been submitted for approval of the classification and sale of these lands in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 282.01, Sub. 1; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the taac forfeited pazcels on said classification list shall be sold in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 282.01, Sub. 1, except those pazcels as listed in this resolution which shall be withheld from public sale for those departments of the City of Saint Paul as indicated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Land Comtnissioner, Ramsey County, Minnesota. PARCELS TO BE WITHHELD FOR HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Pronertv Address Pronertv ID Potential Use 242 E. Morton Street 08-28-22-42-0076 Residential Rehab Lawton's Rearrangement of Block 15 of Woodbury and Case's Add to St Paul, Lot 5, Block 15 617 Yark Avenue 29-29-22-42-0080 Site Assembly for Parking Development Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Blocks 25 and 26 of Arlington Hills Add. to St. Paul, Lot 13, Block 26 767 Payne Avenue 29-29-22-43-0064 RRU Phalen Boulevard Area Development Borup and Payne's Add to St. Paul, except the North 86 feet of Lots 1& 2, Block 2 881 Desoto Street 29-29-22-32-0044 Residential Development Edmund Rice's First Addition to St. Paui, Lot 19, Block 5 906 York Avenue 28-29-22-32-0068 Residential Development Charles Weide's Rearrangement of Slock 6 of Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul, the West �/z of Lot ]0 and all of Lot 1 l. Block 6 953 Marion Street 25-29-23-41-0068 Lewis 2° Add to St Paul, Lot 3, Block 15 975 Argyle Street 26-29-23-23-0161 Como Pazk 2nd Add. South I/z of Lot 9& all of Lot 10, Block 2 Co�ittee: Date Residential Rehab Residential Rehab 52 Geranium Avenue W. 30-29-22-22-0069 Residential Development Stinson's Rice Street, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn., Lot 5, Biock 5. 531 Ohio Street 07-28-22-24-0034 Residential Redevelopment Dawson's Addition to City of Saint Paul, Lot 3, Block 8 �5�� �� 0 {�� 0 ,.,� E � _ � � (� i-�, �. 918 Park Avenue 30-29-22-32-0064 Auditor's Subdivision No. 16 St. Paul, Minn., Lot 6 Residential Development 803 Buffalo Sueet 30-29-22-43-0055 Residenual Development Edmund Rice s Second Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ttie North 60.68 feet of Lot 5, Block 5 173 Acker Street E. 30-29-22-43-0089 Residential Development Fdmund Rice's Second Addirion to the City of St. Paul, except the Northerly 80 feet of Lot 15, Block 7 648 Westem Ave. N. 36-29-23-12-0099 Residential Development Lafond's Addirion to Saint Paul, MN, the North 1/4 of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 2A a 4� tlaY 284 Chazles Avenue 36-29-23-13-0115 Residential Development Johnson's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn., subject to alley, the following: The East i/z of Lot 5 and all of Lot 4 429 Lafond Avenue 36-29-23-21-0107 Residential Development Smiths Subdivision of Blks, 2, b, 7& 8 of Stinson's Division of the 114 of Section 3b, Town 29, Range 23, lot 33, Block 8 162 St. Albans Street N.02-28-23-11-0166 Site Assembly - Fazking Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul, The South 232.10 feet of Lot 15, Block 5 893 Dayton Avenue 02-28-23-21-0019 Residential Development Brown's lst Add to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. MN, Lot 14, Block 1 1260 Dayton Avenue 03-28-23-12-0093 Anna E. Ramsey's Add to ihe City of St. Paul, Lot 10, Block 6 PARCELS TO BE WI1'HIIELD FOR PUBLIC WORKS 33 Hazel Street North 26-29-22-34-0022 Beaver Lake Heights, Block E Adopted by Council: Date b�. a. � 300� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: `�_ �. � � . Approved by Mayor: Date � � By: ' � �� Residential Rehab Right-of-Way Requested by Department of: Technical & Mana�ement Services By: - Director Form Approved by City Attorney .q �/ , e � j By: .:' t; �..F��X f V,�'✓L, _ T �71 "��f J � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: c� �ZEG�� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: Octmber 11, 2001 Green Sheet Numb : 111602 DI�IISION o t-ia� .�n�,�o�R 4 ��.�a atact Person and Phone N�ber: ,�, � i .tto� �U � BobNovak 266-885U � ��-�Y 2 �*��'.�'��e. 3 YOH(O&.l4LSTAM') QdF�eRm3�0 ust be on Council A enda b: October 24, 2001 OTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CITON REQUESTED: pprove resolution authorizing the withholding of tax forfeit parcels from public sale. wnon�nerxovewoxxe�sa�o ERSONAI, SERVICE CON1'RACl'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: e�wrvrvmc commcmox �_ srnE'�' . Has the persodFrm ever worked mder a contract for this depat�ent? YES NO crvn,seev�cecommmss�a.i . Ilas this person/(irm ever beea a City employee? YES NO 4e . Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCb OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. T7A1'IlVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITP (Whq What, Wheu, Where, Why?): City Departments have reviewed the ta7c forfeit parcel list for 2001 and select those parcels to be withheld from ale as indicated on the attached resolution. , nn;t;f`s VANPAGES IF APPROVED: � ��c `^"'' `v. . � City acquires property at a nominal cosL n �*���`� ��� `" ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . one ISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVF.D: roperties not selected now could be sold at auction to the public. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENI7E BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: AC1'IVITY NUMBER: ANCIAI, INFORMA'1'iON: (EYPLAIl� Page 1 of 1 �t��t�� Nancy Anderson - TOIVIGHT'S AGENDA - #24 From: Nancy Homans To: Anderson, Nancy Date: 10/24l2001 2:17 PM Subject: TOIVIGHT'S AGENDA - #24 CC: Carlson, Cindy; Coleman, Chris; Novak, Bob Cluis will be moving to amend the resolurion to add one additional property to be held off from sale by Ramsey County: 531 Ohio Street PIN #07-28-22-24-0034 Legal Description: Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, Lot 3, Block 8 Potential Use: Residential Redevelopment Thank you so much. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW} 00OO1.HTM 10/25/2001 Return copy to: �; '� ��� i� ���, � Council File # O l- p�' Real Estate Division ' � p�, �y. a.00� 140 City Hall (Bl� A ""�`�� � Green Sheet # 1 ��O�l RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To a�t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS,'I'he Boazd of Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, though the Tas Forfeited Land Section of the Property Records and Revenue Department in a letter dated September 4, 2001, classified as non- conservation land, certain tas-forfeited properties lying within the City of Saint Paul, and, WHEREAS, a copy of the classificauon resolution together with the list of said lands has been submitted for approval of the classification and sale of these lands in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 282.01, Sub. 1; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the taac forfeited pazcels on said classification list shall be sold in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 282.01, Sub. 1, except those pazcels as listed in this resolution which shall be withheld from public sale for those departments of the City of Saint Paul as indicated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Land Comtnissioner, Ramsey County, Minnesota. PARCELS TO BE WITHHELD FOR HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Pronertv Address Pronertv ID Potential Use 242 E. Morton Street 08-28-22-42-0076 Residential Rehab Lawton's Rearrangement of Block 15 of Woodbury and Case's Add to St Paul, Lot 5, Block 15 617 Yark Avenue 29-29-22-42-0080 Site Assembly for Parking Development Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Blocks 25 and 26 of Arlington Hills Add. to St. Paul, Lot 13, Block 26 767 Payne Avenue 29-29-22-43-0064 RRU Phalen Boulevard Area Development Borup and Payne's Add to St. Paul, except the North 86 feet of Lots 1& 2, Block 2 881 Desoto Street 29-29-22-32-0044 Residential Development Edmund Rice's First Addition to St. Paui, Lot 19, Block 5 906 York Avenue 28-29-22-32-0068 Residential Development Charles Weide's Rearrangement of Slock 6 of Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul, the West �/z of Lot ]0 and all of Lot 1 l. Block 6 953 Marion Street 25-29-23-41-0068 Lewis 2° Add to St Paul, Lot 3, Block 15 975 Argyle Street 26-29-23-23-0161 Como Pazk 2nd Add. South I/z of Lot 9& all of Lot 10, Block 2 Co�ittee: Date Residential Rehab Residential Rehab 52 Geranium Avenue W. 30-29-22-22-0069 Residential Development Stinson's Rice Street, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn., Lot 5, Biock 5. 531 Ohio Street 07-28-22-24-0034 Residential Redevelopment Dawson's Addition to City of Saint Paul, Lot 3, Block 8 �5�� �� 0 {�� 0 ,.,� E � _ � � (� i-�, �. 918 Park Avenue 30-29-22-32-0064 Auditor's Subdivision No. 16 St. Paul, Minn., Lot 6 Residential Development 803 Buffalo Sueet 30-29-22-43-0055 Residenual Development Edmund Rice s Second Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ttie North 60.68 feet of Lot 5, Block 5 173 Acker Street E. 30-29-22-43-0089 Residential Development Fdmund Rice's Second Addirion to the City of St. Paul, except the Northerly 80 feet of Lot 15, Block 7 648 Westem Ave. N. 36-29-23-12-0099 Residential Development Lafond's Addirion to Saint Paul, MN, the North 1/4 of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 2A a 4� tlaY 284 Chazles Avenue 36-29-23-13-0115 Residential Development Johnson's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn., subject to alley, the following: The East i/z of Lot 5 and all of Lot 4 429 Lafond Avenue 36-29-23-21-0107 Residential Development Smiths Subdivision of Blks, 2, b, 7& 8 of Stinson's Division of the 114 of Section 3b, Town 29, Range 23, lot 33, Block 8 162 St. Albans Street N.02-28-23-11-0166 Site Assembly - Fazking Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul, The South 232.10 feet of Lot 15, Block 5 893 Dayton Avenue 02-28-23-21-0019 Residential Development Brown's lst Add to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. MN, Lot 14, Block 1 1260 Dayton Avenue 03-28-23-12-0093 Anna E. Ramsey's Add to ihe City of St. Paul, Lot 10, Block 6 PARCELS TO BE WI1'HIIELD FOR PUBLIC WORKS 33 Hazel Street North 26-29-22-34-0022 Beaver Lake Heights, Block E Adopted by Council: Date b�. a. � 300� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: `�_ �. � � . Approved by Mayor: Date � � By: ' � �� Residential Rehab Right-of-Way Requested by Department of: Technical & Mana�ement Services By: - Director Form Approved by City Attorney .q �/ , e � j By: .:' t; �..F��X f V,�'✓L, _ T �71 "��f J � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: c� �ZEG�� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: Octmber 11, 2001 Green Sheet Numb : 111602 DI�IISION o t-ia� .�n�,�o�R 4 ��.�a atact Person and Phone N�ber: ,�, � i .tto� �U � BobNovak 266-885U � ��-�Y 2 �*��'.�'��e. 3 YOH(O&.l4LSTAM') QdF�eRm3�0 ust be on Council A enda b: October 24, 2001 OTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CITON REQUESTED: pprove resolution authorizing the withholding of tax forfeit parcels from public sale. wnon�nerxovewoxxe�sa�o ERSONAI, SERVICE CON1'RACl'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: e�wrvrvmc commcmox �_ srnE'�' . Has the persodFrm ever worked mder a contract for this depat�ent? YES NO crvn,seev�cecommmss�a.i . Ilas this person/(irm ever beea a City employee? YES NO 4e . Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCb OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. T7A1'IlVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITP (Whq What, Wheu, Where, Why?): City Departments have reviewed the ta7c forfeit parcel list for 2001 and select those parcels to be withheld from ale as indicated on the attached resolution. , nn;t;f`s VANPAGES IF APPROVED: � ��c `^"'' `v. . � City acquires property at a nominal cosL n �*���`� ��� `" ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . one ISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVF.D: roperties not selected now could be sold at auction to the public. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENI7E BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: AC1'IVITY NUMBER: ANCIAI, INFORMA'1'iON: (EYPLAIl� Page 1 of 1 �t��t�� Nancy Anderson - TOIVIGHT'S AGENDA - #24 From: Nancy Homans To: Anderson, Nancy Date: 10/24l2001 2:17 PM Subject: TOIVIGHT'S AGENDA - #24 CC: Carlson, Cindy; Coleman, Chris; Novak, Bob Cluis will be moving to amend the resolurion to add one additional property to be held off from sale by Ramsey County: 531 Ohio Street PIN #07-28-22-24-0034 Legal Description: Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, Lot 3, Block 8 Potential Use: Residential Redevelopment Thank you so much. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW} 00OO1.HTM 10/25/2001 Return copy to: �; '� ��� i� ���, � Council File # O l- p�' Real Estate Division ' � p�, �y. a.00� 140 City Hall (Bl� A ""�`�� � Green Sheet # 1 ��O�l RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To a�t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS,'I'he Boazd of Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, though the Tas Forfeited Land Section of the Property Records and Revenue Department in a letter dated September 4, 2001, classified as non- conservation land, certain tas-forfeited properties lying within the City of Saint Paul, and, WHEREAS, a copy of the classificauon resolution together with the list of said lands has been submitted for approval of the classification and sale of these lands in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 282.01, Sub. 1; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the taac forfeited pazcels on said classification list shall be sold in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 282.01, Sub. 1, except those pazcels as listed in this resolution which shall be withheld from public sale for those departments of the City of Saint Paul as indicated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Land Comtnissioner, Ramsey County, Minnesota. PARCELS TO BE WITHHELD FOR HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Pronertv Address Pronertv ID Potential Use 242 E. Morton Street 08-28-22-42-0076 Residential Rehab Lawton's Rearrangement of Block 15 of Woodbury and Case's Add to St Paul, Lot 5, Block 15 617 Yark Avenue 29-29-22-42-0080 Site Assembly for Parking Development Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Blocks 25 and 26 of Arlington Hills Add. to St. Paul, Lot 13, Block 26 767 Payne Avenue 29-29-22-43-0064 RRU Phalen Boulevard Area Development Borup and Payne's Add to St. Paul, except the North 86 feet of Lots 1& 2, Block 2 881 Desoto Street 29-29-22-32-0044 Residential Development Edmund Rice's First Addition to St. Paui, Lot 19, Block 5 906 York Avenue 28-29-22-32-0068 Residential Development Charles Weide's Rearrangement of Slock 6 of Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul, the West �/z of Lot ]0 and all of Lot 1 l. Block 6 953 Marion Street 25-29-23-41-0068 Lewis 2° Add to St Paul, Lot 3, Block 15 975 Argyle Street 26-29-23-23-0161 Como Pazk 2nd Add. South I/z of Lot 9& all of Lot 10, Block 2 Co�ittee: Date Residential Rehab Residential Rehab 52 Geranium Avenue W. 30-29-22-22-0069 Residential Development Stinson's Rice Street, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn., Lot 5, Biock 5. 531 Ohio Street 07-28-22-24-0034 Residential Redevelopment Dawson's Addition to City of Saint Paul, Lot 3, Block 8 �5�� �� 0 {�� 0 ,.,� E � _ � � (� i-�, �. 918 Park Avenue 30-29-22-32-0064 Auditor's Subdivision No. 16 St. Paul, Minn., Lot 6 Residential Development 803 Buffalo Sueet 30-29-22-43-0055 Residenual Development Edmund Rice s Second Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ttie North 60.68 feet of Lot 5, Block 5 173 Acker Street E. 30-29-22-43-0089 Residential Development Fdmund Rice's Second Addirion to the City of St. Paul, except the Northerly 80 feet of Lot 15, Block 7 648 Westem Ave. N. 36-29-23-12-0099 Residential Development Lafond's Addirion to Saint Paul, MN, the North 1/4 of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 2A a 4� tlaY 284 Chazles Avenue 36-29-23-13-0115 Residential Development Johnson's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn., subject to alley, the following: The East i/z of Lot 5 and all of Lot 4 429 Lafond Avenue 36-29-23-21-0107 Residential Development Smiths Subdivision of Blks, 2, b, 7& 8 of Stinson's Division of the 114 of Section 3b, Town 29, Range 23, lot 33, Block 8 162 St. Albans Street N.02-28-23-11-0166 Site Assembly - Fazking Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul, The South 232.10 feet of Lot 15, Block 5 893 Dayton Avenue 02-28-23-21-0019 Residential Development Brown's lst Add to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. MN, Lot 14, Block 1 1260 Dayton Avenue 03-28-23-12-0093 Anna E. Ramsey's Add to ihe City of St. Paul, Lot 10, Block 6 PARCELS TO BE WI1'HIIELD FOR PUBLIC WORKS 33 Hazel Street North 26-29-22-34-0022 Beaver Lake Heights, Block E Adopted by Council: Date b�. a. � 300� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: `�_ �. � � . Approved by Mayor: Date � � By: ' � �� Residential Rehab Right-of-Way Requested by Department of: Technical & Mana�ement Services By: - Director Form Approved by City Attorney .q �/ , e � j By: .:' t; �..F��X f V,�'✓L, _ T �71 "��f J � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: c� �ZEG�� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: Octmber 11, 2001 Green Sheet Numb : 111602 DI�IISION o t-ia� .�n�,�o�R 4 ��.�a atact Person and Phone N�ber: ,�, � i .tto� �U � BobNovak 266-885U � ��-�Y 2 �*��'.�'��e. 3 YOH(O&.l4LSTAM') QdF�eRm3�0 ust be on Council A enda b: October 24, 2001 OTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CITON REQUESTED: pprove resolution authorizing the withholding of tax forfeit parcels from public sale. wnon�nerxovewoxxe�sa�o ERSONAI, SERVICE CON1'RACl'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: e�wrvrvmc commcmox �_ srnE'�' . Has the persodFrm ever worked mder a contract for this depat�ent? YES NO crvn,seev�cecommmss�a.i . Ilas this person/(irm ever beea a City employee? YES NO 4e . Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCb OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. T7A1'IlVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITP (Whq What, Wheu, Where, Why?): City Departments have reviewed the ta7c forfeit parcel list for 2001 and select those parcels to be withheld from ale as indicated on the attached resolution. , nn;t;f`s VANPAGES IF APPROVED: � ��c `^"'' `v. . � City acquires property at a nominal cosL n �*���`� ��� `" ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . one ISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVF.D: roperties not selected now could be sold at auction to the public. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENI7E BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: AC1'IVITY NUMBER: ANCIAI, INFORMA'1'iON: (EYPLAIl� Page 1 of 1 �t��t�� Nancy Anderson - TOIVIGHT'S AGENDA - #24 From: Nancy Homans To: Anderson, Nancy Date: 10/24l2001 2:17 PM Subject: TOIVIGHT'S AGENDA - #24 CC: Carlson, Cindy; Coleman, Chris; Novak, Bob Cluis will be moving to amend the resolurion to add one additional property to be held off from sale by Ramsey County: 531 Ohio Street PIN #07-28-22-24-0034 Legal Description: Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, Lot 3, Block 8 Potential Use: Residential Redevelopment Thank you so much. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW} 00OO1.HTM 10/25/2001