272737 WFIITE - CITV CLERK PINK -�FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council � GANARV - DEPARTMENT .(�y�'.J/� � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. yF����� Coun ' R ol 'on . Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Northstar Amtrak passenger train provides vital passenger rail travel from Chicago to Duluth via the Twin Cities ; and WHEREAS, thousands and thousands of Minnesotans utilize the Northstar in their business, schooling, and recreation; and WHEREAS, passenger travel by rail is energy efficient and provides the alternative to the private auto; and WHEREAS, there is pending legislation before the Minnesota State Legislature which would provide for the continuation of the Twin Cities - Duluth run; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of St. Paul that the Minnesota Senate and the Minnesota House of Representatives act favorably to retain the Northstar passenger train; and be it FURTH�R RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the Governor of the State of Minnesota, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, the Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, and the Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Butler � [n Favor Hozza Hunt ' ! be�i�e _ 1/ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by ncil: ate V� � �_�— Certifi Passed ouncil Secre ` BY sy t�ppr by Mavor: D �R 3 t9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY �tt�o AP R 7 1�79 � JAM RSTAR - . , COMMITTlEg; 8n�Disrn�ci.Mi�esoT� � PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION ROOM 929 MERCHANT MARINE AND CANNON HWSE OFFICE BUILDIN6 �o�greg� of t�je ��tfteb �tate� SELECT COMMETTEE ON (202)225-8211 CONGRESSIONAL OPERATIONS DISTRICT OFFICE: �ouge of �te�regentatibeg RooM 231 FEDERAL BUILD�Nfi �ww�Fn��w�'�•(�• 20515 �� 7� �/ Duturr+.MINNESOTA 55802 ��Rp�Ja�s W �i (218)727-747� Ma.y 2, 1979 ` Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk Office of the City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Within a month, Congress must decide whether to accept or reject the Department of Transportation plan for our National Amtrak system. The Plan, which was submitted to Congress on January 31, will automatically go into effect unless either the House or Senate vetoes it before May 15. In the House, several Members have introduced resolutions to disapprove the DUT Amtrak Plan. However, in spite of substantial bi-partisan support for disapproval, the procedure for bringing such a Resolution to the Floor requires successful subcommittee and full committee action. With time so short, the likelihood of moving the disapproval resolution to the Floor appears slim. As a Tlember of Congress who is concerned about the future role of Amtrak in our national transportation system, I have written to Representative James Florio, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation and Commerce and Chairman Harley 0. Staggers of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee to request that the disapproval resolution be moved through Committee for consideration on the House Floor. If the disapproval resolution is successful, Transportation Secretary Adams will have forty-five days to prepare an alternate Amtrak Plan. This plan would once again go into effect ninety days after its submission to Congress unless either the House or Senate once again disapproves. If the disapproval resolution is not successful, Congress is likely to make changes in the Amtrak reauthorization which will soften the impact of the DOT plan cutbacks. Specifically, a greater Federal share for funding of 403B routes, including the Northstar Route from Minneapolis to Duluth, has been proposed. By reducing the present fifty percent state share of 403B funding, the Minnesota legislature should be willing to contribute its support for the Northstar Route. If you have any f urther questions or concerns in this matter, please feel free to write again. � Sincerely, James L. Uberstar, M.C. .� . � . . � i= �� � 2� � :�,�, STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE GcOVERNOR ALBERT H. QUIE GOVERNOR ST. PAUL i5155 April 23, 1979 Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall 5t. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Thank you very much for providing me with a copy of the resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Council in support of the North Star service on Amtrak between the Twin Cities and Duluth. You will be pleased to learn and inform the Council that, on Apri1 13th, I submitted supple- mental budget recommendations to the Legislature and included therein a proposed biennial subsidy of $1.2 million for the North Star service. • Sincere . ALBE� � � C� ._ �/ T H. QUIE � Governor AHQ:mkk AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I�i °W`3 , �r ������ RICHARD NOLAN WBTRICTOFFICEB: 6Tx D�87ft�GT,MIWiE80TA NORMAN LARSON 92f 4rN Avaue COMMI7TEE8: WORTXINOTON.MINNESOTA 58187 SMALL BUS NESS �or�gre�� of t�je �t�iteb �ta�te� JAMES GRAEVE 8I1B ST.GERMAIN JAMES A.DECHAINE �ouge of �e�regentati�e� $T•CLOUO,MINNESOTA 56901 ADMIMSTRATIVE ASSISTANT �8I Y�'LSZ-'�$BO 214 GwNOn House O��ce Bmtartm tw (�► WASHIN6TON,D.C. 20518 ��`"�����/. 20515 ARCHIE BAUMANN (202)225-2981 Feoew�u.Bu�i.nuxs Reow000 F�us.MINNESOTA 58289 (507)657-9585 SHIRLEY BONINE RT.1.BoX 88 M�t.E PutN,MINNESOTA 55959 March 27, 1979 (6�z)a�e-:ss� Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk City of St. Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Thank you for providing me the benefit of your views regarding the Report of the Secretary of Transportation to the Congress regarding the restructuring of the present Amtrak route system. The Secretary' s report recommends the reduction of the present route structure by 43 percent which translates into an appropriate savings of $1.4 billion in operating subsidies over the next five fiscal years. Specifically, the report proposed the continuation of the Empire Builder which serves a route running from Chicago to Minneapolis/St. Paul, Willmar, and points northwest via Havre, Montana, to Seattle. The report proposes the elimination of, among others, the North Coast Hiawatha which provides service from Chicago to Minneapolis/St. Paul, St. Cloud and points northwest via Billings, Montana, to Seattle. I oppose the Secretary's report for several reasons. First, in view of Secretary of Energy Schlesingers's recent statements suggesting potential gasoline rationing and banning of Sunday gas sales, it is imperative that alternative modes of transportation remain available. � The railroad is the most energy-efficient mode of transportation in operation today and to suggest severe measures for energy conservation on the one hand, while on the other hand, drastically cutting back on passenger rail service is, at best, ludicrous. Secondly, the report relies on ridership data to justify the proposed service cutbacks or elimination. It is only logical that lack of ridership might be directly related to operating schedules which consistently run several hours behind the published schedules, antiquated equipment and depots which are in the advanced stages of deterioration. One cannot rely on increased ridership if one cannot rely upon the mode of transportation � for which ridership is intended. Thirdly, A►ntrak has demonstrated a certain ineptitude in managing its own affairs. One example of this condition was the purchase of 150 new locomotives which, due to incompatibility with the existing system, had to be completely rebuilt at Amtrak's THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS t ' Amtrak March 27, 1979 Page 2 expense before they could be used. In this regard, it is my conviction Amtrak is obligated to get its own shop in order before terminating any single operating line. Finally, Amtrak is a public mode of tranportation subsidized by the public's tax dollars. It is the primary objective of public transportation to provide transit as consistently and as cheaply as possible and is therefore not necessarily a money-making proposition. Of course, any business should try to maintain a balanced ledger; however, Amtrak could not simultaneously offer the attractive rates it does and make money at the same time. As I have indicated, I intend to vigorously oppose the Secretary's report and have cosponsored a resolution in the House which dissapproves the report. The Congress, in either Chamber, must pass such a resolution by May 15, 1979, to prevent the Secretary's report from implementation. I intend to work hard toward that end. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your conCerns with me in this vital matter. Si ICHARD NOLAN Member of Congress RN:smc ��a��� � � � � . � � � � � � � � � OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON April 11, 1979 Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk Of£ice of the City Clerk 386 city Raii St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Mix: Thank you very much for your recent letter to the Vice President regarding the proposal by Secretarq Adams to reduce the number of routes served by Amtrak. We particularly appreciated your comments about the poten- tial effects in your area. As you maq know, the Amtrak Improvement Act of 1978 required Secretary Adams to issue a proposal on rail con- solidation, and, as provided by law, the proposal will take eff.ect unless the Congress disapproves it. The Congress determined in 1978 that federal subsidies for Amtrak had to be reduced, and this study was the mechanism for achieving the needed savings. Unquestionably, there are many difficult questions that Secretary Adams has to resolve and that Congress must review, and we appreciate your letting us know your per- spective on this issue. With warm regards. Sincerely, � John Farmer Special Assistant to the Vice President for Domestic Policy ,.i , . , _ : . , . , � � � � � , : . . .� �.� . , � , � . , , , . _ , . � , , , , . . ; . , , - . : " � . �l: ', � � ,' - : ; ��. _ � _ ` ; • i , _ _ � r ' � , . • f r j • a I , ( �. A�+11 �Si� ��"�'9 , � , r , i. 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