272734 WHITE - GTV CLERK BLUE - MAVOR E GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ��d��;j� CANARV - DEPAIiTMENT File N 0.__ Coun il Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Iii the matter of the Abatement of Special Assessments for 896 Woodbric3ge legally described as Lot Eleven (11) , Block Eight (8) Lewis Second Addition ta the City of Saint paul. WHEREI�B, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Snint paul, awner of the subject property� did apply to the Board af Commissianers of Rnmsey County and the C7ommissione� of Revenue for the County of Ramsey of the State of Minnesata, to have erroneously classified special assessments as of January 2, 1978 abated� a�nd WHEREAS� The Ramsey County Department af Property Taxation has detez'mined that the above mentioned special assessments which were erroneotasly classified should be coYrected and forgotten; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE60LVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the application of the Housing and Re- development Authority of the City of Saint Paul for the abatement af erroneously classified special assessmants as of Janua�ry 2, 1978 as more fully described in the application identified as County Auditor�s Report DTo. 953111 �� IT FL�RTHER RESOLVED� That upon passage and adoption of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of same to the Ramsey County Audito�. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler J In Favor Hozza Hunt �ue, - v -- Against BY Maddox Showalter ��a Adopted by C cil: Date � 2 9 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certi Passe ouncil S etary � �� �w�/�� l' t#pprov by ;�lavor: D APR 3 �9T� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By a�a�_►�sHEt� APR � 1979 . s � DEPARTMENT� OF PROPERTY TAXATION ������ COUNTY OF RAMSEY . 126-138 Court House St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director March 12, 1979 Robert J. Ellis ROGER VIK Property Valuation Assistant Director Will�am M. Killeer, Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Robert J. Ellis, on behalf of: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement. 95311 There is an assessment levied against this parcel that is to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: District Assessment Year Str. Maint. �k32 8 1978 $11.48 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna, Director Departme�rt�`o� Prop�rty,�`ax � ,.., ,�' ;.-: gy „�'� � �• 4„ Supv. Appraisal Services RKP:ay O ' � v ► `��PORT UF ASSE�`SOR,, RAMSEY COUNTY ������batement Nn. 95311 � St. Paul _ February 1� 79 Assessment District: I.Q$'d� �S�ription: Lewis Second Add3tion �pERTY IDENTIFICATtON Water � District Plat Percel Shed • Property Coded As: 0$ 44200 110 08-8 - Address of Property: 896 [aoodbridge Applicant: RObeYt .T. Ellis for: Housing & Redevelopment Authority Mailing Address: Applicant's Market Value: Land $ Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: Correct Errox Sthool � ESTIMATEO MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Disiritt A VEAR Total Class % Value C Land Bldg/Other Total _ land Bldg/Other 625 U 78 1650 18592 20242 �6�� 13234 14 4 EXEMPT NO.OF PERCENT EXCEPTION Z COOES RESD UWNED LiMITED MARKET CODE N s o u c E UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST i G w s � A T ACRE LAND ONLY AS p N e N A p T , R G E G E G T SMT �P R E Y Y � e Assessor's Recommendation: U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VAIUES ASSESSED Sthool A YEAR District C Land BIOg/Other Totel Land Bldg/Other 7otal Class % Value 25 U 78 1650 185 20 16 14845 EX 40 59 8 & 79 Reportof Investigation: . Changed to exempt to correct clerical error. . / . � � � . � +�Gt�� Ex. �TI+ Appr. JL Steno jW ` i v ���L . ��� Authorized Signature -�oe� r�nT �<e� � . o... tttt. �"�j?`�P�� _,��f,GITY F��,, , � � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�� ;; �; � ��, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY =� iiii°i ii ii +" �,,;, „�_. SUZANNE E. FLINSCH, CITY ATTORNEY ��''��,,,, ,e,. � 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �`"�°»4�"` 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 21 , 1979 Ros e M ix City Clerk 386 City Hall Build ing Re: Resolution approving application for abatement — File No. 95311 8 96 Woodbr idg e Dear Ms. Mixs I httve attached the req�ested Resolution pertaining to the above matter. � you have any questions�, please so advise. Very truly yours,� ---_.. ,� .._��.`"�,�'.���� '���t.._ W�LTER A. BQWSER Assistant City Attorney WAB:rl Enc. J � REPOftT UF ASSE�`SOR, RAMSEY COUNTY .4batement tvo. 95048 Assessment District: St• P8t11 January 23, 1979 Legal Description: Arlington Hills Addn. pROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Water District . Plat Percel . Shed � Property Coded As: Q1 11000 060 15 3 • . Address of Property: Vacant Land Applicant: Robert J. Ellis for: Cecil & Arlene Nelson Mailing Address: Applicant's Market Value: Land $ Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: Correct Error School � � ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED District A YEAR C Land Bldg/Other Totsl Land Bldg/Olher � Total Class % Value 62 U 78 2000 200 N EXEMPT NO.OF PEHCENT EXCEPTION Z COOES RESD UWNED . LiMITED MARKET CODE o S uNirs (HSTD� VALUE — FIRST N q o u T c N ACRE LAND ONLY Ass PR G E E G P G ' MT �P R E E V � Assessor's R.ecommendation: 7 1 5 0 Sthool � ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED A YEAR Dialrict C Land Bldg/OtheT Totel Land Bidg/Other Total Class % Value b25 U �s Zaoo Z000 z000 Z000 Tx soo ( Report of Investigation: . Changed property to trust exempt due to cancellation of tax forfeited sale contract. `� � � � � :��� � Ex. � A�pr. JL ' Steno jw tf: - -r.�-t.�-�� _. , . . --- AnthnrizP� SiQnature . * - ---���'�'�� _ ` . , _ _ F�qe�•� • ::. �,a c � �AN �� _ 19�9 Ramse. Form DPT 229 ._ / �4a• / ' �'',"j1�'.�n��. , � APPLIC�TION FOR RELIEF—General Form • K01� (If reduction requested exceeds a500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) . To the County Board and County Auditor ot Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner ot Revenue o[the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey Ss• PROPERTY CODE: ' 08-I.�J1200-110-08 City, Village or Town St. Paul Applicant: Robert J. Elli��_ ��h`,�d��/�// m�ey ,�,n .v e�sessar ►!�/�fi�af As of the January 2, 1978 assessment the propert.y le�a11.:Y described below was er- roneous�v classified, due to a clerical error_ as fo]1ows: • Lewis �econd Addition lot� 11, block 8 0$-Ill1200-110-08 896 i�Toodbrid�e 1978 U 625 Land Building Total Assessed - Lv 1611 1323� 1l�8l�5 5938 NH li0� II�N 1650 1650 18592 202l�2 Applicant requests: that the assessment as of Januarv 2, 1978 be corrected as follows• 1978 U 625 Land Buildin� Total Assessed _ LV 1611 1312L. 11���,� 59,�� j�(�,�g EMtT 1650 18592 2n21_i� � � . „;�'�/ .-• �.. �?-�'�. , Applicant . ,� / _ , - DATE ,_�� �a _ A.D. 19�_ r - � t � CERTIFICATE OF RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I, the uadersip►ed, County Auditor ot the within named County, do hereby certify ehat a c�rotul examinaUun Into the allepdons and statements aet torth in Lhe withln applicatlon has been made by the County Boud o! sald Couaty �nd by myselt and that trom s�id examination ws ue convinced and vsrlly belleve that sald allegations snd datements are true ' I further certity that, at a meetlnQ duly held 18 , s�id County Board, by ot8cial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes ot ita Droceedtnas w a public record,ahowlns ths name�of t6e taxpayeri and other D�ons concerned md the amounta involved,m�de the tollowin`reoommendaUon,wharein(hereby coacur,upon rald�DDLcation: That the useued value ot uid DroD�Y be reduced to and Sxed at i I hereby certi[y the result of said recommendetion is as follows; end if the taxes have been paid thet proportional refund- ment be authorized: • � Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Totat Velues Credit Assess. Pe able ORIGINAL� • REDUCTION N EW Reduction of Pennity Tax Rate mills Reduction o[Interest Ramsey County Aadltor Witness my hend end o(ficie! seal , 19_ By Deputy County Auditor. I o �d � � ow�•° ���w � � o a�OiYvna � � Y = v o bc�� a« ° c � � �F � o Y � u .�' .'u V � � w �o ., ` a a Q e „ ��a� 5 d A � � �, � '' v v � ° .. ro � o� oE � �:o . E a q � � � 4 �.� � w._ A �O U 0 �.�. w � � 'r'3 C� � � W� _ • O � Y M O Y OO Q Z � y � �� r� �Y� T O � u N N u � O > 3 -• E a,' v� � � � .`� 3 � C v o E W W � � o «'O Y� M'a� C � d o rr°. � � v � � v �� „vo c � .. � �, >v o Z �� � W r' M C V d Ci y L W � � V Z LL � �r a o � � itl ::a o `' a,'o u � C � y "[� �'O y C N� C d q � O 0i _ " � S y.H A i� . O Q7 r a0 yaj J'J F.. � � P. �C )",� W .. •� .. . w Y N � 1L Z t0 w n A � � � E l0 F,y� 61 . ; O W a`, " y d v.c•°- � a u °°` O W � v v . � �p �aY � v 3 c� �•� � � ,. 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