BLUE - VOR , Fl1C NO. .
� � � � �- il solution
Presented By
Referred Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Department of Labor purchased the former Bethel College site
for establishment of a Job Corps Center providing young people
- with an intensive program of education, counseling and vocational
training in a group residential setting; and
WHEREAS, then-Governor Rudy Perpich supported the establishment of this
center subject to various conditions; and
WHEREAS, an agreement signed by Governor Perpich and the National Job
Corps Director directs the Mayor of Saint Paul to establish an
ad hoc citizen committee to assist the Department of Labor,
state and local Manpower officials, and the Job Corps contractor
in the successful establishment of a Job Corps Center; and
WHEREAS, this committee is charged with communicating the interests of the
neighborhood during the development phase of the Center to ensure
that neighborhood concerns are being addressed; and
WHEREAS, this committee will help in the formation of a permanent Community
Advisory Council and will phase out when that permanent body is
� � � formed; and _ ,�,;;_-- � ::��� :�P,
� �' ,;' r'.
WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the appoint�nent5, as listed, giving priority
to Saint Paul residents, but recognizing the need for representa-
tion from neighboring communities;
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler [n Favor
Levine __ Against BY
Tedesco Form A pproved by City t rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ('
t#pproved by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ By
• .. • �
' Page 2 of 8
4 �,�,�;�3�
Name Address Telephone �� Background
Paul Arntzen, Jr. 1340 Arona 645-8377 Former President of
St. Paul, MN 55108 Holy Childhood School
Cathy R. Carlson I569 Alameda St, 488-8760 Rehabilitation Counselor,
St. Paul, MN 55117 296-9373 Nine year resident of
area, married to teacher
at Bethel College.
Hildegard Cheatham 1335 Arlington Ave. W. 488-3115 Resident of area 37 +
St. Paul, MN 55108 years; member of Gomo
Park and Como Zao
Dorothy Demma 1473 Hamline Ave. N. 646-3655 Resident of area for
St. Pau1,o-MN 55108 sixteen years.
Jehn Demma 1473 Hamline Ave. N. 646-3655 Resident of area tor
St. Paul, MN 55108 sixteen years.
Jerry Dicks 1515 No. Pascal . 646-0518 Formerly active in Holy
St. Pau1, MI3 55108 Childhood.
Sharon Farseth 1450 Sheldon 645-1402 Special Education teacher
St. Paul, MN 55108 at Wilson, graduate stu-
dent in spec. ed. of
emotianally disburbed.
Don Gabrielli 149I No. Pascal 644-8126 Officer of N.W. Como
St. Paul, rIN 55108 933-8500 Booster's Club
3ames Aemming lSi4 Chelsea 489-3297 Elderly resident ot area,
St. Paul, MN 55108 active in precinct politics
Bru�e Hoelter 1392 Simpson 645-3331 Youth minister, Emmaus
St. Paul, MN 55108 489-9426 Lutheran Church.
Richard Johnson 1489 Huron 488-7989 Formerly on District. 10
St. Pau1, M�iI 55108 Steering Committee, N.W.
800ster's Club.
Carol Kelsey 1347 Simpson 645-7112 U of ri nurse; Campfire
St. Paul, MN 55108 Girl Leader
. , • ►
. • . .� . Page 3 of 8
� t,- �"'�y�u,4A�. .
!- . � , rl��
Name Address TelePho.ne 4� Background
Don Kelsey 1347 Simpson 6�+5-7112 U of M Lihrarian.
St. Paul, MN 55108
�1ndy Mazzucco 1472 Beda Ave. 644-6633 President of Chelsea
St. Paul, MN 55108 PTA.
Richard Mi11er 1507 Chelsea 488-4b58 Como Park Committee
St. Paul, MN 55108 Chairperson; formeriy on
District 10 steering
Matt Monzel 1523 Holton 646-1009 Member of N.W. Coma
St. Paul, MN 55108 Booster's Club, employed
by St. Paul Fire Dept.
Jonathan Nye 1515 Almond 646-1622 Called Gov. requested
St. Paul, MN 55108 to serve.
Jackie Popolski 1374 Simpson 645-2179 President of Holman
St. Paul, MN 55108 School Association.
Member of Holy Childhood.
Gary Ruud 824 W. Larpenteur 488-I606 District 10 Council, Como
St. Paul, MN 55113 770-2311wk. Park Lutheran Church, local
454-4600wk. Boy Scout Leader.
Dave Schiminsky 1340 Como 774-2689 Former district 10
St. Paul, MN 55108 645-3675 Chairperson, State Farm
Insurance Agenc; in
District 10.
Gretchen Schultz 1550 Simpson 646-0367 College student active in
St. Paul, MN 55108 area.
Darlene Weight 1491 Hamline 645-7249 Board of Como Park Lutheran
St. raul, i1�i1 �5i08
, , ,�
; ' . . .
Page 4 of 8
Name Address Telephone ��� Back�round
Reverend Bruce Buller 749 Simpson 646-3333 � Minister, Hamline
St. Paul, MN 55104 645-0667 Methodist, Dist. 11
James Franczyk 1637 Van Buren 646-3193 �Iuman Resources
St. Paul, MN 55104 29b-4847(wk.) Planner with Pf�iT
State Planning Agency
Donald Irish 1387 Englewood 645-9637 Hamline University
St. . Paul, MN 55104 fi41�2431(wk.) Professor
Juliana Janssen 1286 Hubbard Ave. 644-7090 St. Paul resident
St. Paul, MN 55104 224-7567(wk.) since 1948, currently
� employed as a tail�or
(last twelve years)
Janice Mayo. Lallier 545 N. Lexington Pkwy. 647-1883 Former asst. editor
St. Paul, MN 55104 854-0855 of Twin Gities Courier,
. active in precinct
caucus, former public
relations director of
Ramsey Action Programs
�; �';� �'����
. , .
r ' . .
' Page 5 of 8
fi+ �1 ��"�i►,"x�t.�
Name Address Telephone �� . Background
Greg Haley 2258 Commonc�ealth 644-0811 District 12 representative,
St. Paul, MN 55108 architect, very active in area
Bill Handschin 233I Gordon b45-7869. U of M Medical Research
St. Paul, MN 55108 Technician
Gerald Nolte 2164 Commonwealth 645-2898 Economics Professor at Riv.er
St. Paul, MN. 55108 Falls, member St. Anthony
Park Association
Paul Quie, Jr. 2154 Commonwealth 645-1461 Student at Breck
St. Paul, rSN 55108
David Stoppel 1423 Chelmsford 646-6723 Chairperson, St. Anthony
St. Paul, MN 55108 332-5521(337) Park Association, Professu�r
St. Mary's Jr. Callege
Priscilla Thurow 2Z01 Hendon Ave. 644-8156 Former Job Corps. Recruiter.
St. Paul, MN 55108 Long time resident of area
, � � Page 6 of 8
Name Address :'elephone 4� Background
Tom Baldwin 1716 N. Albert 644-8293. Works with "disaf-
St. Paul, MN 55113 fected youth"
Barbara Balik 1502 W. Idaho Ave. 647-9422 Called Gov. office
St. Paul, MN 55I08 and asked to be on
Ad Hoc Committee.
Relatives lived next
' door to Clinton,Iowa
J.C. Center.
Dan Balik 1502 W. Idaho Ave. 647-9�+22 Called Gov. office
St. Paul, MN 55108 and asked to be on
Ad Hoc Committee.
Helen Brown 1827 No. Hamline 645-2657 League of. Women
St. Paul, MN 55113 Voters, Falcon Hts.
City Council.
Dave Ekern 1442 W. Iowa Ave. 647-9601 (Res) Engineer with
St. Paul, MN 55108 770-2311-ext. Highway Dept.
213 Wk.. '
Saliy Jeraberg 1540 W. Iowa_ Ave. 645-5171 Active in com�-aunity
St. Paul, MN 55108 affairs.
John Labalestra 1433 W. California 644-1440 Resident of area for
Falcon Hts. , MN 55108 thirty years, owner
of area restaurant,
. nominated by Mayor
of Falcon Hts.
Carl Lundquist Bethel College & Seminary 641-6230 President,
3900 Bethel Drive Be.thel College
St. Paul, MN 55112•.
Marilyn McClure 1908 Arona Ave. 644-3645 Wrote to Gov. asking
St. Paul, MN 55113 to be on Cauncil.
Jim McGuire 1529 W. Iowa Ave. 644-1066 Works for MIS at
St. Paul, MN 55108 St. Josegh's Hospital
Pat Mooney 1498 W. Iowa Ave. 645-9885 Ac.tive in comm�,cnity
St. Paul, MN 55108 affairs.
Erma Olson 1436 W. Larpenteur 644-9682 Housing Specialzst
Falcon Hts. , MN 55113 with City of Falcon
Hts. , former director
of Group Foster Home
� & Emergency Shelter
Home (14 yr s.) Ivomin-
ated by Mayor ot
� , ;, y
� Paqe 7 of 8
. . • .
, � � .'����
Name Address Telephone �� Bac�round
Tom Rusch 1488 W. Idaho Ave. 733-0941 Church youth leader
St. �'aul, MN 55108 b45-1410 at Hamline Methodist
Senator Neil Dieterich 366 Jackson Street 291-70Q7 State Senator for
St. Paul, MN 55101 area.
Lt. Robert Pavlak 116 W. Belvidere 224-7278 St. Paul Police
St. Paul, DfN 55107 Dept. Team Gaptain
of Bethel area.
. �FINK - FINANCE COUIICIl yyy.'''/'''���
BLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO. �� ^��
t j � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 8 of 8
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of Saint Paul does hereby
establish the Ad Hoc Citizen Committee for Job Corps and does concur
with the appointments.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Hozza [n Favor
�e�ri�� � __ Against BY
�� � 2 9 �9� Form Approved by Ci,t�} Att ney F=n
Adopted by uncil: Date ( ! �
Certifi Passe y C nc� taky BY �
� � �� � � -.
tapp by Nlavor: a _ , � 5� �� App by Mayor for S m sion to Council
BY – — BY
��m APR 141979
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� Form OPT 229
Ir01" (If reduction requested exceeds 5500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) �
To the County Boud and County Auditor of Raauey County, � /
and to the Commissioner ot Revenue ot the State of Minnesota: ��� � ���/' i �/ L��'1� �
_ �c,� ��<z�¢, (,�
Couaty of Ramsey ��� ��.��t=��� _
ss. , l, , , �21'ICU���-C
City, Village or Town St• Pau7- `' t-''�`�`"� /j�-�� _ �����.
�' c Z��-�>� -�����;l�-a�."�l�" '
�/� �'
Applicant: Robert J. Ellis
�e�g'��� Ramsev Covnty ssesfior -
As of the Januarv 2, 1978 assessment the praperty legally described below was
erroneousl�► classified, due to a clerical error. as folloNS:
IAt 6� block 1K, rlln�ton Hills Addition to St. PaL1_ in the G�Ln_'��_
of Ramsev and 5tate of Minnesota. 01-11000-060-15
N� address - 6A1A'tY land
i�'j t 6�� Lan,d. Building Tota1 Assessed Cla.ss & �
I,V $2,OQ0 --- $2,000 $860 ATI l�3�
nKV 2,o00 --- 2,000 86o rR 1�3�
Applicant requests: that the assessment as of �7anuarv�,_1978 he co_rrected ac
- - - � -
�,Q7�U�K r.and Buildin� Total Assassed Qass & �
LY �2,000 -- �'2 000 �SoO �( h0�
F1�lV 2,400 --- 2s004 800 TX l�04
/ • '
� :�. G' :�-�;/ G' ,l-!,�
, - DATE November 28, A.D. 19�
.,� � - .