272713 � WHITE - C�TV CLERK �� COUi1C11 � ��+ .�. PINK - FINANCE G TY O SA I NT PA U L - CANARV - DEPARTMENT Bl_UE - MAYOR File N . CityAttny/'Legal . . , , e lution Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AMENDING CITY OF SAINT PAUL SELECTIVE CLEARANCE PROGRAM BY INCLUDING IN SAID PROGRAM THE AREA OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOU5ING SERVICES PROGRAM, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 13 WHEREAS, tY�� Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its Resolution,C. F. �`: 269909, did adopt on October 13, 1977 the Selective Clearance Program as part of the City's Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the Council did amend the Selective Clearance Program by its Resolution, C. F. No. 272189 , adopted December 12 , 1978 to delete Improvement III and II areas from program eligibility with the exception of Identified Treatment Areas ; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) Program in the Merriam Park neighborhood is a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization and rehabilitation program with objectives similar to those of the Identified Treatment Areas program; and WHEREAS, no blocks within the NHS boundaries are classified "Improvement III" under the Residential Improvement Strategy and the limited "Improvement II" area that is identified is specifically identified as a target area for concentrated rehabilitation which is underway under the NHS program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED upon the recommendation of the HRA Board of Commi.ssioners , the Council does hereby amend the Selective Clearance Program by specifying that no areas within the boundaries of the Neighborhood Housing Services Program in the Merriam Park neighborhood District 13 will be considered ineligible for the Selective Clearance Program. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler �_ in Favor Communit� Develonment Hozza Hunt � ���P� Levine �__ Against BY �� Showalter M� 2,7 19� Tedesco Form A pproved by Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �/ ���� BS' ^ t�ppro lNavor. Date _ �3 0 1979 App ed by Mayo Su m' s on to Council By B`y ��rs��o aPR 7 �97s �;���.� � . ,. y � REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE February 2, 1979 R EGA R D i N G AMENDMENT OF GUIDELINES FOR SELECTIVE CLEARANCE PROGRAM The Selective Clearance Guidelines were amended by Board/Council action to exclude properties In Improvement III and Improvement II Areas, with the exception of I?A's in Improvement II Areas. A request has been submitted by Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. to consider all improvement areas within the boundaries of the iVeighborhood Housing Services ' Program in District 13 as eligible for participation in the Selective Clearance Program: ' The city-wide Residential Improvement Strategy and the District I3 Plan designate Improvement II Areas which are within the NHS boundaries and ���hich are also�identified as target improvement areas within the NHS plan. The NHS program in the 1�Ierriam Park Neighborhood is a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization and rehabilitation program with objectives comparable to those of the ITA program. 'fhere are no Improvement III Areas within the NHS boundaries. Staff recommends that the Selective Clearance Guidelines be amended to speci#y that areas within the boundaries of the District 13 Neighborhood Housing Seryices Program in the �Vlerriam Park neighborhood be considered as eligible for participation in the Selective Clearance Program. � . William F. Newman � _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ « � • RESOLUTION N0. 79-2/�-I �;►=�;;���- RESOLUTIO�J RECOP�IMENDING ELIGIBILITY OF � NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSiNG SERVICES AREA IPJ � DISTRICT 13 FOR PARTICIPATION IN SELECTIVE � : CLEARANCE PROGRA�l1 I�IHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul , by its Resolutian GF No. 269903, adopted October 13, 1977, did approve a Selective Clearance Program as a Community . Development Year III project.supplementing the City-LJide Rehabilitation Program and - established guidelines for said program; and _ 4JHEREAS, the HRA staff responsible for administration of the Selective CZearance . Program has recommended that all areas located within the boundaries of the Neighbornood - Housing Services Program area of the Merriam Park neighborhood in District 1.3, be eligib7e for participation in the Selective Clearance Program. . NO:J THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota that it hereby recommends ' to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the Selective Clearance Guidelines be amended to specify that no areas within the boundaries of the Neighborhood Nousing Services Program in the Merr.iam Park Neighborhood in District 13 wi11 be considered ineligible for participation in the Selective Clearance Program. ( _ - � - � - _ --- - , : OM 4Z: 12/�975 itev. : 9/$ 7b ' �7�ANA,TIQN �0� ADMINI:STRATIVE� �QR�DERS ,�`���`� . RE. . . N .�. . . . � .' :nate: March 13, i9�9 � � R E C � 3 '� � D ' . MAR 16 1979 TO: MA.XQR GEORGE LATTMER MAXOR'S � ' `FR: W. F. Newman � RE: Amendment of Selective Clearance Program. Guidelines , ;AGTION REQUESTED: , ..�..� � Amendment of the guidelines for the Selective Clearance Rrogram to permit eligi�►le home- - owners in NHS target areas in District 13 to participate in the`Seieetive Cleard�nce Program. . 'PURPO�SE AND RATIONALE� ;FOR THI�S ACTION: Participation in Selective Clearance Program is limited to residents of Residentiai Improvement` Strategy Areas classified as Improvement I or higt�er. Improvement I'I areas are permissable withi:n ITA's. This revision will permit participation within Improvement II "areas which are 'identified� as NHS target areas in District 13 {Me►^riam Park). � A�"�t�CHMENTS: � HRA Board resolution and documents. � � ` i