272693 WH17E — CITV CLERK PINK � — FINANCE TT COUI�CLI `,J?�Ji� ` CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT . PA ll L t4„1 N �>-.-� �°� BI.UE — MAVOR File N . _ nci Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul City Council has determined that a high priority must be placed upon the sewer rehabilitation program fo� the Thomas-Dale neighborhood; and WHEREAS, The St. Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitatio� Project se.gment designated as the St. Albans Open Cut sewer (Project S-0971G3C) has been placed on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Municipal Project List (MPL) for state and federai grant funding for Fiscal Year 1979; and WHEREAS, The City has been recently notified by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that based on Environmental Protection Agency eligibtlity dete�mination the project is to be deleted from the MPL by action of the MPCA Board on March 27, 1979; which action wi11 terminate any further consideration of the project for grant funding; and WHEREAS, The City's sewer project wili eliminate immediate threats to public health and will reduce the potential for ground water pollution and street flooding caused by combined sewage overland flaws; both of which are consistent with the 208 Area Wide Plan/Deyelopment Guidelines, and will improve water quality in the Mississippi �River as a result of the elimination of co�ined sewer overflows from this larg� area; and � WHEREAS, It is the position of the Pubiic Works Department and the City Attorney that the project dces conform to eligibility criteria �and applicable laws and should remain on said Municipal Project list, now therefore be it RESOIVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that it hereby concu�s in the position that the St. Anthony Hili Municipal Sewer Project not be removed from the Municipal Project List for Fiscai Year 1979 and that the Mayor should take appropriate action to present the City's position to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Board on March 27, 1979. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� � In Favor Publ i W rks Hozza —G In���� n Hunt //d�l� �. Levine � __ Against By �'C�f � Maddox Showalter Tedesco � 2 2 �9� Form Approved by�Cit Attor Adopted by Date Certi d P Ssed b oun Sec�eta BY ` / Y��� • c�1�G' � .r��.. � B1 � � 2 � t9� ' Ap ro e by Mayor for Submi ion o Council t�'�pr�ed by :Mavor. Da — � -� �dBLISHEU MAR 3 1 19� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI3E MAYOR `?�'j6� ����,'1 nuu�uu ��, � �''��.,; ,, un �in 347 CITY IIALL (3F,ORGE LATIMEB SAZNT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 MAYOB (g12) 298-4323 March 21 , lg7g Honorable David H. Hozza, President and Members of the City Council Ladies and Gentlemen: Nearly a year ago, hearings were held on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's proposed Amendments to WPC-34. The Council , by C.F. 270927, approved April 20, 1978, supported my position that the Amendments (as proposed) provided no Federal funding for rehabilitation of existing sewer systems and did not reflect Con- gressional intent as stated in the 1977 Clean Water Act. The Hearing Examiner's report ultimately sustained our position in the matter. St. Paul then made an effort to get the first open cut portion of the sewer project in the Thomas-Dale area on an approved list as eligible for Federal Grant funding. The project was placed on the 1979 Municipal Project List, but the City has now been informed that it will be removed from that eligibility list on March 27, 1979, at a Minnesota Potlution Control Agency Board meeting. I feel strongty that this is an attempt to circumvent the position we gained at the WPC-34 hearing last year. It is my recommendation that the City present, at the next MPCA Board meeting, St. Paul 's position that projects other than treat- ment plants are eligible for Federal funding. Your support contributed significantly to the successful recognition of our position last year. Your continued support is solicited by adoption of the attached Resolution to enable us to translate the WPC-34 Amendments into funding for a St. Paul project. Sincerely, eo Lat mer Ma GL/ck Attachment cc: Donald E. Nygaard Suzanne Flinsch