272691 - CITV CLERK � - FINqNCE COUflC1I �r , - DEPARTM NT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � � - MAVOR �• �`"•''�. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Saint Paul has the authority to corr�nit matching funds for LEAA grants; and WHEREAS, the 1968 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Street Act and acts amendatory thereto provides that the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board must provide procedures under which units of local government or combinations of such units with population over 250,000 may propose a comprehensive plan for the expenditure of block grant funds; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council in coordination with Ramsey County established the St. Paul Ramsey County Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (now the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council ) in Resolution No. 254195, dated May 28, 1971 and reaffirmed the responsibility of the Coordinating Council to review LEAA grant applications in Resolution No. 269586, dated August 16, 1977; and IrlHEREAS, the block grant will enhance local authority over LEAA funds received by Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul ; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Coordinating Council is authorized to make application to the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board to receive LEAA funds under the block grant system for FY 1980; and RESOLVED, That the Coordinating Council is hereby designated to be the agency administering the FY 1980 block grant funds and projects on behalf of the City of Saint Paul . COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays SAINT PAUL-RAMSEY COUNTY Butler � CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox athryn Ackla d, Coordinator Showalter Tedesco � 0 1979 Form proved y tt r Adopted by Co . Date Certifie assed ouncil cretary BY By App by IVlavor: D _ � 2 � �' Approv ayor for Submission to C ncil BY — — BY ����N�.L� ,�uB�rsHEO MAR 2 4 197� ��-�����;� , � � �. . - MAYORGEORGELATIMER SAIHT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY Co-Chairman • CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COMMISSIONER ROBERT ORTH �422 Clt�/ HdII AC1f1eX Co-Chairman 25 W. Fourth Street � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND Coordinator (612) 298-5652 March 16, 1979 M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Saint Paul City Cou cil FROM: Kathryn Ackland � � SUBJECT: LEAA Block Grant - FY 1980, Proposed Resolution The proposed resolution designates the Coordinating Council as the applicant and administrator of LEAA block grant funds to be received for FY 1980. The projected FY 1980 allocation for St. Paul/Ramsey County is $481 ,344. The Coordinating Council will distribute LEAA funds to individual projects in St. Paul and Ramsey County consistent with the comprehensive criminal justice plans approved by the Coordinating Council , the Metropolitan Council and the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board (CCPB). The �roposed block grant differs from the present mini-plan method of operation in tnat much of the responsibility and authority for grant project management and administration is shifted from the CCPB to the Coordinating Council . The Coordinating Council will execute a grant award contract with the CCPB for the entire $481 ,344 allocation to be expended between October 1 , 1979 and September 30, 1982. The Coordinating Council has requested the assistance of the CCPB in developing the fiscal management procedures most appropriate for administering the block grant. The block grant system will minimize reviews by the Metropolitan Council and the CCPB. Less staff, resources will have to be devoted to intergovernmental relations, although more staff resources must be devoted to local administration and fiscal management. The block grant will affirm the integrity of the local planning process and afford a greater degree of decision-making authority to local elected officials and criminal justice agency administrators within St. Paul and Ramsey County. It also provides an opportunity to experiment with a procedure which may well become a requirement of the pending LEAA reauthorization legislation. _ Through a unanimous vote, the Coordinating Council has initiated the process of applying for the block grant. Mayor Latimer and Commissioner Orth have notified the Metropoli.tan Council of the Coordinating Council 's intent to apply for the block grant for FY 1980. At this time I am requesting that the Saint Paul City Council authorize the Coordinating Council to apply for and administer the FY 1980 block grant. A similar proposal is being presented to the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners. MVL:jeb Attachment: Proposed Resolution �O