272676'ovncil File 130. 272878-By Rosalie f1i �act 8: • protected by the insurer zrom Butler- • That part•of Minnesota Street as and a8afnat any 11Ability, oa Resolved�. By the Council ot the Ci�q a'�dened 2.0 ieet, described ss: account a1 all claims and ��"�/ `` i Saiat Paul that Resolution Council �he Westerlq IA foot od Tract � damaBea for in�ury to P�on /�_� �l Yle No. 271934, adopted October• 17, A", RegistereQ Land 3urveq No. or property occurring withl�s � SZO, and the Westerly 1.0 foot oi oz immediately adiacent to �78, fa hereby aa►eaded and re-steted �e F.aster 2.0 feet ot Lot iQ, , seid public sidewalk easement � read as follows: � BLock b. �ty M St. Paul (3k or dePres�d vehicular ramp ResolveC, That upon the Petitiari of �,8� �o g �e HouaSn and Redevelopment Au- DeF) �Y1�8 North rly oS areae, arisln8 out�of the ac- hority oi t�e C�y at Saint Paul,Min- �e Eaaterly extenaton ed a line tlonable conduct.os oiniesla� . eeeta. ioined in-by the Cltt od Safnt, drawn arallel wlth end lA foot oi the officen.' agenta. or 'aul, Port Autharity of the C1tY of Norther�V of,meaet�red.at rlght an' contractors of Ozford Prop- alnt Paul aad O�dord Prope;ties US. � � !he South�ly line o� said� erties iI.B. LW., or 1ta suc- , Rd. tbe-C�oundl ai the G'rty�o2 Saint � �lock b. ` . � • . , cessors or assi8ns. �n the de- 'aut. after Wv1nY Prap�r n�o1ytice by � Tract ? �- ,,�: ` '�" ,; ,;,t ; ;; .,' .n�a�nexl �pe.cration- eaid ublication upon hearin8 dthb Co�d- 'That Part o� E�xt 31�Cth,Street � ' ' sidewalk and vehiculer�amri: nd upon recommendatloa oR �vidmed 4A �Seet. deacribed as., .�c • suoh insurance to be in the ,. Il Public Works Committee.does here- '��8.�'6at�n`�e'd"di'fi"6ufi3:'Eh�-LZf9 The Nor�het� 3i9 fooR o1 the ,�� toliowin8 minimum am►ou� y:declal�e thoie �arts o!.Dubtf,p street ' be provided with a written cove- ereinafter deacribed vacatea qnd Southeily�.A 3eet Df Block 6 �9 . r c• !o nant condittoneQ to indemnilS' ' i.�500.000.00 !o! lt11�'Y i � oi St. Pa� (St.Paul Propes).�l91�� �y Pe�sa� and/or P�' i tacontinued as a�Public;.stree�}. , ; •. Wester7Y +o� a Hne drawn P�'a� sons in ailY siffSle iaci and hold the Gt9 harmless from Tract}: ' - ' with anQ'IA foot Westerlv e� the ,. , .,. , �7' and all . damaBes. costa. FasterlY Ilne of said Block�. r} . denk' ( charges, udaknents. and ezPenses That pai�} o! l�at EYBhth Slreet~ 11.i�.0o0.00 tor dame8e _tO .S o2•every�kind and nature arisini bounded bY (i) the Northerly line ��ZYact 8•. ��r.,,.� .. . .1 << pro !a anY dnale , out ot tbte vacatlon of the Portions of B1ocY � Roberts and �n dalle� r . deat.�:. '. . . � 1� oi streets herein d�scribed to be Additlon to St. Paul, Ui) a ]ine That par!oi Cedar Street bounded drawa 2BA ieet NortherlY of. . by (i) the WesterLv line�S�Y BPanl ihe�licy oi' Po��t ythe i, vacated. . measured et right ang1es to. the 5. City o1 St. paul : / 1�Y�rther R.esolved. That ttie 4ouncil. Norther�y line o! said Block 20. ProPer). (ii) a Ifne drawn P�'�� , CitS. Zb eSect the atoresaid :p�ursuant to Sectlon '228.06 a2 the 6atnt (iii) tlie Northerly extensia�e1 the ' with and 1.0 fooR Westerl9 of. Prntection to the CitY. said :Pavl LeB�laitve Code, as amended, WesterlY line ad aafd Block 20. and measured at rlght anBlea to. the pet itlone� maY cause such 'hesebY wffives all easements !or the (iv) a line drawa ParaIIel with anii WesterlY line of Baid Block 5. (iii) _- �nsurance !o be made e P� 'pty of Saint Pa�l snd tor those per- 161.06 feet Wester�y od the Easter�y- �e Wester�y exteneton of the , ad 'their comprehmdve Sm' �soas w2fom It would otherwiae haVe Northerly liae of aaid Block 5, and eial liabi]iL7 insursnce c� �reserved easements.�ri�hts and other line of said Block�D and ita North- (iv) the Wester extensfon a� a � erage. '_ »:. , , , . claims fn said proPerlY�Or the installa- er1Y eatenalon. sa�d 161.aB ieet be- line drawn para�el with and 1.0 ',3. That the Oxiord Properties iJ.S. �tlon.mafntenance amd operation af anv ing measured along the Northerl,9 ;. foot Northerl� of, measured at � y�, �grees to the followin8•` '�wer, water, gas or electrical mein,� ]ine of said Block'0; �t agles to, the Souther�y'11ne ' �t tLe sub-gi'ade po�rtioa ot �Pipe or conduit, or public instru-i Tract E: ; � < of said Block E: the imProvement proposed to be mentality under Section 228.05 (c). That pat� od East �tQhth Street (For the purpose od tke foregoin6 i constructed withia the portions • Adopted by the Council March Z0, and of Minaesota Street Iying be. ` desctiptions of Tract 1 throu�h 8 : ' � � Eighth Strcet being vacated 19TO. !ow e� lane � inclusive, F'.ast Ei�hth Street, E:eSt huein,ahail be designed to�'- Approved March 21, 197B. • P �ufa�e*s� ele'vetion � Seventh Place, and East Sixth f ry �ept traiiic fa aacordance (March 24, 1879) 75.0 feet. (�tY ol���ei� Datu�. Street are�Presumed to run East- with the latest "Standard SP�; . hounded M (n the 11oit�er�y llne . '` erl9 and WesterlY� and Minnesota E ' iScadon tor HiBh�9 Brid�s _ ..... ___-- -�-- - ' ' oi glock 2p Roberts and Rsnda7ls' � Sbrelt and Cedar Street are pre- � as" adopted b7 the Amer��a� Adclition td�3t. Paul,an� iffi Eebt- - aumed to rua Northerly and Associatlon of State H�Bh�Y er7Y extension, (11) a line drawa SoutherlY•) ' and Tra�Portatio�Ogiclals and ?a.0 feet NoTtherLp od, measured at �her Resolved, That the vacatioa constructed in accordance wnh right angles 20, t6e Norther�y line � �� p� � public street is eub- the lateat Minnesota Department of sai8 Block 20 and its Easterly j� p�pressly to the following terms o1 TransPortatlon's '��d� extension,�(11i) a line drawa par. �d conditions, except that the terms b° SpeciflcaLions for SiBhway Con- �llel with.and 161 A3 feet Wester� �d conditions set forth below in para- --• - • - of the Easter1y line � said Block �.ap� 8. 4.` S. 6. and 7 shall pertain structioa". Plans for the said 2U and its �TOrther�y, extensioa.. aolely to the vacatioa of public street sub-gi�ade new'structure sball said 161.OB feet beia.g measured ��d tp as "T'c.acS 1" and "Tract Z" be submitted to t6e Depaztment along the NortUerly Ilne oi said above: � _ ot Publfc Works for review and� Block �, and (iv) a llne drawa - i Thgt except as hereinafter ex- aPProval prlor to construMion. 10.5 feet Easterly 01, measured at right an les to,the�Eacterly line o! =' PTe%41Y waived, the vacation be , �d ffiter coastruction, a com- said Blo�ck 20 and !ts Northerly ' subSect to all the terms and con- du bYe drawin�s�hont repr� extension; . - �a���aHve C�,ode�,�semende�d. built conditions� shallbe!ur- Tract 3: • ' � �. That in the evcnt tt�e sid�uctures sushed the Department oS Pub- lic Works for its ffies. The said That part of Cedar 3�reet bounded roposed !o be constructed� with- .��grade structure shall be by(i)the Westerly line of Block Z0. � the po rtions oi street befng �biect, at �all timea, to the Roberts snd� Randalls Addition to vacated herein, are either perma- i�p ection ot the Drpartment of St. Paul, and its Northerly exten- nentlq removed or abandoned,t}� p���c Works, for determinarioa sioa, (11) a line drawn 1.0 foot • vacation oi those particular parts , . og its safety for vehicular traSic, Westerly oi,measured at right an- � ;. af East Eighth Street, Minnesota ;les to, the Weaterly Lne od said Street, East Sixth Street •and �d any repairs required aa Ae- Block 20 and !ts Norther�y exten- Cedar Street described� hereiu, termined by such faspection. don, (!li) the Westvly estensioa oi shall become null and void and �� �o�°rmed by the Ox- t line drawn 1.0 ioaR NortherlY �. ; the praPerty' interest therein success po��i U.6. i.td„ its meas�aed at rig2�t anglea to, the ' shall revert automatically to thej B�. �a t°the Nottberly line satisfaction of Lhe Department oi satd 819ek 20,mmd i Cfty od Saiat Paul for street ptu'-�: (iv) the Wester1Y extension ot the poses. of Public Worts. All repalr� or Southerly line od said Block ZO• . � revisiona to the said sub-grade � 8•That the Oxford Propertiea US. structure ahall be made in ac- [Yact 4• ` .� : ' �., its successors or, nssigns.� cordance wlth plans aPProved by Chat part o! MfnnesoRa Slreet as - aBree to arant to the City of the Department a2 PubSc ' ovidened 20 Seet, deecrlbed as fol- , �nt Paul, a public sidewelk Wor�, amd the Department :ows: The Weatei'1� lA toot oi the easemeat for the life of the pro- furnished with permanent re- . Easterl 2.0 teet o1 Bloclt $0, Itob- _ pO�� �eture along 4he South producibk"as builY'plans upon : -�_r-�_--- side of Eighth Street, said ease- completion of the repaira. All , �rts and Randalh Additioa to St. a'►eat pto be deacrlbed (and ahown costs involved with the new i Paul: and fs�but?Ject to9the appr�alaof thl�rrsponsibi�lity� the O�do d . LY�act 5: - . , the Department of Publlc Wozks ProDerties U.S. Ltd.. !ts suc- � Chat art e�f Cedar Street aad o1 and in�manner aad form accePt- �� ceaso:s or aseiBns. East �vel�th Plm (iormerly �sat able to the dty Attorney: and 8. That the O�dord Properties US. 3eventh StceeL),�wt�viously va- , tUst tlse exercise ol saifl public Ltd. be responaible foe all coats :ated boundM b7 ti) the South- sidewalk eaeentent shall •be de- � and expenses incurreQ in the re- >rky �1ne a� Blocl[ 90, 3tobcets ead �"_ lerred unttl the eonatructlon of placement oi drai�¢e acilitiea on �andalls Addltioa to St Paul. and . �: the Droposed strucha'e has been , Yhe south dde a2 �i�th Street ]ie Wester1� extrasio� thereo�. completed. " necessitated by t�-consfsucfSon 'ii) the Northerly line od Slock 5. ` �. That tha O�dord Properties U.S. ; work in the vacatlon a�ea: saifl . �ty a� St. Paul (St. Paui Proper) �` Ltd.. 1or itselt, its auccessorg or . replacement and consiruction to tnd the Wetaerly ezteflsion therea� asslgns. agi'ee to be bound unto i be done to the satlafaction o2 the ;ahich Northerlv line Ss; in part, the City of Safat Paul as follows: � Director ed the Departmeat oi �ommoa with tbe �NortherLY line ; a) flurin8 the p�1�d of the Public Worke. - . �i ReB��it Land SurveY Na 880). , aforesaib Public sidewarlk ;. 7. That the Oxtord ProPertf� U.S. :iip a line ezte�ed lrom a y�� = Ltd., its successore or as��s be in the Westerly eztenaion ad the ��meat,the Dxtord Proper- ; ioutherly liae o! sald Block !0 Ues U.S. LtQ., ita successors �Ponsible for the protec�ion o! listant lA loot Westerl9 02. meas- f, �'O1' eastgns. at ite own cost ' the 12 inch saaitarY sewer ia aed at ri�►t a� to. the Weat- 8nd ezpenee. shall pmvide EYShth Street durinB building con- 71s liue ad sai�' Block a0, to a . , adequate illumiaatioa a1 the atruction• it the sewer!s datnaged rofnt on the WesterIy eztension of �°� � auch sidewalks as ; �a ats, emp oYees, � he Northerly line od said Slock 5 ', �ermined by ihe Depart- , Be listant 1.0'foot WrsterlY of. meas- � ment aE Public Works. tors or subconttactora durin8 the ired at ri8ht aaela to. the Weat- • ti) Dm'1nY the perlod'that said buildia8 . construction.. O�ard r1q line a� said-�lock 5. and (iv) • �•.,,- Pnblic sidewalk e8sement Properties II.S. Ltd.. ita aucc�s �Y{ne extended Srom a D�t oa tLe • ehaII .remaia.in effect aad or assiBns. wiII be reaponafble for iotsther�y line a� said Bloct 20 . during the period of tbe . all cosls anfl eapenses Incurred noaintained�deP='�ed vehicu- ia the rePaiT, relocation and re- listant lA ioot WesterlY of. meas- lar ra�p.the Oxiaa�d Proper- . conatruction at the sanitary aewes. ired at ri�t at�lea to. the pSat- ' a ' ties U.:S. L-td.. 1ts.succesaors all to be done to the satisfaction �li N�aaid Bllin�e�sa d$IieB�t � , °r assiB�.at its.own c�t and , of the Director o2 the DeF8�nt ered Land Survey No.380. distant . � co�mprehensive gw 8. That the petitioners (9�e P�- 0 foot WesterLy of, measured at � �b��y �y�.�re �,_ ' tioner being the Housing and Re- ight anBles_to. the Easterly liae � ����yp���j�- development Authority)not be re- 2 said Registered� Land Survey � . ' a°°� $PProved by the Clt9 9uired to PaY-compensation_!or fo,_3ZQ. _ .:Attorn4Y. whereunder sadd -�e-�H�8.13�_-•-Y- - - -