272664 WNITE - GTV CLERK / ��+.{� Q PINI� FINANCE COUI1C11 ��� j��/7 B?'�E �AVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� File N 0. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Reso��.tion amending the Civil Service Rules to make ppssible transfers from other merit systems� jw.risdictions. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 34 thereof, by inserting a new subsection 34 C which shall read as follows: "C Transfer may be made from any public agency having a merit system to the classified service of the City of St. Paul provided: �lj The department head where the vacancy exists justifies the need for the transfer, which justification must include unusual or special job quali.fications not otherwise available to the department. (2) The employee to be transferred has current permanent or probationary status in a class of position at least equal to the position in which he is to be employed, and meets the minimum qualifications as stated in the Commission�s class specifications. - (3) Rights, benefits, and seniority as an employee in the ,classi.fied service will commence with the first day of employment by the City; an employee so transferred must serve a probationary period. (4� Sick leave accumulation may be transferred at the discretion of the department head but may not exceed what would have been earned as a city employee. " and be it -1- COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt L.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY �NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK, FINANCE COUnCII ���� BLhUE�y -�MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. f* � ���j� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed Subsection 34 C be in effect for •nly one year from the date it becomes effective unless it is extended further by Resolution; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by designating the current subsection 34 C as subsection 34 D; and the current subsection 34 D as subsection 34 E. Approved: � � Chairman Civi]. Service mis ion COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � P E N N E L O F F�C E Hozza / [n Favor Hunt � � � � Levine _ �J __ Against BY � ���=�� ' � Maddox Showalter � 2 0 19� Form Ap oved by i t rn Adopted ounci Date C �fied d by Cou ' Secr�tary BY � � t� r ved by 1�lavor: Date _ � 2 � �� Ap ro by Mayor for u mi ion to Council �UStiED MAR 2 4 1979 ,. . � ���6 '�-��,� �' �:���',� '-� ° ��ti�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �(; �,t,� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ;�` J��/.�� ,;���" iiii'et n� /���1� ' �+ � ,vK L 347 CITY HALL GEORGE I.ATIMER SAINT PAi7L,MINNESOTA 55102 MAYOR (g12) 298-4323 February 15 , 1979 MEMO T0 : Honorable Members of the City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer SUBJECT: Resolution regarding transfer into the City from other public jurisdictions This resolution is being proposed in order to provide increased mobility in the public service by making it possible for employees of other merit system jurisdictions to transfer into the St. Paul City Service under certain conditions . The conditions under which employees may transfer into the City Service under this resolution are such that the integrity of the St. Paul Civil Service is maintained. One of these conditions is that transfers from outside the City Service may be made only to positions in which applicants are not available for employment through the regular Civil Service process of recruitment and examination. Thus it is unlikely that the provisions of this resolution would be used very often. This resolution has been patterned after the provisions presently in effect in Ramsey County. Hennepin County and the State of Minnesota also have provisions in their rules to allow transfers from other merit system public jurisdictions. GL/j �r cc : Thomas Gleason attachment _ 'f' , � Dc� not detach this memorandum from the. ; '°' � • resolutiQn so that this inform�#ion wif� be . � � available to the City Council; +� ��: 12/�47s � xav.: 9�8�16 .''�. B�.'LEI�'rIODt` QF ADI�INISTRl1TIVE"ORAS�S. �'� . . r ���� �7.��•'�AC�i��VacY'LC�AL�V�-:'�• . . `�. . . , .� . .. - . �.`w�+.i��--��.��+.r i i � u..- , . . . � � � A#�ts: January 19, 2979 _ - . RECE�V�s.'� • ' ' �►� KnYa� G� za�a FE8 � .i�7�J : . . � ; . . . .. . . . � . .� � b�l►�Y�i• Y11���.y � . . �. r,7i►'i . � P�x�d�ei�� �i.L��.� . � � � � � - . �. � . � . � .. �� . BEs Rseolution�far sebm3sai4� ta C3Cg Council : AC'SION �ST&D: � . �1t �1�COaowad yoc►r appso�al a�►d suhmie�tot� of this Resol.t�tic3a to �'�e Ci�t Couu�il.� Ft�P4�8R. ANA� �,TIONI4T�E FOR T�Z$ 1�CTION: . ' , "V � �+wA�1�1�M�i r I�1 Olwl��l 1� I �r� 1�r�.�� � � ����� � . . . : . . . � . � . . . ��^ � This Resolution wi17. make it poss�ible for transfers into the CiL'�► from , � � other public jurisdicti.oi�s, thus increasisig ttie mobility of careex � public service employees. . 'T�is Resolution, if adopted, wil]. expire after a one-year trial period. un],e s e extended by Re solution. . . , _ . F � ; . A ' ! 'PS t, _ ,' . � Resoiution and copy for the City Clerk. . ; . . .. . � . , ,. ,_, : < .,, � .. -.-.. �