272652 �NH17E - CITV CLERK � �-
BLUE - MAYOR G I TY OF SA INT PAUL File NO. '`'� �' �'�-A`'��������
Co ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul is the official
governing body of said City; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has a sewer facility identified as
the St. Paul Northwestern Interceptor that meets the definition of Metro-
politan interceptor as defined by the Metropolitan Sewer Act; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) desires to
acquire and designate said sewer facility as a MWCC Interceptor Sewer;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul concurs
with the acquisition by the MWCC of the Saint Paul sewer facility identi-
fied as the St. Paul Northwestern Interceptor and as located on the attached
Exhibit "A"; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that said acquisifiton shall be in accordance with
the provisions of the Metropolitan Sewer Act at the current value cost
of $1 ,278,472.00 as approved by the Metropolitan Council .
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
g,,��, Pub 1 i c Works
�ezz,a, [n Favor � � �
� d �ti��� �
Levine A gai n s t BY
Maddox na . ygaar , or
Showalter �
Tedesco � � �j �� Form Approved by City Atto ey
Adopted by Coun � . Date (�
� i
Certified assed y ncil Secr ry . BY �
� +.
�#p r ve by :Navor. Date _ ��� 6 19� Approv by Ma or for Submissi to Council
By _ BY �
�tt�LtSttEO MAR 2 4 1979
. : _ aM Ol: 12j19.75
. Rev. : • 9�8/76
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D te February 22, 1979 . �'��, ` ,��
M�r►YOfYS 4� ,
FRz Robert A. Horrisberger, Jr. , Pubiic Works-0ffice Engineering
gE; Northwestern Interceptor Acquisition Agreanent No. 1-SP-255
�iCTI�N REQUESTED: Under th i s Agrednent, Che C i tq wou l'd t ransfer t i t l e of i nterceptor
sew�r ent ied as Northwestern lnterceptor Se�ver to the Metropolitan Waste Control •
Commission. The City rvtll be credited for the current value of ti�e s�war. This
credit wiil .be appTied against the City's waste water treatment bitl over the next
30 years.
Sewer begins at intersection of Sneiting Ave. and Co�o Ave. , then runs west along �
Como Ave. to Gibbs Ave. , along Bibbs Ave. to Kasota Ave. , along Kasota Ave. to
Raymond Ave. continuing southwesterly to intersectton of Robbins St. and 8ayless
. Ave. , aloc�g Bayless Ave. to .C�omMrell Ave. , alo�g Cronw+oell Ave. to Wabash Ave.
continuing southwesterly under 1-94 to intersacttor� of St. Anthony Ave. and
. Eustis St. , along Eustis St. to Mississippi Rive�. . .
Mlnnesota Statutes, Sectian 473•511 authorizes the MWCC to assume ownership of
ce�tain existing interceptor sewers and establishes the conditions by which the
I�ICC makes the acquisition. . � .
� Current value of sewe� is established at $1 ,278,472.00. City witl be cred,ited
$71 ,091 .00 per year over 30 years. :
- ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Agrednent
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,'' '�' ' � EXHTBIT C-3 , .
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•� � St. Paul Northwestern Interceptor Bond Description
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N(1. 1-tP-75� .
This Interceptor Acyuisition Agreement, made and entered into
as of the day of , 1g79, by and between the City of
St. Paut , a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, organized
and existing as a statutory city under the laws of the State of Minnesota
. (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality") , and the Metropolitan
Waste Control Commission, organized and existing as a metropolitan com- ;
mission under the laws of the State Qf Minnesota (hereinaf�er referred
to as the "Commission") .
WHEREP,S, Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.511 , Subdivision l , .
authorizes the Commission after January l , 1g70 to assume ownership of
all existing interceptors which will be needed to implement the Metro-
politan Council 's comprehensive plan for the collection, treatment, and
disposai of sewage in the metropolitan area; and
, WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has made a finding that the �
interceptor which is the subject of this Agreement is needed to implement
the Metrc,politan Council 's comprehensive plan for the collection, treat-
ment, and disposa) of sewage in the metropolitan area; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.511 , Subdivision 2,
authorizes the Commission, upon approval of the Metropotitan Council , to
require any municipality to transfer to the Commission, all of its rights,
title and interest in any interceptor and alt necessary appurtenances
thereto owned by any municipality which will be needed for the purpose
stated in Subdivision 1 of Section 473.511 ; and �
WHEREAS, the Commission desires to assume the ownership �of
the interceptor described in attached Exhibit A which is owned and
operated by the 1�unicipatity, and has directed the Municipality to -
transfer to the Commission alt of its rights, title and interest in
said interceptor as of January t , 1978; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has approved the acqui-
sition of the interceptor by the Commission; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.511 , Subdivision 2,
also requires that the Commission, upon assuming ownership .of any inter- �
ceptor, shall be obligated to pay the Municipality amounts� sufficient
to pay when due all remaining principal of and inYerest on bonds issued
by such Municipality for the acquisition or betterment of the interceptor
taken over, and allows such amounts to be offset against any amount to be
� paid to the Comrnission by the Municipality as required by Section 473•517;
WHEREAS, the Municipatity has issued all or part of the bonds
described in Exhibit C-3 which is attached hereto, to provide funds to
pay costs of acquisition and betterment of the interceptor; and .
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.511 , Subdivision 4,
provides that 4rhen the Commission assumes the ownership of any existing
interceptor, the Municipality which has paid part or all of the costs of
such facility shall be entitled to receive a credit against amounts to
be allocated to it under Section 473• 5}7 based on the current vatue of
the interceptor at the time the Commission acquires it; and
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.517 provides f.or the
allocation and payment of the current costs of all treatment works in the
metropolitan disposal system by all local government units which discharge
sewage into the metropolitan disposal system.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual
� covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto by and through ,
their governing bodies, respectively, formally covenant, agree and
bind themselves as follows, to wit: .
Section 1 . Transfer of Interceptor. The Municipality
hereby agrees to transfer to the Commission as of January 1 , 1978,
by quit claim deed alt of its rights, title and interest in and to
the interceptor described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto,
and any permits, licenses, easements and other property rights which
it has and which are necessary for the location, operation'and repair
of such interceptor, all of which is referred to hereinafter as the
"interceptor." The Municipality also agrees that it will draft all
deeds and 'that said deeds will be in recordable form. A tabulation
of the necessary sewer easement and fee taking property documents is
- described in Exhibit D which is attached hereto. �
� Section 2. Good Title. The Municipality hereby represents
that it has good title to all easements across private land relating
to the interceptor and good title to all easements and permits across
public land relating to the interceptor.
Section 3. Indemnification. The Municipality hereby agrees
that should any defect in the title to the interceptor arise and should
the Municipality refuse or fail to correct such a defect within a reason-
able time after notice by the Commission, the Municipatity hereby authorizes
the Commission to take any action necessary to perfect title to the inter-
teptor, including, but not limited to, purchase, condemnation, quiet title
action, and title registration, and the Municipality hereto agrees to in-
demnify and reimburse the Commission for any and all expenses, legal and
otherwise, incurred in perfecting title to the interceptor or for any other
damages incurred by reason of such defect in title. This Agreement shall
survive the passage of any conveyance or deed and shall not merge with any
instrument of conveyance or deed.
_3_ �
Section 4. Financin,q Capita1 Costs. �
4.01 Munic_ipality_' s Obliqation. .. The Municipality hereby
agrees to continue to pay all principat of and interest on all out- �
standing bonds of the issues described in Exhibit C-3 which is
attached hereto.
4.02 Municipality's Obligation. Subject to adjustment
as hereinafter provided, the Commission, upon assuming ownership of
the interceptor shall become obligated to pay to the Municipality
the amounts described in Exhibit C-t which are sufficient to pay a �
perce.nta�e of the principal and interest coming due on or after
January 1 , 1g78, on alt outstanding bonds of the issues described
in Exhibit C-3. This percentage is intended to be equat to that
percentage of the proceeds of the bond issues expended on the
interceptor, and if upon further audit it is determined by either
party that a greater or lesser percentage of such proceeds were
expended on the interceptor, that percentage and the principal and
interest amounts set forth in Exhibit C-1 shalt be adjusted accord-
ingly by a written amendment to this Agreement. The Commission may �
offset amounts due to the Municipality in any year under this Section
against amounts allocated to and due from the Municipality to the Com-
mission as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 473•517•
Section 5• Interceptor Costs. The Commission will include
in its annual budget for 1978 and each year thereafter the debt service
costs and costs of operation and maintenance of the interceptor and of
all other facilities of the metropolitan disposat system incurred on or
after January 1 , tg7$, and wilt. allocate such costs to the Municipality
and other local government units in the metropolitan area in accordance
with Sections 473•517 to 473.54g.
-4- '
Section 6. Ori�inal Cost �nd Current Valiae. The balance
of the interceptor price sh�ll be credited to the Municipality as
provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.511 , SubdivisPon 4.
Exhibit B indicating the original cost and current value of the
interceptor and Exhibit C-2 indicating the cLrrent value credit
for the purposes of Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.511 , Sub-
division 4, are hereby incorporated and made a part of this
Section 7. Binding Effect. The Agreement shall, inure
to the benefit of and shalt be binding upon the Municipatity and
the Commission and their respective successors and assigns.
Furthermore, this Agreement shall not merge with any instrument
of conveyance or deed.
Section 8. Severability. In the event any provision
of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any '
court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate
• or render unenforceable any other provision hereof.
Section g. Amendments, Changes and Medifications.
This Agreement shail not be amended, changed, modified or attered
without the concurring written consent by and through the governing
bodies of the Municipality and the Commission, respectively.
Section 10. Execution of Counterparts. This �Agreement
may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of .
which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute by
one and the same instrument.
IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, the Municipality an� the Commission by
and through their �overning ba�ies, respectivPlv; have causP� this
interceptor Acquisition Agreement to be executed in their names and
on their behalf, respectively, and their corporate seals to be here-
unto affixed and attested by their duly authorized officers, respec-
tiv ly.
� �
C���� � � � ! G�"l�C� CITY OF ST. PAUL
Director, Department f Public Works
Approved as to Form: Mayor �
Assistant City Attorney Director, Department of
Finance � Management Services
(Seal) gy
Richard J. Dougherty,
Attest: Chief Administrator
Secretary Approved as to Form by Legal Counsel
Hotmes, Kircher � Graven �
St. Paul North��estern Interc�ptor
The facility consists of approximately 17,700 feet of gravity sewer ranging in
size from 12" to 90" and connects to M4lCC Intercepton , 1-MS-100. The facility
serves an area comprising the University's St. Paul campus and the state fairgrounds �
both located in the City of Falcon Heights. At its upstream terminus , the facility
serves more than 75 acres of Falcon Heights (fairgrounds) .
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;�'. . � � , . ST. PAUL F;ORTH;�!EST IP�I7ERCEPTOR 1-SP-255 . � • � , ��:Y',�'
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• . Section � � . '
_ I TEP�1 . A [3 C D E F
Contractor �Cos��s • � 5232,819 � ` �
Other Costs . � 14,861 (6%) � � �
(1 ) Total Costs ' 70,251 . �247,68Q � 92,200 $ 25,000 � 19,455 $ 67,300 .
(2) Governr�ent � � �
, fundi ng � NA . �JA � NA � tJA PdFI . $ 30,000
(3) Outstanding . (State)
bonds . P1A NA �A � � PdA . ;dA � NA
(4) Original Cost 70,251 $247,680 $ 92,200 $ 25,O�J0 $ 19,n55 $ 37,300
�� )-�2)-�3)=��) �
(5) 7rend Factor �
Construction Date 1937 19bG • 1908 1917 1930 1417
EiIR Factor to 1930 fJA NA 2.093 1 .222 1 .�J 1 .222
t�lPCA 1930-1970 3.664 1 .17G 4.45G 4.45G A.456 . 4.45G �
EP� Curf,ent -= 1977 2.066 2.G6G 2.06b 2.066 2.065 2.066
Constr. 1970
. , 296.1/143.3 . r
(6) Replac. Costs 531 ,864 $601 ,853 . $1 ,776,796 52�1 ,2P�6 $179,130 �419,679
��)X�5)=�6) . '
(7) Cond. Factor 50.00%� 86.25% 13.75% 25.00% 41 .25% 25.00°�a
Ueprec. C� 1 .25/yr. 50.00% 13.75a 36.25% 75.�0% 58.�75% � 75.00;d
(8) Current Value 265,932 5519,098 � 244,309 5 �0,322 � 73,891 �104,920 .
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7ota1 Curren�t Value • ' _ $1 ,278,4'72
Total Outstanding Bonds = .� -0- •
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