272638 WHITE - CITV CLERK n�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �� ;�/� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � �� �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WiiEREAS the Legislation Committee reviews, analyzes and encourages State Legislative action, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul add to its 1979 Legislation Program by supporting the policy of legislation providing for property tax exclusions for repairs and restoration made on buildings or structures after destruction by natural disas�teis (H.F. 526.) COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� � In Favor �a � I,� Levine V __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Ted Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte y Council: Date � � � �� ' rtified Pas�e Council Secretary BY By Ap ro e by ;Vlavor: D�te' __� 1 6 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' — BY �tl�USttEO MAR 2 4197 S�t 1''•' o,y-�: .` CITY OF SAINT PAUL �•; P ��.-;�� OF'FICE OF TH� CITY COUNCIL 4e8iBE Yfs!li�BBB 9�l�B�YB RON MADDOX KARL NEID, JR. Councilman Legislative Aide March 13, 1979 T0: City Counci embers FROM: Ron Maddox Councilman RE: Natural Disaster Legislation Attached is a copy of a resolution I intend to introduce on Thursday, March 15, 1979, on an addition to the 1979 Legislation Program. This legislation was discussed and approved Monday at the Legislation Committee meeting. This bill, furthermore, was discussed at Public Works Committee meetings dealing with the problems and subsequent solutions to the Hoyt-Flandrau sewer and �.ain problems. The bill, if passed, would exclude for ten years improvements and increased appraisals made to homes dama.ged by natural disaster. RM:das CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4475 �� _, . ,_ . . _ . ___ . .__.. . _ .. _....,.__...._ __._. � _.._ . _�_ ,._..___.__. _ . . - -_� _ --- - -------- ----- _ ___—_ --- -- - - _ �_ "" �' � fJ , . P►"+6-�i ♦,.��l `a . : 1 ...t� �!. f ''�-;�',�i � �J ' , .. ?9-3822 �REVISUR > XX Introduced by Kelly, Clark H.F. No. 52b , February 22nd, i979 - . Ref:.to Com. on Ta�ces Companion S.F. No. Ref. to S. Com. on Reproduced by PHILLIPS LEGISLATIVE SERVICE, INC. �aunciC-Research �en�P � � �EB 2 3 tq7s . . . �� . � �� _ - - : MAR 12 1979 i cov�vct�;�nanr F;ON MADDOX � 1 A bitt for an act . 2 •refatTng to taxes;. providing for a propecty tax 3 exM t usion f oE cepa `rs made af ter destruct ion by _ 4 naturat disaster; amendtR9 "t�nnesota Statutes 5 1.9T8 , Section 273.12, Subd�v�sia�c 1, and by addtng 6 a subd'e v i s i ect« 7 8 BE IT E�Va£TED BY THE i.EGTSLkTIlRE OF THE ST�TE QF N�?iNES�TA: - 9 Sec t e on 1. Mi nnesota Statutes i97a , Sect c on 273.I2* I.0 Subdivislon l , i s am.ended ta read: , il • 273.1I tYAL�ATIf�N UF PRQPERTY .I Subdiviston 1. Except I2 as pro�ided in subd�visions . 2 �rrrsF , 6, and 7 ac sectFon _ - I3 273 .I7, subdivisia� 1, a� F property sh� t t be vaiusd at �ts • ] 4 ma►ket vatue. Ic► estimat�ng and detetmining such vatue, . IS the assessor shalt nat adopt a toNeF ac diffecent standard . 2b ot vaEue because the same €s to serve as a .bas �s �i 17 taxationf Rac sha !• t he adopt as a et itecion a� vatue the I8 price for w� ich such property uouDd sett at auct�on ar at a 29 focced sate* or i� the aggregate rtith att the pcopecty tn 20 the tawn Qr district; 6ut he shalE value each acticte or � 2i desc�ipttoc� oi pro�erty .by itsetf , and at such sum or price � 22 as he bei teves the same to be fatr �y worth ln money. In� 23 assessina any t�act or tot of reat property, the vatue of 1 . . .. _ __. _ ___ _.___ _ _._._ ___---------�--- - _.___-- - --- - - ------- --- -- --- ---- -- - _-- _^. _. Y T _ . _ - r ' ,. . _ . ' - . . - _ . -- .. �_.,, _ . _� . __ . - ._ _ _ _ __ -- . .. , . � 79—] 822 <RE1tISdR > XX � . _ 1 the land � 'exclusiv.e ot structures and imProvements � sha4 ! . � 2 be dete rm1 r�ad, artd a iso the va fue of a t t structu�es and � 3 impcovenents tt�ereon , and the aggcegate vatue of tha 4 pcopetty, fncludina at t structures and improyemertts, ' 5 ex� luding the va Iue ot crops growing upon cutt ivated Eand. 6 In vatuirtg ceaC property upon r+hich there is a mine oz 7 qua �ry, t t sha ! ! be , va Eued at such pri ce as suct� property , 8 inc ( ud �ng tha mins ar quar�y, wou[ d selt ior a taEr, 9 v�oiuntacy sale, ior cash . In vaiuFng re�t propetty xhich iQ is vacant, the fact that such property €s P�atted sha�F not II be taken [nto xccount. An tnd�vidu� t Eot vf such p[atted I2 � property sha { t not be assessed in excess af the assessment 13 of the laad as tt �t wece unpl-atted unt� t the � ot �s I�4 f�proved wFth a petmanent Tmpcovement .at t or a port to� ot 15 rrh�ch is �ocated upon the tot, o� far a period of th�e� . I6 years aftec final approvat of said piat uhichever Fs 27 shocter . Hhen a tot €s sctd or cor�st�uctton begun , the I8 assessed va [ us oi that tot or ar►y s�ngte contiguous tot 19 f ronting on the saa�e stceet sha t t 6e e [ iqible foe � � ' ?U reassessment. AI [ � pcoperty, or the use tfieceof , MhtC�t IS 21 taxab�e under sectTons 272.OI, subdivisian 2, ac 273.I9! � . 22 sha t l be va t ued at the mar ket va l ue' of such property � atid 23 not at the vatue ot a teasettotd �estate � irt such pcoperty* ar - 24 at some tesser vatue than �ts market value. 25 Sec .. ?_ !1 i renesota Statutes 1�179, SeCt�on 273 .lI , [s 26 amendecf by addFn9 a subdivision to read: 2? Subd. 7. 4lhen a buitding ot structuce whTch has beeR 28 dttmaged by f toad or other natura ! cfisastec Fs subsequent €y 29 restored to i ts farmer condit io� , dnd the owner not i f i es 30 the assessa� oi such iact, the assessor shafl � for a per �ad 3I �of ten years after such cepatr or restocat�on, exclude trom 32 his appcaisat any increase in marfcet value avec the market ---------- -------------------------------------__----__._.___ �_, 33 va�lue ptter to the damage, to the extent that such , . - 2 t