272630 WNITE - C1TV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SA.I�NT PAUL � � Council ��'���'��'� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUi - MAYOR , File N . � ' cil Resolution Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals % and Review, dated February 13, 1979, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 2/13/79 50-78-H 665 Fry Ronald I. Miller and (five units) Joseph Dudovitz BOARD ACTION: Granted 90 days extension of time to complete work required, as designated in Certificate of Occupancy � letter dated October 18, 1978� with the exception of the order to vacate three units sharing one bath- room, which subject will be reviewed at Board meeting of May 8, 1979. Property Description: Wood Lawn Park Addition Part of Territorial Rd. Vac. between Blair Ave. and Lot 7 and all of Lot 7, Block 5 ��������M��� ���� ������ ��� , 2/13/79 03-79-B 261 No. Oxford Mirkwood, Inc. (four units--vacant) by Brian Riley BOARD ACTION: Granted deferment of all Vacant Building Registration COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B��^' '3��'�?9 gS, t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ — By WHITE - CITV CLERf( PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council �►' �� o�///'''��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � �,,C'' ■ BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �' . ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date fees due, including those incurred to date and those accumulated in the future, plus delinquent penalties, until June 13, 1979. Property Description: A. B. Wilgus Addition S. 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 2/13/79 06-79-B 585 Van Buren Ronald L. Peltier (vacant single family dwelling) BOARD ACTION: � Granted 60 days deferment of fee payments due under Vacant Building Registration ordinance, including delinquent penalties. Property Description: Michel�s Subdivision of Block 4 Lot 24, Block 1 DATE OF BOARD M1;NUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 2/13/79 08-79-H 474 Edmund Yehia l. Ibrahim (duplexj BOARD ACTION: Granted six months extension of time to complete electrical work, as designated in January 19, 1979, COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt I.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary . — `3�`��9 gS, �lpproved by lflavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY ---�-- — BY � N'HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ///��� BLUERY - MAVORTMENT G I Ty OF SA I NT PAU L COIIIICIl �r��L��� _ „ File N 0. `� a � ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date letter from Code Enforcement Division, on condition that fustat adapters be installed to replace present electrical fusing, kitchen sink leak be re�raired, all open wiring be removed, and front door lock be repaired, within 15 days. Property Description: Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15, and 16, Lot 22, Block 10 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � In Favor �ee .�ir�t . L,evine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesc Adopted b� ouncil: Date � 3 ��• Form Approved by City Attorney Certi d Pass Council�y3�/!i� Bi 3'`"Z9 t#p r d by Mavor: Date 9 � � 4 t9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � ''�MQ-�� gy � �B�.tst�EO MAR 1 ? 1979 - , EX � /�� T a � -4- Z/I3/79 - I��ieeting No. 147 • ' �Er.y� D� . CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLAtitT �. �;�'��.s'� - SO- 78-H 665 Fry Ronald I . Miller and (five units) Joseph Dudovit2'• SUBJECT: Rec�uest t�Ta�ver of St . Paul Legislative Code, Section 54 . 1I , to permit shared bathroom for three units, because of financial considerata� Previous Hearin� 12/12/78 : Continued to February meeting to alloi4 time � to get cost estimates and to explore possibility of legal action on grounds of misrepresentation . APPEARANCE: Ronald I . Mi11er PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Glassman said he would abstain from .participation �cause o a usiness association �rith the appellant. Mr. Miller reported that attorneys were working on settle�nent of the Ie�al dispute, but Svith little progress to date . He had obtained an estimate of $1,950 to add one bathroom, but it would mean eliminating one of t�?� apartments, which he felt would make it unfeasibl.e . Frank Staffenson stated that the building had come to their attentio� on a complaint received from the Mayor' s Gomplaint Office . The pre�:_��s - owner had" submitted a letter claiming he had informed the buyers th�� additional bathrooms were required and that to compensate for this , �� had offered the property at $38, 900 instead of the $53,000 the buyers offered. Mr. Miller denied this, claiming the reason for the loz,rer offerina price ivas that the seller needed the cash and was in a� hurry to sell. l�ir. Tieso suggested that the appeal for waiver on the matter of the shared bathrooms be set a�ide for three months , as the outcome of the ,3.ega1 dispute might have a bearing on whether or not the oianers might find it feasible to comply ivith code . He noted that there were same life-safety violations on the list, as zaell as some lesser items that needed attention. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Tieso moved, to grant a period of 90 davs for com- pletion of all items listed in �the Certificate of Occupancy letter of October 18, 1978, t�aith the exception of the order concerning vaeation of three units where one bathroom was shared, on zuhich matter appellant should appear before the Board at its b�ay, 1979, meeting. Jim Bobzien, Merriam' Park District Council community organizer, asked to register his objection to the lack of notice to the neighbors of this pronerty. He said he lived nearby and had observed that walks had not been shoveled, a storm door was in bad condition, there z�ere garhage bags lying about, and the fire escane seemed inadequate and had not been shoveled. Parking, life-safety, and other nroblems were a matter uf neighborhood concern . Considering his otvn financial cixcumstances , he said he found it difficult to accept a claim of financial hardship. Chairman j�lozniak called for a vote on the motion befare the Board. I�10TIOiV PAS5ED A�;D SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 1 (Glassmar) ' 2/13/79 - Meeting No. 147� , ,. > ` . hiINUTES OF THE I�IEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE�d � Tuesday, February 13, 1979 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1: 30 v.m. MEMBE RS PRESENT: D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Ron G1 assman Arthur Tiesa, Vice Chairman David Heider Estyr B. Peake LeRoy Coleman MEMBER ABSENT: James Voigt ` AGENCIES PRESENT: ' Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement: Frank Staffenson, Alice Bijjani, Steve Roy Community Development: Karen Christofferson Merriam Park Community Council : Betty McLaughlin, Jim Bobzien Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services : Carl Peterson, Reid hlcFarlane, Jerilee Richtman . Neighborhood Reinvestment: Stephanie Peterson District 5 Community Council : Sue Vannelli West 7th Street Federation : Richard Miller St . Paul Health Division: William bicCausland City Council Staff: Valerie Cunningham, Jim Scheibel OTHERS PRESENT: •• �.. Irene Spitzmueller Ronald hliller Kevin Hoffman Jerome Spitzmueller A4ichele Brennan Kathy Anderson Carol Constant James Holm John 0. Larson Pat Hamm John R. Bartels Darrell Carlson Fred Tudisco Gary; 1N. Conner Yehia l . Ibrahim Wm. M. Richie Robert McCarthy �Jilliam Dunnigan Ronald Peltier STAFF PRESENT: Patricia P�Ioxness, Appeals Board Secretary Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 12 , 1978, �4ere approved as mailed ' � out to the Board members . The cliairman briefly explained the nurposes , functions , and powers of the Board of Ap�eals and Review as set forth in the ordinance which created the Board. Ne discussed the limitations of the Board� s authority ' - 7- , 2/I3/79 - Meeting No. 147 . - . �►-,�:�10�� . R, c� -°�-� - _ w CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT - 03- 79-B 261 IvTo. Oxford Mirktaood, Inc. (four units - vacant) by Brian Riley `�UBJECT: ReQuest waiver of Vacant Building Registra�Cion fees because of financial hardship . API�EARANCE : Brian Ri ley PROCEEDIVGS: Mr. Glassman stated that he �JOUld not take parfi in this case ecause he had been indirectly involved in�the sale . AIr. Riley related that his firm acquired the property in April 1978. � I-Ie described numerous attempts to obtain financing. Some applications had been turned down, but others were pen ding. He had cleaned it up on � the inside and outside but had no money to do more than that. Steve Roy reported that as of today, $110 in fees were due, but this would become $115 on February 18, and $160 at the begi�ning of the next quarter. b9r. Riley said he had no objection to paying the fees at some time in tlle future, but iti�ould like to have 120 more days to try to get financina. If he failed, he ���ould se11 the buildin g and pay up the fees due at that time . Steve Roy asked if t::e Board intended to include fees nai� due and those � acc�.�-�ulated in tne 220- day period of deferment, plus delinquent fees . WheT �1r. Tieso re�1�eci that this was his understanding, Mr. Roy said Mr. ?�1ey should understand that he woul.d be subject to legal action it �^ ??0 days he did not pay all the fees due . - 8- 2/13/79 - Nleeting No. 147 �� �30�1RD r'�CTIO:� : �ir. Coleman moved to grant a deferment of payment of aZ� fees . due under the Vacant Building Registration ordinance , inclucling any d°lin�,uent nenalties , to June 13, 1979 . Air. Iieider seconded. IfQTIO:�T C�RRIED A'�D SO ORDERED. � � . TF-iE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 1 (Glassman) .. " ` . Z/13/79 - Meeting No. 147 . ,. ; • , b�INUTES OF THE 1��EETING � ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS A�'�D RE�'IEt�t , Tuesday, February 13, 1979 City Council Committee Foom 707 City Hall and Court House 1: 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D. D. �Vozniak, Chairman Ron Glassman Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman David Heider Estyr B. Peake LeRoy Coleman MEMBER ABSENT: James Voigt ` AGENCIES PRESENT: " Community Services Dept . - Division of Housing and Buildirtg Cod° Enforcement: Frank Staffenson, Alice Bij} ani, Steve Roy Community Development: Karen Christofferson Merriam Park Community Council : Betty McLaughlin, Jim Bobzien Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services : Carl Peterson, Rei� NicFarlane, Jerilee Richtman _ Neighborhood Reinvestment: Stephanie Peterson District 5 Community Council: Sue Vannelli West 7th Street Federation : Richard Miller St. Paul Health Division: tiVilliam rlcCausland � City Council Staff: Valerie Cunningham, Jim Seheibel OTHERS PRESENT: �• .R Irene Spitzmueller Ronald A�liller Kevin Hoffman Jerome Spitzmueller Michele Brennan Kathy Anderson Carol Constant James Holm John O. Larson Pat Hamm John R. Bartels Darrell Carlson Fred Tudisco Gary;W. Conner Yehia l . Ibrahim tiJm. M. Richie Robe,rt McCarthy �9illiam Dunnigan Ronald Peltier . STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness, Appeals Board Secretary Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1:4� p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 12 , 1978, ��rere approved as mailed ' out to the Board members . � The chairman briefly explained the purposes , functians , an d powers of the Board of Appeals and Review as set forth in the ordinance �,rhich created the Board. He discussed the limitations of the Board' s authority . + -10-. 2/13/79 - Meeting l�ro. I47 , `,r����� ,> �, �, �. � Mr. tidozniak returned to the meeting at this time . CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLA.�T 06- 79-B 585 Van Buren Ronald L. Peltier � (vacant singZe dwelling} SUBJECT: Request ti��aiver of Vacant Building Registration orclinance r��s ec'6 ause of financial hardship. APPEAP.ANCE: Ronald L. Peltier PROCEEDIIL'GS: r�ir. Peltier told the Board that lie was temporarily out o worc ecause of the bad �ainter treather, but felt he would be in a position to pay the fees in about 60 days . He asked for a deferment on payment . : , BOARD ACTION: P•4r. tieider moved that an extension of time of 60 days be granted for payment .of vacant building fees , tliose past due and thas� incurred during the 60 days, including delinquent penalties . 1�Ir. Colena:� seconded. MOTION CARRIED A:'VD SO ORDERED. T�IE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 � ` 2/13/?9 - Meeting Na. 147 . . � ,. , . h1INUTES OF THE MEETING � ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE�J � Tuesday, February 13, 1979 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1: 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT : D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Ron Glassman Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman Darvid Heider Estyr B. Peake LeRoy Coleman MEMBER ABSENT: James Voigt ` AGENCIES PRESENT: " Community Services Dent . - Division of Housing and Building Cade Enforcement: Frank Staffenson, Alice Bijjani, Steve Roy Community Development: Karen Christofferson Merriam Park Community Council : Betty McLaughlin, Jim Bobzie� 1'derriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services : Carl Peterson, Reid hicFarlane, Jerilee Richtman _ Neighborhood Reinvestment: Stephanie Peterson District 5 Community Council: Sue Vannelli West 7th Street Federation : Richard Miller St . Paul Health Division: tiVilliam b4cCausland City Council Staff: Valerie Cunningham, Jim Scheibel OTHERS PRESENT: •• �� Irene Spitzmueller Ronald hliller Kevin I-�offman �erome Spitzmueller Michele Brennan Kathy �lnderson Carol Constant James Holm John 0. Larson Pat Hamm John R. Bartels Darrell Carlson Fred Tudisco Gary; j'J. Conner Yehia l . Ibrahim �Vm. M. Richie Robe;rt McCarthy �1Tilliam Dunnigan Ronald Peltier - STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Pdo�mess, Appeals Board Secretary Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1: 40 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 12 , 1978, �sere approved as �ailed ' out to the Board members . � The chairman briefly explained the purposes , functions , and powers of the Board of Appeals and Review as set forth in the ordinance �vhich created the Board. He discussed the limitations of the Board''s authority ' ' -11- ,2/13/79 - Meeting No. I47 . � �,���� . � CASE N0. PROPERTY - APPELL�'�T ; 08- 79-H 474 Edmund Yehia l . Ibrahim (dup le x) , SUBJECT: Request extension of time to complete plumbing an d electrical repa r listed in letter of January 19, 1979 , from Code Enforcement Division, because of financial �. hardship. APPEARANCE : Yehia l . Ibrahim PROCEEDIi�'GS: Mr. Ibrahim told the Board he had been manager of the uil ing for a period of more than a year prior to purchase on contract for deed in November, 1978, from the o�vner, Hyman Segal . Since buying it, he had put on a new roof and spent about $840 on interior repairs . As he was unemployed now, he requested a six months extensi.on of time to complete the plum'aing and electrical ��ork rec�uired. Frar�: Staffe;�son re��ie�ti�ed correspondence regarding code violations du:•-ng the past }�ear, letters in June and August, 1�78, and again in Janua:}�, 1979 , all o� stihich were addressed to Mr. Ibrahim in his capacity . � -12- 2/13/79 - Aleeting Pdo. 147 � as manager, in the first two instances , and as o�Jner, in the Jan . l9 , 197g, letter. �ir. Staffenson said Mr. Ibrahim must have been fully a��are of the property' s deficiencies when he bought it in hrovember., '•Ir. Ibrahim explained that he had made all the required repairs listed in th� first t���o letters , but he had irresponsible tenants on the second floor who caused a repetition of problems regarding the buckling of the iloor in tlie second floor bat}iroom. There was a skylight overhead in t31at room i�hich the tenant 's children opened ut� on several oecas�ons , allowing rain to come in and ruin the flaor. It h ad been repaired two different tirtes . He planned to permanently cTose off_ the skyligh� so it could not be opened again, but this would have to be done in good i��eather. He said it was in the January 19, 1979, ].etter that electrical and plumbing worl: was listed, and the cost of this had been estimated �4 around $6, 000 . He said he was willing to do the ivork, but needed tin�e to get financing. He could not get a loan iahile unemployed. r1r. Staffenson said there were three outstanding problems tiaith this nroperty, an un dersized electrical service , a kitchen sink drain tha� was leaking sewage, and a front door that cou�d not be ].ocked. The c__�� had not made a whole-house survey, but had found these violations i» � the course of inspecting on a com?�laint. � Chairman Tieso suggested that the electrical t,riring could be temnarar_�;- made safe by taking all the fuses out and installin g fustat adapters , but eventually the 30-amp service must be replaced ti�ith �50-amn . He noted that there was hazardous open �Jirina in the basement whicIi shvu�c be removed. The leaking plumbing should be taken care of. BOARD ACTIOV: i�1r. ti�;ozniak moved to grant an extension of time of six mont s to complete electrical repairs , as designated in the letter pf January 19, 1979, from' the Code Enforcement Division, on condition that fustat adapters be installed, the leaking kitchen s�nk in the upper apartment be repaired, alI onen t�riring removed, and the front door be repaired so it would lock � securely, within a ?�eriod of 1S days . i�ir. Glassman seconded. ; MOTION CARRIED AiVD SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 - Nayes - 0 . Abstentions - 0 ITr. Staffenson asked to be put :`on the record as protesting the Board' s action in this case , as he felt there had been adea,uate notice given for required repairs, and �he matter involved an absentee landlord. � ` 2J13/79 - Meeting No. I4 i . ,. . , • . ' . I�IINUTES OF THE MEETING • ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS A��1D REVI E�V ' Tuesday, February 13, 1979 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1: 30 v.m. MEMBERS PRESENT : D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Ron Glassman Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman David Heider Estyr B. Peake LeRoy Coleman MEMBER ABSENT: James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: " Community Services Dept. - Division of Housin g and Building Co de Enforcement: Frank Staffenson, Alice Bijjani, Steve Roy Community Development: Karen Christofferson Merriam Park Community Council : Betty McLaugh lin, Jim Bobzien Pderriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services : Carl Peterson, Reic? NicFarlane, Jerilee Richtman . Neighborliood Reinvestment: Stephanie PetersQn District 5 Community Council: Sue Vannelli West 7th Street Federation: Richaxcl Miller St. Paul Health Division: �Villiam McCausland City Council Staff: Valerie Cunningham, Jim Scheibel OTHERS PRESENT: •� �:. Irene Spitzmueller Ronald A4iller Kevin Hoffman Jerome Spitzmuellex Michele Brennan Kathy Anderson Carol Constant James Holm John 0. Larson Pat Hamm John R. Bartels Darrell Carlson Fred Tudisco Gary; VJ. Conner Yehia l . Ibrahim Wm. M. �tichie Robert McCarthy iVilliam Dunnigan Ronald Peltier STAFF PRESENT: Patricia P�Ioxness, Appeals Board Secretary Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1: 40 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 12 , 1978, e,rere approved as mailed ' out to the Board members . The cliairman briefly explained the purpvses , functions , and po�vers of the Board of Appeals and Review as set forth in the ordinance �rhich created the Board. �Ie discussed the limitations of the Board' s authority