272620 �������� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. PRELIMINARY ORDER � � By ��� _ � x�c�o�ocxxx� �_ In the Matter of constructing and re-constructing sidewalk and work incidental ��` thereto: Finance File No. Description S 10588 JEFFERSON AVE., north side from Daly St. to east 47 ft. S 10589 RACE ST.� south east side from Alaska Ave. to Vista Ave. and RACE ST., northwest side from Alaska Ave. to east 95 ft. S 10590 ELEANOR AVE., south side from Finn St. to Cretin Ave,, at 2168,2156, 2152 & 2144 Eleanor S 10591 S. H�TELL ST., east side from Beechwood Ave. to north 145 ft. abutting Lot 1, Blk. 5, Highview Add. S 10592 PINEHURST AVE., north side from Syndicate St. to Hamline Ave. abutting 1287, 1297, 1305, 1321,1325, 1329 � 1335 Pinehurst S 10593 OARLEY AVE., north eide from Lynnhurst Ave. to Pri.or Ave. S 10594 RICHI�OND ST., east side at dead-end below the W 7th St. overpass, Lots 11-13 Blk. 2, Watson and Rice's Sub. C S 10595 WESTERN AVE., both sides from St. Clair Ave. to south 42S ft. terminating at Ry. right-of-way S 10596 HILLCREST AVE,, south side from S, Cleveland to east 135 ft. (HILLCREST is new con��truction, except that it is a lt�ig side aid so 125 ft. of it will be unassessed.) . _ -_.>___._"' __�"'_"' ................ ... ..... ...�� .w..auu................w.��........b.., ..... ....� .,� ....""`_...»" � 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii: Date � 8 �� Yeas Nays ,,,-�"" Ce tifi d Passed Council Secretary 9 �9]'9 Butler H��Za �In Favor � �.2vine � Against N'�ddOx Mayor Sc',owafter %'�*'�Fesso �eirsyFO MAR i 7 1979