01-1091City of St. Paul 0 R I G i f� A L RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND F�i�NNG T`IlVIE OF HEARING THEREON AND F�1VG TIIVIE OF HEARING ON 1'HE AWARD OF DAMAGES COiTNCIL FILE NO. U � ,�, . B � File No. 18952E, aka AE2001-07 In the matter of condemning and taking properiy rights necessary to complete the conshucrion of a pedestrian/bike trail in the azea southwesterly of Le�cington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue, the properry rights described as: A permanent easement for right of way purposes lying in the SE U4 of the NE 1/4 of Secrion 27, TN 29, RN 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota described by: Commencing at the intersection of the East Line of the NE 1/4 of Section 27 and the North Line of the S%z of the NE 1/4 of Section 27; thence South 190 feet; thence West along the south railroad right of way line 135.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence East 55.00 feet; thence South 67.00 feet; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the point of beginning; And a temporary conshuction easement as shown on the map on file with the Deparhnent of Technology and Management Services, Real Estate Division, Room 140 City Hall. Said temporary construction easements to commence on or about April 1, 2001, and expire on or about October 1, 2001 or at completion of project, whichever occurs first. Preliminary Order Final Order 01-811 01-907 approved approved August 8, 2001 August 22, 2001 The Director of Technology having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement, and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pubIic heazing be held before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Technology and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 7t'' dav of November, 2001, and that the Director of Technology be and is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays �/Benanav {� .L-� Blakey y5 e r..� ,,/ Bostrom � Coleman Adopted by the Council: Date b�, �.� � ` Certified Passes by Council Secretary p(}gt($(�p ( In Favor By ,,� Harris fj Against ✓Lanhy ,/ Reiter t A-bae,�� G:\USERS�Engel\wpfiles\easemrnts�AE2001-07.ComoBikeTunnel.ROl.wpd -,(�� . t� �� � �°t �� Mayor o�-�ch � T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION D�� October 8, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 111174 Yenoq md P6one N�ber: EPARTMENI' DIRECfOR 2 CiTY COUNCIL Peter Wiute Z(�-$$$0 �� ATTORNEY CLERK � UDGET DIILF.CI'OR FFICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS mtLeenCo�cflAgeadabp OCTOBERI7�Z�1 YOR(ORASSISTANT) 1 COUNCII.RESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE CTION REQUESTED: To approve setting a Nov. 7, 2001 P�eb�ic Hearing date to ratify and coafvm coademnation and awards of damages and assessment for properly at 1115 Energy Park Drive for the Como/Leaiagton Perlestrian/Bike Trail ro'ect Reference: 1 ratification resolution; 2 ma s. D4NENDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREIECf(R) ggSpNALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINCa pLANNA A 51,qFF HasWepersodfirmeverworkedmdersconhactforthisdeps�ent? YES NO Havfldsperson/Hrmever6eenaGStyeffiployce? YES NO CR'II. SERViCE COMhIISSION . Does tlda penon/Srm posseav a slo7l �t normally posveseed by my �s xo CIB COhIl1�Il1'1'CE � �pt�y�e� E lain a➢ YES answets on a x sheet and slfach UPPORTS WI-IICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? UNC7L 5 DISTRICT 10 ARD(� PLANNING COi7NCII. IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITI (Whq WMa; Whpy Where, WA�: On Augast 22, 2001 the Cety Coe�ncii approve� a Final Order CF# O1-907) to condemn and take the property rights Qecessary to omplete construction of a pedestrian/bike trail in the area outhwestedy of Lexington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue. The ity has calculated the value of the damages for easements on rivate property at 1125 Energy Park Drive and is ready to proceed ith ratification and award of dama es for those easements. HE COIINCIL HEARING ON VANTAGESIFAPPROVF.D THIS MATTER IS SET FOR e rati6cation Public Hearing date can be estabtished and the City an roceed to ac uire the necessa easements. NOVEMBER 7. 2�01 LSADVANTAGES IF ApPROVED: � one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City wiit be unable to acquire the easements for the projecf and ilt be unable to receive a right-of-way certiticate from the Stafe epartment of Transportatiou. The project wilt be delayed. OTAL AMOi1NT OF TRANSACI'ION: $1S HOO roST/RE�'ENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONL7 YES NO � n"�S°uxc�: Local match to federal TEA-21 grant A�TI°jTY�vn��: COl-3S cw, uvaoxnsnziox: ��.anv� � Cr.\USF.RS�Epgenwp5les�easemeu6lqE2pp1-07.CaunB$eimneLGB.wpd y1 �• A e� r � LtiY{ .a City of St. Paul 0 R I G i f� A L RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND F�i�NNG T`IlVIE OF HEARING THEREON AND F�1VG TIIVIE OF HEARING ON 1'HE AWARD OF DAMAGES COiTNCIL FILE NO. U � ,�, . B � File No. 18952E, aka AE2001-07 In the matter of condemning and taking properiy rights necessary to complete the conshucrion of a pedestrian/bike trail in the azea southwesterly of Le�cington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue, the properry rights described as: A permanent easement for right of way purposes lying in the SE U4 of the NE 1/4 of Secrion 27, TN 29, RN 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota described by: Commencing at the intersection of the East Line of the NE 1/4 of Section 27 and the North Line of the S%z of the NE 1/4 of Section 27; thence South 190 feet; thence West along the south railroad right of way line 135.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence East 55.00 feet; thence South 67.00 feet; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the point of beginning; And a temporary conshuction easement as shown on the map on file with the Deparhnent of Technology and Management Services, Real Estate Division, Room 140 City Hall. Said temporary construction easements to commence on or about April 1, 2001, and expire on or about October 1, 2001 or at completion of project, whichever occurs first. Preliminary Order Final Order 01-811 01-907 approved approved August 8, 2001 August 22, 2001 The Director of Technology having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement, and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pubIic heazing be held before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Technology and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 7t'' dav of November, 2001, and that the Director of Technology be and is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays �/Benanav {� .L-� Blakey y5 e r..� ,,/ Bostrom � Coleman Adopted by the Council: Date b�, �.� � ` Certified Passes by Council Secretary p(}gt($(�p ( In Favor By ,,� Harris fj Against ✓Lanhy ,/ Reiter t A-bae,�� G:\USERS�Engel\wpfiles\easemrnts�AE2001-07.ComoBikeTunnel.ROl.wpd -,(�� . t� �� � �°t �� Mayor o�-�ch � T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION D�� October 8, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 111174 Yenoq md P6one N�ber: EPARTMENI' DIRECfOR 2 CiTY COUNCIL Peter Wiute Z(�-$$$0 �� ATTORNEY CLERK � UDGET DIILF.CI'OR FFICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS mtLeenCo�cflAgeadabp OCTOBERI7�Z�1 YOR(ORASSISTANT) 1 COUNCII.RESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE CTION REQUESTED: To approve setting a Nov. 7, 2001 P�eb�ic Hearing date to ratify and coafvm coademnation and awards of damages and assessment for properly at 1115 Energy Park Drive for the Como/Leaiagton Perlestrian/Bike Trail ro'ect Reference: 1 ratification resolution; 2 ma s. D4NENDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREIECf(R) ggSpNALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINCa pLANNA A 51,qFF HasWepersodfirmeverworkedmdersconhactforthisdeps�ent? YES NO Havfldsperson/Hrmever6eenaGStyeffiployce? YES NO CR'II. SERViCE COMhIISSION . Does tlda penon/Srm posseav a slo7l �t normally posveseed by my �s xo CIB COhIl1�Il1'1'CE � �pt�y�e� E lain a➢ YES answets on a x sheet and slfach UPPORTS WI-IICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? UNC7L 5 DISTRICT 10 ARD(� PLANNING COi7NCII. IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITI (Whq WMa; Whpy Where, WA�: On Augast 22, 2001 the Cety Coe�ncii approve� a Final Order CF# O1-907) to condemn and take the property rights Qecessary to omplete construction of a pedestrian/bike trail in the area outhwestedy of Lexington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue. The ity has calculated the value of the damages for easements on rivate property at 1125 Energy Park Drive and is ready to proceed ith ratification and award of dama es for those easements. HE COIINCIL HEARING ON VANTAGESIFAPPROVF.D THIS MATTER IS SET FOR e rati6cation Public Hearing date can be estabtished and the City an roceed to ac uire the necessa easements. NOVEMBER 7. 2�01 LSADVANTAGES IF ApPROVED: � one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City wiit be unable to acquire the easements for the projecf and ilt be unable to receive a right-of-way certiticate from the Stafe epartment of Transportatiou. The project wilt be delayed. OTAL AMOi1NT OF TRANSACI'ION: $1S HOO roST/RE�'ENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONL7 YES NO � n"�S°uxc�: Local match to federal TEA-21 grant A�TI°jTY�vn��: COl-3S cw, uvaoxnsnziox: ��.anv� � Cr.\USF.RS�Epgenwp5les�easemeu6lqE2pp1-07.CaunB$eimneLGB.wpd y1 �• A e� r � LtiY{ .a City of St. Paul 0 R I G i f� A L RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND F�i�NNG T`IlVIE OF HEARING THEREON AND F�1VG TIIVIE OF HEARING ON 1'HE AWARD OF DAMAGES COiTNCIL FILE NO. U � ,�, . B � File No. 18952E, aka AE2001-07 In the matter of condemning and taking properiy rights necessary to complete the conshucrion of a pedestrian/bike trail in the azea southwesterly of Le�cington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue, the properry rights described as: A permanent easement for right of way purposes lying in the SE U4 of the NE 1/4 of Secrion 27, TN 29, RN 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota described by: Commencing at the intersection of the East Line of the NE 1/4 of Section 27 and the North Line of the S%z of the NE 1/4 of Section 27; thence South 190 feet; thence West along the south railroad right of way line 135.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence East 55.00 feet; thence South 67.00 feet; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the point of beginning; And a temporary conshuction easement as shown on the map on file with the Deparhnent of Technology and Management Services, Real Estate Division, Room 140 City Hall. Said temporary construction easements to commence on or about April 1, 2001, and expire on or about October 1, 2001 or at completion of project, whichever occurs first. Preliminary Order Final Order 01-811 01-907 approved approved August 8, 2001 August 22, 2001 The Director of Technology having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement, and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pubIic heazing be held before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Technology and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 7t'' dav of November, 2001, and that the Director of Technology be and is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays �/Benanav {� .L-� Blakey y5 e r..� ,,/ Bostrom � Coleman Adopted by the Council: Date b�, �.� � ` Certified Passes by Council Secretary p(}gt($(�p ( In Favor By ,,� Harris fj Against ✓Lanhy ,/ Reiter t A-bae,�� G:\USERS�Engel\wpfiles\easemrnts�AE2001-07.ComoBikeTunnel.ROl.wpd -,(�� . t� �� � �°t �� Mayor o�-�ch � T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION D�� October 8, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 111174 Yenoq md P6one N�ber: EPARTMENI' DIRECfOR 2 CiTY COUNCIL Peter Wiute Z(�-$$$0 �� ATTORNEY CLERK � UDGET DIILF.CI'OR FFICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS mtLeenCo�cflAgeadabp OCTOBERI7�Z�1 YOR(ORASSISTANT) 1 COUNCII.RESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE CTION REQUESTED: To approve setting a Nov. 7, 2001 P�eb�ic Hearing date to ratify and coafvm coademnation and awards of damages and assessment for properly at 1115 Energy Park Drive for the Como/Leaiagton Perlestrian/Bike Trail ro'ect Reference: 1 ratification resolution; 2 ma s. D4NENDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREIECf(R) ggSpNALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINCa pLANNA A 51,qFF HasWepersodfirmeverworkedmdersconhactforthisdeps�ent? YES NO Havfldsperson/Hrmever6eenaGStyeffiployce? YES NO CR'II. SERViCE COMhIISSION . Does tlda penon/Srm posseav a slo7l �t normally posveseed by my �s xo CIB COhIl1�Il1'1'CE � �pt�y�e� E lain a➢ YES answets on a x sheet and slfach UPPORTS WI-IICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? UNC7L 5 DISTRICT 10 ARD(� PLANNING COi7NCII. IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITI (Whq WMa; Whpy Where, WA�: On Augast 22, 2001 the Cety Coe�ncii approve� a Final Order CF# O1-907) to condemn and take the property rights Qecessary to omplete construction of a pedestrian/bike trail in the area outhwestedy of Lexington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue. The ity has calculated the value of the damages for easements on rivate property at 1125 Energy Park Drive and is ready to proceed ith ratification and award of dama es for those easements. HE COIINCIL HEARING ON VANTAGESIFAPPROVF.D THIS MATTER IS SET FOR e rati6cation Public Hearing date can be estabtished and the City an roceed to ac uire the necessa easements. NOVEMBER 7. 2�01 LSADVANTAGES IF ApPROVED: � one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City wiit be unable to acquire the easements for the projecf and ilt be unable to receive a right-of-way certiticate from the Stafe epartment of Transportatiou. The project wilt be delayed. OTAL AMOi1NT OF TRANSACI'ION: $1S HOO roST/RE�'ENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONL7 YES NO � n"�S°uxc�: Local match to federal TEA-21 grant A�TI°jTY�vn��: COl-3S cw, uvaoxnsnziox: ��.anv� � Cr.\USF.RS�Epgenwp5les�easemeu6lqE2pp1-07.CaunB$eimneLGB.wpd y1 �• A e� r � LtiY{ .a