272616 WNITE — CiTY CLERK ��'+���;�,� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ,c.,. CANAR'�.�DEi?�ARTMENT BLUE —�nAAVOR File NO. �- �'"`� � Cou cil R solution Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, During August 1978 the Mayor and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) established a committee to propose a comprehensive public safety and crime prevention plan for the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, During the period of August 19, 1978 - March 1, 1979, representatives of district councils, the police department, fire department, CJCC, and other city departments worked on a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, The Public Safety/Crime Prevention Task Force has identified the needs: 1) to increase awareness, interest and skills among citizens in crime and fire prevention as well as other public safety issues identified by neighborhoods in order to develop effective community participation in these prevention activities and strengthen public safety in St. Paul neighborhoods, and _ _: _ ,� ._..?:, 2) to provide an official basis for city departments and programs to be supportive of crime prevention and public safety measures and develop continuing review of responses to public safety issues; and WHEREAS, The task force has recommended that LEAA funds be sought to fund a program to facilitate meeting the goals and program recommen- dations on a community level; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza {n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY gy, A�pproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council �►- � .•� � CANAp1v - DE9ARTMENT Flle NO• � ��''� � BLUE - MAVOR � r"' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the City Council endorses the plan recommended by the Public Safety/Crime Prevention Task Force; And, Be It Further RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul act as the sponsoring unit of government for the 12 month LEAA project entitled Saint Paul Co►r�nunity Crime Prevention Program, which would have a total operating budget of �345,922, of which $311,300 would be federal LEAA discretionary funds and $34,592, 10% match, would be City funds; And, 6e It Further RESOLVED, That Mayor Latimer is hereby authorized to apply to the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Saint Paul ; And, Be It Further RESOLVED, That $34,592 be appropriated to this project from the City account entitled Contingent Reserve - General , 09060. Approved as to Funding: Approved: l)irector B dget Dire tor Dept. of Finance & Management Services (�''�31��l� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays sut�er �_ - n ' i nal Justi ce H�� a In Favor o rdinatin C nc'1 Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox a hryn Ack and, Coordinator Showalter � ��� ' � 8 �]� F m Approved b orne Adopted by,.��6uncil: Date �' Cer ed Pass d Council Secretary ` y ��' t�ppro Mavor: Date _ � 4 �9� App e y yor for Su ission to Co il By BY RueusyEO MAR 1 ? 1979 ' � i: iz,��.��s ��� ���: ��s�7g EXPLANATiON OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINAiJCES . 1 a o � . . . . ..r-��� . � ' / . .. � � . .. . . \ �~ ` �\j(J� �j - \n A,�� � �� \:.J�.ai\.y\,.i, �� Date: Ma=ch fi, 1979 � � , � RE � Ej�/ � � �� � ' , _ M� 6 1979 i��-r*•� ; :� : TO: . MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER : '. ,�' `�q�►� �; FR- ', ��,,,,, Joanne 3howalter and Hathryn;.�iC�slund �=' : Co�unity Crime Preventia� Project ACT�ON RE4UESTED: _ ` , . . C�.f� �ou�port� of �he Publi+c .:�afet�/Cri�ri� Prs��t�,o� Task Fotce Pla� and.,fo� subaAit�:i:ng praposal. fo�c� LEAA Grarit- �or �c��rii�� . Cr�e Pre���r��ic�n Fla'�. L� �rant ($;311,3Dt�} '� 10$ C�,�y �atck� (534,5�2) =' $345,592.. . : . �ign�tures ���ded-- City �►ttorney a.�d 3�a�or. ' . , . _ _ y PUR�03E �#ND RATIONALE FOR �THIS `ACTION: �an�mun�ty �rime PaceYention Progxam u��li�ing Qo�ie� an� �Ea�tut��y re�ou�ces. : _ � . - <' ATTACHME�JTS: ` Reaolution _ . � , ` � � . : .� . �►-a���� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL j�'' OFl�'LCF: OF Z`HE CITY COIINCIL i1 11!`•'•i2�1 � ' '13 fi�4cJ�!�?:!! � . . e,aa��r;ii'�aa JOANNE SHOWALTER Conncilwoman rsEr�tox�NDUM TO: Council Members FROM: Joanne Showalter� DATE: March 5, 1979 SUBJECT: Crime Prevention Program Since August I have been participating with representatives from the community and city departments prep�ring a comprehensive public safety/crime prevention p3an for the city. Cooperation between the city and neighborhoods makes this a unique plan. The task force is now recommending a program to be funded through LEAA funds. Ten per cent matehing funds are needed for LEAA grants. I have placed the attached resolution on Thursday's agenda. Kathryn Ackland will be visiting with you prior to the Council meeting. JS:nk CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAU[., MiNNFSUI"A 55102 612/298-5289 \���