272590 WHITE - V CLERK N�
PINK - qNCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �. ,����,�,O
`B l.ll� - - V O R FI le N O.
u cil Resolution
Presented�l y
ferred To Committee: Date
t of Committee By Date
In the matter of hazardous buildings
being that two story detached garage only
of wood frame construction known and de-
scribed as 661 E. Lawson in the City of
,.�,,.Saint Paul and situated upon those premises
legally described as Lot 21, Block 7,
Arlington Hills Addition, Blocks 1 thru
40/45 thru 49 according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of the
Register of Deeds in and for the County of
Ramsey, State of Minnesota.
WHEREAS. -�ur�as���:o-r�e,sc3��a��,-���.-.�T---------y--a�o��e�
� -�;19��,- a public h earing was duly held on March F, 1979 before
t e Council of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing pertaini,ng to
t e structure (two story detached garage only� at 661 E. Lawson,
S� j,nt Paul, MN; and
WHEREAS, upon the facts presented at the sat� hearing consist-
of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendation of the
B ilding Department, it is found and determined by the Cit y Council
t t according to the records and files in the Office of the Register
o Deeds the fee owner is Mildred L. Schwendinger, 66�. E. Lawson,
S . Paul, MN 55106; the contract purchaser is Warren R. �'ohnson,
P . Box 547, Willernie, MN 55090; Bob Wanner, 603 Case, St. Paul, MN
5 101 is the unregistered contract purchaser; and Northern Federal
S ings and Loan is t�e mortgagee in the amount of $7,000 dated
15, 1967; and that it i,s further determined that the above
d ' cribed building constitutes a hazardous building within the defini- �
t n of Minnesota Statutes 463.15 for the following reasons:
CO C[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
B ler
H za In Favor
H t
'ne _ __ Against BY
S walter
T esco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted b ', ouncil: Date
CertiEied -sed by Council Secretary Br�� ��' '3�G—�
t�pproved ;Viavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ By
WHITE - C V CLERK � �� ` "
�LU�- - M ORE GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1NO.� � ����`� `"
Council Resolution
Presented�'� y
ferred To Committee: Date
t of Committee By Date
a. Ttk�e subject property has been boarded up by the owner and
ty since September, 1978.
b. This building because of age, deterioration, lack of proper
intenance and because the roof has collapsed is in a very hazardous
ndition and should be razed as soon as possible;
c. The conditions outlined above constitute a ublic hazard•
P .
d. The owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the
d age;
3. The continued vacant and boarded up condition a�ntributes a
b ighting influence on the neighborhood�
n w, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sections
4 3.15through 463.25, and based upon the foreging findings of the
C ty Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul d oes hereby make
t e following order;
l. The owners of the above described building shall make the
sl e safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and
w lfare by having the said building razed and the materials therefrom
r oved from the premises within thirty (30) days from the date of the
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
B ler � �n Favor
'ne _ __ Against BY --
. dox
S walter
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted b ouncil: Date
Certified •ssed by Council Secretary –
! 3�6''?4�
/lpproved A�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - – — BY
WHITE - p Y CLERK ( r' r
PINK - ANCE COURCll �•�,�.� '
Council Resolution
Presented I' y
ferred To Committee: Date
t of Committee By Date
2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this
O der or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in
t e Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County,
M nesota within twenty �20) days from the date of the service of
t ' s Order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order toraze
a remove the said building will be made to the Ramsey County Dis-
t 'ct Court;
3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City
o Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court, all personal
p perty or fixtures of any kind which may unreasonably interfere
w h the razing and removal of this building shall be removed within
t (10) days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the
C y of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal pr�perty
a fixtures as provided by law;
4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective
a ion herein, all necessary costs expended by the Ca.ty will be
a essed against the above described real estate and collected as
o er taxes; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution and
i ' orporated Order herein be served upon the last records owners of
t above described property in the manner provided by law.
COU 'ILMEN � Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays /
Bu r ��� In Favor
Le e _ `� __ Against BY
Ma ox
Sh alter
Adopted by u Date ��_�� Form Approved by City Attorney
Certifi a. Council Secretary B3 � �T(�Zp
t#pproved b o • Dat �9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Pt�g��s�� MAR 1 ? 1979
� 7� �9 �
� �.
,` __ ,,
City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
G ' ge Latimer 612-298-4212
yor -
March 2, 1979
M P�esident and .
M bers of the City Council` - �
R 661 E. Lawson, Garage Only
File #3�72.:..
H orable Counc�l : `
T Division of Hou�ing ar�d Building Code Enforcement is hereby submit-
t g its report on-. t�ie ca�n.dition af t�ie st�uc•ture at the location
r erred to above .� � "
T owners of record are : l . Fee Owner : Mildred L. Schwndinger,
5 �. Lawsin, St. Paul , MN 55106, 2 . Contract Purchaser: Warren
R. ohnson, P. 0. Box 547 , Willernie, MN 55090, and 3. Unregistered
Ca tract Purchas�r : Bob Wanne�, 603 Case, St . Paul, MN 55101 .
Th iegal description of the property is Lot 21 , Block 7 , Arlington
Hi s Addition, Blbcks l thru 40/45 thru 49 .
Th building is a two story detached garage of wood frame construction.
Th subject property has been boarded up by the owner and City since
Se ember, 1978 .
Th building because of age, deterioration, lack of proper maintenance
an because the roof has collapsed is in a very hazardous condition
an should be razed as soon as possible.
In much as the conditions outlined aboue constitute a public hazard
an the owner has made no attiempt to sat�isfactori].y repair the da�r►age
de ite our warnings , and the continued vaeartt and boarded upcondition
co ributes a blighting influence on the neighboirhood, it is the recom-
me at:ion of this Division that this matter be referred to the City
' At �ney' s office for razing and removal through District Court proceed-
in .
Yo � ruly,
Gl n A. E 'c n
Su rvisor of Code Enforcement
GA �RR:bmf
cc : Messrs . George Latimer, Mayor
Walter A. Bowser, Asst. City Attorney
Walter Shimek, Fire Marshal
F, Staffenson, Housing Coc�e
L. Levine, Councilma�