272588 J�
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cirv OF s7.Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO.
FINAL ORDER ���� ��, �,���,,,�
File No. ���� �
In the Matter of �P�� � ��+ ��• �� �"�!) �� JO�! st�
�i 11�nna�d� Slw�, by ��t�+aeia� 1t�iA �TDQi Me. 63�t1 to t�►la�
ax3M�l�a� i��r �a. ��, t�ld► � tsa!'tiut �w� �'a�tks �f t1�
�o�rlta�tpt Mr►ee�'a Lu�., I.�. 94� t�o�tf�ax �t. aad • !e'awtas� tad�,
ciry tr�josr� s lONS � � 1�A69�t
under�s r�a rve�r 'er ap rove ` , -
under Preliminary Order ���"��`�� approved � 6 �� '
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
- thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHER�',AS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
+ �IAR 6 19T9
COUNCILMEN Adopted by th cil: Date
Yeas NaYs Y y � 8 ��
�' ,,,��� �,,, Ce ' ied Pas ncil Secretar
H�zza ' :
���t In Favor
�,evins �
�Vi�L�dbX Against
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_�s��'TY °�8<;; CITY QF SAINT PAUL
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__L1. -
�b�• - 234 City Hali,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55T02
January 12, �979 612-298-4241
:�ir. Bernard J. Carlson, Director
Department of Finance and Management Service
Room 1Z3
City Hall & Court House -
Attention: Pa.ul Desch
Re: KELLOGG BLVD. BR. N0. 62080
(E. Third St. ) over B.N. Inc. ,
I-g4 and Commercial St.
between John St. & Mounds Blvd.
City Projects B-106gB & B-106gR
Dear Sir:
The reierenced projects consist of constructing a bridge to replace
existing Bridge No. 6500 and acquisition of easements for the sar�.e. For
your inforr�at�,on, we attach a copy of our recommendations concerning the
project and a location map.
Please schedule a public hearing concerning the acquisition ana
c�nstruction. Mr. i�ncv�,,.n h�.s 3rawings ,howin� properti�� whic;.l w�ll be
af�ected by acquisition.
Yours very trulY,
��i�u.�� �� ��
�onald E. N a�� -�/�lit�1
Yg �
Director of Public Works
cc: J. W. Donovan
Ron Voelker
T. Eggum
R. E. Grieder
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Janua.ry 12, 1�79
Improve IC�LLOGG BLVD. (E. TIiIRD ST. ) bet:•reen John St.a.nd ��ounds Illvd.
by COiZSTRUCTING NEt•� BRIDG� PdO. 62'J80 to re?�1ace exist;ing Brzdge No. G5�0,
t�ihich carries traffic over tracks oi the Burlin?t
on Idorthe
�, rn Inc.
a �
I. S. ,4, Commercial St. and a Fronta e oa
�t a ci
� , ty Pro�ects B 1069B
and B 1�69R. See attached map.
This project �oas initiated at the request o� the Departiaent of Public �
. Wor�s.
The existing bridge �ras constructed in 19�0 by the City of Saint Paul,
i:ith the railroads sharin� in the costs. In 1�;4, the route over
the bridge was designated as Trunk I�Iigh��ray Pio. 5. It no�r� has Federal
Aa.d Urban route designation. The structure ca-rries four lanes on a
4S foot wide road��ay, with no provisions fo� turn lancs, �nd has
geo�etrics which are considered substandard. The brid�e is badl,y
deteriorated vrith the structural condition rated as "I��Linimu� adequacy
to tolerate present traific, immediate rehabilitation necessary to
keep open".
The existin� bridge will be rerioved and a ne;r brid�e constructed.
The new bridge �;ilI. h�ve tcro 12 foot lanes in each direction with
4 foot reaction lanes provided adja.cent to each curb; irith one
additional l�ne provided at the eastern end oL' the brid�e for ri�h�
turns onto i�ounds Blvd. One 10 f`t. sideyra7lc �rill b� provided on the
south. side for pedestrians a.nd 'picyclers. Clear�?nce fi•orn$le roadwa�rs
of I-94 to the picrs will be increased and �rovisions �0�.11 be m�.de
to a11oFr for road�aays under the west end of the brid�e in the event
that a connection bet�•reen �•Jarner Road und I. S. 3,E is construet�ed.
The Preliminary PJ_ans for this improveraent trere a�proved by the City
Council per C.P'. 271715, d2ted September l, 19.7v.
. . .
� ' -
� Advisability & Desirability - 2 - January 12, 1973
; �
The a.lternates to replacin� the bridge are either carryin� out e;ctensive
repairs at a �reat expense ancl resultin� in a structure «hich is not
proper for present day traffic or attempting to r.►aintain the eristing
structure until it is no longer possible to alloVr traffic to use it.
A consultant c•ras retained ny NIDOT to tierform a bridge inspection, evaluate
the structural condition and do cost benefit �tudies to determine if
tot al reconstruction rrould be more feasible than extensive repairs.
� Evaluations 'of the findin�s and recotr�nendations of the consultant .
have resulted�in recommendation by F�IDOT for construction o� a new
structure. -
Tra£fic on Kello�� betkeen John St. and T•7ounds Blvd. iuill be stopped
during construction, causin� some congestion of vehicular trat�'ic on
alternate routes and probab]_y additional travel dist4.nce for both
pedestrian �nd vehicle�. Vehicle access to the street from the �outh .
on Jo'nn St. will be acquired to provide for proper �i�ht distance.
The new bridge will provide a safe structure for many �rears, and with
a wider roadway, will alloca two la.nes of traffic in both directions
eliminatin� the congestion now caused by right-turns f�r east bound
traffic onto t-tounds. Left-turn� by ea.st bound tr�.ffic onto ��Iounds
should a�ain be possible. The sidet•�alk Vrill be separated from the
roaclwa.y by a traffic barrier providin� greater safety for its users.
The new bridge �aill greatly improve the anpearance of area, from that
of the present brid�e tahich has mwny patc:hes �nd poor sidewalks.
Increased side clearances for I.S. 94 will remove e�:istin� dan;erous
Permanent easements will be required for the �•jider structure. No
homes are located on the property, but one comr.�ei•cial structure will.
be acquired. by I��OT. Trunk Highway 5 will be rerouted via i,ounds to
7th, or 6th, to Robert. Other alternate routes would r.iake use o�
Warner Road, 6th St. and Lafayette Rd. As Kello�g Blvd. is a trunY.
hi hvra the I�iinnesota Department of Transportation is handling the
� Y�
entire project, except for the acqui�ition of the needed ri�ht-of-way
or easemen-�s �•resterly of BrooY.� St. and any public involvement, t•rhich
the City a�reed to take ca.re of. A Public Location Desi�n Hearina,
as required by zhe I�'ederal Iiighway Administration, cras held February l�,
197II, in the Ramsey County Board Roon.
� + , . '
� ��
Advisabilit �c Desirabilit `� ������
� Y Y - _� - January 12, 19 9 - .
The present schedule calls for acquisition of ri;ht-of-���ay prior to
� Au�ust l, 1979, letting of a construction contract� on �eptember 28,
1�79, and �rith construction to be carried out over a. two year period,.
trith completion in the fall of igBi.
Right-of-w�y by City � 135,'�.�O.p�
Construction & P+IDOT En r. �.
� � 3�� ��o.�o
City-Engr. R� Administration �� ���r�p��,�.�
, $t3,440,��0��.���
Federal Aid Urb�.n ) y;s�3p.��,���,��
Iy:innesota Depa:rtment of Transpor�ation)
2�iunicipal State Aid 13J�����,��
Public Improvement Aid � 5 ���,���
� � E �,00�.0•a
For additional ini'ormution, cont�ct Roy Grieder, Brid�E Enbineer,
SL�•��;f,RY A?'lD RECO��,���T]DATICPI
This project proposes replacernen�: of the existin� brid�e whicii will
nrovide a safe structure, rneet yoresent tr�ffic •requirer�ents an:I �rc�tly
i-ngrove the ��pea.ra.r:�e of �he area. TYie �rojec�; c�rill be carriecS aut
at very little e,cpense to tize Citf of Saint PauZ. .
The Dep�rtment oi Public s�lorhs ieels that this is a necessa.ry and
crorth:•rhile project, and tlie en�ineerin; reco�n:nendation is fcr a�proval.
Re�pcctfully suUraitted, ,
- � �� � �
�on�.la E. iJyga� rl, ��
Director of Public 6•7orks
DEPI��RE:�mp �
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� sT. Pau� KELLOGG �SLVD. .
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