272576 I iTe - cirv CLERK COUIICII NARV - DEP R`T ENT GITY OF A NT PAUL File NO. �r�-���� UE - MAVOR Cou ' Res�o i esented By bICE�7($S Ct�!lIITI'E� � Referred To Commi ee: e Out of Committee By ' Date L11�: That application+� for Bnilding Coatractor licen,�e by the fillowing organizations at thf addre�ses sta�d be aad the iame are hereby graated. Fahing Hc�es Iac. PO Bc�x 124 Yater�ille APP�•��7625 8enex aec>rge J. Pi�sch 1260 N. f3rc�to St Paul ��328 " Hameraick Pwint Co. 13�31 Rice St. St Paul '1�? r Chase Hc�e Ie�pro�ement Co. 438 Brimhall s3t Paul �sd55 " mba Maidaent Bt�ildera 824 S. l�cKaight 8d �iaplen►od 18761 " 3oa. M. Schloegl Conatrnctioa 65? Palace Ave. St Paul 18875 " 8teenberg Constrmction Co. 1371 Mar�hall Ave. 3t Paul '18892 " 1889 " 4 Industrial Blvd N la. 3 Andereoa-Ladd � P Otterkill Plastering Co. 3171 Bpruse �t. St Pat�1 189�6 '� M. H. Sim� Decorating Co. 408 Selb� Ave. St Paul �9024 n Erickec�n Decoratore 5159 ���ldt Ave. W. Mpls. �9�98 n 8ite Ma�y Materproofing Iac. ?33? �e �'• � �ea 19229 n B & E �'ence 6728 4th �t. N. Oakdale 1923� " 3tyle-Bite B�ilders Inc. 4517 I�tiaae*onkA Blvd St youis Park 192?1 �' Brin dlass Eo. 600 Mashington Ave. N. I�pLs. '19379 " Fropert� Iavestmeat Center Iac 2086 Patricia St. St Paul �93$'1 n I,on Musc1P Floorimg Co. 2105 Mi8lothian 8d 8oae�ille 1q382 N �(ichael F. Geary 283 3. Pa�cal �t. St Pattl 19398 n �ob RosenLhel �an�tractioa Go 2162 Midlothiaa Bd 8c�seville �9�6 " 8 Qarage Door Ba�les & Service 2062 liokoa�is $t Paul �9t►?0 n H & Pi Cone�tructioa Inc. 432 3. Mal9asha St Pe►ul �9�3 n COU[VC[LMEN I eas Nays Requested by Department of: H�a � [n Favor Hunt O B Levine _ __ A ainst Y Maddox g Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney dopted hy Co il: Date �� ti � ertified asse ouncil cretary � BY By �'yC,_.� pp y Ylavor: � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY �i,.tsyEQ MAR 101979