272570 I! M�Hd7 — C�TV CLERK COUI1C11 P�NK I _ F�NAN�E GITY OF SAINT PAiTL r� � ^ CANq IN - DEPARTMENT {.�' BLUE� - !vtA�OR File NO.���' a� " Council Resolution � , Pres�lhted By r� � � Referred To Committee: Date I Out of Committee By Date i ,' RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1�70) pertaining to regulations for the ad- � justing of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendatton of the Department of Public � " Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint ' ? Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consump- tion from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary sewe� System, the below listed firms have ' ' justifiabie reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as � ! levied; and be it � I' FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full br partial refund of paid sewer service charges, based � �' upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Service Fund"; and shali be � ''' in the following amounts: I NAME 'I ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT � �I, Olympia Brewing Company December, 1978 $84,067.98 722 Payne Avenue 551b5 ' I� ��; Hoerner Waidorf December, 1978 $38,b57•58 � 2251 Wabash 55102 �i ' National Can Corporation December, 1978 $ 3,477.14 ; 139 Eva Street 55107 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company December, 197$ $ 3,201 .62 ' 882 West Seventh Street 551�2 ; � �, Koppers Company, Inc. December, 1978 $ 2,319.86 { 1000 North Hamline Avenue 55104 h { �'j Gold Medal Beve�age Company December, 1978 S 559.04 i Post Office Box 3466 55165 � i , � �COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yea�' Nays � � I' .� [n Favor � Hunt :�'�: � . '�j Levine � Against BY Roedler � Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Ado t�ed by Cou � . ate — � Cert�fied assed b� uncil Secretary • BY Byl '� Ap by :Vlavor. D t _ Appro e by Mayor for Submi 'on o Council , .. � � B -- BY jj i �u WHdTE � — CITV CLERK COURCII -`y,r1�/j �•.y/) PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L ^� [ 1"��� ! � CANA VI — DEPARTMENT BLUE I, � — M=YOR File NO. �! � Council Resolution Presej��'�ed By � i Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date —� — ! -2- ' ' NAME � � ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT i ' Land 0'Lakes November-December, 197$ $ 113•27 i 415 Grove Street 55101 ` '. Gross Given Manufacturing Co. January, 1979 $ 107.52 �, ;, 75 Plato Boulevard 55107 � ' Central Warehouse December, 1978 - $ 103.68 � ' Post Office Box 3456 55101 �anuary, 1979 II' Plastics, Inc. December, 1978 $ 34.56 � 224 Ryan Avenue 55102 . � I � First National Bank January, 1979 $ 17•83 i '�,,W'1752 lst Nat' 1 . Bank Bidg. 55101 i ; � ; i ; 1 �1' . � i � ; { , � � f �bUNCILMEN Yeas i Nays Requested by Department of: ��� � Public Works In Favor li�unt � (REB) �evine Against BY — oedler Sylvester �'edesco ,�p � Z T W,� Form Approved b City Attorne Adoptedj by Council: Date — � I Certifie� IPassed by Council Secretary BY By � � " . Appro by Mayor for Sub 'ss n to Council Appr ve y :Vlayor: D � � By BY � , ��.�s�o M�►R 101979 2855 �' , ,, � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — ` OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS r � , RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM � ����� �°x Jar�� 31, 1979 PR ENTED BY CO MISSIONER - DATE RE LVED if i 1 � ,i R�S30LVID, That the Board cf Water Coa�i�eionera hereby � approves the recommendatian o� Riaharc�. L. Wheeler, Aaeietant Director and �� City E�igineer, D�partment of Public Works, in hia letter o� Janu�y 31, 1979 ,� to the Board that ftiall or partial re3'uade of paid Sewer Service Chargee be �, granted as listed. in the letter; sa3d refunde to be made from the "Se�►er Serviae�Fund!'. . . - , 'I 'I 'I �,I ',I I . _ � � � h '� � � ' Water Commissioners ! I Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Ye� Nays �� �Bachraeh � f !�Macl.doa Jarm�ary 31 19x'T9 �� `,Showalter — — Presiden � IuLevin� � � — In favc�z� � Opposed � __ � �� I SECY. i `�=r,i, . � I, � , � � 41K O1: 12/i975 � . Rev. . 9/8/76 � ' 'LKPLANRESOLUTOONS�MAND�OFtD NANCERDERS, ����r-j'J , . � J : RECEIVED a : �a � F EB 141979 D nuary 31� 1979 ���,�urwit . TO:� MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER gg:` DONALD E. NYGAARD, D1RfCT0R'OF PUBLIC WORKS gE;' Refunds of Sewer Service Cha�ges , � - . ` A I�T RE4IIESTEI?: � - y � Refund Sewer Service Cha�ges from Sewer Service Fund. ' . ; . _ . � i . : _ • � , ' _ FQ SE tiND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Investigatton Mas determined that certain volumes of watec_ whrch were � . assessed a sewer servtce charge did not enter Lhe.sanitary sewer syst�em . � , � , and that payment of the charges on these volumes should be refunded. : - ATT HMENTS: _ Councll Resolutton . Board of Water Comnlssioners' Resolution Recommending R+efunds. REB: zmf - - � .�:.._._.::...,.._: . ..,._...,...._:.-:,.._....:. .,..,.... .,�....'.... .. ... �.. _..,.: c.:..,....� :.�::». ._:��.�..., -�,.:_.:i.uy...:w......,.k r...r. ..u...��t�.+..4r..p,r��. -