272555 - I WHITE - iCITV CLERK ����.)�ti�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � �rii CANARY - DEPARTMENT � . BI.UE -MAYOR File � NO. Cou �il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council approved submission of the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council grant application in Resolution 270797 on March 28, 1978; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has applied to the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board (CCPB) for an LEAA grant for the Project known as the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to be conducted from October 1 , 1978 through September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council has appropriated $3,580 to account #09115 Criminal Justice Match as local match for the Coordinating Council grant, in accordance with the 197'9 City budget; and WHEREAS, The CCPB has approved an LEAA grant in the amount of $131 ,947 for this project to be matched by $5,945 in State (LAC) funds and $3,665 provided by Ramsey County and $3�665 provided by the City of Saint Paul , and $1 ,385 contingent local match; Now, Therefidre, Be It RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Council hereby approves acceptance of the grant alward titled St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council , #03201�09879; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are authorized to execute such agree- ments as are necessary to implement the project; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the 20 page grant agreement is made a part hereof by reference and iS on file in the office of the St. Paul Department of Finance and Management. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ST. PAUL-RAMSEY COUNTY Butler CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL Hozza In Favor Hunt Ixvine _ __ Against BY �� Kathryn Ack and, Coordin tor Showalter �'�� 19� Form A by City At rne Adopted by . Date �g 2 2 S Cert Pass y Council reta�y BY By �?'� Appro IVlavor: D "�EB � �+ �979 Appr ed by ayor for miss' n to Council By 1 ��y BY i ; rusu�sHEO MAR 3 1979 � _ . ; , . .. �. .. ; . . _ . , . _ < OM Ql s 12l].�75 : R�v.: 9/S/'76 . } , EXPISANATION QF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ���M���� RE LUTIONS, AND ORDIN ES �i ,� �.-����-�-�- �6� � �. Da : February 14, 1979 �.;,,�.�,,.,� ��, ra� � ��,� �*� . � TQ . MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR � Mark Lofstrom • REC�'t�p - � . FE8 2 0 ig79 � CJGG Grant Award Contract, Resolution of Acceptartce . �►��t�ta w-r...r; :: A ON RE4LTESTED: - City Council .Res.oiution accepting the grant awar.d � . _ , PU OSE AND RATIONALE FOR THI3 ACTIt3N: � The grant awar� must be accepted before the Crime Control Planning Bo'ard wi11 release the. ftrnds to the City�. See a�tached merno to City Cowncil m�mbers. A CHMENTS: Memo to Cit� Council Members Proposed Resolution MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER S A I N T P A U L - R A M S EY C 0 U N TY Co-Chairman • CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COhAMI5510NER ROBERT ORTH ���'S�'��� 1422 City Hall Annex Co-Chairman ��•� 25 W. Fourth Street � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND Coordinator (612) 298-5652 February 16, 1979 �MEMQRANDI� M T0: St. Paul City Council Members FROM: Kathryn Acklan SUB�ECT: Re$olution of Acceptance for the St. Paul�Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Grant Award Contract This memorandum supplements and supersedes the aa�nuary 26 review materials sent to Council Members in regard to this grant. The aanuary 26 m�terials included the 1979 CJCC work program. The proposed resolution of acceptance (see at- tached) has been amended to correspond to the grant award contract awarded to 5t. Paul by the Crime Control Planning Board. The offered contract requires $1 ,385 more local funds �han had been expected and $1 ,385 less State match funds (LAC) than expected (see figure$ below) . The CCPB is submitting an award amendment request to the Legislative Advisot^y Corrttnission on behalf of the Caordinating Council to increase the State match by $1 ,385. We have been advised by State officials the request will be approved, The LAC does not meet until April . T urge you to pass the attached resolution which provides that the grant award be accepted. After acceptance the previously awarded grant funds for the 1979 Coordinating Council oper�ting budget wi11 be received by St. Paul . Tn April , after the expected LAC approval , the grant award contract will be amended to reduce the required local match by $1 ,385 and increase the LAC match by $1 ,385. Tn the unlike1y event that the LAC approval does not occur, the Coordinating Council will request additional match funds from St. Paul and Ramsey County, $692.50 each. Zf you h�ve any questions in regard to this resplution and the grant award, please feel free to contact me at 298-5652. 1979 CJCC FUNDING SOURCES Proposed Grant AWard Contract Grant Award Contract Present After Anticipated April Amendment Source % Amounts Source % Amounts LEAA 90 131 ,947 LEAA 90 131� LAC 4 5,945 LAC 5 7,330 Ramsey County 22 3,665 Ramsey County 22 3,665 , St. Paul 22 3,665 St. Paul 22 3,665 Contingent Match 1 1 ,385 TOTAL 100 146,607 I TOTAL 100 146,607 MVL:fc Attachment - Proposed Resolution �� . ����-�IC� "-- ��MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER S A I H T P A U L - R A M S EY C 0 U H T Y Co-Chairman • CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COMMISSIONER ROBERT ORTH �422 CitY Ha�� /�f1f1eX Co-Chairman 2�j w. Fourth Street ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND (612) 298-5652 Goordinator February 16, 1979 MEMQRANDUM T0: St. Paul City Council Members FROM: Kathryn Acklan SUBJECT: Resolution of Acceptance for the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Cquncil Grant Award Contract This memorandum supplements and supersedes the January 26 review materials sent to Council Members in regard to this grant. The January 26 materials included the 1979 CJCC work program. The proposed resolution of acceptance (see at- tached) has been amended to correspond to the grant award contract awarded to St. Paul by the Crime Control Planning Board. The offered contract requires $1 ,385 more local funds than had been expected and $1 ,385 less State match funds . (LAC) than expected (see figures below) . The CCPB is submitting an award amendment request to the Legislative Advisory Corrnnission on behalf of the Coordinating Council to increase the State match by $1 ,385. We have been advised by State officials the request will be approved. "fhe LAC does not meet until April . I urge you to pass the attached resolution which provides that the grant award be accepted. After acceptance the previously awarded grant funds for the 1979 Coordinating Council operating budget will be received by St. Paul . In April , after the expected LAC approval , the grant award contract will be amended to reduce the required local match by $1 ,385 and increase the LAC match by $1 ,385. In the unlike1y event that the LAC approval does not occur, the Coordinating Council will request additional match funds from St. Paul and Ramsey County, $692.50 each. �f you have any questions in regard to this resolution and the grant award, � p1ease feel free to contact me at 298-5652. 1979 CJCC FUNDING SOURCES Proposed Grant Award Contract Grant Award Contract Present After Anticipated April Amendment Source % Amounts Source % Amounts LEAA 90 131 ,947 LEAA 90 131 ,947 LAC 4 5,945 LAC 5 7,330 Ramsey County 22 3,665 Ramsey County 22 3,665 St. Paul 22 3,665 St. Paul 22 3,665 Contingent Match 1 1 ,385 i TOTAL 100 146,607 I TOTAL 100 146,607 MUL:fc Attachment - Proposed Resolution �� � �3� �� .� � � MAIYOR GEORGE LATIMER SAINT PAUL - RAM EY COUHTY Co-Chairman • CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COMMp5S10NER WARREN SCHABER 1422 City Hall Annex Co-Chairmon 25 W. Fourth Street � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND Coordinator (612) 298-5652 MEMORANDUM DATEc ���°/�79' T0: �-'� �%�-c-- FROI�: %��� ��y���-� SUBJ�CT: /i�2�,a 2— �`�- . � �� �v� ��u„�-*� i�� 0 �o � �NK _ F�NANCE (� I TY OF �A I NT ��AU L Council CAN4�'.i-��qEPARTMENT BLU,E -�MAYOR File � NO. � � � Council Resolution Presented� By , � l�eferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council approved submission of the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council grant application in Resolution 270797 on March 28, 1978; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has applied to the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board (CCPB) for an LEAA grant for the Project known as the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to be conducted from October l , 1978 through September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council has appropriated $3,580 to account #09115 Criminal Justice Match as local match for the Coordinating Council grant; in accordance with the 1979 City budget; and WHEREAS, The CCPB has approved an LEAA grant in the amount of $131 ,947 for this project to be matched by $5,945 in State (LAC) funds and $3,665 provided by Ramsey County and $3,665 provided by the City of Saint Paul , and $1 ,385 contingent local match; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Council hereby approves acceptance of the grant award titled St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council , #03201109879; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are authorized to execute such agree- ments as are necessary to implement the project; and Be It Further � RESOLVED, That the 20 page grant agreement is made a part hereof by reference and is on file in the office of the St. Paul Department of Finance and Management. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay.s Requested by Department oE: ST. PAUL-RAMSEY COUNTY Butler CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL Hozza In Favor Hunt L.evine _ __ Against BY — Maadox Kathryn Ack and, Coordin tor Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 17avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY - – — By . -� � °�? � �� . ' ''�j�.� � � �� j , - WHIT - GTV CLERK PINK� � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR FIIE NO. !;�' � Council Resolution Pres��ted By i �I Referred To Committee: Date ,�`'� Out of Committe By Date WHEREAS, The Sain Paul City Council approved submission of e St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinat g Council grant application in Resolu 'on 270797 on March 28, 1978; and WHEREAS, The City of Sai Paul has applied to the Mi esota Crime Control Planning Board �for an LEAA grant for the oject known as the St. P 1-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coord'nating Council to be conduct from October 1 , 197 through September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Crime ntrol Planning oard has approved an LEAA grant in the amoun of $131 ,947 for this project, be matched $7,330 in State (LAC) funds and $3,665 provi �d by the City of St. Paul and $ 665 provi d by Ramsey County; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City unci hereby approves acceptance of the grant award title St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Ju i Coordinating Council ; and Be It Further iRESOLVED, That the proper City off'c ls are hereby authorized to execute such agree- ments �,s are necessary to implement the roj t on behalf of the City of St. Paul ; and Be It Fu Iher � RESOLVED, That the proper C y officials e authorized to provide $3,665 to the projec ' for the St. Paul share of match; and Be I Further �ESOLVED, That the 20 ge grant agreement is ade a part hereof by reference and is on fil in the office of the t. Paul Department of F ance and Management. CO �,NGLMEN Requested by Departme t of: Yeas ', Nays SAINT PAUL-RAMSEY COUNTY 'tler � d�ZZa In Favor , pt �yine _ __ Against BY �dox t yn c , oor in o S Qwalter T desco Form by Cit orn Adopted b �ouncil: Date � Certified Y �sed by Council Secretary BY sy avor. Date Ap by Mayor for Su iss on to Council Approved b �N — BY - – — BY � � �WHAT6- �. iTV CLERX � � .. .:, �..t.�-s'r ' `� . ,,. . �....." ' . : .. . . � �. �PIC9K IN'ANCE � �:GITY OF SA�INT � PAtT�L CO1"�il � �� CANARV �PARTMENT � FI�e� � NO• � �LUE AVOR � � � � � �� � � � �'� Council Resolution � .,._ � _. . . ,. . . : ,. Pres� By , _., -�;_.• :, .-..• , ,,:..., �r �. eferred To Committee: Date ut of Committee $y ` Date , The Satnt Panl Cft,�r Co�.MI a� s�#ssf�n ot f.i� St. Pa�1-R�sey Caat,�►► � Cri� .�sttae Caondiast't�g Go�cil�grant applicatioo in i�T�tfo� 27t?797 a� ll�s�bt 28, t9�78; ; � , The Cl�,�► o# Safnt Paei bas applted #o tt�e i�ian�ota �M�e Coatrol P�s�fa� �ard � t.FM gr�ut for tbe �ro�act ic� as t�e St, lhrol-R�se�r Co�Y t�f�la+�1 �ttipr � C�d 1�q C+�uactt t�r be +co�cted i'ro� tictobert 1, 19T8 tArr�u� S�be� �, t�79; �d . n�e �n� �.� oa��� �t,r�tn� �o�r�a a� �a �► u�a �t �� � t13'�,�+4t7 t�r t�is pro,�.ct, U�o 6e �atct�d b�► 3�,33Q 1n sate tt.AiC3 � aAd t3,665 � �ri by tbe Ciqr er!'' St. Pu�l and �„6�i pronidsd bY � t�rn�tr; Tla�: Tl�re#{ore. Bt It - . RE�Ot.�. T�st t�e St. Pa�t Cttar do�nctt �a�by aPPrer�s saaeptano� ef tAt gra�t awr+d � ; ttft St. Paui-R+�se�r C�nty Crf�rt�st J�lct �a�rdi�atlag Co�ctt, �d �e It Furl�er RESOL�EO, Tb�t t�e �roper C1t,1r of�fclals sre he�ebjr �t�nr#ztd to �earLe �h s�r�e�- t�ts srr� a+�c�ssry ta 1�p1e�t tbe #�o�ect oa he�a1 t af #!�e Citar of 5�@. hrt. and 4� ° � It : ? t�SQt.Yf�, T1qt! twt pr�e' �t�► o�lict�ls are sat�iz�ed #�o pn�rit� �.�-to t!� . ` p�� !br tA� St. �1 shir� of �ttacN; snd B� I�: Farther RESE�t.YEO, Tl�t the 2�1 Pt9e �t agne�et i� �nde � p�tt � b1r �fesea� �rd is . oa tt io !Me of°Ri+Qe of tbe St. Paal t�rt�rent o�' FY� �d , r .,� . � � ; ��' UNCIGMEN . `' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �� �� � � Butler �kl�ll�. �If� �"�11�IR�IINAT�NG ��+ Hozza In Favor Hunt i �-qvine A gai n s t BY � M�ddox � Showalter . Tedesco Forrtt Approved by City Attorney Adopt by Council: Date ,,; , o` -t Certifi Passed by Council Secretary BY'' Y By j � E�pprov by iNavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submissi ,n to Council �'� , ` '>, By gY ��. . - .^,9�'; _..---� , , � MA1(OR GEORGE LATIMER SAIHT PAUL - RAMSEY COUHTY Co-Chairman • CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COMMISSIDNER WARREN SCHABER 1422 City Hall Annex Co-Chairman • . 25 W. Fourth Street � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �CATHRYN ACKLAND � coo�a��a�o. (612) 298-5652 January 26, I979 M E M 0 R A N D U M • T0� St• Paul �ity Council Members FROM: Mark Lofstrom : SUBJECT� Proposed Resolution of Acceptance for the LEAA Grant Award to the St• Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council The materials described below are attached in the same order as listed� 1• Draft of proposed resolution 2• CJCC staff review memo 3• CJCC 1979 Work Program {A�pendix A} 4• Ramsey County Budget Adjustment {approved} MVL�jeb Attachment ; , i - -.{-: . _.. . _ . __. .- - -- ._ __ . _ . . . _ . _ . . __ .... _. .. . . . . . i WMITH - CiTV CLERK . B�E - MAVORE • GITY OF SAINT PALTL F1eci1N0. CA ARV - DEPAR7MENT � Council Resolution C Prgsented By � � ;• • Referred To Committee: Date I; Out of Committee By Date C = WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council approved submission of the St. Paul-Ramsey County � Cri�ninal Justice Coordinatin Council rant a lication in Resolution 270797 on March 28, 1978; � 9 9 Pp andl � ' WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has applied to the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Boa1^d for an LEAA grant for the Project known as the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coo�^dinating Council to be conducted from October 1 , 1978 through September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board has approved an LEAA grant in the amount of $131 ,947 for this project, to be matched by $7,330 in State (LAC) funds and $3,665 proWided by the City of St. Paul and $3,665 provided by Ramsey County; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Council hereby approves acceptance of the grant award titl�d St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council ; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute such agree- ; men�s as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City of St. Paul ; and Be I It urther � RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are authorized to provide $3,665 to the � proje�ct for the St. Paul share of match; and Be It Further RESOLVEO, That the 20 page grant agreement is made a part hereof by reference and is � on f�1e in the office of the St. Paul Department of Finance and Management. i ; j � �OUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays Requested by Department oE: SAINT PAUL-RAMSEY COUNTY �� Butler � Hozza [n Favor f ,� �, : � Hunt , ;,.-• �� �� � ' �. �+'''....s,_� .i.a '�_:I" , � �%.. Levine _ Against BY ` "�-' -•"x, _. Maddox at ryn c �o-n , oor i na or Showalter Tedesco Form by Cit A�tome.y� � Adopte�l by Council: Date >�� � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY `��� "� B5' � Approved by :Navor. Date Appto�ed by Mayor for Submission to�ouncil By _ _ By � .y.�.�:.- � -_,�, -��•. .�`— _ i . .I � ' MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY Co-Chairmon • CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COM�AISSIONER WARREN SCHABER 1422 City Hall Annex ' Co-Choirman 25 W. Fourth Street � ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND Coordinator (612) 298-5652 January 24, 1979 MEMORANDUM T0: St. Paul City Council FROM: Mark Lofstrom ��,,� SUBJECT: Acceptance of Grant Award, St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council The Crime Control Planning Board has forwarded a proposed grant award contract to St. Paul for this 1979 program. St. Paul must agree to the proposed contract before the grant funds can be disbursed. This memorandum is designed to assist you in making an informed decision on whether or not to accept the award. A. St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council staff, in its review, recor�nends that the St. Paul City County accept this grant award. B. Program summary: See Appendix A - C. Staff Review: l . Anticipated source of future support (other than LEAA) Required local match divided between St. Paul and Ramsey County, 5% of total grant from the P�innesota Legislative Advisory Commission 2. Projected client load Population of Ramsey County �, 3. What is overall system impact? �, Coordination of the criminal justice system and stimulating innovation Iwhere it is most needed. 4. �Jhat are lonq-range budqet implications if program is part of a city/ county agency? Depends upon changes which may be made in LEAA's authorizing legislation. Further details likely will be available in late 1979. 5. What is nature/extent of intragovernment support? Not applicable. _ - 2 - . 6. What is nature/extent of intergovernmental support? Resolutions of sponsorship/endorsement by both Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul . 7. What is program relationship to private agencies? The participation of citizens and community organizations in planning process is assured by the maKe-up of the council which requires a , representative make-up of citizens, elected, officials and representa- tives of criminal justice and related agencies. In addition, CJCC staff makes extensive contacts with citizens and community groups by seeking their opinions and advice. . 8. Is the project coordinated with other relevant resources? Yes ' 9. Does the project avoid duplication with any currently available services? Yes - By contract with Metropolitan Council and working relationship with the Ramsey County Community Corrections Advisory Board, etc. Roles are defined and are mutually exclusive. 10. Are project qoals consistent with St. Paul-Ramsey County CJCC goals? Yes 11 . Is the implementinq agency for this project an appropriate agency, given the goals of the project? Yes 12. (CONTINUATION GRANT) Based upon the summary of proqress, monitoring reports, evaluation or other materials, has the project demonstrated reasonable proqress toward the qoals and objectives that were agreed �upon? Yes 13. �CONTINUATION GRANT) Are any intended revisions justifiable based upon information above? Yes 14. Does the budqet appear comparable to similar projects or activities? Yes 15. Is the selected approach an appropriate alternative for resolving the identified problem? Yes 16. Does this project represent a new approach for the area? CJCC was an innovation when established in 1972. t . � � - 3 - � �� D. Grant application financial information STATE COUNTY CITY ! FY 1979 LEAA MATCH (LAC) MATCH MATCH TOTAL ' Original Request 80,000 4,444 25,000 25,000 154,444 20,000-B* CJCC Approved 20,000-B* 7,330 3,665 3,665 166,607 City Approved 131 ,947-C* 7,330 3,665 3,665 166,607 20 000-B CCPB Award 131 ,947-C 7,330 3 665 3,665 166,607 20 000-B* ' *Through Contract with Metropolitan Council E. Changes in program design since last approved by the the St, Paul City Council : An increase of $85 from the City of St. Paul to cover local match is needed over the amount previously requested. Ramsey County is also providing an additional $85. MVL:jeb Attachments i . , Appendix A I ' - ' CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL 1979 WORK PROGRAM PRIPdCIPAL EFFORTS 1 . Criminal Justice Information System Master Plan Task force, grant management/staff supervision, coordination with Crime Control Planning Board, Minnesota Juvenile Infor- mation System Advisory Committee, Hennepin County Subject In Process, Community Corrections Advisory Board/Management Information System, plan adoption, seek funding for implemen- tation. 2. Program Evaluation Model Devise model for on-going outcome data collection for monitorir,g and decision making or client cen�ered prograns. Project desiqn and Criminal Justice Coordinating Council involvement to be defined, 3. Criminal Justice Legislation Coordination and Analysis Liaison with Ramsey Legislation delegation, Ramsey Board of Commissioners, St. Paul City Council , and Ramsey County League of Local Governments, regarding potential local impact of state and local criminal justice legislation. Assistance when requested. 4. Public Safety Policy Development/Crime Prevention Planning Project Comprehensive city-wide program planning effort requiring supervision of contracted consultants, resulting in LEAA discretionary grant for program implementation/grant management. 5. Law Enforcement Analysis/Public Safety Planning Courty-wide a�ith emphasis en coordination of law enforcement services in suburbs. Management and program planning assist- ance at request of Ramsey County League of Local Governments , Ramsey Chiefs of Police, Ramsey County City Managers Organiz- ation with approval of Criminal Justice Coordinating Council or chairmen. 6. Juvenile Justice Task Force I, In-depth research and analysis of juvenile justice system in ! cooperation with Corrections Advisory Board; cortgnunity support � services, prevention, diversion, adjudication process, cor- I rections, follow-up. Emphasis will be on communication, coordination and public education in order to identify and ' define critical cross systems issues . Recommend innovations . i i' , SUSTAINING EFFORTS 1 . LEAA and JJDPA Planning and Grants Management . 1 Federal and state discretionary grants plus annual LEAA Plan; ; grants development, processing, review, and monitoring; systems description update. � i , 2. Law and Justice Chapter Revision Metropolitan Council 's Development Guide Chapter update. 3. Interdepartmental Relations Technical assistance and management support on request as approved by Criminal Justice Coordinating Council chairmen. 4. Intergovernmental Relations Policy, legislative programmatic analysis/coordination with: Metropolitan Council , State Crime Control Planning Board, Federal LEAA, National League of Cities . National Association of Counties, Minnesota Congressional Delegation, National Association of Criminal Justice Planners, Ramsey ' County �eague of Local Governments , Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, St. Paul City Council . � 5. Crystalization of Criminal Justice Coordinati,ng Council mission and future institutionalization. 6. Courts Systems Planning Coordination Liaison with Judicial Planning Committee, Ramsey Bar Association, Ramsey court system and development of program innovations 7. Corrections Coordination with Community Corrections Advisory Board and State Department of Corrections. Resume merger feasibiiity , study. 8. Alternative Resource Developmenl: Private and public (other than LEAA and JJDPA) funding possibilities. 9. Juvenile Justice System Planning Coordination Liaison with public and private services and development of program innovations. 10. Budget and Posting Criminal Justice Coordinating Council fiscal manag�ment/ office procedures/project support and follow-up. . , I • • SUSTAINING EFFORTS (Continued) . , 11 . Newsletter/Communication 12. Professional Development _ ` i . �, 13. Typing, filing, answer phones, copying, mailing, . dictation, purchasing, payroll , timekeeper, clerical support services. 14. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council meeting preparation and follow-up JI • W'�ite & .Y'ellow - Acctg.' Dept. 's Copies Pp.nk - �eport Copy No. Gxee�i - Retained Copy (For Acctg. Dept. 's Use) RAMSEY COUNTY REQUEST FORM FOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ��pARTMENT: Nar�: ��'inal Just�tce Coardinating Cour�il CODE �k 42303 � i 1 Item was x was not included in the de artment's ori inal bud et re uest. The Budget Adjustment requested will require the following: 3. For Accounting Dept. Use Only Unencumbered 2. Transfer From: Balance Before Account No. Account Title Amount Ad'ustment ' 02T163 locnl �1at�•State �r�nt Criminai Justice Infor�sration Sys 85��f0 - 4. Transfer To: Account No. Account Title Amount �2�'�$ �t. ��v�•RaAA3@Jt COW1f,�/ �l"�Il�t��� , Justica Coordin�ting Co�mc11 85.fl0 � . 5. '� Reasons for Ad'ustment Re uest: pre ous y ge am�oun or aur 1c�cn1 �teh (�3,580) aas based on the best esti�ate of t� LEAA gra�t aaa�rd a:�aunt e�ected. Afte� Lhe uncertatnt,�tes t�lrre settled the i.EAA �7t a�rr# � throstgb at �13t,94�. The raquired toca�l a�atch �5X of �146.647) is , 30� The local match f3 sp11t bet�raett Ra�ey County and St. Fau1. therefore, Rnmsey s s#��re is �3:�3• T'he incraase needed is �85.Em. The Crit�lnal Justice tnfonnatio Sys wtli sti'tt have plenty af �atch i� tt� UlC shar� comes through. If tt�e LAC share trot ca�ne tt�rough it rrill be nec�ssary to go to the County 8oard for increas�i n�atch tess ot this budget ad�ust�ent. Attach sheet if more s ace needed App�aval requested by: ..-,.'��='�'n~ �► ; . �`��"''"'."'�- Date: � ""' � `'l � `'`,� s . Une�cumbered Balance,Acctg.Dept.-By: Date: App�oved by Budget Analyst: Date: , �. App�foved by Executive Secretary . - / �- Date• Appxioved by Board of Co. Commis'sioners: Date: B&A 349 Instructions on reverse side of green copy