272553 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK ,�����-R PINK - FINANCE �1�1� CANARY -;DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COURCIl � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �r�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Council File 272154 transferred $316,916 within Bond Fund 70100, titled Downtown Development District #1 Bond Fund, from Budget Reference U-"7A Pazking Ramp Construction" to Budget Reference V-"City Hall Annex Remodeling Prcpject - Tunnel and elevator extension", and further directed that no monies are to!be spent from the $316,916 without formal City Council action approving detailed ex�enditures; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that approval is given for the expenditure of $170,633 frotn the $316,916 in Bond Fund 70100, Budget Reference V-�"City Hall Annex Remodeling Proj�ect - Tunnel and elevator extention" , for elevator e�tension. A�pproved as to funding: Approved: ; _ . _ . .., i ,�`- I . " irector, Department of Finance and �0 B dget Direc or ' ��� ��y���nagement Services o��i 1� i . COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Y@as [Vays Butler ��.�,'ta�ce,.�d� .:�c�-c.cA.a Hozza / In Favor Hunt � Levine � v __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter TedesCO �p Z � � Form Approve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date fz° � �fied Pa•- y Council $ecre ry BY �t � � i/ - By , :-Gi V� �, tAp ro e by IVlavor: D te � 't '� 19� Appro Ma r for S b ssion to Council B}t. - BY PU8LI5HED MAR 3 1979 ��, . a� oz: - ��f�s�5 : . . , _ -} *, .:�:.� , Rev.r :J,/8I76 . . , ,. � ;. � � . � • .#: .� � �' : �, : EXPi.ANATI4N t�� AOM1INiSXRATIVE QRt}EtiS, � ���� �t � �._. .; • � " ::I ���r: January 26, 1979. , �TO�' . M�IYflR GrEt}RG� I.ATIMER. , t Bernard Carlson FR'� ; Ri:chard �tanzii�tg �� _ ��� � T�pe�diture ot $i7f�,633 from Bond Fund 70100, Hudget Rsfere�� V-"G#,�y• . Hall At�risx:R�deli�q Proj�et - Teusnel a�d �levator ext��sio�� �+ra�` :- ;: $316,916 as e�tabii�hea 3.n c�ur�cii �i2e a�2�s4, , t ,: , _ _ . I�C'�° RE ESTE�: , . . City Counail app�coval af e�pe,�dinq $17Q,633 �or elewatcaac�s; f� ;�u� :abc�v�� - Budget Re�,er'ence V - �': ' ' - , . .�: < _ , , _ . , = PJ � SE �t� RATit�IAlf F01��THIS ACTIQN:_��'/ � u (- ' G=^'` � . _ �v � �our►cil Fi„le 292154 traati�f�rred $316�916 withiti Bcand B`uc�� '��#�,QO r ���.�d : �n: D�velop�ex�t Di�trirrt #1 Bond Fund, frc�n Sudqa� Re�e�es�+ce t�-���1�-�a�; s�ructson" :�o` Bwdget 12�ference V-"Cit�.Hal3. A�uiex R�deli�g Prcr j���C Y ' : aad eievator exten�ion". and �urther ,dir�cted'that no :moni�s. are to be s ' �rc�na the $316,916 wi�haut for�1. City Cou�cil ac�tion �rrov�,�ag 'de�,�,�d_ � " �Lture�.� ' Tb�' `ty iiall Annex el�rmtor� were eac�endec� into the basement o€ the Ci�! Ha�l ` , � and paiet for #rom t�J P�rm�er�t Improve�nt Revo�ving,Fu�d as a`p�t cf' � . ' fa s g p�ojectse L6147, $59,4�4.00; L8147-3, $10,049.00; �'L814�-5, $141,�QO.�Q. - fo�' �ta�l cost of $Y70,633.00. E : : . . : . . x3-�. - . . � . . . � � . Th�ip, �:y Ha.li A�saex el�uatofs ;�v�r� extended into the Anr�e�c,basa�nt' �CC>ar �a fol�:��ng'. �@ a) to prev3de a�cess to' a pede�tria�` tur�n�l betw�n Clae�C�.#�t �a11 �, ' 4� and the City I�11-f:ourt Hc�ase; b) �o that �he Ci�y Aa1�. Atinex: �ts�ri+�s� - ra�ould nc►t be dis�sp't:6d at a la�er date when the�l�nex i� #ttlly �+��pie�'y ' , a�nd c)' so that the �rork cotiid be plerfors�ed at the lea�t �as�. ;; �� Th�= �c+lut;ion will allo�r �ayment froa� the Hctxd �`ur►d 7010� to the 3+:�.R. Fyand :6,D9�t?. f�� , �` Cx to'L�147. $59,+484.00= LB147-3, $1�,4�9.001 and L8147=5y $]�t3i,lOt?:�3E3 �o# ;� ��.'- � ,' . � � ''A of ',. : 0,Er33.00. ! . � t i kr �► . S: Couneil :Resolution ` `' _ �°l; _ _ , NH17�� - GiTV CLERK � � ' � � . PlNK - F�NaNCE .� ���::.Hl' - C��PARTMENT (:�I1•y Og� ���IIti'�' ��11LIL Council �j ,,,� � ,,_ � � � B L U E �- - M 4 Y O R � . y'i 11 e N O. 2 7 wr� -.,J� C'�����1 .�es�����-��� r Presented B}' �~����� �2eferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By . Date Whereas, the Federal Loca1 Public 6�7orks City Hall Annex Remodeling, Furnishings and Tunnel grant special conditions require that a pedestrian tunnel be built between the City Hall Annex and the City Hall-Court House in lieu of a Skyway Bridge; and Whereas, extension of the Cz Hall A ex eleva - s to the basement to provide access to said pedestrian tunnel will cost $16�0 and the estimated desian ar.d constructi cost of the tunnel is�`��'3�",�a0 o a total pedestrian tur.nel cost af _._.-___�-- $390,000; and Whereas, the Federal grant was $123,400 less than requested, and the Phase I construction rebid subsequznt to receiving the Federal grant exceeds estimates by $222,160, and Phase I construction contract change orders required to correct unknown conditions are estimated at $315,845, and such contract change orders necessitated additional architectural and engineering fees estimated at $145,918, and the .construction of a planned survey cre�e reporting and equipment storage area in the Annex basement will cast an estimated $72,000, all of which result in project und�rfunding of $879,323; and Whereas, project economi.es total $123,556 and the budgeted contingency of • $85,179 reduced the underfunding by $208,735, to $670,588; and . Whereas, the Council appropriated $190,000 in 1979 to finance underfunded project expenses which will occur in 1979 and thereby reducing the underfunding to $480,855; and Whereas, the proposed extension of the elevators and construction of the�� pedestrian tunnel constitute an extension af the downtown pedestrian system. contained in the Downtown Development District Program adopted by the City Council; and Whereas, the Mayor reports that there are unencuir3aered funds remaining from � the Downtown Development District bond proceeds now available for re-appropriation � to pay a portion of the costs of the tunnel and elevator construction; now therefore be it COUI�ICIL'�'IERT Requested by Department of: • Yeas iVay.s Sutler � HU"L'L� In Fa�•or :� - r �� � �iunt •� Levi:ie Against By --- l��''��C7_• �;a.h��� - Roedler ' � S ylvester 7'edesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adapted h�• Councit; Date — � Certified P.assed by Councii Secretar}• �Y ---- - —. E'; -------- ----- ---- -- � rlppr�red b}• �lavor: Date ..__—____.____--_— __ _ j Approved by "�iayo: far Submission to Council :T' � E:� ----------------------- —__---- -- I BY ------- — � � . �E . �c: �i� �-�f� ' -� RTMErrT CITY OF SAIIti'T� PAUL Council �t�� `� °", • File N 0. �°� _� � Council Resolutio� _ �'� Page 2 of 2 p es - ed By ���t�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint,Paul uoon the reGuest af t�,ie Mayor and the re.commendation of the Long-Range Capital fmp`rovement Budget Co::uiu_�tee, that the 1975 Capital Improvement Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by this_`' Cduncil, is hereby_further amended in �he following particulars: FRaM: Tp: Transfer $3Z6,916 in Downtown Development District �l Bond Funds: ?0100 Budget Reference U - 7A Parking Ramp Construction 316,916 70100- Budget Reference V - City Hall Annex Remodeling Project .- Tunnel and elevator extension 316,916 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $316,916 be placed in a contingency and th�t no monies are to be spent without farmal City Council action appraving detailed e�enditures. Approved as to funding: � . Approved: ' !�� � � Dir. Dept. of inance & Mgt. Services �dget Direcltor COUNCIL;NEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � B t ec..-- $+�� H za Ho�za � In Favor / Hu t l�.sa�t Le ne � �-- Against By Bernard J. Carlson /,�_` . S% - R e ler 4taddoK S v ster S�ca�rt�le► ' T�de�ca— T� C cj ��'8 _ � Form Approved by City Attomey ! / Adopted b • auncil: Date — �� � ( , Cer � ed Pa. }• Coun '1 ecretar • BY � ��!✓•. � �, —� -� �� 7 1978 Appro� y Mayor for Submis n to ouncil � Appr v y 3lavor: Dat � , By sy�_ ti.-- ` �:t�� 2`.7� � . • ► �-Z.� 4�.� -�".�. ��,�� _ � , .���,Q.�,� .rt,.� E � �'t-c�.- CITY HALL ANNEX REIVENUE AND EXPENSE SUMMIIRY , December 1, 1978 - RE.'VENUE General Fund Transfers, 1975 320,000.00 Capital Improvement Bond Monies, 1975 1,536,654.73 ' Debt Capital Improvement Fund, 1976 198,000.00 SpeciaZ Revenue Fund 30500, 1976 68,345.27 Federal LPW Grant, 1977 3,949,600.00 General Fund Appropriation, 1979 190,000.00 Estimated Charge Backs to Tenants 16,433.00 Total Revenue (Est.) 6,279,033.00 ,,..:�' EXPENSE _ Purchase Price, 1975 1.,237,480.00 Pha'se I Construction, 1977-79 (Est) �y� (Includes $160,000 for elevator extension) ���" 3,366,747.00 Furnishings System (Est) (Lights, files ��� . carpet, chairs, panel system,work surfaces ' and signage) � 952,196.00 � Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Fees 1975-79 (Est) 426,918.00 Inspection and Audit Fees 1978-79 (Est) 34,100.00 Relocation Expense (Est) 300,000.00 Subtotal 1977 .to 1979 (Est) 5,079,961.00 �, Phase IZ Construction (Tunnel, etc.) (Est) 1980 367,330.00 Phase ZI A/'E Fees 35,700.00 Phase II Inspection 2,000.00 Furnishings 1980 37,150.00 Subtotal 1980 (Est) 442,280.00 . �� . � Total Ex ense Est � P � � 6,759,621.00 Underfunded �,� �„ � �.t ,,�. . t.� 480,588.QO y �� ,� =� ;� t�� � ���.. i`�'" � � '� [� '.k S.�-.�P 9":•' 3 � ��� � � T��4s�:�� �.���, c�� �.�� ; ( ,,,��,� �. �_ � f y' .. � }-� y��� � � ��,,` �" *�! � t'� � •'� �{L ': i ��g4��„�5 I�` `.J" !�YV �,,d��b"tI � FI��.��JCE h1,A�aAG�P•1E�dT �� ��,. � • '±' s; Y ;, :-�` �^; �' �. -�� z�,..� �„ �""'',_''�: �` , A JD PERSQi�,��L ����a�,, a , ��.. _:� w. � � .;�° • Pa g e 2 '��" 4 � � �"'1�55'� The Chair said she ��ould suoport r�rs. Butler's innt10i1 for a middie figure b�caus� felt it would be better to bz more cautious at tnis time and thzn if it is dez�:�� necessary another upgrade could be made a year or so from nolv. � � ��tOTION: by Mrs. Sutler, to reco!r�end approva7 of the resoiution upgrading the Superintendent af P�tain�enance-Parks and Recreation to Grade 23 instead of Grade 25. h10TI0N CARRIED. ��Ir. Nozza vo�ing lr'o. 4. Rroposed Transfer of �31b,91b from Do�entourn Development District 8ond hlo�ies to Lowry Annex Pro7ect. � This resolution, Greg B7ees said, �rould place the money in the contingency account f remodeling of the city hall annex. The proposed use t•rou7d be fior construction of a tunne7 or elevator be�reen thz annex and the court house. The present grant agre�:;re, with� the federal government requires constructing a skyway, 7he gran� tivas ane;►ded to c�ange the provis�on to a tunne] because of the Historic Preservation Committee's concerns relating to the facade of the court house. The Flayor intends to neet wi�h tF�e federa� officials regarding the firmness of the requirement to construct a tunn� and perhaps that wouldn't have to be built, he said. The reason this reqvest is be- fore you today is because of the change in�the Downtown Deve7opnent D�strict from a ' 33-blocic area ta a 22-b1ock area. Right now �ie are short �4-80,000 in the 1979 budge� ta compiete this project. - If the tunnel does not have to be bui7t the �31v,976 trans-Fer requested will be applied to the �480,000 shortage. � . Mr. Blees answered Mrs. Butler's question of vihy this surplus by explaining th�,s �s maney left over from the contract Tor construction of the parking ramp and re�ulted from the bid being lower than the architect's est�mate. Mrs. Butier also questio ^� bonds soict for one purpose beiny used for another purpose and i�lr. BZees said i•�Re� . grant was agplied for remodeiing the•cour� house, the s�yway was tied in to it. t�1he asked ifi this request was not approved where the money wou7d come from, P�fr. B7e�s sa� they would have to postpane the work unti7 1980. Th� Chair said as she understand it Mr. Blees` reeommendation is based an the �act i ord�r to ful fi 11 the corr�nitments made at the tzme of the appl i cati on for the grar�t t city has to be able to show thiS money is there to comp7ete it un7ess the federal governmen� is wiliing to change their requiremen-ts. The change in the Downtown Qeve7 opment District is com�ng up in Council tomorrow and uniess action is taken before that change is made it will be too iate. � In anst�ier to Mrs. Flunt's quest-ion as to tivhat t�rould happen if this transf�r z•�as not made and if it r�rould jeopard�ze our relationship wi�h the grant program 1�lr. Btees said .the city is ob7igated to come up with the money from anoth�r so�arce then. t�rs. Butler said she did not see hotiv it ti,ras possible to havespermitted tt�is pro�?ct to cost close to $7,500,000 ti��hen we originai7y talked about ,,3 3-1/Z Mii�ion.- The Ctiair Said she realized we are ending up with a building cesti;�� t��ice as much as V�ha t��as originally intendzd, but it is too late to go back_ This commitment has to be fulfilled one way or another and the mon�y does go into the contingency account and � can be used at a later date for ��ihatever is d�emed the bast use. t;OTION: by Counci7man Hozza, to recommend approvaT of the transfer of $376,910" from the Dor��nto�f�n Developmenfi District bond nonies to the Loi�ry Annex Project. MOTION CARRIEQ. P�rs. Butler voting P�o. ;� :./ �, ,. .r—.. f � � %�����3 57283. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL lO:OD A.M. \ December 5th, 1978 COUNCIL CHAI�IDERS - CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE ' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Th� meeting was called to order by �resident Hozza at 1Ot05 A.M. Present - Councilwomen Butler, �iunt, Showalter, Councilmen Levine, Maddox, Tedesco, President Hozza. . .7 Absent - . . .0 C.F. Na. 272153. • Resolution authorizing property acquisition pursuant to Hedevelopment Plan, Co�unity Development Program Year IV, District 7, Block 90. Adopted. Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 : Public hearing upon consideration of the Redevelopment Plan for 7th Place Project and � Redevelopment Project thereby proposed. '� Mr. Hart, Assistant City Attorney explained the program and the £�nancing plan and said the detail of the plan was presented an8 approved to the Housing Authority Board � of Commissioners last Thursday. • �: Councilman Maddox referred to the transfer of remaining bond monies in tbe develep�ent �` district which are scheduled for transfer to the Lowry Annex project. • Councilwoman Hunt said the new District boundaries would place the Lowry Annex outside a� the District and that is the reason for the transfer at this time. At the question of Cauncilman Maddox, Councilwoman Hunt said the tunnel construction is a co�ittment to the Federal Grant application. Caunci]�an Maddox said he thinks there are higher priorities than a tunnel to the City ;`� H.a,ll Annex. :� Councilman Tedesco left the meeting at this point and returned later in the ,meeting. '- After furttier discussion it was agreed that the resolution transferring funds within the Downtown Development District be considered at this time and Councilwoman Hunt moved that the rules be suspended to consider a resoZution later on the Agenda. •' Adapted. Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 C.F. No. 272154. Resolution amending the 1975 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $316,916 in Downtown Development District �il Bond Funds from 7A Parking Ramp Construction to City Hall Annex Remodeling Project. - Councilwoman Hunt said the Finance Corr�ittee considered the matter yester�iay and (Discussion continued to the following page) . z � \ 57284.� � December 5th, 1978 , ' 2������ (Discussion continued from the previous page) . recommended approval by a vote of 2 to 1 and she said the money will be placed in ; a contingency account. Councilwoman Butler said she thinks the tunnel might not have to be constructed but , if the money is not used for the tunnel it will be used for overruns and the Council ' should not put another dime into the project until it knows more in�ormation about . the cost of the project and overruns. Mr. Hames of the Mayor's Office said the tunnel is a condition of the Federal Gzant and is not optional and the purpose of the transfer is to construct the tunnel. �He • said the bond funds must be used for skyways and tunnels and cannot be used for overruns. Councilwoman Butler said if the tunnel construction is released the funds would be used for overruns. Mr. Hames said that is not possible. Councilwoman Hunt said it is true that the Finance CoIImmittee was told yesterday that ' the money might be used for overruns and that should be clarified. Councilwoman Hunt said she thinks there are serious questions whether excess bond funds can be transferred and she thinks they could stay where they are to retire the bonds. CounciZman Tedesco returned to the meeting a� this point. Mr. Hames said they have signed a contract with the Federal Government for a grant and must fund the tunnel. At the question of Councilwoman Butler, Mr. Hames said they don't have any alternatives o� the use of the money if the tunnel is not built. - Councilman Maddox said he will favor the transfer if the information just ��resented is correct but if it is used for a tunnel he will not support it. • President Hozza said if the tunnel construction is waived it would take a decision of the Council to determine the use of the money. . Roll caZl on the adoption of the Resolution. � Adopted. Yeas - S Nays - 2 (Councilwoman Butler, Councilma.n ; Tedesco) . The Council continued discussion on the public hearing for the Redevelopment Plan for Seventh Place Project, and President Hozza asked if anyone wanted to be heard and no one appeared and he ordered the hearing closed and the following resolutions were presented. C.F. No. 272155. Resolution approving Seventh Place Redevelopment Plan, pro�ect and financing plan. Adopted. Yeas - 7 Ivays - 0 C.F. No. 272156. Re�olution authorizing the issuance and sale of $11,845,000 in General Obligation Bonds fos refunding Downtown Development District �1 Bonds, Series 1974 and General Obligatior refunding Bonds of 1976, Series B in order to dissolve said District and permit the Seventh Place Redevelopment Project Area to be established and for the purpose of the Seventh Place Redevelopment Project. Adopted. Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 � C.F. No. 272157. Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of $2,065,000 in General Obligation Bonds for the Park Nursery Redevelopment Project. Adopted. Yeas - 6 Nays - 1 (Councilwoman Butler) � OM O1: 1Z/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 .� 2r125�,3 1 EXPLANATION OF ADMI��ISTRATIVE ORD , ,���...0 1 , ��-���°�. �,�� -,, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � , ,, / ,. � ,��s - `f �,_.. Date: January 26, 1979 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER THRU: Bernard Carlson FR: �chard Manning ��� � RE: Expenditure of und ?0100, Budget Reference V-"City Ha ex� emodeling Project - Tu el and elevator extension" for 316,916 as extablished in cil File 272154. ACTION REQUESTED: City Council- approval of expending $170,633 for elevators from the above Budget Reference V . - PJRPOSE AN� RATIOPl.ALE FOR THIS ACTIOy: �N"i ,��'-�� �1� �-- I Council File 272154 transferred $316,916 within Bond Fund 70100, titled Downtown Development District #1 Bond Fund, from Budget Re£erence U-"7A Parking Ramp Construction" to Bu@get Reference V-"City Ha11 Annex Remodeling Project - Tunn�el and elevator extension", and further directed that no monies are to be spen!t from the $316,916 without formal City Council action approving detailed expenditures.� • The �ity Ha11 Annex elevators were extended into the basement of the City Hall Annex and paid for from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund as a part of the following projects: L8147, $59,484.00; L8147-3, $10,049.00; and L8147-5, $101,100.00 for a total. cost of $170,633.00. The �ity Hall Annex elevators were extended into the Annex basement for the following reasons: a) to provide access to a pedestrian tunnel between the City Hall Annex and the City Ha11-Court House; b) so that tha City Hall Annex service �1L'i�'�C�"'�?��t would not be disrupted at a later date when the Annex is fully occupied; and c) so �hat the work could be performed at the least cost. This �esolution will allow payment from the Bond Fund 70100 to the P.I.R. Fund 60900 for Credilt to L8147, $59,484.00; L8147-3, $1Q,049.00; and L8147-5, $101,100.00 for a total of $170,633.00, � ATTACF'�[ENTS: Council Resolution T=� . . . — - _ . . - _ ��Tr C�E�K � --�' � � _ F�ti�rvCF �i .� €fiY - DtP�R7MENT ' �iI 'T�' O�'' �.AI ;�TT ��Ai.TL F�lecilNO. � . J - NAY ON � � Cou�cil �Resolution �"1���� . Presemted By � i Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date , f WHEREAS, Council File�272154 transferred $31b,916 within Bond Fund 70100, titled Downtown Development District #1 Bond Fund, from Budget Reference U-"7A Parking Ramp Construction" to Budget Reference V-"City Hall Annex Remodeling Project - Tunnel and elevator extension", and further directed that no monies are to be spent from the $315,916 without formal City Council action approving detailed expenditures; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that approval is given for. the expenditure of $170,633 from the $316,916 in Bond Fund 70100, Budget Reference � V-"City Hall Annex Remodeling Project - Tunnel and elevator extention", for elevator extension. � AppYoved as to funding: Approved: � - %� �'e Dire�ctor, Departsnent of Finance and JO B dget Direc r �;-�����nagement Services O��i ' -�� P CON.JNC1L4tEN - Requested by Department of: ; Yeas Nays � � ! Butler . In Favor ��`�� Hozza ' Hunt . Levine A gai nst. BY Maddox Showalter 'Tedesco Form ApprovedJ`,by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date } Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By ' � � : B}� ''�j� '� ' A roved by Mavor: Date Appro Ma r for S b ssion to Council � PP By BY . . ��.1���� Memo - Mayor George Latimer � 2 February 12, 1979 Council Request for Annex Information Mrs. Hunt asked for alist of ite�ns which are being held by the Accountzng Division pending transfer of funds. These are: l. Construction Change Orders 20, 21 a�nd 22 �$62,475 2. Elevator Security 5,867 3. A/E Fees for October, November, December 1978 25,895 $94,237 Items in process which need funding are: 1. Time and Material Construction Modifications $65,640 See Attachment No. 6. 2. Construction Modifications in Process $8,793 See Attachment No. 6. 3_ Unapproved Construction Modifications $18,700 See Attachment No. 6. 4. Estimated Pending A&E Fees to Project Completion $6,000 5. Construction Contingency Balance $7,300 6. Furnishings not yet Ordered $8,304 7. Furnishings Contingency Balance $696 . Total of Items 1-7 above $115,433 Total of Items being held by the Accounting Division and in process $209,670 Estimated income items not previously reported are: 1. Sale of old furnishings $20,000 2. Chargeback Modification E-23 , 7,524 3. Sale of Salvage Marble 7.3,000 Estimated Total Income $40,524 Net funding need $169,146 cc/Bernard J. Carlson Attachments � . � ��PG 7�'�L �j C 0 N 1�� C T�� �L- �U P�. F I �� � — 7 y ~���5� I � , I .— Pi.�RCK �S� �' � ►c � _ _ _ _ ._ _ l, Z3 �3 �� ,��1- �j � ��_S�G-N � �ONS?'�u�.T►o��.i �- I�E 1� C .�i�a.�v' S�c77 j �� � � . �� 3l 7 ,� � i � � /IUCLt��c S �)�,0,4CU D V �C F ?c7"�IUSla�v , � 1�' � �L� �r � �w��p� �J A�°� �� 3; !1 �� A�vp �v�v��� t� .� � - w �rf-+ ����� %�� G� � �v i � � ,; � �.�. c � � �,�,� ) � : ��- �- � � f: �� : w fi ¢, �' n. ' �.. �c-r,on1 �� �-�`�+� .�`� �o�n�cr � 6�v Z- x� �:.� � O K USc O � DoW,tJ,Or.t1f� �L�'�LGPM�I✓ ►: Q 15iP 1CT 8 d,v �J s T o P� � �o� ��.F ti1�4-ra(� � x T��1 s�v N �XPFNS� J�VCv�RE� y- 3 - �8 , i��5 �'�,EL. S �� ���� +�' i�L �r�A N i �?UNt� S U S� � i D �/�� �F'o� � X TE�t1.�JNG-- T �� ���VA�r��S 70 ��r� � P�-S�M��'� � �,r�� � ��.L�U1 S T�f� ��D���. /��-- �O�L L F� �S i O �� �s��0 �-c�� ���va��v� �� ���-F � ��� P S C s� � � � .�. �.��,�, ��- �u , ��.��� 9:qn����1►:s . � a `"*y::':.� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �~1�C,'� INTERDEPART�'v1ENTAL MEMORANDUM v 3 February 12, 1979 , TO: Mayor George Latimer �� � FR: Richard L. Manning, Project Manager� RE: Response to City Council Finance Committee's Request for Information What follows and attached is in response to the Finance Committee's request< for more information about the City Hall Annex Remodeling, Furnishing and Tunnel project. The information is in addition to the packet I issued to the Finance Committee on February 12, 1979 and the Mayor's letter of January 2, 1979 to the Council re the Annex project. The Mayor's letter and its attach- ments are attached as Attachmen� No, l. Attached are additional packets from my February 12, 1979 presentation for councilpersons Levine, Tedesco and Showalter who were not present at the meeting on the 12th. Mrs. Butler asked how much money the City has appropriated to this project to date. The appropriation and expense detail folZows. a. Purchase Price $1,237,480 b. Relocation Payments and Administration 300,000 c. Architectural and Engineering Fees 281,000 d. Construction Expense 390,782 � $2,Z09,262 A page, not included in the February 12 packet, detailing the "Project F'unding Shortfalls" which .updates the one attached to the Mayor's letter of January 2 is attached as Attachment No. 2. The Council requested the detail of Contract Change Orders 20, 21 and 22 which await funding approval in the Accounting Division. Attachments numbered 3, 4 and 5 are the substance of those change orders, respectively. Councilman Maddox specifically questioned the discretionary judgment employed in the issuance of change orders. The Mayor's letter of January 2, 1979 lists the contract modifications as of December 4, 1978 and categorized them as "discretionary" or "non-discretionary". Attachment No. 6 lists contract modifications which have not been incorporated into contract change orders because the modifications are "time and material" (T & M) in nature and are not complete or they are "in the process"of being - completed or they are "not approved". � � .2�2�5 .� � . . 3 PROJECT FUhDING SHORTrALLS Item Description Amount Short 1 Expenditure Estimate of 6/28/77 was based on an EDA/LPW grant of $4,072,000 EDA/LPW grant is . $3,949,600 $123,400 2 Phase I Construction Bid award over �st_mate � Bid Award $2,8Z2,164 Estimate $2,650,000 $222,160 3 Phase I Construction Contract Changes and Carpeting $561,176 4 Architectural/Engineering Additional • Service Fee caused primarily by change . orders and administrative requirements � Current Estimate $496,959 Original Contract . $281,000 $215,959 � 5 Possible Pubiic Works survey crew room, 2nd Floor Annex $10,000 6 Furnishings bu8get decrease _ ' Previous Estimate $950,160 Current Estimate $900,424 ($49,736) 7 Elimination of Previously Budgeted � Contingency . ($85,179) Accumulated Net Total _ $997,780 NOTE: Ir ITEMS 1 AND 2 ARE DISCOUNTED AS SOFT DOLLARS, � THE NET ACCUMULATION THROUGH 1980 WOULD BE $6�2,220 J �� �� • � �%7/�<H�Ir�L'� �Z �. � �+•*'Tui�����e �,'Ifllllljll� e3 n��:.�c � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM �'� �+��� �/�'� / .� � February 22, 1979 T0: Bernard J. Carlson �9� '��� � �� FR: Richard L. Manning � RE: Summary of City Attorney's Temporary Move to the City Hall Annex 1. I did not intend to mislead the Council. 2. I did not attempt to mislead the Council. 3. I was fully aware that the Council wants the City Attorney's Office in the City Hall because: a. On November 17, 1977, the City Attorney's space on the ninth floor of the Annex was reassigned to PED and Public Works and the Water Utility was moved up one floor. � b. The temporary location of the City Attorney on the second and third floors of the Annex was one of four (4) alternatives studied when the City and County agreed to share the costs of remodeling the sixth floor. The alternatives were: (1) Commercial rentals in nearby buildings such as the Commerce and Minnesota buildings, (b) the space on the second floor of Doerfler Square that will be vacated by the Public Works Department and Water Utility, (3) re- modeling around the City Attorney's staff and (4) using the third floor and portions of the second floor of the Annex. 4. Commercial space was not feasible because there wasn't sufficient space available in one contiguous area in nearby buildings for such a temporary lease. 5. Doerfler Square was not viable because Mr. Doerfler wants the space leased by the City for Public Works back for private development and he has been advertising that space for several months. This was known on July 20, 1978. 6. On November 16, 1978, I recommended that the City Attorney temporarily be located in the Annex based on the assumption that all of the sixth floor would be remodeled. t � r I I Memo - Bernard Carlson 2 February 22, 1979 Summary, City Attorney Temporary Move to Annex 7. On the basis that all of the sixth floor of the City Hall would be remodeled witn the resultant disruption of the functioning of the City Attorney's staff, Ms. Flinsch asked that alternative Annex second and third floor layouts be prepared for her consideration before a decision was made. It was assumed: that the City Attorney's existing furniture ' would be used; that the second floor would be used as is without re- � modeling; that the third floor would be used as designed for the Water Utility with six (6) private offices and conference rooms with the rest of the space being open; and that separations between work units and employees on the second and third floors were to be created by file cabinets and law library shelves. 8. On about October 11, 1978, development of alternative second and third floor layouts was assigned to Ms. Mary Strang, an Urban Corps intern and an interior design student at the University. She made her presentation to Ms. Flinsch and other city attorney staff on February 8, 1979. One of the three alternative layouts was selected by Ms. Flinsch as acceptable for a temporary stay in the Annex. 9. In the 1979 budget, in anticipation of a possible temporary move to the Annex, the City Attorney requested and the Couneil appropriated $6,905 to move to the Annex and back; $3,962 to move telephone service to the Annex and back; and $15,066 for four months' rent in the Annex. 10. In late June 1978, I was asked by Peter Hames to find space in the Annex to temporarily office a four person Court Screening Unit which was to be created upon receipt of a federal grant on or about July 1, 1978. The Court Screening Unit was moved into existing space on the Annex second floor which had been vacated to allow installation of heating and cooling pipes and ducts servicing floors 3 through 8 as a part of the Annex remodeling. +