BLIi!'RY -�VORTMENT Flle NO. �r������
VALUATION BURFA,U ouncil Resolution
Presented By _ " `
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WF�RF,AS, by Council File 272292, the City Council did vacate two small
paxcels, A and B, as needed for the proposed plat of Riverview Industrial
Paxk No. 5; and
W�, in order to f`i.le a deed of conveyance of the subject property to
the Port Authority it is necessaxy to alter the description of Paxcel B;
therefore be it
- RE50LVID, that Council File 2722g2 be amended by deleting in its entirety
the property description fo]lowing the words "Parcel B:" and substituting
in its place the following:
That portion of I,ot 5, of Section 5, Torymship 28 North, Range
22 West, according to the United Statea Government Survey thereof,
described as follaws: Commencin� at a point on the South line of
sa.id Lot 5, 177.15 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 5
as the same is established by the City Engineer of the City of
St. Pau1, in said Ramsey County, for a point of beginning; thence
for a first baundary line, Noxth no degrees six (6) minutes West,
563 feet to a point on the Southerly line of Dunwell and Spencer's
Addition to Brooklynd, (according to the plat thereof filed of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said C ounty),
being the Northerly line of St. La.wrence Street in said City of St.
Pau1, said point bein� 191.90 feet Southwesterly from the Southeast-
erly corner of said Addition thence Southwesterly along the said
Southerly line of said Addition to a point on a line parallel to and
distant �+97.18 feet Westerly fram said first boundaxy line; thence
Southerly on said line paxallel to said first boundary line to a
point on the said Sauth line of said Lot 5 distant �+97.1$ feet
Westerly frarn the point of beginnin�; thence Easterly alon� said .
South line of said Lot 5, �+97.18 feet to the said point of beginning;
(excepting, hawever, f`rarn the foregoing described tract of land that
paxt thereof included in Lot 9, Block 2, Langevin's Second Add.ition
to Saint Paul, as said Lot is located on the graund according to
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler In Favor �
Levine _ __ Against BY —
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary . �' �" .�-8�74
Bv �
t#pproved by lVlavor: Date Ap o by Mayor for Su�b ' si n t ouncil
BY - — BY ' —
`NHITE - C�TV, CLERK �`�unCll 2'725�'�
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
the plat of said Lan�evin's Second Addition to Saint Paul on file
and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for
said Ramsey County.) Said strip of land hereby conveyed being
60 feet in width and lying immediately westerly of Lots 6 and 7
in Block 2 of Waltons Sunnydale Addition, and bein� bounded on
the North bythe Northerly line of said Lot 6 produced Westerly
to St. Lawrence Street, and on the East by the Westerly li.ne of
said Lots 6 and 7, and on the South by the Southerly line of said
Lot 7 produced Westerly to St. Lawrence Street, and on the West-
erly side by the Sautherly line of St. I,awrence Street.
also, be it
FURTHER RESOLVID; that except as amended above, Council File 272292 remains
in flzll force and effect; and be it
F�TRTI-�R RESOI,VED; that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and
directed to execute the documents neceseary to convey Paxcel A and Paxcel B
as amended herein to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler � [n Favor �nanc nd ement Services
Hpzza '
Levine _ J __ Against B
Maddox �re � --
Showalter `
TQ Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopte y Coun . Date � 2 � ��
Ce �fied P� ed by ouncil $ecretary B� � ��7
� .
�.1 oved by Mavor: e �- CQ4 7'F. 1�17�1 Appr v by Mayor for S i ion to Council
�, , � F� Z�s �7�
gy By
#1J�31_��HED �MAR 3 1979
n ►�nwnLa �J�..,�..iv ��.�`-� `�v �� � 40UI1C11 [�
c - �i°""*""E" �jT� OF .�AINT � AUL
e��.F..` _;;•.rorz File NO._�JY�-1���
� • � �".-��' rv�'� , r"
_ �'o���e�l �Zesolution r�� � ���'� �-
7# ►} ,
Presented $y �' ' 'a `—
4�Y.:: 7� �/ht.lir -
...�:� � �.�'�� .:
Referred To � Committee: Date �--'""'�""'�" " '�
Out of Committee By Dale
�'725�'� �
. .
RESOLVED, That upon the petition of the City of St. Paul,
those sections of public street and public property hereinafter
describ�d, be and the scrne he�ehy are ��acated ard di�contin�:ed
ae public street and public propertyz
COUNCIL4IEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza !n Favor
Hunt ��� � � �
L.evine A gai nst BY
Showalter � �
Ttdesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted hy� Council: Date -
Certified I':,s�ed by Council Secretary B5'-�"'�� �_ l'Z"�'��� _.
App��ved by 1lavor Date Ap�roved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By ____-- Qy --
/t'_• � ....,1:_.., � � . �
!'� �#• . 'l'� �1 {.�'� ,�. .' .
� x � w. ' � _ . ������
Yk . . . Y'� � I / .. r. -i
i�� �
�."��• ��. parcel A: That part of Government Lot 5, in Sectio� ~l�l�
5, Township twenty-eight (28) I�o�th, Rar.se �
twenty-two (22) West, that lies North oS
Bayfield Street, Southerly of St. Lawrence
- Stsee�t, and Westerly o� Walton's Sunr�e�
an addition to St. Pa.u7.� Minn. and ilorth-
- easterly of the Southwester�y line of Fillmore
Avenue� formerly knawn as Nagasaki Roa,d and
3 - • Airport Road.
:.. , .
: Fa.rcel B: A11 that part of the following l,ying wester�y
- . of the west line of �la.to Blvd. :
That portion o� 7,ot 5, of Section 5, Township
28 North, Range 22 West, according to the
United Sta.tes Govermnent Survey thereoP, de-
scribed as follc�w's: Commencing at a point on
the South line o� said Lot 5� 177.15 feet West
oP the Southeast corner of said Lot 5 as the
same is esta.blished by the City Engineer of the
Cit3• o�' S t. Pa.�il., in s:�.i.d Ramsey County, f'cr a
point of begln�; thence for a f3sst boundary
1ine, North no degrees, six (6) minutes West,
' S63 feet to a point on the Southerly line oP
� Duawell and Spencer's Addition to BrookJ�ynd,
(�.ccording to the pl.at thereof filed o� record
i.a the oPf'ice of the Register of Deeds in and
foac said Caunty), being the Narther]y line of
- St. I,awrence Street in said City oP St. Paul,
sa.i.d point being 191.90 feet Southwesterly f`ro�
the Southeasterly corner o� sa.id Addition;
thence Southwesterly along the said Southerl,y
line o�' said Addition to a point on a line
parallel to and distant 497.18 feet Wester]y
�om sa.id first boundary line; thence Southerly
on said line pasallel to said first boundary
13ne to a point on the said Sauth 7ine o� said
Lot 5 dista.nt �+97.18 feet Westerly �om the poi.nt
o� beginning; thence Easterly a.long said South
� liae of said Lot 5, 497.•18 feet to the said point
of begiuning; (excepting, hct�rever, �om the
, foregoing described tract o� land that part
thereo� ir�cluded in Lot 9� Block 2, Langevins
Second Addition to Sai.nt Paul, as said lot is
located on the ground according to the plat of
• said Langevins Second Addition to Sa.int Paul, '
on Yile and of recoTd in the ofPice of the
Register of Deeds in and for sa.id Ramsey CouatY)•
Said strip o� ].and hereby conveyed being b0 feet
in width and lying ianaediately westerly of Lots
6 and 7 in Block 2 of Walton's S�e�ded
addition to St. Paul� Mi.na• e.nd beissg
"' :�,�.�"' .���� (�I TY O F .�. A I NT PA u L Council �'��?���
File N 0.
`_�� �ouncil Resolution
�r� By
Referaed To -- Committee: Date
' Out of Committee By � Date -
� on the Ia7orth by the Northerly line of
said lot 6 produced Westerly to St.
�awrence Street, and on the East by the
. westerly line of sa i.d Lots �6 and 7, and
on the South by the Southerly line of
sa id I,ot '7 produced Westerly to St. ",
Lawrence Street, and on the Westerly
side by the Southerly line of St.
Lawrence Stxeet� .
s;ilujECt �xpr�ssly to the ��llowi;z�� conditl.ons ancl resezvati�x,s�
l. That the vacation be subject to all the terms
• and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul
. Z,egislative Code, as amended_
2.� That the petitioner, being the C ity of St. Paul,
not be required to furnish compensation or bond.
COUNC#L4[EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
B��« in Favor
Hunt �
---�e�c � Against Sy
Tedesco �� Q a 19� Form Approved by City Attoraey
Adopted by Council: Date
By`�,� �� l�- !T-?d�
Certifi as ed by Coun ' .ecr�ry �/
By `��
A��o d by lriavor ` ate OEC � g 1978 Approved by Mayor foc Submissioa to Council
� , '�,�� By .
February 6, 1979
Mr. Walter A. Bowser
Assistant City Attorney
647 City Hall
Re: Council Resolution, C.F. 272292, Vacations
for Riverview Industrial Paxk No. 5
Dear Mr. Bowser:
Attached for youx review and approval as to form is a proposed
Council Resolution amending Council File 272292, a copy of which is also
When atte,mpting to file the deed of conveyance on the subject prop-
erty, we were informed by the Register of Deeds Office that the legal
description of part of the area was not acceptable to them.
In order to get the deed f`iled it wil.l be necessary to amend the
legal description in Council File 272292. The amendment will aetually
increase the area vacated but the increase will be dedicated back to the
City when the plat of Riverview Industrial Park No. � is filed. This
problem is due in part to difficulties presented by atte�rpting to divide
registered property.
If the resolution is acceptable please return the approved resolution
to this office for further processing.
Yours ver,,�c�t_�uly,
� ; �� , ���
, ,� �
�` V'��,'�f �ctit�_ -'� __.
\ _..��._
- - J. William Donovan
Valuat�.on and Assessment Engineer
Telephone612/298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesata 55102